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Everything posted by Nasteexo
When the cattle had been loaded into cars and shipped to Chicago for sale, each car was appointed an attendant to feed and water the cattle during the journey. This is the story of such a cowboy: Following the unloading of the cattle in Chicago, the cowboy headed to a restaurant for dinner. The only seat was next to a lady who looked wealthy and educated. He couldn't help overhearing her order. "I'll have a breast of fowl, virgin fowl, make sure it's a virgin, catch it yourself, garnish my plate with onions, a cup of coffee, not too hot, not too cold, and open the window, I smell a cow, there must be a cowboy in here." Thoroughly pissed off, the cowboy placed his order. "I'll have a duck, a ****ed duck, make sure it's ****ed, **** it yourself, garnish my plate with horse shit, a cup of coffee, strong as Texas mule piss, blow the foam off with a fart, and knock out the wall, I smell a cunt, there must be a whore in the house."
Standing at the edge of the lake, a fisherman saw a woman flailing about in the deep water. Another man was standing on the shore screaming for help. The fisherman ran over to the man. "Help!" the other man started, "I can't swim! My wife's drowning! I'll give you $1000 if you save her!" The fisherman jumps in the water, swims powerfully out to the drowning woman, puts his arm around her, and swims back to shore. Depositing her at the feet of the man, the fisherman coughs up water, then says, "[cough] ok, bud, where's my 'grand'?" "But, this is my mother-in-law!" The fisherman reaches into his pocket with a frown and says, "Just my luck. Ok, how much do I owe you?"
I'll always be a contender Yes, I know my bones are very tender And by Allah you won't see me surrender Look at my eyes? You'll see no butterflies My home is filled with cries... due to all the lost lives But I swear by Allah I'll never compromise I'll still throw the stones even with my broken bones Why can't I hear from you, don't you have any phones? Ya I forgot, your not on the chase, try it out and put your self in my place Soon I'll return to my lord , the one that deserves every grace Oh you don't have to worry cause of me you'll find no trace It really is to late, why did you wait? You could have sent me at least one dinner plate I guess it is my fate And La Ilaha Illa Allah is my mate.
THIS IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL POEM Am I truly grateful for each breath that I take, For each and every moment that I am awake? Do I thank Allah for my restful sleep, And for the dreams that cause me to weep? Am I honestly thankful to the Almighty One, For the early morning mist, the bright, rising sun? During Fajr prayer, I use my soft prayer mat, As Allah’s servant, do I appreciate that? Throughout the day, do I realize, That Allah, All knowing and the Most Wise, Gives me what I need and so much more And that I have so much to be grateful for? The scent of fresh rain, a small child’s laugh, My sisters who choose to stand for Islam, Each piece of fruit, each glass of water, Brothers protecting their sons and their daughters. A grandmother’s love, a book of hadith, The clothes that I wear, the food that I eat. The book that I should follow, the Holy Quran, Promoting the good and ending the wrong. So I must ask myself every beautiful day, Am I truly grateful for each breath that I take, For each and every moment that I am awake? Do I thank Allah for my restful sleep, And for the dreams that cause me to weep? Contributed by : Fareheen Chowdhury
One time a scholar asked one of his students, "You have spent a long time with me, what have you learned? He said I learned eight things: First, I looked to the creation. Everyone has a loved one. When he goes to the grave, he leaves his loved one. Therefore, I made my loved one my good deeds; that way, they will be with me in the grave. Second, I looked to the verse, 'But as for him who feared to stand before his Lord and restrained his soul from lust,' and, therefore, I struggled against my desires so I could stay obeying Allah. Third, I saw that if anyone has something with him that is worth something, he will protect it. Then I thought about the verse, 'That which you have is wasted away; and that which is with Allah remains,' therefore, everything worth something with me I devoted to Him so it would be with Him for me. Fourth, I saw the people seeking wealth, honor and positions and it was not worth anything to me. Then I thought about Allah's words, 'Lo, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most aware of Allah,' so I did my best to become aware of Allah in order to nobility in his sight. Fifth, I saw the people being jealous towards each other and I looked at the verse, 'We have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of the world,' so I left jealousy. Sixth, I saw the people having enmity and I thought about the verse, 'Lo, the devil is an enemy for you, so take him as an enemy,' so I left enmity and I took the Satan as my only enemy. Seventh, I saw them debasing themselves in search of sustenance and I thought about the verse, 'And there is not a beast in the earth but the sustenance thereof depends on Allah,' so I kept myself busy with my responsibilities toward Him and I left my property with Him. Eighth, I found them relying on their business, buildings and health and I thought about the verse, 'And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him,' therefore, I put my trust only on Allah.
Asraa abaayo i'm glad that you are for this and agree with us abaayo you don´t have to be graduate student but that you are pursuing an education. Kaafi and maskiin we have started this because we felt that it was needed and due time. I and many more youths out there would be pleased to have you with us and indeed are in need of your ideas and solutions you and many more. We all can make a difference as long as we all get together and put our minds together and come up with a solution to our problems. So please feel free to write us if you have any questions and tell us what you think of our Union
Are you educated?? Do you have ideas on how to re-build our country?? Are you between the ages of 18-30?? Do you want to go right where our elders have gone wrong??? Are you tired of tribalism and clan wars?? Do you have a vision for Somalia? So that the youth of our generation and their generation can live on the piece we never got to experience?? Have a place to call home??? Have a country to call your own?? Sick of being a refugee in need of a helping hand?? If so you can finally take a stand Finally a chance to prove yourself not just talk but by action. We are a group of Somali youth from across Europe that came up with an idea of finally taking a stand on the relations of our home country. We were sick of being outsiders and finally wanted to do something about it; we want to put down our thirst and hunger and finally have a place to call home. So we took a stand. We started a union called SOMALI YOUTH UNION DEMOCRACY (SYUD). First it was a get together group for fun but what we found out each time we got together was this mutual hunger and this desire to have a place to call home. How we were all sick as many of us are of being a refugee. When we gather our ideas we took them to sponsors and said we are need of a home not a roof over our head but a place to call or own, we are somali youth from different countries different ideas different clans but with the same goal and so far we have an idea but want to develop it so it can grow to be more then an idea, they agreed on helping us financially so now we have a number of 70 members in our union across Europe and want to enlarger it even more. Its time for our people to come together and we strongly believe that we can achieve that as long as we are a union, its time to stop hating on one another and come together for the sake of our generation their generation and the generation after that. We are the ones that missed out on a great country half of us haven’t seen Somaliao r left there when we were young; we all feel the emptiness inside the lack of joy the memories we could have had. Every site I visit I see poems dedicated to the destruction of Somalia a paradise truly lost people writing the visions they have and the need to help our brothers and sisters back home dying everyday out of hunger and killing one another out of greed, its time to stop the blood shed the hatred the anger. No more clan wars tribalism we want to be a union once and for all So we need you. Not to help us financially but with your ideas your vision and your hunger. If you share our vision help us to make it more then a vision. We have a get together once in every month like a seminar we rent a hall welcome new members eat chit chat have fun and just brainstorm on how to lift this of the ground. We sent letters to UN and different embassies and as soon as we have a large enough number they agreed on sending lecturers and sponsors to take part of our Union. IT doesn’t matter where you live whether it’s Europe, USA, Africa or Asia the more the merrier. So if you feel that this is something for you E-mail us on SYUD_1@hotmail.com and we will send you further information We have a homepage coming on and meetings So Fadlan ka soo qeyb gala Hal far fool ma dhaqdo.
Are you educated?? Do you have ideas on how to re-build our country?? Are you between the ages of 18-30?? Do you want to go right where our elders have gone wrong??? Are you tired of tribalism and clan wars?? Do you have a vision for Somalia? So that the youth of our generation and their generation can live on the piece we never got to experience?? Have a place to call home??? Have a country to call your own?? Sick of being a refugee in need of a helping hand?? If so you can finally take a stand Finally a chance to prove yourself not just talk but by action. We are a group of Somali youth from across Europe that came up with an idea of finally taking a stand on the relations of our home country. We were sick of being outsiders and finally wanted to do something about it; we want to put down our thirst and hunger and finally have a place to call home. So we took a stand. We started a union called SOMALI YOUTH UNION DEMOCRACY (SYUD). First it was a get together group for fun but what we found out each time we got together was this mutual hunger and this desire to have a place to call home. How we were all sick as many of us are of being a refugee. When we gather our ideas we took them to sponsors and said we are need of a home not a roof over our head but a place to call or own, we are somali youth from different countries different ideas different clans but with the same goal and so far we have an idea but want to develop it so it can grow to be more then an idea, they agreed on helping us financially so now we have a number of 70 members in our union across Europe and want to enlarger it even more. Its time for our people to come together and we strongly believe that we can achieve that as long as we are a union, its time to stop hating on one another and come together for the sake of our generation their generation and the generation after that. We are the ones that missed out on a great country half of us haven’t seen Somaliao r left there when we were young; we all feel the emptiness inside the lack of joy the memories we could have had. Every site I visit I see poems dedicated to the destruction of Somalia a paradise truly lost people writing the visions they have and the need to help our brothers and sisters back home dying everyday out of hunger and killing one another out of greed, its time to stop the blood shed the hatred the anger. No more clan wars tribalism we want to be a union once and for all So we need you. Not to help us financially but with your ideas your vision and your hunger. If you share our vision help us to make it more then a vision. We have a get together once in every month like a seminar we rent a hall welcome new members eat chit chat have fun and just brainstorm on how to lift this of the ground. We sent letters to UN and different embassies and as soon as we have a large enough number they agreed on sending lecturers and sponsors to take part of our Union. IT doesn’t matter where you live whether it’s Europe, USA, Africa or Asia the more the merrier. So if you feel that this is something for you E-mail us on SYUD_1@hotmail.com and we will send you further information We have a homepage coming on and meetings So Fadlan ka soo qeyb gala Hal far fool ma dhaqdo.
Are you educated?? Do you have ideas on how to re-build our country?? Are you between the ages of 18-30?? Do you want to go right where our elders have gone wrong??? Are you tired of tribalism and clan wars?? Do you have a vision for Somalia? So that the youth of our generation and their generation can live on the piece we never got to experience?? Have a place to call home??? Have a country to call your own?? Sick of being a refugee in need of a helping hand?? If so you can finally take a stand Finally a chance to prove yourself not just talk but by action. We are a group of Somali youth from across Europe that came up with an idea of finally taking a stand on the relations of our home country. We were sick of being outsiders and finally wanted to do something about it; we want to put down our thirst and hunger and finally have a place to call home. So we took a stand. We started a union called SOMALI YOUTH UNION DEMOCRACY (SYUD). First it was a get together group for fun but what we found out each time we got together was this mutual hunger and this desire to have a place to call home. How we were all sick as many of us are of being a refugee. When we gather our ideas we took them to sponsors and said we are need of a home not a roof over our head but a place to call or own, we are somali youth from different countries different ideas different clans but with the same goal and so far we have an idea but want to develop it so it can grow to be more then an idea, they agreed on helping us financially so now we have a number of 70 members in our union across Europe and want to enlarger it even more. Its time for our people to come together and we strongly believe that we can achieve that as long as we are a union, its time to stop hating on one another and come together for the sake of our generation their generation and the generation after that. We are the ones that missed out on a great country half of us haven’t seen Somaliao r left there when we were young; we all feel the emptiness inside the lack of joy the memories we could have had. Every site I visit I see poems dedicated to the destruction of Somalia a paradise truly lost people writing the visions they have and the need to help our brothers and sisters back home dying everyday out of hunger and killing one another out of greed, its time to stop the blood shed the hatred the anger. No more clan wars tribalism we want to be a union once and for all So we need you. Not to help us financially but with your ideas your vision and your hunger. If you share our vision help us to make it more then a vision. We have a get together once in every month like a seminar we rent a hall welcome new members eat chit chat have fun and just brainstorm on how to lift this of the ground. We sent letters to UN and different embassies and as soon as we have a large enough number they agreed on sending lecturers and sponsors to take part of our Union. IT doesn’t matter where you live whether it’s Europe, USA, Africa or Asia the more the merrier. So if you feel that this is something for you E-mail us on SYUD_1@hotmail.com and we will send you further information We have a homepage coming on and meetings So Fadlan ka soo qeyb gala Hal far fool ma dhaqdo.
Are you educated?? Do you have ideas on how to re-build our country?? Are you between the ages of 18-30?? Do you want to go right where our elders have gone wrong??? Are you tired of tribalism and clan wars?? Do you have a vision for Somalia? So that the youth of our generation and their generation can live on the piece we never got to experience?? Have a place to call home??? Have a country to call your own?? Sick of being a refugee in need of a helping hand?? If so you can finally take a stand Finally a chance to prove yourself not just talk but by action. We are a group of Somali youth from across Europe that came up with an idea of finally taking a stand on the relations of our home country. We were sick of being outsiders and finally wanted to do something about it; we want to put down our thirst and hunger and finally have a place to call home. So we took a stand. We started a union called SOMALI YOUTH UNION DEMOCRACY (SYUD). First it was a get together group for fun but what we found out each time we got together was this mutual hunger and this desire to have a place to call home. How we were all sick as many of us are of being a refugee. When we gather our ideas we took them to sponsors and said we are need of a home not a roof over our head but a place to call or own, we are somali youth from different countries different ideas different clans but with the same goal and so far we have an idea but want to develop it so it can grow to be more then an idea, they agreed on helping us financially so now we have a number of 70 members in our union across Europe and want to enlarger it even more. Its time for our people to come together and we strongly believe that we can achieve that as long as we are a union, its time to stop hating on one another and come together for the sake of our generation their generation and the generation after that. We are the ones that missed out on a great country half of us haven’t seen Somaliao r left there when we were young; we all feel the emptiness inside the lack of joy the memories we could have had. Every site I visit I see poems dedicated to the destruction of Somalia a paradise truly lost people writing the visions they have and the need to help our brothers and sisters back home dying everyday out of hunger and killing one another out of greed, its time to stop the blood shed the hatred the anger. No more clan wars tribalism we want to be a union once and for all So we need you. Not to help us financially but with your ideas your vision and your hunger. If you share our vision help us to make it more then a vision. We have a get together once in every month like a seminar we rent a hall welcome new members eat chit chat have fun and just brainstorm on how to lift this of the ground. We sent letters to UN and different embassies and as soon as we have a large enough number they agreed on sending lecturers and sponsors to take part of our Union. IT doesn’t matter where you live whether it’s Europe, USA, Africa or Asia the more the merrier. So if you feel that this is something for you E-mail us on SYUD_1@hotmail.com and we will send you further information We have a homepage coming on and meetings So Fadlan ka soo qeyb gala Hal far fool ma dhaqdo.
Are you educated?? Do you have ideas on how to re-build our country?? Are you between the ages of 18-30?? Do you want to go right where our elders have gone wrong??? Are you tired of tribalism and clan wars?? Do you have a vision for Somalia? So that the youth of our generation and their generation can live on the piece we never got to experience?? Have a place to call home??? Have a country to call your own?? Sick of being a refugee in need of a helping hand?? If so you can finally take a stand Finally a chance to prove yourself not just talk but by action. We are a group of Somali youth from across Europe that came up with an idea of finally taking a stand on the relations of our home country. We were sick of being outsiders and finally wanted to do something about it; we want to put down our thirst and hunger and finally have a place to call home. So we took a stand. We started a union called SOMALI YOUTH UNION DEMOCRACY (SYUD). First it was a get together group for fun but what we found out each time we got together was this mutual hunger and this desire to have a place to call home. How we were all sick as many of us are of being a refugee. When we gather our ideas we took them to sponsors and said we are need of a home not a roof over our head but a place to call or own, we are somali youth from different countries different ideas different clans but with the same goal and so far we have an idea but want to develop it so it can grow to be more then an idea, they agreed on helping us financially so now we have a number of 70 members in our union across Europe and want to enlarger it even more. Its time for our people to come together and we strongly believe that we can achieve that as long as we are a union, its time to stop hating on one another and come together for the sake of our generation their generation and the generation after that. We are the ones that missed out on a great country half of us haven’t seen Somaliao r left there when we were young; we all feel the emptiness inside the lack of joy the memories we could have had. Every site I visit I see poems dedicated to the destruction of Somalia a paradise truly lost people writing the visions they have and the need to help our brothers and sisters back home dying everyday out of hunger and killing one another out of greed, its time to stop the blood shed the hatred the anger. No more clan wars tribalism we want to be a union once and for all So we need you. Not to help us financially but with your ideas your vision and your hunger. If you share our vision help us to make it more then a vision. We have a get together once in every month like a seminar we rent a hall welcome new members eat chit chat have fun and just brainstorm on how to lift this of the ground. We sent letters to UN and different embassies and as soon as we have a large enough number they agreed on sending lecturers and sponsors to take part of our Union. IT doesn’t matter where you live whether it’s Europe, USA, Africa or Asia the more the merrier. So if you feel that this is something for you E-mail us on SYUD_1@hotmail.com and we will send you further information We have a homepage coming on and meetings So Fadlan ka soo qeyb gala Hal far fool ma dhaqdo.
Are you educated?? Do you have ideas on how to re-build our country?? Are you between the ages of 18-30?? Do you want to go right where our elders have gone wrong??? Are you tired of tribalism and clan wars?? Do you have a vision for Somalia? So that the youth of our generation and their generation can live on the piece we never got to experience?? Have a place to call home??? Have a country to call your own?? Sick of being a refugee in need of a helping hand?? If so you can finally take a stand Finally a chance to prove yourself not just talk but by action. We are a group of Somali youth from across Europe that came up with an idea of finally taking a stand on the relations of our home country. We were sick of being outsiders and finally wanted to do something about it; we want to put down our thirst and hunger and finally have a place to call home. So we took a stand. We started a union called SOMALI YOUTH UNION DEMOCRACY (SYUD). First it was a get together group for fun but what we found out each time we got together was this mutual hunger and this desire to have a place to call home. How we were all sick as many of us are of being a refugee. When we gather our ideas we took them to sponsors and said we are need of a home not a roof over our head but a place to call or own, we are somali youth from different countries different ideas different clans but with the same goal and so far we have an idea but want to develop it so it can grow to be more then an idea, they agreed on helping us financially so now we have a number of 70 members in our union across Europe and want to enlarger it even more. Its time for our people to come together and we strongly believe that we can achieve that as long as we are a union, its time to stop hating on one another and come together for the sake of our generation their generation and the generation after that. We are the ones that missed out on a great country half of us haven’t seen Somaliao r left there when we were young; we all feel the emptiness inside the lack of joy the memories we could have had. Every site I visit I see poems dedicated to the destruction of Somalia a paradise truly lost people writing the visions they have and the need to help our brothers and sisters back home dying everyday out of hunger and killing one another out of greed, its time to stop the blood shed the hatred the anger. No more clan wars tribalism we want to be a union once and for all So we need you. Not to help us financially but with your ideas your vision and your hunger. If you share our vision help us to make it more then a vision. We have a get together once in every month like a seminar we rent a hall welcome new members eat chit chat have fun and just brainstorm on how to lift this of the ground. We sent letters to UN and different embassies and as soon as we have a large enough number they agreed on sending lecturers and sponsors to take part of our Union. IT doesn’t matter where you live whether it’s Europe, USA, Africa or Asia the more the merrier. So if you feel that this is something for you E-mail us on SYUD_1@hotmail.com and we will send you further information We have a homepage coming on and meetings So Fadlan ka soo qeyb gala Hal far fool ma dhaqdo.
Mansha allah mansha allah ilaahay ducadeena hanaga aqbalo.
Baashiyoow been badanidaa bismilaahiye war beladan aad babineysid baladka la wareegeysid baashiyoow naga daa Bal kaalay billaneey ila baar boggaan Baashi iyo baandadiisa baan kala bixin ee baxsaneey ila fiirso Waa mid bakhayl ah mid beenbadan mid buufis qaboo bazooka wata iyo mid boqor ah. Bakhaylku waa waa mid baraka beelay oo badar ku siineyn baansiina kuu quurin beesana ka baqtiyay ee baarliiney ka baxso. Beenbadane waa mid beenta baafinaayana ballana aqoon. Bari ilaa buuloxaawo buu belo ka tuuraa Bakaarahana been la fadhiya sidii BBC EE barniyey ha dhageysan baladuu babinaayo. Kan buufiska qaboo baazookaha wata baluu soo dhigoo baladkii buu baabi'iyey EE baariyoow naga badbaadi balaayu la tashtaa oo buugaagta u qoraa beerna la cunaa ee Badriyaaaay babi oo ka bismileeyso Laakin ka boqorkaaa wa baari loo baxsado balanta ka bixin. Baashaalka mid ku dheereeye.Badar kuu karinaaya bacdana balladka ku geeynaaya MId ku tusaayo meelaha bilicsan oo biyaha badan Barwaaqaad ku noolan hadaad beri la joogtid berkuuna kuu qaboojin. Basraay hadaad heshid boqorkaas boqol nin ka fiican u bilicsanoow.... Ma been baan sheegi baashiyoow.
Sha baad ku bilaawdoo sha baan ku dhameyn shurufloow sheekadan iga shub War ma anaa i shukuleee???? Wale anaa ku shukayn oo sidii shaxdii shanshan kuu tuuraaye ee shurufle i dhageyso. War sheydaamadaan yar oo sharqamaaya ee sidii shinidii kugu shamuumaaya sharkooda aloow na mooti. Shuluqyahoow shafka weeyn ee shaarka gaduudan ee sheekada aqoon shanta ha ila soo galin Nimankaan shigshigaayoo sharafti ka dhamaatay War shafafkaan yar oo sidii shumac la shiday isku shiilmay Waxaan wada shafka yar sheekaan idiin hayaa ee shiirka ka soo qabeysta oo kaalaya aan showree War wax badan baan idin shuufay oo sheekadiina dhageystay oo shuqulxumadiina ka yaabay Walee waan idiin shirnay anakoo shan shan ah oo sharkiina ka yaabnay shahaadadaan qabsanoo shakuuroow naga hay. Mid shuuqay mid shuluq ah mid shiiray mid shaqo beelay mid shigshigaayo iyo mid aan sheeko aqoon looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Shamiseey waa sheeko laga shactireysto Sheekadaan waxeey ku socotaa ragaan shafafka yar yar misana sheekodoonka ah oo shaah cabka badan. War ma adinkaa u sheekeyn karo gabdhahaan SHAMIS SHACNI SHANKAROON SHAXSHAXLEEY SHEEKAALEEY Iyo shanta raacda Idinkoo wata SHIINE SHIIRLE SHURUFLE SHIRWAC SHANKA DHEX SHAQEEYE IYO MID MASHIIDIYAA War sheekadaan ka so shiroo shaqa guri ka dhigta oo shuqul keeda soo sheega!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loooool yacquub maya walaahi taasi wax kama jiraan ......looooooooooooooool
CALIYOOW WIXII HORE CAYAAR BAAD U MALEYSAA CAAWA SIDII CAGAARKAAD CUNI JIRTAY BAAN KU CALAAJIN EE CURRIYOOW I DHAGEYSO!!!!!!! Calidheerow cimrigaa waa gaabtee Calaacal waa lagaaga roonyahay Cabaadka dhaaf oo cimrigaa gaar Cidlaad jiiftaaye oo ka caac leedahay Culusoow calooshaa ku kartee ileen caano booraa ku jiree Cudurkaan la socoo cambuulada dhaaf Cunta fiican cun oo wax ciseynta baro Ileen cantuugaad ka qaadataa wixii hore loo soo caayay Oo cidlaad ka xanaaqday cuqdadbaadna qabtaa Candhaq yahoow cududa weeyn ee cirfiidka u eg ee ciradu ku dhamaatay cimrigaa waa tagee Cidna kuuma hayno ciyaal baad la cayaari ee cagaha wax ka day ha ii calool kuusnaane camankaaga kuusan iyo ciridkaan ku cadaaday iyo calooshan cambuulada laga buuxshay hadaan kuu kala cadeeyo oo caawo kuu fariisto Caliyoow waad cabaadi doontaaye maad ciicda iga deysid Mise waanku caayaa oo cirbahaaga wax tusaa Candhuuf baad iila midtahoo walee waan ku calaajin Ee cilmiyoow maad joogtid ALA HAYAAY CEEBLAAY ragaan wada cuslaaday cajaladu cagaarteen ee geedka cagaaran wata ciirsi nooma hayaane maan cidleeyno????? Cabaadbaa ka dhamaado caaq yadaan wada cantatabeen Cambarooy ragaan goowsa cagaartay seey cagaar u cunaayeen cagaarshoow baaku dhacoo Candhadii baa caatoowdoo sidii calal noqotay Cakuyeey nin cagaar=(QAAD) cuna curriyadaan wada cabeysan ee macashu wada barartey sey u caay tamayeen ciyaalka noqday lama caayi karee caadiloow naga haay. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL CALIYOOW HAYGA CAROONIN ILEEN WAA CAYAARE
Maraxyahoow maseeyr dartii maroorku la qaloocday miriqdaada iga qari malag kusii qaadyee Maqaar soconaayoo malashtu ka dhamaatay Manjahaaga mafiiqdaa markaan aragno madaxwareegnaaye Miriqdaada iga qari muruqyo kuusneeyde Madaxaaga muuskaa ee maskaxda laga qaadey EE sidii maraankii mabacda soo haaya Mowduucaaga uma bogine ee marada sii qaado Maac markaad tiraahdaa marwadaadu matag la wareegtaa Mijahaaga qorigaa iyo miskahaaga mirifkaa ee marada ka sii lulato Meel laga wareegsadaad miriqtameysaaye Mid ma tihid mugdiyahoow malawadka kasoo jeedo Mar markaan ku eegaan marin habaabaye ee maankaaga iga qari muluc la moodyahoow Mar markaan kuu eegaan macnahaaga firshaan "MA MARTAA I QABATAA" meeydkaan yaree yaal e sidii maraankii macnaha laga qaaday Muuskaaga qaadoo mariinkaaga sii jiir Mugdi kasoo jeedyoow miyirka laga qaaday Macnahaaga uma bogin Malax la moodyoow maamulka soo baro looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Baac yaashaan balwada lagu qaaday Baf markey ku siiyaan baad baqtineysaaye Biif baaf ma yaqaaniin barfuuna ma gataan Bidaar tii baa ku dheeraato bogga kugu dhufaneysoo Balaayo soo taagan aan bugtooda la Fahmeeyn Bisinkaad qabsaneysaa balada ka soo baxeysaa Beentooda iyo balantooda Baariyoow naga badbaadi beleey meesha ku hayaane Bajaqyadaan baarada ku baxdoo balada kasoo ureyso Balaq banaan taagan oo babanaayo Ragaan baqbaqda haayo sidii badar la karinaayo Bidaartaan balaaran ee aad moodo buufin in lagu qaadey Bahaladaan buko ee buufiska laga buuxshay Ee Baloooooooooooy waa nin qaad cuna
QA BAAN KA BILAABOO QA BAAN KU DHAMEEYOO QAADLOOW IGA QABO-------- Qaad seey u cunaayeen qaaxaa ku dhacdoo qúmankaa bararay Qurunkaan qalalay ee qandhadu wada heyso Qubqubteey ku hayaan qaacigey fadhiyaan oo qafiif beey ku noqdeen Ee qaadiroow u gargaar Qandhadaan kala jeedo Qanjiradu qaaxo noqdeen qurun baa ku dilaacoo qaboow baa ku dhecee qaadiroow naga hay Qashinkaan qaa qaawan ee qaad ka ku wareeray quudna kuuma hayaan qumaneey ka tasho qumayooyinkaan soo taagan mid qilaaf ku dhacay mid qaxooti noqday mid qaad u fadhiyoo oo quxuu leeynaaya OO qaadirkii wuxuu siiyay qariboo ku cayaaray qorsho kuuma hayee qumaneey ka fogoow Mid qataaran iyo mid qumaday iyo mid qafiifay raggii qatartaa qaliir kacsadaa ka soo haray Midaan qoor taagi karin oo qeeyba qalashay suu qaad u cunaayeen qanjiradi balaarteen Qoraxdu markeey dhacdo ileen qori ma hayaane qandhuufeey kugu qabtaan Mid ku qaada mid ku qanciya iyo mid ku qaboojiya malehe waa qaaxo qaloocan Qarankii soomaaliyeed iyo raggii qumanaa qaad baa isku aruurshoow qaxooteey ku noqdeen Raggaan qaribmay qaranki ku cayaaray mana qabanaayaane gabdhihii qarankoow maxaa noo qorshaa??!!!!!
Starlight mansha allah amiin abaayo. I was crying through reading it mansha allah- jazakalahu qayr
I was wondering if you people could describe yourselves with on word what would it be?? Mine would be trustworthy?? ------------------ "I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you"
Question? is P. Diddy real a somalian?
Nasteexo replied to walaashiis's topic in Developement | Projects
If P diddy is a somali coz he got some somali feautures then i see some somali feautures in Clinton ....kuwey ugu wici jireen gaalo cad ...lol waa umaleynaa nooh..My oppinion -
Question? is P. Diddy real a somalian?
Nasteexo replied to walaashiis's topic in Developement | Projects
If P diddy is a somali coz he got some somali feautures then i see some somali feautures in Clinton ....kuwey ugu wici jireen gaalo cad ...lol waa umaleynaa nooh..My oppinion -
If P diddy is a somali coz he got some somali feautures then i see some somali feautures in Clinton ....kuwey ugu wici jireen gaalo cad ...lol waa umaleynaa nooh..My oppinion