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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. English league = multiculturalism and pace and power! By the way did anyone see that war of atricion (Man u liverpool)that was suppose to be a footie match!!! looked more like a combined Morden day pentathlon, with a few added events like Clear the 20 yard slidding tackle, run for 90mins up and down, oh and special events for liverpools steven gerrad Like LONG BALLS all the time. So Baaniyal naaaaaaaaaa bruv, Premier **** ooops sorry ship , except for the odd few occasions Like sheara's goal = dry drib games week in week out. My conclusions are derived from the following facts Published by errghhm...Ueefaa :rolleyes: . PS player consentration = 60 % uk green card holders (no talent no skills no Calcio) 30 % Eu & Non-Eu pensioners (Bergkamp, Zola n previously Vailli. Guilet, etc etc) and 10 % some quality players i.e. Veron, Hamman, Ruud V.N n G.silva where as Seria A = 50 % (old n ung) world class players Del Peiro, Veri, Cassano, Peirlo, Totti, Montella i could go on indefinately. other 50 % = players from everywhere, and am not lying all south americn countries North and west/south africa, Asia everywhere. Shall i list some or should i stop here. So ur granteed a gr8 mixture of approach's and better standard of football. And Come on gUys dont make me remind u ppl that seria A has gone donw to the wire 4 the last 5 years, where as the PS has gone to MAN U 7 out of the last 11 years, sorry is that the english or scotish league!!! The current football italia league looks like this ppl, Club P Pts Lazio 12 27 Milan 12 26 Inter 12 26 Juventus 12 26 Chievo 12 22 Bologna 12 22 Parma 12 19 Modena 12 18 Roma 12 17 Empoli 12 17 Perugia 12 17 so it looks like another vintage year for seria.
  2. ooyaaye Saxiib thx for ur humble contribution, a reminder like so is what all of us need from time to time. May allah reward ur humble efforts walaal. W calyakum Salam
  3. Yeah Honesita i thougth it was food for thought, certainly not the end of the world scenrio but hey who knows what will happend tomorrow let alone in the near future.
  4. I'd take time to see if she is a good cook after all that is they way to a somali mans heart girls, so if ur cooking is nt up to scratch start practising now aight .
  5. I'd take time to see if she is a good cook after all that is they way to a somali mans heart girls, so if ur cooking is nt up to scratch start practising now aight .
  6. I'd take time to see if she is a good cook after all that is they way to a somali mans heart girls, so if ur cooking is nt up to scratch start practising now aight .
  7. I'd take time to see if she is a good cook after all that is they way to a somali mans heart girls, so if ur cooking is nt up to scratch start practising now aight .
  8. & for shujui just because someone is mixed doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be Reer hamar! Wasalam LATEAFHA True Thats why i explicitly said "By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway " I do no there Many somali Peeps that are half somali half White/Black/Brown etc etc. I just mentioned Reer Hamaar because thats what i coould take about from my esxprience.
  9. & for shujui just because someone is mixed doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be Reer hamar! Wasalam LATEAFHA True Thats why i explicitly said "By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway " I do no there Many somali Peeps that are half somali half White/Black/Brown etc etc. I just mentioned Reer Hamaar because thats what i coould take about from my esxprience.
  10. & for shujui just because someone is mixed doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be Reer hamar! Wasalam LATEAFHA True Thats why i explicitly said "By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway " I do no there Many somali Peeps that are half somali half White/Black/Brown etc etc. I just mentioned Reer Hamaar because thats what i coould take about from my esxprience.
  11. & for shujui just because someone is mixed doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be Reer hamar! Wasalam LATEAFHA True Thats why i explicitly said "By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway " I do no there Many somali Peeps that are half somali half White/Black/Brown etc etc. I just mentioned Reer Hamaar because thats what i coould take about from my esxprience.
  12. By 2010, Muslim nations could control 60 percent of the world`s oil production and, more importantly, 95 percent of the world`s oil exports. Is what the above article claims, and it talks about what implications this assertion holds for the democratic Free Market Countries for the future. I posted it here from because i found that it was quite a good article as it tried to adress (from a westren point of view anyway) the issue of a potential 'impending ' oil conflict. Interesting indeed because the article was written in 1999 and as we speak rigth now america is preparing to attack iraq. And is now asserting (under the cover of israel) that somalia was behind the Attack on the hotel in Kenya this last week. See read on nomads my advice would be to just read page 1 and skim read the reming pages.
  13. It was like a breathe of fresh air for me to see a muslim ppl who when the option given the option between a party pusihing the secular agenda and one that was trying to govn via Islamic thoughts they chose 'overwhelmingly' Islam. They same goes for Nigera for me. i see how the news ppl luv to controversize Sharia in Nigera. Thats simply because the dont want to see any country let alone region embrasing 'True' islam, Sharia Governance and not secularism.
  14. I dont no whether what u bring is true or not. What i do no is that as muslims we should at the very list acknowledge the struggles and suffering that our Palestinian Brothers and sister go through daily. how? Never give israel recognition (even if it doesnt matter) and certainly never asspouse to having econimc or strategic ties with them. As someone rightly pointed out they are out war with islam througth their various intermediaries and i personally would feel disgusted if somethin like that discribed in ur post was to transpire to be true.
  15. Somali Leaders is that an oxymoron ? well if there was a single somali 'politican' worth a grain of salts worth of care for somali then i would be happy. But No such men exit in power
  16. I have to be honest here and raise my hand up and say am disapponted @ the vast majority of my nomads here. But for a few wise ppl most of u have contradicted urself and not made much sense @ all. Surely the real question that this topic poses is whether we are ready to move on as a peopel and embrase the people and other cultures of muslims form other countries that are abundant in our communities. I have taken Inter-racial relationships to meaning inter-racial marriages, coz lets face it the first one alot of somali's are doing already. The second one however. To me, and am being total honest here, i would have no problem, indeed i would be vey happy for my sister if she met a good muslim guy, (whether he be Black white asain oriental etc etc) who she wanted for her self as a husban, and him her for a wife. I think we are too caught up in our one little world of fantansy in presuming that the only good partner for us are or should be somalians. Lets be relastic we live in a multicultural sociecy with muslims from many nations. So if we cannot find a suitable somali spouse for ourself for whatever reason then the is plenty of other opptunity out there for a relationship with other non somali muslims.
  17. By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway If so i doubt that the get picked on, i mean from my exprience i have found it to be quiet the opposite. My Friend, alright doesnt look qutie like ur steryo-tybical nomad and because of that the somali girls be like 'you really somali' and i be like :rolleyes: . And the same is also true of the ladies (i no am also @ falut here ). But i would be supprised if wot u say is true issa unfortunately we somali's always seem to fight against anything that is slightly different to us.
  18. By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway If so i doubt that the get picked on, i mean from my exprience i have found it to be quiet the opposite. My Friend, alright doesnt look qutie like ur steryo-tybical nomad and because of that the somali girls be like 'you really somali' and i be like :rolleyes: . And the same is also true of the ladies (i no am also @ falut here ). But i would be supprised if wot u say is true issa unfortunately we somali's always seem to fight against anything that is slightly different to us.
  19. By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway If so i doubt that the get picked on, i mean from my exprience i have found it to be quiet the opposite. My Friend, alright doesnt look qutie like ur steryo-tybical nomad and because of that the somali girls be like 'you really somali' and i be like :rolleyes: . And the same is also true of the ladies (i no am also @ falut here ). But i would be supprised if wot u say is true issa unfortunately we somali's always seem to fight against anything that is slightly different to us.
  20. By mixed I presum u mean the Lighter skinned Brothers and sisters (excuse the following spelling) like Rereer Hamaar peeps? anyway If so i doubt that the get picked on, i mean from my exprience i have found it to be quiet the opposite. My Friend, alright doesnt look qutie like ur steryo-tybical nomad and because of that the somali girls be like 'you really somali' and i be like :rolleyes: . And the same is also true of the ladies (i no am also @ falut here ). But i would be supprised if wot u say is true issa unfortunately we somali's always seem to fight against anything that is slightly different to us.
  21. Hey i no our under 21 team recently lost 11-0 to kenya oh well, so much for the nxt generation
  22. I think unfortunately alot of use have taken nasra's comment all to personally. Of course we might not be the worst ppl on earth, but we certainly arent one of the best. And i think nasra has held her hand up and said that she might be generalizing here, but to be honest i think she has a point. And instead of jumpin on her and calling her names (so unessariy )those who disagree should ask her why she feels the way she does like Yacquub for instance. It is certainly a better approach than what most of nomads have adopted here.