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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. Thats great to here Sgf keep up the good work bro.
  2. lol@North i see you have caught on to my logic process . Yep he would be The best 'relatively' Expensive Itenary Opener .
  3. Salam Cayalakum Everyone, thx for the replies. Princess Fair enough. Northerner i think you understand what i was trying to say, without putting it into your mouths. "the whole notion of imprisoning one of our brothers was to undermine the muslim ummah in the uk." Exactly, admitedly i still wouldnt have been suprised if he recieved some kind of custodial sentence, but the length he recieved i think, well it certainly came across to me as a political exercise i.e. If your muslim be on notice that you are considereda threat. Coz lets face it it is not only muslims who are propagating views that might be considered extreme. I suppose the mistake this brother did was to be so explicit and un compremising in his chosen words. "have u actually heard what other kafur organisation say in their speaches, such the bnp, the uk hindu society and the jews , until u have heard what the rest say, then u cant judge this brother!!!" ps he may be out in 4.5yrs on good behaviour insha-allah! Inshallah bro. Raage again bro fair enough, like i said i couldnt really agree with the things he was saying. But rember did he do anything more than just speak, adresing ppl in a private talk?? i mean 9 years for speaking??? Thats just not right. opinionated saxiib you are indeed opinionated. You would lock up a muslim for a longer period than the Kafir sentance? And if your really worried about ppl Painting islam in a bad way, well then just simple tune into your Local News Broadcast, Read your Daily Broad sheet, or just listen to the heads of the varies countries that are currently itching to go to war with iraq and u will be overwhelmed by Propaganda against Islam saxiib.
  4. Sala, Calayakum. Wlcm to the site Modesty. Masallah that was good advice saxiib, and a great example to qoute from the best possible example to us Prophet Mohamed (SAW).
  5. "It is time to measure human rights by one yardstick - to hold the suppliers, not just the purchasers, of death accountable for their handiwork." Indeed. But i dont think America would be too Keen on such a proposition. Shaqsii But it just goes to sow the amazing Contradiction and Double standards that america is trying to employ in the UN. essential trying to legitimise a rule of 'one rule for us, and another for the you'.
  6. Those of you who have British Eurosports Dont miss out. And hopefully you can get a chance to which totti, Fiore Montella and Claudio Lopez amongst others. ----------------------------------------------------- Totti back in for Derby? This weekend British Eurosport TV and are bringing you LIVE coverage of the always passionate, often volatile Rome derby, between high-flying SS Lazio and the unpredictable AS Roma. Follow all the action from 20:00CET - 7pm British time! SERIE A: Match-by-Match Preview! SERIE A: Stankovic fears Lazio could end like Fiorentina! Thanks to title victories in 2000 and 2001, SS Lazio and AS Roma, respectively, catapulted this fiercest of local rivalries into the world's footballing focus. But this weekend the Rome Derby is truly a tale of rags to riches... both on and off the park... Lazio's season has been one of unremitting expectation exceeding. On the verge of financial collapse before a ball was kicked, even Lazio's most ardent supporters were envisaging a year of belt-tightening, hoping for a solid mid-table finish. The biancocelesti's Serbia and Montenegrin midfielder Dejan Stankovic told Eurosport earlier this season that he feared the Roman club could even have ended up like now defunct Fiorentina. But the prophets of doom and gloom - thick on the grounds of Italian football - have been gob smacked by the spirit of Lazio's players and the ability of coach Roberto Mancini to harness his motley crew's focus away from the off-field turmoil and concentrate on playing explosive, entertaining football. But not only did Thursday's courageous 5-4 aggregate win over Wisla Krakow send Lazio into the quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup but it ended a sequence of five draws that saw them slip to fourth in the table. By contrast, Roma's season to date has been stuttering at best, but their stunning, and unexpected, 3-0 demolition of Valencia and a comprehensive 3-1 victory over Empoli in the Serie A last Sunday suggests the giallorossi may finally be warming to the challenge. The architect of their recent mini-renaissance - including that memorable Champions League win in the Mestalla - captain Francesco Totti, has been stricken with flu, but his condition improved on Friday and the player could yet take his place in the starting XI. TEAM NEWS: Lazio are still without injured defenders Sinisa Mihajlovic and Guiseppe Pancaro, while former Italy 'keeper Luca Marchegiani will again deputise for the ham strung Angelo Peruzzi. Despite hitting the winner in Poland on Thursday, Mancini is likely to leave Enrico Chiesa on the bench in preference to the devastating duo of Bernardo Corradi and Claudio 'Speedy Gonzalez' Lopez. With Totti threatened by fle and his regular understudy Antonio Cassano suspended by the Italian FA for abusing officials during the loss to Udinese Roma coach Fabio Capello can take some solace in Empoli-hero Vicenzo Montella's re-found form. Marco Delvecchio will probably move back into a striking role after operating down the left flank in recent weeks. While at the back, Frenchman Jonathon Zebina returns from suspension to add a little steel to right back with the South American duo of Walter Samuel and Aldair likely to continue as the preferred centre pairing. PROBABLE LINE-UPS: Lazio (4-4-2): Marchegiani; Favalli, Stam, Couto, Negro; Fiore, Giannichedda, Stankovic, Cesar; Corradi, Lopez Roma (4-4-2): Pelizzoli; Zebina, Samuel, Aldair, Panucci; Cafu, Emerson, Dacourt, Lima; Delvecchio, Montella ------------------------------------------------------
  7. well to me at least, i was expecting that he would be found guilty under these new law, but 9 years??? ------------------------------------------------------ Hate preaching cleric jailed El-Faisal had denied all the charges against him A Muslim cleric who urged followers to kill non-believers, Americans, Hindus and Jews has been jailed for nine years. Jamaican-born Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal, 39, was told he had "fanned the flames of hostility", as Old Bailey judge Peter Beaumont delivered the sentence. The judge recommended that el-Faisal, from Stratford in east London, should serve at least half of the sentence and then be deported. El-Faisal - who said it is permissible to use chemical weapons to kill unbelievers - stretched out an arm to a group of around 12 shocked-looking supporters as he was led away. Outside court, defence lawyer Jerome Lynch QC said there were plans to appeal, adding: "There is a realistic prospect that many Muslims will regard this sentence as harsh, even though they don't share his views." El-Faisal received seven years for soliciting murder, 12 months to run concurrently for using threatening and insulting words and a further two years - to run consecutively - for using threatening and insulting recordings. The Muslim cleric - the first to face trial in the UK - was charged after a tape of a lecture he gave was found in a car and others uncovered by police investigating al-Qaeda links in the UK. 'Preached hate' During the trial el-Faisal argued that his words were taken from the Koran, the Muslim holy book, and that he had been misrepresented. There are two religions in the world today - the right one and the wrong one. Islam versus the rest of the world Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal But the judge said that while Britain prided itself on its freedom of speech, it could not accept it when other people's rights were breached. He told el-Faisal: "As the jury found, you not only preached hate, but the words you uttered in those meetings were recorded to reach a wider audience. "You urged those who listened and watched to kill those who did not share your faith." 'Use missiles' One tape of el-Faisal, titled Jihad, contained the words: "So you go to India and if you see a Hindu walking down the road you are allowed to kill him and take his money, is that clear?" In a tape called Rules of Jihad, which is thought to have been made before the 11 September 2001 attacks, el-Faisal told his audience: "You have to learn how to shoot. "You have to learn how to fly planes, drive tanks and you have to learn how to load your guns and to use missiles." He said: "You are only allowed to use nuclear weapons in that country which is 100% unbelievers." The jury heard that el-Faisal tried to recruit British schoolboys for terrorist training camps and promised them "seventy-two virgins in paradise", if they died fighting a holy war. On a tape called Them Versus Us he said: "There are two religions in the world today - the right one and the wrong one. Islam versus the rest of the world." 'Not malicious' Defence lawyer Jerome Lynch QC, said it was unfair that people such as controversial cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri had been seen by police and not brought to court like el-Faisal. He was actively urging young people to commit murder Peter Clarke - Scotland Yard Anti Terrorist Branch Abu Hamza - who was dropped as a defence witness after a police raid on Finsbury Park mosque - told the judge in a pre-trial hearing that he had been seen seven times by Special Branch. Mr Lynch said of el-Faisal: "This was a man who, although misguided, was not malicious." He said el-Faisal had helped young people, including drug addicts, in inner cities. But David Perry, prosecuting, said the el-Faisal was a "fanatic and extremist" who had tried to save himself by claiming the Koran was on trial. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke from Scotland Yard's Anti Terrorist Branch said: "El-Faisal's speeches were designed to do more than stir up racial hatred. He was actively urging young people to commit murder. "These are extremely serious offences, made even more appalling by his attempt to justify them through the Islamic faith." ------------------------------------------------------- Now regardless of how you view Shiek Faisal, did anyone really expect that he would be dealt with so severly?? I hope this serves to show ppl that if you are a muslim there is no such thing as freedom of speech, indeed it is an oxymorn as this case has proven. And that clearly if this is the attitiude of the Judiciary, well then being a muslim you will always be targeted by this society.
  8. This is crazy, I became a loyal member of HOTMAIL during my first year of college. At first everything was cool and I used to get only personal mail from friends and family. Well times have changed and my email address is now sold by every grandmother. I now recieve emails from my dead uncle and the last time I checked my inbox, Christina Vallero(I have no idea who she is) was telling me I would be out of debt next month, have the biggest penis in the world, be working from home making $5000 per week, finished my Ph.D. while watching Hally Barry and Tyra Banks in some kind of a sex fest .... hold on ...hold on ... the bonus is ...I would find all of my highschool friends and classmates that I've lost in touch with over the years and my long time crush is looking for me on How frustrating ... there is no way out of junk mail! What is your experience with HOTMAIL? ------------------------------------------------------ lol same here bro. Its obviously quite clear that Hotmail are trying to get ppl onto their new 4mb Plan so that ppl will play $19.99 a year onwards.
  9. The natural order created by God has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. A Just Moral System 3/7/2003 - Religious Social - Article Ref: IC0303-1878 By: IslamiCity IslamiCity* - For most people morals are sets of rules that we ought to obey, they tell us what is right or wrong. A quest for morality seeks to discover how these rules are justified, and what is the logical consequences of moral or ethical beliefs. According to the teachings of the Quran human beings are vice-regents and moral agents of the creator of humanity. Human beings are endowed by their creator with a rational nature and are free to make choices. As rational beings we are able to judge whether any action is moral by asking if the action is consistent with the universal laws on nature. One can view universal law as an action by a person that is based on an intention whereby at the same time the person wishes that it shall become a universal law. For example if a person wants to know if telling a lie is justifiable, then that person must try to imagine what would happen if everyone was to lie. It is safe to assume that any rational being would agree that a universal law that defines lying as morally unacceptable would be preferable to one in which lying was considered acceptable human behavior. A society in which lying was considered morally acceptable would create chaos and an unstable environment for human interaction. The natural order created by God has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. To achieve these rights Islam provides not only legal safeguards but also an effective moral system. Thus whatever leads to the welfare of the individual or the society is morally good in Islam and whatever is injurious is morally bad. The Quran attaches a significant importance to the love of God and love of man and warns against too much spiritual ritualism. We read in the Quran: It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in God and the Last Day and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask; and for the freeing of captives; to be steadfast in prayers, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which you made; and to be firm and patient in pain (or suffering) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-conscious." (2:177) We are given a beautiful description of the righteous and God-conscious human in these verses. Humankind should obey salutary regulations, but the most important issue is to focus on the love of God and the love of humankind. The principals of moral good laid out for one who submits to the will of God should be a sincerity in faith followed by acts of good deeds - deeds that are rooted in God Consciousness. God does not look at just the action itself but the motivation of the action and God is the ultimate criterion of what is good and right. This is the standard by which a particular mode of conduct is judged and classified as good or bad. This standard of judgment provides the nucleus around which the whole moral conduct should revolve. Before laying down any moral injunctions Islam seeks to firmly implant in man's heart the conviction that his dealings are with God who sees him at all times and in all places; that he may hide himself from the whole world but not from Him; that he may deceive everyone but cannot deceive God; that he can flee from the clutches of anyone else but not from God. Thus, by setting God's pleasure as the objective of man's life, Islam has furnished the highest possible standard of morality. This is bound to provide limitless avenues for the moral evolution of humanity. By making Divine revelations as the primary source of knowledge it gives permanence and stability to the moral standards which afford reasonable scope for genuine adjustments, adaptations and innovations, though not for perversions, wild variation, atomistic relativism or moral fluidity. It provides a sanction to morality in the love and fear of God, which will impel man to obey the moral law even without any external pressure. Through belief in God and the Day of Judgment it furnishes a force which enables a person to adopt the moral conduct with earnestness and sincerity, with all the devotion of heart and soul. It does not, through a false sense of originality and innovation, provide any novel moral virtues nor does it seek to minimize the importance of the well-known moral norms, nor does it give exaggerated importance to some and neglect others without cause. It takes up all the commonly known moral virtues and with a sense of balance and proportion it assigns a suitable place and function to each one of them in the total scheme of life. It widens the scope of man's individual and collective life - his domestic associations, his civic conduct, and his activities in the political, economic, legal, educational, and social realms. It covers his life from home to society, from the dining-table to the battlefield and peace conferences, literally from the cradle to the grave. In short, no sphere of life is exempt from the universal and comprehensive application of the moral principles of Islam. It makes morality reign supreme and ensures that the affairs of life, instead of dominated by selfish desires and petty interests, should be regulated by norms of morality. It stipulates for man a system of life which is based on all good and is free from all evil. It invokes the people, not only to practice virtue, but also to establish virtue and eradicate vice, to bid good and to forbid wrong. It wants that the verdict of conscience should prevail and virtue must not be subdued to play second fiddle to evil. Those who respond to this call are gathered together into a community and given the name "Muslim". And the singular object underlying the formation of this community is that it should make an organized effort to establish and enforce goodness and suppress and eradicate evil. Here we furnish some basic moral teachings of Islam for various aspects of a persons life. They cover the broad spectrum of personal moral conduct of a Muslim as well as his social responsibilities. GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS The Quran mentions that "God consciousness" is the highest quality of a Muslim (one who submits to God): "The most honorable among you in the sight of God is the one who is most God-conscious." (49:13) Humility, modesty, control of passions and desires, truthfulness, integrity, patience, steadfastness, and fulfilling one's promises are moral values which are emphasized again and again in the Quran. We read in the Quran: "And God loves those who are firm and steadfast." (3:146) "And vie with one another to attain to your Sustainer's forgiveness and to a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, which awaits the God-conscious, who spend for charity in time of plenty and in time of hardship, and restrain their anger, and pardon their fellow men, for God loves those who do good." (3:133-134) "Establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong; and bear patiently whatever may befall you; for this is true constancy. And do not swell your cheek (with pride) at men, nor walk in insolence on the earth, for God does not love any man proud and boastful. And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; for the harshest of sounds, indeed, is the braying of the ass." (31:18-19) In a way which summarizes the moral behavior of a Muslim, the Prophet said: "My Sustainer has given me nine commands: to remain conscious of God, whether in private or in public; to speak justly, whether angry or pleased; to show moderation both when poor and when rich, to reunite friendship with those who have broken off with me; to give to him who refuses me; that my silence should be occupied with thought; that my looking should be an admonition; and that I should command what is right." SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES The teachings of Islam concerning social responsibilities are based on kindness and consideration of others. Since a broad injunction to be kind is likely to be ignored in specific situations, Islam lays emphasis on specific acts of kindness and defines the responsibilities and rights of various relationships. In a widening circle of relationship, then, our first obligation is to our immediate family - parents, husband or wife and children, then to other relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances, orphans and widows, the needy of the community, our fellow Muslims, all our fellow human beings and animals. Parents: Respect and care for parents is very much stressed in the Islamic teaching and is a very important part of a Muslim's expression of faith. "Your Sustainer has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your lifetime, do not say to them a word of contempt nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility and say: My Sustainer! Bestow on them Your mercy, even as they cherished me in childhood." (17:23-24) Other Relatives: "And render to the relatives their due rights, as (also) to those in need, and to the traveler; and do not squander your wealth in the manner of a spendthrift." (17:26) Neighbors: The Prophet has said: "He is not a believer who eats his fill when his neighbor beside him is hungry"; and: "He does not believe whose neighbors are not safe from his injurious conduct." Humanity and Environment: According to the Quran and Sunnah, a Muslim has to discharge his moral responsibility not only to his parents, relatives and neighbors but to the entire mankind, animals and trees and plants. For example, hunting of birds and animals for the sake of game is not permitted. Similarly, cutting trees and plants which yield fruit is forbidden unless there is a very pressing need for it. SECULARISM IN ISLAM The TRUTH that the Quran speaks of is the law that controls everything in the Universe responsible for the creation of everything existing in it and their continuity. The Quran says that the entire Universe has been made on the principle of Truth. Truth is not a parochial expression because of its legality over the entire Universe. It is very much secular because it controls constellations, the Solar system, the Earth and all beings in it. It controls animals and birds, and we human beings inherently belong to it. Secularism in Islam may sound like an oxymoron but if we define a secular system as a system that is 'religion blind' or a system that accepts religious diversity then the following verses of the Quran show the wisdom that is being communicated to humankind by it's Creator. Diversity of Humanity: O humankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). - Quran 49:13 No coercion in religion: Let there be no compulsion in the way of life.. - Quran 2:256 Acceptance of plurality: If thy Lord had so willed, He could have made Humankind one people: but they will not cease to dispute. Quran 11:118 Say (Muhammad), to those who do not believe - I do not worship that which you worship - Nor do you worship that which I worship. And I shall Not worship that which you worship - Nor will you worship that which I worship - To you be your religion, and to me mine. Quran 109:1-6 The above Quranic directive establishes the ground rules for a system that recognizes religious diversity. The moral system of Islam dictates that we cannot force Religion on anyone but it is our responsibility to be a witness to the ultimate truth and communicate and share the knowledge of the Quran with humanity. The ultimate truth according to the Quran is the Divine natural order of submission to the One creator of humanity and the universe. Thus, on the basic moral characteristics, Islam builds a higher system of morality by virtue of which mankind can realize its greatest potential. Islam purifies the soul from self-seeking egotism, tyranny, wantonness and indiscipline. It creates God-conscious men, devoted to their ideals, possessed of piety, abstinence and discipline and uncompromising with falsehood, It induces feelings of moral responsibility and fosters the capacity for self control. Islam generates kindness, generosity, mercy, sympathy, peace, disinterested goodwill, scrupulous fairness and truthfulness towards all creation in all situations. It nourishes noble qualities from which only good may be expected. Adapted from: III&E (Institute of Islamic Information and Education) Publication Series; No. 6 -------------------------------------------------- Interesting read i thought. Although i would admit i did find the writers proposition Islam and Secularism more than just an oxymoranic statement. So can the more Knowledgable Nomads Clariy the Segment Secularism and Islam and what follows from it, Thx.
  10. Some Israelis contemplate low-grade 'genocide' for Palestinians AUSTIN, Texas--One way to cover up a crime is to find a benign term that hides the violence and cruelty of the act. Such is the case with "transfer," an idea increasingly being put forward in Israel as a solution to conflict with the Palestinians. Transfer conjures up images of a worker reassigned to a new office, or a slip allowing a rider to change buses for free. But transfer of the Palestinians would be nothing less than ethnic cleansing. The main public proponents of this have been on the far right of Israeli politics, such as the Moledet Party, which refuses to recognize Palestinian rights. But in a poll earlier this year, 46 percent of Israelis supported transfer of Palestinians out of the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, while 31 percent favored transferring Israeli Arabs out of the country. As Israeli author Tanya Reinhart argues in her new book "Israel/Palestine: How to End the War of 1948," there has long been planning for "the second half of 1948" by some Israeli politicians, including Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. . I say "finish," because a slow ethnic cleansing is already under way, primarily through the systematic destruction of the Palestinian economy; when people cannot make a living, many will leave. A study for the U.S. Agency for International Development released in August showed that one-fifth of Palestinian children were malnourished, due to dramatically lowered Palestinian incomes and disruptions of food distribution because of the tightened Israeli occupation. Life for Palestinians means constant harassment at checkpoints. Olive trees, central to agriculture there, are bulldozed by Israeli troops who claim they provide cover for snipers. Palestinian homes are demolished, supposedly because Palestinians built on their land without appropriate permits, which Israel will not give them. This fall the residents of the Palestinian village Yanun chose to leave rather than continue to endure the property destruction and assaults from Israeli settlers from nearby Itamar. As Effi Eitam of the right-wing National Religious Party has put it, if Palestinians find "the situation so hard and so dangerous that they prefer to move to some other part of the world," well, he will shed no tears . The plan appears to be working. According to the Jerusalem Post, by August last year about 80,000 Palestinians had left the West Bank and Gaza, a 50 percent increase over last year. If this ethnic cleansing--either the slow version or expulsion by Israeli soldiers--is successful, another term may come into play: genocide. The crime of genocide is generally associated with mass killing, but international law defines genocide as acts intended "to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group." One of the five types of acts is "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." Creating conditions "so hard and dangerous" that they drive people off their land is a way to eliminate the Palestinian people. Not all the Palestinians need be killed; once completely dispersed in other countries, they will cease to be a recognizable group that could press a claim to that land. Is the world ready to accept that kind of genocide as a solution to the conflict? No doubt the world is not; for years there has been a consensus on a diplomatic settlement that calls on Israel to withdraw from illegally occupied territory in return for peace. The key is whether the United States will allow it. For years the United States--which supplies Israel with diplomatic support, military assistance, and at least $3 billion a year in economic aid--has backed Israeli power and called it a "peace process." Unless we demand that our government press for peace rooted in justice, this process will be the end of the Palestinian people. ROBERT JENSEN, a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, is the author of "Writing Dissent: Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins to the Mainstream." Date published: 2/2/2003 --------------------------------------------------
  11. Faith without wisdom is a dangerous thing. In the long sequence of interaction and fusion between Orient and Occident out of which our civilization has grown, the Crusades were a tragic and destructive episode. Beginning a Modern Religious War 3/6/2003 - Political Religious - Article Ref: SU0303-1876 By: James O. Goldsborough San Diego Union-Tribune* - George W. Bush's Iraq war will be America's first religious war, one inspired by groups of Christian fundamentalists and Jewish neoconservatives, a coalition whose zeal for war is as great as that of the original crusaders. The origin of the crusades was a 1095 meeting in Autun, France, where 36 bishops made the first vows to "go to Jerusalem." Four years later, the crusaders took Jerusalem, only to see it recaptured by Saladin. The First Crusade launched centuries of war between crusaders and indigenous peoples from North Africa to Russia. Today, the idea is to "go to Baghdad," but is rooted in a the same desire: to serve Jerusalem (Israel) and remake the Middle East. Like the crusaders, the new coalition represents the wedding of religious zeal and military power, always a fatal connection. A central difference with the crusades is that Bush's war will be waged over opposition from organized religion. For weeks now, mainstream church leaders in America and abroad have been speaking out against war with a unity they seldom show. Church opposition has made the crusade harder for Bush and Tony Blair, his comrade in arms. Blair's efforts to paint the war as a high moral cause was directly refuted a few days ago in an unusual joint statement by the heads of the Anglican and Catholic churches in England. Blair's assertions, said the two church leaders, "lacked moral legitimacy." The British churchmen are part of a wide church movement against this war. Pope John Paul II has spoken out, as have leaders of most Protestant churches. The National Council of Churches, America's leading ecumenical agency representing 36 Protestant, Orthodox and Anglican churches with 50 million adherents, opposes war, as does the World Council of Churches, the body grouping national church councils in 100 nations. Asked why the pope opposed war, John Allen Jr., Vatican correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter, replied, "because he does not think this would be a just war. Both because the relationship between the good to be achieved and the harm that would be done is not there, and also because the imminence of the threat posed by Iraq is not at present convincing." Yet both Blair and Bush paint their war in religious terms. In his State of the Union message, Bush, a "born-again" Methodist, told soldiers facing war to put faith in "the loving God." Bush's invocation of God to justify war was protested by Jim Winkler, head of the United Methodist Church, and led to a dispute between the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, Frank Griswold, and the former President Bush, an Episcopalian, who objected to Griswold's remarks about his son's "reprehensible rhetoric" about war. Unlike Europe and the Middle East, America does not wage religious wars. Founded by immigrants escaping religious conflict, our forebears wrote a Constitution separating church and state. Americans go to war over peace and security, not over God. Bush's war has nothing to do with peace and security. It is the brainchild of a handful of neoconservatives in the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and Richard Perle above all, who have argued for years that Iraq was the main threat to Israel . Feith and Perle have advised Israel's right-wing Likud Party and both have opposed U.S. Middle East peace initiatives, including those of President Bush I. The Pentagon's zeal for war comes from these civilian neoconservatives, not from the military. This was well described by Anthony Zinni, the retired Marine Corps general who served as Bush's special envoy to the Middle East. "All the generals see this (Iraq) the same way," said Zinni, "and all those that never fired a shot in anger are really hell-bent to go to war." The Pentagon neocons are joined by Elliot Abrams at the White House and David Wurmser at the State Department. Their influence reaches deeply into the neocon media through such outlets as Fox News, the Weekly Standard and the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal and into Congress, where the influence of television evangelicals such as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell is strong. "Neoconservative" is an unfamiliar term in the West. Writer Sidney Blumenthal defines them as "second-generation Jews torn between cultures." Sociologist David Riesman calls them New York provincials "whose knowledge of American history is slim and who see only each other." They are far from the Jewish mainstream. With Bush, the extremists have found their Richard I, to lead a 21st century crusade against infidels. The Sept. 11 attacks gave them the chance they had sought for a decade, though no credible connection between Iraq and Sept. 11 has been made. To study the crusades is to see how illusory were the triumphs. In his history of the First Crusade, Steven Runciman wrote words that every Bush fundamentalist should memorize: "Faith without wisdom is a dangerous thing. In the long sequence of interaction and fusion between Orient and Occident out of which our civilization has grown, the Crusades were a tragic and destructive episode. There was so much courage and so little honor, so much devotion and so little understanding." Source: San Diego Union-Tribune
  12. Your right Da Beast i just fondout now. My bad ppl. But why did the give the award to the world's most expensive Can opener??
  13. Am sorry northner I just dont think hE is anywhere near as good as Totti and i dont care wha anybody thinks on that. The fact is Raul is slow not strong, hasnt got a right foot and is useless outside the box. Whilst totti is quite fast devasting from Left wing Right wing Center Mid or Up Front Dangerous with His Left and Right foot aswell as heading and makes twices as much goals as he scores. so plz double check whether that Kebab you had prior psoting wasnt contaminated Bro Hi is a good player, but his consistent form is obvious given the team he players for, he has, and has always been surrounded with great players. And Da Beast like wise am afraid am gonna have to very heavily disagree with you there bro. Kluivert is a donkey with a Capital D. There is no way that he is anywhere near as good a striker as Montella for example, there is no way that you can even can discribe him as a Fantasista or compare him to totti. Admintedlly he is quite mobile and is good with his left and right peg as well as his head, but lets be honest when it comes to some crunch games he simple collapses and misses the most glaring off chances. Thats why he was ousted after a disastors campagin with AC Milan, and i think Kluivert can be summarised in many ways like Henry of arsenal. The both can be devasting throught out spells in the season scoring goals assitng and so forth, BUT when it comes to the crunch they are both miserably useless and thats why i dont rate them as great players. A good example in the euro 2000, Top Goal score but.........Italy and Holland Game Kluivert with the pen what happened?? never mind. And Henry in Euro 2000 Final, Uefa Final against Gala where he simply disappeared. If your gonna pick yourself a great team Pick the Trully Great Players, not the Flash in the pan Players. And i dont want to here Henry has one the world cup and euro champ PLZ give a Nomad a break without Zizo The french, as they so uselessly displayed this summer aint Jack Do Do
  14. Hi whats up guys. I just wanted to know who you thought would be the likely contenders for the European Player of the year. Am not sure when the award will be decided i think Michael Owen of liverpool Currently has the title, so clearly it is in need of Updated . I think that the award should focus on those players who are annual exmpeted from the awards because of their0 un-glamours work and contribution to the team. I am thinking of players such as Pavel Niedved (Czech Diff in crunch game ) of Juventus a true footballing great Comfortable on either wings, posses devasting shots with rigth and left foot, can also play behind the strikers aswell as a make shift striker. He was simple devastating last season for Juv and was the diff between them and Inter and Roma especially in the closing weeks. And this year he is on fire from the outset. Scoring Goals freely from Left wing in both Champions league and Seria A. Another Great player and possibel contender is Javier 'The machine' Zanetti of inter milan and argentina But thats just one player am sure everyone has a diff suggetsion. But for whatever choice guys, n especially you premiership lovers here u must qaulify ur answers with good reasons.
  15. Indeed. I think the best i can do as an individual is to continue to get educated and improve myself so that i can in return be in a position to help those who are hve enjoyed less oppotunities than myself back home and indeed those currently struggling over here. I Think thats the most effective thing that we can try to do. As individuals we must strive to be the best in all areas of society. We must move away from all those Depressing headlines that places us bottom of most social indicators, and try to model ourselfs on the asian communities of the Indian and Chinese who place great importance on education and a culture of success, rather than what we have now which is a culture of complacency ad blame. Greater Numbers in Higher Educational Positions should Transer to Greater Community Activity, Representation, and leadership in all important areas such as Crime and Imprisoned Youths and Adults, Housing and Employment, and Councelling and Rehabilitation. This are things that are currently Grossly Neglegted ( in the case of the uk )and are of urgent need of action. If we are to be of any help to our Pple back home we must strive to establish a healthy footing in this country where we are socially activte, well educated, wealthy and speak with one united voice.
  16. March 06, 2003: We appreciate all those who contributed to us financially yesterday. You are keeping printing! We have some great articles today below. *********************************** Feature article included in full text below: " Nationalists hijack Washington " by Ash Pulcifer - YT Columnist (United States) [Ash Pulcifer explains why the Bush administration is unilateralist: nationalism has crept into Washington. This article is also included in full text at the bottom of this e-mail.] Direct link: *************** The following articles can only be accessed on " The cycle of violence begins again " by Ash Pulcifer - YT Columnist (United States) [Article on yesterday's violent suicide attack in Haifa, Israel. Explains why this conflict is a cycle of violence.] Full text: ************** News from the Front: Massacre in Jebalya, bus bombing in Haifa by Gabriel Ash, YT [A news report on the latest attack in Haifa and Israel's retaliation in the Gaza Strip.] Full text: ************** " Iraq and Gene Roddenberry " by Firas Al-Atraqchi - YT Columnist (Canada) [Al-Atraqchi explains why Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, had a vision of an equal world. He ties this into the U.S. quest to bring democracy to Iraq.] Full text: ************** " The new Cold War Era " by Jesse Lee - YT Guest Columnist (United States) [Lee explains why we are entering a new Cold War Era.] Full text: ************** " A brief glimpse of insanity " by John Chuckman - YT Columnist (Canada) [Chuckman releases a satiric article. In it, Chuckman comes across a plain brown envelope which says ULTRA TOP SECRET.] Full text: **************
  17. KLUIVERT and none of you even mentioned SUPER PIPPO or RAUL. . Da Beast com'on apart from inzagi the other two are slow, apart from Raul the other two havent got skill, and apart from Kluivert.....well kluivet hasnt got much that i like in a striker nop deff not These three strikers are the ones i dislike the most. I might be tempted to include SHev over Ruud.Van.Nis But never Kluivert or Raul them two are donkeys man. Inzagi on current form might be included.
  18. Israel Kills 11 Palestinians in Raid After Bus Blast 1 hour, 9 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo! By Nidal al-Mughrabi JABALYA, Gaza Strip (Reuters) - Israeli forces killed 11 Palestinians, including some torn apart by a tank shell, when troops stormed a Gaza Strip (news - web sites) refugee camp on Thursday after a suicide bomber killed 15 people on an Israeli bus. More than 140 Palestinians were wounded during the nine-hour Israeli raid, part of a spasm of violence that has battered U.S. hopes of calming the 29-month-old conflict ahead of a possible war on Iraq (news - web sites). Israel's army launched the Gaza operation just hours after the first Palestinian suicide bombing in two months ripped through a bus packed with high school students in the port city of Haifa. A 14-year-old American girl was among the dead. Witnesses and medics said the tank round crashed into a crowd watching firemen hose down a commercial building set ablaze in the raid on Jabalya refugee camp which triggered hours of pitched gunbattles. Palestinians said the blast killed eight unarmed civilians. Amid the chaos, two headless bodies lay on the ground. Bloodied survivors crawled or were dragged through dirt streets. Gaza hospitals were overwhelmed with wounded, many of them children pleading for help. "God help us, we are running out of medicine, we are running out of blood," a doctor shouted. The militant Islamic group Hamas, behind a wave of suicide attacks on Israelis, vowed revenge, saying: "The Jews will pay a dear price." The army insisted it had done the utmost to avoid civilian casualties and said the tank shell had hit a man standing in an empty street, aiming a rocket-propelled grenade launcher at troops as they withdrew from the area. Israeli government officials said most, if not all, of the Palestinians killed were gunmen. Palestinian medical officials said five of the fatalities ranged in age from 13 to 16 and a 60-year-old man was also shot dead. PALESTINIANS CONDEMN RAID HELICOPTERS STRAFE STREETS Palestinian cabinet minister Saeb Erekat condemned the raid as an act of revenge by Israel for the Haifa bombing. The army said it was "part of an ongoing war against terror and its infrastructures" and said troops arrested a senior Hamas "terrorist," demolished his house and seized a large cache of weapons and explosives. Among the dead in Wednesday's Haifa bus bombing was a U.S. citizen, Abigail Leitel, 14, a student at a local high school taking part in an Arab-Jewish co-existence project. Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron identified the Haifa bomber as Hamas member Imran Salim al Qawasmeh, 21. The Israeli Foreign Ministry said a letter praising the September 11, 2001, attacks in New York and Washington was found on the bomber's body after the blast, which blew off the bus's roof and hurled bodies into the street. Five of the dead ranged in age from 12 to 17, including students returning home from class. Two soldiers were also killed. More than 40 people were wounded. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Israel blamed President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites)'s Palestinian Authority (news - web sites) for failing to rein in militants. The Palestinian Authority denied responsibility and condemned the attack. HELICOPTERS STRAFE STREETS Brigadier-General Gadi Shamni, Israel's Gaza brigade commander, said the Jabalya operation was not retribution for the Haifa bombing but a continuation of an offensive against militants in the area that began two weeks ago. Those raids, reflecting the tough line Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (news - web sites)'s new rightist government has been taking against militants, have drawn rare U.S. condemnation of Israel over the killing of Palestinian civilians. In Jabalya, helicopters raked streets with machinegun fire trying to pick off gunmen scrambling to take up positions. Around 90,000 people are crammed into the camp, a hotbed of militancy during a Palestinian uprising for independence. Two Palestinian journalists working for Reuters were among those wounded by the Israeli tank shell. Photographer Ahmed Jadallah was hit by shrapnel in both legs. Television cameraman Shams Odeh suffered a fractured foot. In the West Bank city of Bethlehem, Israeli troops killed an Islamic Jihad militant in a shootout, witnesses said. Israel's security cabinet, in a meeting after Wednesday's suicide bombing, decided to step up military action against Palestinian "terrorist" cells, Israeli security sources said. Some 3.5 million Palestinians living under Israeli closures and curfews imposed in response to violence fear a tougher crackdown as the world focuses on a build-up to war in Iraq. At least 1,903 Palestinians and 706 Israelis -- not counting the Haifa casualties, who were not immediately identified -- have been killed since the uprising began. -------------------------------------------------- Interestingly enough Watching the 'supposedly Objective' BBC Report yesturday on the Bomber yesturday the bbc, Just subtely mentioned, that Hamasa Claimed responsibilty for the attact after the Killing of 70 Palestinans last month .
  19. Wasup Shaqsii, how you doing bro. That was Interesting reading, Pretty deep reasonings and conclusions who is Ralph Waldo Emerson A Writer?? Anyway I enjoyed it
  20. For real Rampage Hence the current relentless drive towards invading and occuyping Iraq and its massive Oil Fields.
  21. MAH POCKET cant AFFORD DIAMONDS only dirac and dacas is she worth that? Situations that Drastic Bro lol........oh well @ it is the thought that counts
  22. A.Moller, Rijkaard, Baresi, Baggio, Van Basten, Sammer, Mathias, Papan, Ruben Sosa, Weah, Zico, Platini, the list can go on and on. Although they all have one thing in common Bruv they all made the name in SERIA .