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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. Last Updated: Tuesday, 25 March, 2003, 12:31 GMT Email this to a friend Printable version Somali leader 'seeks Iraq victory' The Somali leader denies links to al-Qaeda The president of Somalia's transitional government has condemned the United States-led attack on Iraq as naked aggression. Abdulkassim Salat Hassan said he was praying for an Iraqi victory. Somalia has denied repeated accusations that it is harbouring members of the al-Qaeda network. Elsewhere in Africa, anti-war demonstrations have continued: In the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott, at least 20,000 people took to the streets to demonstrate outside the United States embassy. In Tunisia and Mozambique, thousands attended peaceful rallies against the war. Police in the Senegalese capital, Dakar used tear gas to disperse students from outside the US embassy. The leader of Djibouti, where the US has set up an anti-terror base, has also condemned the war, saying a pre-planned war cannot be justified by self-defence. Students in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, have held three days of protests. Since the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States, the Somali leader has strenuously denied accusations that his government has links to Islamic radicals. He said the US was free to look for al-Qaeda members in Somalia. Last week, an alleged al-Qaeda operative was taken from Somalia to Kenya, reportedly with help from the FBI, in connection with recent terror attacks in East Africa. 'More terrorism' Correspondents say Monday's protest in Nouakchott was the largest in living memory. One can not accept that without UN support, a US-led coalition begins a war using very dubious arguments Francisco Caeiro, Luanda, Angola War in Iraq: Your views Some demonstrators held photos of Saddam Hussein, while others shouted "Death to Bush". Newspapers in Morocco have also condemned the war. Maroc-Ouest compared George Bush to Osama Bin Laden, former Taliban leader Mullah Omar and Saddam Hussein, saying they all used God to justify their wars. The paper said the only result would be an increase in terrorist attacks. "Stop the colonialist war!" wrote Al Ittihad Al Ichtiraki
  2. FRANCE “Can I get a side of Freedom Fries with that? Aren’t the French just Germans who can make sauces?” lol
  3. suuban saxiib i would argue the know all to well, but yet they themselves have become hypocrits (that is the regimes in power). They know what america desires, they know all to well the feelings of their populations, and they have come to the decision that it is better to side with america. so forget what they say, and just judge them by their actions. They fear losing power, money, status more then allah, they abuse there powers suppress their ppl, and when facing public up roar they suppress it further. so they know all to well suuban, they just decide, on a balance of their personaly interest, that better to side with the americans, the kafir, aiding and abeting in the distruction of a muslim population in iraq.
  4. wow ^^^^^^ in touch with reality....very reassuring to see, Female nomads take note
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Iraq captures US helicopter Iraqis have gathered around the helicopter The United States military has confirmed that one of its Apache helicopters has come down in Iraq. Iraqi television showed pictures of the helicopter, which it said was shot down near the city of Kerbala, 110 kilometres (70 miles) south-west of Baghdad. Iraq's Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf said: "A small number of peasants - brave peasants - shot down two Apaches". While defence officials confirmed that one aircraft had come down in Iraq, they refused to comment on the claim that a second helicopter had been shot down. 'Waving guns' Iraqis waving guns in the air can be seen dancing around the helicopter which appears to be intact. Two helmets were shown at the scene but there was no apparent sign of the crew. The pilots are reportedly being held captive Factfile: Apache helicopters Five US military personnel taken prisoners of war have already been paraded on Iraqi television. Britain and the US have condemned the showing of the pictures, which they say breach the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. But Mr Saeed al-Sahhaf said Iraq may well show pictures of the pilots captured on Monday. "They are supporting the criminals, the Zionist regime, and they are talking about the Geneva Convention, so we will continue showing whichever mercenaries fall into our hands," the minister said. ---------------------------------------------------------------- May allah continue to grant these brave ARAB muslims such success towards victory Inshallah ameen
  6. Inshallah these worst of the kafir ppl will be dealt a defeat by allah swt Inshallah ameen.
  7. They are waging war with the whole of islam, i hope everyone can see this now. And especially any forms of political islam, hence its current so called 'war on terrorism'. Allah Knows Best So let them try. Again insallah, there soldiers will perish, perhaps in even greater numbers and we all know that allah will have the ultimate victory
  8. US soldier held over killer attack Sunday 23 March 2003, 6:05 PM An American soldier is suspected of carrying out a grenade attack at a US military camp in Kuwait which killed one of his comrades and wounded 13 others, officials said. The soldier was found hiding in a bunker and placed in custody following the early morning attack at the heavily-guarded camp of the 101st Airborne Division. The attacker threw three grenades into three tents, including the command tent, at Camp Pennsylvania, one of the desert bases from where US forces have launched an invasion of Iraq, officials said. One soldier died of his injures while three more were seriously injured. Ten other servicemen had superficial injuries, military officials said. Eleven of the injured were airlifted to army hospitals. advertisement advertisement "Death is a tragic incident regardless of how it comes, but when it comes from a fellow comrade, it does even more to hurt morale," said George Heath, civilian spokesman for Fort Campbell, Kentucky, the 101st Airborne Division's home base. Colonel Chris Holden, head of a battalion of the 101st Airborne Division at nearby Camp New York, said he had stepped up patrols around his unit after the attack. "When you have someone inside your camp who is dedicated to throwing a grenade inside a tent, there isn't much you can do," Holden told Reuters. The attack, at first believed to be the work of terrorists, was being investigated by the US Army Criminal Investigation Command. US Army spokesman Max Blumenfeld said the motive "most likely was resentment". He did not elaborate. US broadcaster Fox News said the suspect was a Muslim American and that he had been described as "acting strange" before attack. The suspect was an engineer from the engineer platoon that was attached to one of the infantry battalions, said Colonel Frederick Hodges, the 1st Brigade's commander. "We noticed four hand grenades were missing and that this sergeant was unaccounted for," Hodges said. "We started looking for him and found him hiding here in one of these bunkers." A photograph shown on CNN portrayed the suspect bare-headed and kneeling outside a tent in his desert fatigues with his hands cuffed behind his back. A flak-jacketed soldier stood over him with a weapon. ©2003 AFP
  9. Aint that the truth, that was a very interesting read LST
  10. special hunt words for somali girls "I am half somalian, and dont speak somali well" " I can cook canjeero imagin!" "I dont eat Qaat" "I am home by 9:00 PM" lol am gonna have to do an empirical study on those and assertain the validtity of ur claim OG
  11. Possibly the best champions league Q/F ever, i would have to go with Ac Milan from now because they have the easier draw and the champions leauge is probably the last trophy that they can win. But who knows lol, i think every other time left in there, with the exception of Ajax can win this tournament. But u know which teams i will be favouring guys Forrza Seria A
  12. "This is for My People" There was a Black man, a White man, a Native American man and a Latino man. All four of them were on top of a cliff discussing the difficulties that their people have gone through. The Native American said: "My people have suffered the most, and in honor of what my people have gone through, I will fling myself off this cliff in hopes that my blood will change things". So the Native American yelled out real loud: "THIS IS FOR MY PEOPLE," and he jumped off the cliff. The Latino, not wanting to be outdone, quickly looked at the other two and followed suit, yelling: THIS IS FOR MY PEOPLE." and jumped off the cliff as well. The Black man was touched by this, and decided it was his turn. So he yelled: THIS IS FOR MY PEOPLE, " and he pushed the White man off the cliff!
  13. lol gunners we gunned down by crew of all ppl. And Liverpool lol what a dread full performance last night, and what a goal from John Hartson.
  14. wlcm to the site samiha
  15. Hey Tamina thx for posting thise, it is a well needed reminder. It is a sad reality but an accurate conclusion we have like Brother Mujib Tahir concluded become a umma of jaza, i include myself in that aswell. This is something that we should try as much as possible to rectify, and i think the example of One of the early Sufis that u gave shows how far away we ar from the standard that we should desire.
  16. Thinkerman


    That was a good remind tamina, we should cherish what we have and not dispear when it is taken from us allahamdulilah is all we need say.
  17. This is americas contribution towards peace ------------------------------------------------------------------ U.S. to give Israel $9B in loan guarantees, $1B in military aid By Aluf Benn, Nathan Guttman (Washington) and Moti Bassok, Haaretz Correspondents The United States will give Israel $9 billion in loan guarantees over four years and $1 billion in military aid, the American administration decided Wednesday. The aid package still requires congressional approval. Israeli officials expressed disappointement with the $1 billion in military aid, as Israel had requested $4 billion, Israel Radio reported. U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice telephoned Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to inform him of the decision. Netanyahu expressed to Rice his thanks and that of the Israeli people. The administration decided to grant Israel $1 billion more in loan guarantees that originally requested ($8 billion), because of the positive impression the U.S. had of the Finance Ministry's emergency economic plan intended to revive the economy, which was presented to the White House as a precondition for receiving the loan guarantees. In return for receiving the loan guarantees, the U.S. is demanding that Israel adopt a series of economic reforms. The leaders of both houses of Congress this week sent a letter to President George W. Bush, asking him to approve the special aid package that Israel has been seeking. Pro-Israel lobbyists in Washington managed to muster the support of leaders of both parties in Congress for the aid request. A joint letter written by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle stated that Israel is facing severe challenges in both the economic and security spheres, and that, given the decline in the Israeli economy over recent years, the United States should provide support. The letter stated, "We are concerned that, if not addressed soon… Israel is in danger of mortgaging its future qualitative military edge. We cannot allow this to happen." The letter also stressed that the Israeli economy must undergo far-reaching reforms in order to extricate itself from its current malaise. Similar letters have been sent to Bush by the Speaker of the House Rep. Dennis Hastertt (R-Ill.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). The fact that senior figures from both parties are signatories on these letters will certainly smooth the passage of the request through Congress.
  18. Thx for the links Caveman those where 2 very good articles.
  19. That was deep Jamaal, the poem had a great flow.
  20. ----------------------------------------------------------------- al-Qaeda suspect held in Somalia March 19, 2003 SIX unidentified armed Americans have apprehended a presumed Yemeni national, suspected of having links to al-Qaeda, from a hospital in Somalia's capital and flown him out of the country, witnesses said. Yesterday the six men, accompanied by members of a Somali militia group, took the man from Kaysaney hospital. Staff named him only as Issa and said he was carrying a South African passport. "The Americans with a Somali translator came with details of the man including his photograph and fingerprints," a nurse at Kaysaney hospital said. According to several sources in Mogadishu, the detained man is thought to have links to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. :mad: . source: Agence France-Presse ---------------------------------------------------------------- what are these devils now doing
  21. Baay we shal she indeed. Am confident in my team, eve thogh we gonna be without totti. Arsenal on the other hand, well i can only wish them good luck lol coz lets face it they are gonna need alot of it playing Stephanoz and cygan in center back.
  22. The jews said it was tear gas...but the doctors dealing with the affected patients said it wasn't...different/unknown symptoms. The Jews still haven't identified what they used. Scary, innit? walaahi very worrying. I feel for those Palestinans on the Front line of this, coz these jews keep demonstarting that they have no respect for palestinan lives.
  23. Did anyone watch that BBC2 Correspondant programme that has just fin now. Man did they Israel's, and american Zoinist Jews got exposed today. The researchers must be commended for the objectivity in searching for the truth just blew a huge gaping whole into the disarmament argument, and showed the historical double standards applyed towards israel and the other middle eastern countries
  24. Am glad u enjoyed it bruv it was a good read,
  25. K thx for the advice i willl keep my Big ehad in check bruv