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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. I think you guys are forgeting that moderators have their own lifes and sometimes can't see every thread the minute it is posted. Yep guy's lets be fair, the moderators surley cant read every bad post, therefore we can only highlight this to them and caution the offending parties on their behaviour or at least advise them. We have to ember that the amount of contributors to the site has increased quite dramatically recently. But hoepfully the moderating team will soon be back on top off their game. But its our responsibilty to behave apporpriately on the forums. The should be having to chase after the majority of us if we are kidds.
  2. Hey thx for the link Ameenah i'll be sure to check it when i have enough time
  3. Howeva dont forget de religion! This shud come before anythin else I couldnt agree with you more. Unfortunately most youths whether they be somali, pakistani bla bla bla confuss integration with assimilation, they arent to know. But where are our cultural leaders where are the inovators? It goes without saying really ((from my own exprience)) that you must hold on fast to the rope of allah if you dont want to risk going astry and getting lost. And this means to fufill all the duties requested on you, which in most cases goes against trying to integrate into a society such as the one we are living in.
  4. Hey thx LST. what can i say its nice to know that i am held in such hight esteem by the main man himself. I am just glad that those wonderfull nomads went to the trouble of creating such a wondefull site that i have, over the last year, spent so much of my time using to learn, and relax.
  5. Since when was defending like maniacs called an art I thnk the following article will adress the above bro -------------------------------------------------------------------- The case for the defence By Raphael Honigstein A spectre is haunting Europe. Its name is catenaccio . The Italian art of defensive football - some would call it a dark art - is making a comeback. Take this week's UEFA Champions League semi-final first legs. The 0-0 draw in the Milan derby and Juventus FC's 2-1 defeat at Real Madrid CF both owed more to resilience and relentless defensive work than attacking flair. Negative approach With Italian sides having failed to live up to their high standards in club competitions in recent years, many experts, like former AC Milan coach Arrigo Sacchi, demanded a new and much more positive approach. Yet instead of the envisaged revolution we have seen a drastic return to old roots: Héctor Cúper's dogged Internazionale FC - and to a lesser extent the well-organised Juventus - have been playing a kind of negative game last seen in the days of black-and-white television. Even Milan, long distinguished for their relatively free-flowing football, have become less and less adventurous as the Champions League has progressed. If all teams played like that, football could disappear altogether Rafael Benítez on Inter 'The death of football' Italian fans have enjoyed the renewed success of their teams but others are less sympathetic. "If all teams played like that, football could disappear altogether," said disappointed Valencia CF coach Rafael Benítez after his team lost their quarter-final against Inter on the away goals rule following a 2-2 aggregate draw. "The stadiums would be empty because no one would come and pay to see this kind of thing. They are the death of football." Result orientated A little uncharitable, perhaps, but in the tribal warfare that is Serie A, winning games and titles has always been more important than pretty football. Unlike in England and Spain, Italian fans, 'tifosi', do not demand non-stop attacking football - they care more about the result. Victory is a must - entertainment and style are just an occasional bonus. Absolute certainty Maybe this can be explained by looking at the Italian way of life. The constantly-evolving Italian passion for style, fashion, food and all matters pertaining to good taste merges with the regular bouts of political uncertainty to create an environment where everything is in a constant state of flux. Hardly surprising, then, that tifosi demand absolute certainty from their escapist treat of choice. Catenaccio may not be great to watch, but it is a sure-fire means of grinding out results. Progressive approach This emphasis on getting the right result at any cost brings us back to Juventus and the Milanese sides. While all the talk was about the attacking style shown by so many teams in the group stages, the Serie A clubs obviously noticed that only the improbably wealthy Madrid have been able to win trophies with flair in recent years. Other teams who tried to emulate their tactics have once again fallen by the wayside. Look at FC Barcelona, look at Arsenal FC, look at Manchester United FC, look, even, at FC Bayern München: the self-styled 'white ballet' saw their new, more progressive approach fail dramatically in the Champions League. Stunningly effective By contrast, catenaccio might not entertain but it is stunningly effective. The likes of Benítez may decry the trademark Italian style, but it is on the pitch where the critics must do the talking. Until coaches can discover a style which can categorically destroy the effectiveness of that the defensive method, catenaccio will refuse to melt back into history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Hey top idea North. This could go on for a long while My Fav is Alessandro Del Peiro. Nxt
  7. The problem is that your lunacy has no limits, while my intelligence is limited. lol. Really, well i can agree with the second part most definately and well the first part just is a confirmation of the second part of your first sentence. Hey hopefully your intelligence is not so limited so that you cannot follow this paragraph. Anyway enough of the Jouvial Slants . you made some interesting remarks that i will try to adddress in a reasonable manor. The Fact that i categorically rejected visting the Yaahodo link (excuse the miss spelling) is because its flat categorical Lies Misinformation and a perfect exmaple of Jewish Propagation. I did infact visit the links, actauuly all teh links snce you went to the trouble of putting them up there and they where a conucution of lies missinformation and down right indoctrination. Not one of those rights where not writing from a basis prespective. So how can they be a source for determing the truth. How can they help shed light on what u have already acknowledged (i respect you for @ least doing so) are several quite unforgiving inhumane actions of your countries administaryions and various instituations. Now be honest to yourself can you level the same critisms of my sources, adimitedly writers such as Niaomi Chomsky can be labelled as being right wing, but has she got a basis against america in egenral? does she hate americans? is she a muslim? the answer to all of these are NO. Infact if you did read through my pots u would have seen an interesting article from an Isreal author. You have once again quite flatly refused to debate with me on the actions of your country in the past and current climate. So i will stop asking Its not enough for you to say am sorry or acknowledge the wrong doings of america, done in in you and your country's 250 million men and women name. Why? because these actions have created the current climate which alot of the countries that you qouted, quite correctly, as being in the dark ages i.e. Afganistan exist.
  8. Whats up winger sxb. Cant do nothing but agree with you 100%, Zizou is the greatest player i have witness in my life, am sure that pele and maradona will always be ranked no: 1&2 but for me Zizou is the up there with them no doubt. However getting back to the original topic, i think nxt weeks return match Juve Real will be a classic and i cant wait to see it. Cant wait to Zizou in battel with Davids lol that will be a match up and a half. ----------------------------------------------------------- Nedved and co: Bring on Real! Saturday 10 May, 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pavel Nedved and his teammates celebrate a second consecutive Scudetto and call on the fans for their clash with Real Madrid. “I am incredibly happy,” commented the Juve midfielder, “especially because repeating your success is more difficult than winning a single title.” However, the Czech went straight back to business as the party in the Stadio Delle Alpi raged on. “I think the team did a splendid job, but we don’t have time to celebrate now. A remarkable challenge against Real Madrid awaits us and we must reach the Champions’ League Final.” “I urge all the fans to come help us achieve this feat – we need you all on Wednesday evening.” Nedved has been heroic for the Bianconeri this season and many pundits are tipping him for the European Player of the Year award. “I don’t think about these things,” concluded the ex-Lazio man. “The credit for this Scudetto goes to the whole team.” The other players had similar post-match comments after winning the club’s 27th Scudetto. “Every title has a different feel to it,” noted Alessio Tacchinardi. “Juve were the most consistent and the ones who believed in it more. It is thanks to this squad of champions who have won so much in their careers, but are never sated.” Ciro Ferrara was, as always, leading the charge with the party atmosphere after winning his seventh career title. “It is a fantastic day,” said the veteran. “The thing that urged me on more was the thought of winning the Scudetto in Turin and giving these wonderful fans a party.” Lilian Thuram was rested ahead of the second leg semi-final with Real Madrid, but was on the sidelines for the celebrations. “It was a difficult title,” explained the Frenchman, “because it is hard to win in Italy for two years in a row.” “Juventus are fortunate to count on a group of good people, and they are in turn lucky to be playing for this great club. Let us hope we can repeat this success.” Juventus 2-2 Perugia ------------------------------------------------------------
  9. As-Salaamu-Alaikum This is a article I found on the universality of religion, it is an excellent refutation of those who think that there is another acceptable deen today other than Islam!!! Ma-Salaam Khalil Muhsin 1. The Universality of Religions and Finality of Islam. Allah sent mankind and jinn His prophetic messengers (upon whom be peace), who were trustworthy, intelligent, truthful, and fully conveyed their messages. He protected them from sin, and from every physical trait unbecoming to them, though as human beings, they ate, drank, slept, and married. They were the best of all created beings; and the highest of them was him whom Allah chose to be the final seal of prophethood, our prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). Though the Sacred Law of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) superseded all previously valid religious laws, it was identical with them in beliefs, such as tawhid or "oneness of God", and so on, a fact that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) emphasized by saying, "Let none of you say I am superior to [the prophet] Jonah," (Bukhari, 4.193: 3412), for the illumination of Jonah's tawhid (upon him be peace)--under the darkness of the storm, the darkness of the sea, and the darkness of the belly of the fish-- was not less than the illumination of the Prophet's tawhid at the zenith of his success as the spiritual leader of all Arabia (Allah bless him and give him peace). The light of their message was one, in which sense the Koran says, "We do not differentiate between any of His messengers" (Koran 2:285), showing that previous religions were the same in beliefs, and though differing in provisions of works, and now abrogated by the final religion, were valid in their own times. As for today, only Islam is valid or acceptable now that Allah has sent it to all men, for the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) has said, "By Him in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, any person of this Community, any Jew, or any Christian who hears of me and dies without believing in what I have been sent with will be an inhabitant of hell" (al-Baghawi: Sharh al-sunna 1.104). This hadith was also reported by Muslim in his Sahih by `Abd al- Razzaq in his Musannaf, and others. It is a rigorously authenticated (sahih) evidence that clarifies the word of Allah in surat Al 'Imran "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam will never have it accepted from him, and shall be of those who have truly failed in the next life" (Koran 3:85) and many other verses and hadiths. That Islam is the only remaining valid or acceptable religion is necessarily known as part of our religion, and to believe anything other than this is unbelief (kufr) that places a person outside of Islam, as Imam Nawawi notes: "Someone who does not believe that whoever follows another religion besides Islam is an unbeliever (like Christians), or doubts that such a person is an unbeliever, or considers their sect to be valid, is himself an unbeliever (kafir) even if he manifests Islam and believes in it" (Rawda al-talibin, 10.70). This is not only the position of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence represented by Nawawi, but is also the recorded position of all three other Sunni schools: Hanafi (Ibn 'Abidin: Radd al-muhtar 3.287), Maliki (al-Dardir: al-Sharh al-saghir, 4.435), and Hanbali (al- Bahuti: Kashshaf al-qina', 6.170). Those who know fiqh literature will note that each of these works is the foremost fatwa resource in its school. The scholars of Sacred Law are unanimous about the abrogation of all other religions by Islam because it is the position of Islam itself. 1. The Universality of Religions and Finality of Islam. Allah sent mankind and jinn His prophetic messengers (upon whom be peace), who were trustworthy, intelligent, truthful, and fully conveyed their messages. He protected them from sin, and from every physical trait unbecoming to them, though as human beings, they ate, drank, slept, and married. They were the best of all created beings; and the highest of them was him whom Allah chose to be the final seal of prophethood, our prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). Though the Sacred Law of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) superseded all previously valid religious laws, it was identical with them in beliefs, such as tawhid or "oneness of God", and so on, a fact that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) emphasized by saying, "Let none of you say I am superior to [the prophet] Jonah," (Bukhari, 4.193: 3412), for the illumination of Jonah's tawhid (upon him be peace)--under the darkness of the storm, the darkness of the sea, and the darkness of the belly of the fish-- was not less than the illumination of the Prophet's tawhid at the zenith of his success as the spiritual leader of all Arabia (Allah bless him and give him peace). The light of their message was one, in which sense the Koran says, "We do not differentiate between any of His messengers" (Koran 2:285), showing that previous religions were the same in beliefs, and though differing in provisions of works, and now abrogated by the final religion, were valid in their own times. As for today, only Islam is valid or acceptable now that Allah has sent it to all men, for the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) has said, "By Him in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, any person of this Community, any Jew, or any Christian who hears of me and dies without believing in what I have been sent with will be an inhabitant of hell" (al-Baghawi: Sharh al-sunna 1.104). This hadith was also reported by Muslim in his Sahih by `Abd al- Razzaq in his Musannaf, and others. It is a rigorously authenticated (sahih) evidence that clarifies the word of Allah in surat Al 'Imran "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam will never have it accepted from him, and shall be of those who have truly failed in the next life" (Koran 3:85) and many other verses and hadiths. That Islam is the only remaining valid or acceptable religion is necessarily known as part of our religion, and to believe anything other than this is unbelief (kufr) that places a person outside of Islam, as Imam Nawawi notes: "Someone who does not believe that whoever follows another religion besides Islam is an unbeliever (like Christians), or doubts that such a person is an unbeliever, or considers their sect to be valid, is himself an unbeliever (kafir) even if he manifests Islam and believes in it" (Rawda al-talibin, 10.70). This is not only the position of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence represented by Nawawi, but is also the recorded position of all three other Sunni schools: Hanafi (Ibn 'Abidin: Radd al-muhtar 3.287), Maliki (al-Dardir: al-Sharh al-saghir, 4.435), and Hanbali (al- Bahuti: Kashshaf al-qina', 6.170). Those who know fiqh literature will note that each of these works is the foremost fatwa resource in its school. The scholars of Sacred Law are unanimous about the abrogation of all other religions by Islam because it is the position of Islam itself. Source:
  10. Thx, those are very Kind words muraad saxib. I am very much a learner of our deen like many other of our Nomads i suspect, so as much as i gain from other contributors i like to come back and share whatever new i have learned. However am curious, for those of us, whom are the majority, living in western countries how do we fufill this very important obilgation. Is the maasjid the only place where u can do this?
  11. :cool: Am glad that i posted it then since u enjoyed it.
  12. Hey thx for reminding me of this story. Subhanallah what a story indeed. I was watching a video of him, giving dawah and converting some christians to Islam i think back in 1999 and my heart was so up lifted to see the mercy of allah. If i rember correctly the boy's Mother and father where very religous devout Christains (i think his father was a Pastor)and he was born into this family speaking the quran how amazing is that? and yet ppl still refuse to acknowledge the thruthfullness of this deen.
  13. I think its very interesting that you (Throt) havent quite managed to get around to answering Landers last contribution very interesting indeed. However i found another quite interesting article, from my prespective which deserves its airing here as well. Plz feel free to provide an article or a counter to this if you disagree wit h its basic pretence. The rest of you nomads am sure will find it relevant to the debate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pax Americana: Real American Agenda Now Becoming Clear 5/8/2003 - Political - Article Ref: TS0305-1963 Number of comments: Opinion Summary: Agree: Disagree: Neutral: By: Haroon Siddiqui Toronto Star* - A superpower like the United States does not invade a pipsqueak power like Iraq - outside the framework of international law and against worldwide opposition - only for its publicly stated reasons, in this case, fighting terrorism, liberating Iraq and triggering a domino effect for the democratization of the Middle East. The real American agenda is only now becoming clearer. The conquest of Iraq is enabling a new Pax Americana that goes well beyond the much-discussed control of oil, as central as that is to the enterprise. America is redrawing the military map of the region with amazing alacrity. It has pulled its bases out of Saudi Arabia and Turkey in favor of less-demanding hosts. Its relations with Egypt have been placed on the back burner. It is no accident that those three nations are the region's more populous. And that America's newest partners - Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and the United Arab Emirates - are thinly populated and tightly controlled monarchies. People are a problem for America in the Arab and Muslim world. They are bristling with anti-Americanism, principally over the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. The pullout of 10,000 U.S. troops from a Saudi air base was long overdue, not just because it was a favorite target of Osama bin Laden. It so embarrassed the ruling House of Saud that the Americans had to be kept in purdah, away from the public at a remote base in the desert. The base is obviously no longer needed since Saddam Hussein is gone. But its closure, in fact, is America's answer to Saudi resistance to the war and the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were bin Laden Saudis. As the two nations begin a new chapter in their 50-year relationship, America will be less dependant on, though not free of the need for, Saudi oil. The kingdom with the world's largest oil reserves and the highest output will lose clout as America controls the second-largest reserves in Iraq. Turkey, too, has to renegotiate its relations with Washington. America now has a vise grip on the region, with 14 new post-9/11 bases, from eastern Europe through Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Pakistan and Afghanistan to the two Central Asian republics of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The singular feature of all those new allies is that they are weak states. Most are undemocratic, if not repressive. So, America is replicating its failed model of using unrepresentative regimes to suppress the people, but doing it on new turf. This short-term gain, therefore, may come at the expense of long-term pain. And even that will depend on how well America does with its "road map" for peace in the Middle East, so inextricably linked are Muslims to the plight of Palestinians. Within Iraq itself, the dawn of a democratic era is not unfolding as advertised. In the name of stopping the emergence of an Iranian-style theocracy in favor of what the White House has called an "Islamic democracy" (whatever that means), America seems determined to install its own puppet regime in Baghdad. The majority Shiites are being shunted aside. Those protesting the American presence, including the minority Sunnis in the cities of Falluja and Mosul, are being shot and killed by American troops. The distance between American words and deeds is nowhere more evident than in George W. Bush's triumphalist declaration that he has licked terrorism in Iraq. It turns out that he has a very selective dislike for terrorism. Appallingly, he has quietly cozied up to a most notorious terrorist group, the leftist Mujahideen-e-Khalq in Iraq. Prior to the 1979 revolution in Iran, the Khalq was accused of killing Americans there. Post-revolution, it reportedly supported the student takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran. But frozen out of the spoils of power, the group turned against the Islamic regime, killing scores of civilians. Routed out of Iran, it set up guerrilla bases in Iraq from where to harass and attack Iran. On the diplomatic front, the Khalq took full advantage of America's antipathy to Iran and convinced 150 members of Congress to blindly sign petitions in its favor. But the U.S. and the European Union eventually caught up and branded it the terrorist organization that it has long been. In the early days of the war on Iraq, American planes started bombing its bases. But the Khalq PR machines swung into action in Washington to get the guerrillas spared. In a secret ceasefire deal, signed April 15 but not released until Wednesday, the Bush boys agreed to let the Khalq be. The group even gets to keep all its weapons. So the Khalq moves from Saddam's patronage to Bush's. So much for wiping out terrorism and terrorists. Taken together, these American moves do not reflect the high principles of Bush's rhetoric. Rather, they bear an uncanny resemblance to the British colonial enterprise of nearly a century ago, the price of which is still being paid by the people there. Haroon Siddiqui is the Star's editorial page editor emeritus. Source: Toronto Star
  14. lol@ Winger, not exactly the words i would chose but yep everyone has got too hyped up about real. They are a great team with perhaps 4 of the top 10 best players in tghe world but Juve brought everyone Including Demsmond Lynam and his Mustash Back down to a realistic level.
  15. Man after watchin yesturdays match and seeing rivaldo on teh bench yet again i hope Milan go out in the 2nd leh. Besides both teams yesturday showed that they are not good enough to beat Juve, and most deffinately Not Real.
  16. lol Com'on you guy's watch fish and chips football and you think you can dismiss Totti just like that. Granted there is no one anywhere near zizou's level but totti has shown when his fit, that he is just as good technically as anyone else. He deomstarted that the year when Roma wone Seria A, winning the admiration of the best players of seria. He showed it this year when he scored away to real madrid inflicted a 1.0 defeat on the all star team of europe. And his one man show aginst Valenica when we won 3-0 away demonstartes that. Or how about Euro 2000 do u guys forget that penality he scored agains holland?? com'on cut the fish and chips out of your footballing diet and also leave out the Siestas get back on a spaghetti diet that should correct ur visions
  17. Hey whats up sosodef . Its a shame that all to often the potential more usefull topics dont get as much contributions as they perhaps should. I dont no the situation in canda, hopefull in due course someone else will perhaps give u some information. However for those of you nomads who are in the uk i stumpled across a quite usefull site which provided a few places to reference if ever you where thinking of participating in some community work. Contact Details For Community Work
  18. Now this my come as something of a supprise to some but Cooking is something that i enjoy very much. My speciality is Cheese on Toast or Toast with Meduim heated Baked beens . However my all time fav dish to cook is Pot , or should i say posh noodles , it requires precies timing when bolloing the water and a perfect technique when mixing
  19. Na My Fav Nomad @ the more has to be my bro HoRNaRICA , without his contributions am afraid i would have had to sit here and read through a Deluge of mischeives political propaganda that was unbalanced and divisife i applaud ur efforts bro. Northner is not to far in second place, and he is closely followed by Ex Dane a very Kind harted lady.
  20. Lol maye i say well done for carrying out A SWOT Analysis. I must say this was the last place i expected to see such a thing. Your conculsions are somewhat debateable on all fronts, however i appalude your attempt at establishing an emiprical guide to help us guys in our decision making process.
  21. I faced the exact same dilemma as you. ALLAH is not none as A Rhaman (The most Mercifull) for nothing. And as far as i understand (with my limited knowledge) the ruling is that those ppl who have not come in contact with islam, either through a muslim or by never knowing of the Deen, Al-Quran Karim and so forth, i.e Pigmies of Central africa, the aborigonies of australia (perhaps in the past but not now) or the indigenous Idians of the southern America (especially those that reside in the amazon forest. They will be judged by allah based upon what good and evil deeds they committed in there lives, and Allah the ultimate judge will then decide whether they can enter Heaven or whether they will be one of those that will reside in the hell fire. This is my understanding, and inshallah a more knowledgable Nomad will give you the exact information you need. But i hope that this clears your mind somewhat.
  22. For those of us who love poems i think the belwo link is worth trolling through. Islamic poems
  23. My sentiments excatly. If not us whom will burden themselves with rebuilding our country from its current anarchic state Inshallah we will get the chance to do so in the not to distant future Somali Brother.