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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. when am inactive: .(Like now) i like to Abuse various Games that my younger bro has on the PS-2 such as konamis ISS series ((my gaming addicts will relate with me )), & on the PC am currently hooked on Championship Mnaager, n of course Surfin the web and am here yet again :rolleyes: When am active: its all about physcial exerstion of the permissible type . So Footie ((even if its 33 degrees)), Tennis ((even if I cannot serve over the net)), and A gentle 10mile run in my local country park.
  2. ''Answerable to no one'' By John Chuckman ( – "…the writer should always be ready to change sides at the drop of a hat. He stands for the victims, and the victims change." -- Graham Greene Columnist (Canada) Anger over the abuse of power unavoidably drives my views. I can't explain why this should be so, and it doesn't truly matter why. It just is. So you might expect I would be glad to see a tyrant like Saddam Hussein receive even America's idea of justice. But I'm not. Apart from knowing that vampires like Pinochet or Amin live in comfort and that the Shah of Iran died receiving every benefit America could bestow, I cannot imagine anything more dangerous than America's establishing an unchallenged right to capture anyone on earth, treating him or her as it pleases -- a nightmarish global extension of Israel's horrific practices in the Middle East. One thinks of the 680 prisoners held in Cuba under no proper legal authority or charges and the vigilante style justice they face. These people, most or all of them, are guilty of responding only to a call to arms when attacked. Killing soldiers who invade your country is not a crime, and I trust everyone understands the sinister implications of making it a special crime to kill American soldiers who invade countries. Some of these prisoners come from countries other than Afghanistan. Traditionally, those who volunteer in a foreign cause are not treated as war criminals. The many French who served in the American Revolution were not treated that way by Britain. While America's Puritan descendents tend to view themselves as decent, honest, and obeying the will of God, the world must remember their heritage of obliterating whole small nations of peoples, living off the avails of slavery and near-slavery for centuries, and swallowing up any place regarded as desirable enough (the sad case of Hawaii, seized despite petitions signed by its entire population and ignored by Congress, perhaps being the most flagrant. Note that the very cages holding America's prisoners in Cuba sit on land taken from Cuba.). If America does capture Saddam, would he be tried by the Defense Department in the same fashion as the prisoners in Cuba are to be? Imagine the moral and legal absurdity of Donald Rumsfeld, who shook hands and made deals with Saddam, effectively serving as de facto high-court judge? Perhaps instead, Saddam would be turned over to the small group of unelected men America has set up as a shadow government in Iraq? That certainly sounds reasonable, an ex-ruler being tried by people who gain from his demise? If some Iraqi betrays Saddam -- and blood money of $25 million in a third-world country is monstrously great temptation -- it might prove convenient to treat him as America treated his sons, that is to murder him under cover of his attempted capture, there being no other explanation for the sons' deaths in a house surrounded by well-armed men and machines. For some, this undoubtedly is a satisfying prospect, but it would leave many questions unanswered for the rest of us. Then again, leaving those questions unanswered is a powerful motive for Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. Any semblance of a fair trial would enable Saddam to tell us extremely embarrassing things about these people, and wouldn't he be entitled to call them as hostile witnesses? You begin to see in this why ex-tyrants so rarely face trial. Even if we grant that America is a fully-functioning democracy, certainly an arguable point with its elections choked by money and its legislators guided by special interests, still when it acts as it has in Iraq or Afghanistan, it behaves little differently than any tyrannous government. No principle supports such action, other than the shabby one of might makes right. George Bush is not the world's elected leader. Many would add that he is not truly even America's elected leader. How is it justified for a tiny slice of humanity, American active voters, to decide the fate of nations and foreign nationals, to impose their laws and views and prejudices on others? It is not, of course. America's active voters represent roughly one percent of the world population, about the same fraction members of China's communist party represent out of the population of China. America's one percent believes it is guided by right, justice, and high principles, but then so do the members of the Communist Party of China. America's democracy appointing itself sole arbiter of world events has nothing to do with democratic values. It has to do with the abuse of power by a tiny, wealthy minority of the world's population, a ruling class, as viewed from the outside, whose ancestors just happened to grab vast chunks of the most productive real estate on Earth. But most Americans do not care what the world's view may be, and isn't that attitude on the part of immensely powerful people far more dangerous for the future than anything puny Saddam ever could have done? Afterward What do I mean by "even America's idea of justice"? I include the sense of things that has a president, once a rich and carefree young man known to have abused various drugs without once suffering a significant penalty, spending his political career as governor of Texas gloating over tens of thousands of poor young men imprisoned for the same act. This rich young man also avoided military service during war, not for reasons of conscience or principle, but to continue his carefree ways, later displaying no hesitation ordering others to their deaths. America is a country that imprisons world-record levels of its poor population while effectively tolerating gigantic, corporate swindles. The people who damage millions of others and steal billions never suffer penalties comparable to the poor who steal something paltry. It is not well understood outside America that if you are poor and are tried for murder in that country, you will either die or spend your life in an extremely harsh prison. Someone rich, under the same circumstances, more often than not, suffers little penalty beyond the cost of an expensive trial. These and many other comparable circumstances undoubtedly color and distort America's ideas of what is just in the world. [John Chuckman is former chief economist for a large Canadian oil company. He has many interests and is a lifelong student of history. He writes with a passionate desire for honesty, the rule of reason, and concern for human decency. He is a member of no political party and takes exception to what has been called America's "culture of complaint" with its habit of reducing every important issue to an unproductive argument between two simplistically defined groups. John left the United States as a poor young man from the South Side of Chicago when the government embarked on the murder of millions of Vietnamese in their own land because they happened to embrace the wrong economic loyalties. He lives in Canada, which he is fond of calling the peaceable kingdom.] John Chuckman encourages your comments: is an international news and opinion publication. encourages its material to be reproduced, reprinted, or broadcast provided that any such reproduction identifies the original source, Internet web links to are appreciated.
  3. Thinkerman


    Fly, Opinonated, my Nomad sisters Thats just the way things are, i guess you can rightly feel aggreived but thre is no point arguing about it before our cultural trends start shifitng. In any case just view this as good practise for the future, ur all developing crucial skills and let you bro's worry about finding someone to look after them in the future
  4. ^^^^^^^^ Thank You ^^^^^^^^^^ For Reminding our nomads that Islam is not about personal Opnion. Brothers and sisters dont make for yourselves Haram what allah has mad Halah and what Allah has made Haram, Halah for yourselves
  5. well if u dont wanna think to mucha nd just enjoy a good action movie i would recommend The Hulk, but i'd also suggets stayin clear of T3 that flim was n ot up to scratch.
  6. Salam CalayakUM bRO I cannot wait for the start of Seria. Am looking forward for a much improved peformance from my Beloved Giallo Rossi now that we have strengthed our Defence and Medfield with Chivu and Dacourt. I think Juve Milan lazio and Inter are gonan be the bigg guns again. In Premier Fish and Chips i can see Man u Running Rampant, especially if the retain the services of Veron, R.Van.Niss 50 goals this season?? La Liga?? well who nows, i personally see Braca suprising everone and wining the title this year. But i Can see a Real Juve final for the Cha,mpions League with Nedved Bing the hero.
  7. Am Glad that you took the time to read and ponder on the article Guys. I think these kinds of stories help us to relfect on wha type of Muslims we are and what types of mulsims we can be. Nomad thx for the link i will check it out saxiib.
  8. Sorry for being a pest but can anyone of you go to the triuble of transalting the above story... thx
  9. Salam Calayakum ppl. I can only applaud Balsam for wanting to share her life experience regarding this most important of matters. I think her lesson can be learned by some if not all of the females on here. It should be take as a lessons ((i hope i dont come across as being patronising)). Its great that most you should endavour to complete your education and further yourselves, however you shouldnt loose sight of everything else.
  10. This is an Interesting story i read from today. Indeed Allah (swt) is most mercifull to his humble slaves that seek him out. ------------------------------------------------------------ By: Dr Garry Miller A very important Christian missionary converted to Islam and became a major herald for Islam, he was a very active missionary and was very knowledgeable about the Bible... This man likes mathematics so much, that's why he likes logic. One day, he decided to read the Quran to try to find any mistakes that he might take advantage of while inviting Muslims to convert to Christianity.... He expected the Koran to be an old book written 14 centuries ago, a book that talks about the desert and so on...He was amazed from what he found. He discovered that this Book had what no other book in the world has.... He expected to find some stories about the hard time that the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had, like the death of his wife Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) or the death of his sons and daughters...however, he did not find anything like that... and what made him even more confused is that he found a full "sura"(chapter) in the Koran named "Mary" that contains a lot of respect to Mary(peace be upon her) which is not the case even in the books written by Christians nor in their bibles. He did not find a Sura named after "Fatimah"(the prophet's daughter) nor "Aishah"(the Prophet's wife), may Allah(God) be pleased with both of them. He also found that the name of Jesus(Peace Be Upon Him) was mentioned in the Koran 25 times while the name of "Mohammed"(Peace Be Upon Him) was mentioned only 4 times, so he became more confused. He started reading the Koran more thoroughly hoping to find a mistake but he was shocked when he read a great verse which is verse number 82 in Surat Al-Nisa'a(Women) that says: “Do they not consider the Koran (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy”. Dr Miller says about this verse: “ One of the well known scientific principles is the principle of finding mistakes or looking for mistakes in a theory until it’s proved to be right (Falsification Test)…what’s amazing is that the Holy Quran asks Muslims and non-muslims to try to find mistakes in this book and it tells them that they will never find any”. He also says about this verse: no writer in the world has the courage to write a book and say that it’s empty of mistakes, but the Quran, on the contrary, tells you that it has no mistakes and asks you to try to find one and you won’t find any. Another verse that Dr Miller reflected on for a long time is the verse number 30 in Surat “Al-Anbiya’a”(The Prophets): “ Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? He says: ”this verse is exactly the subject of the scientific research that won the Noble prize in 1973 and was about the theory of the “Great Explosion”. According to this theory, the universe was the result of a great explosion that lead to the formation of the universe with its skies and planets. Dr Miller says: “now we come to what’s amazing about the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and what’s pretended about the devils helping him, God says: “No evil ones have brought down this (Revelation), it would neither suit them nor would they be able (to produce it). Indeed they have been removed far from even (a chance of) hearing it”(26:210-212). “When thou does read the Quran, seek Allah's protection from Satan the Rejected One”(16:98). You see? can this be the devil’s way to write a book? how can he write a book then tells you to ask God for protection from this devil before reading that book? those are miraculous verses in this miraculous book! and has a logical answer to those who pretend that it’s from the devil”. And among the stories that amazed Dr Miller is the story of the Prophet(PBUH) with Abu-Lahab… Dr Miller says: “this man(Abu Lahab) used to hate Islam so much that he would go after the Prophet wherever he goes to humiliate him. If he saw the prophet talking to strangers, he used to wait till he finishes and then ask them: what did Mohammed tell you? If he said it’s white then it’s in reality black and if he said it’s night then it’s day. He meant to falsify all what the prophet says and to make people suspicious about it. And 10 years before the death of Abu Lahab, a sura was inspired to the prophet, named “Al-Masad”. This sura tells that Abu Lahab will go to hell, in other words, it says that Abu Lahab will not convert to Islam. During 10 years, Abu Lahab could have said: “Mohammed is saying that I will not become a Muslim and that I will go to the hell fire, but I’m telling you now that I want to convert to Islam and become a Muslim. What do you think about Mohammed now? Is he saying the truth or no? Does his inspiration come from God?”. But Abu Lahab did not do that at all although he was disobeying the prophet in all matters, but not in this one. In other words, it was as if the prophet(PBUH) was giving Abu Lahab a chance to prove him wrong! But he did not do that during 10 whole years! he did not convert to Islam and did not even pretend to be a Muslim!! Throughout 10 years, he had the chance to destroy Islam in 1 minute! But this did not happen because those are not the words of Mohammed (PBUH) but the words of God Who knows what’s hidden and knows that Abu Lahab will not become a Muslim. How can the prophet (PBUH) know that Abu Lahab will prove what is said in that Sura if this was not inspiration from Allah? How can he be sure throughout 10 whole years that what he has (the Quran) is true if he did not know that it’s inspiration from Allah?? For a person to take such a risky challenge, this has only one meaning: that this is inspiration from God. “Perish the hands of the Father of Flame (Abu Lahab)! perish he! No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains! Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of blazing Flame! His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood; As fuel! A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!”(surat Al-Masad). Dr Miller says about a verse that amazed him: one of the miracles in the Quran is challenging the future with things that humans cannot predict and to which the “Falsification Test” applies, this test consists of looking for mistakes until the thing that is being tested is proved to be right. For example, let’s see what the Quran said about the relation between Muslims and Jews. Quran says that Jews are the major enemies for Muslims and this is true until now as the main enemy for Muslims are the Jews. Dr Miller continues: this is considered a great challenge since the Jews have the chance to ruin Islam simply by treating Muslims in a friendly way for few years and then say: here we are treating you as friends and the Quran says that we are your enemies, the Quran must be wrong then! But this did not happen during 1400 years!! and it will never happen because those are the words of The One who knows the unseen (God) and not the words of humans. Dr Miller continues: can you see how the verse that talks about the enmity between Muslims and Jews constitutes a challenge to the human mind? “Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the Believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! We believe; write us down among the witnesses”(5: 82-84) This verse applies to Dr Miller as he was a Christian but when he knew the truth, he believed and converted to Islam and became a herald. May Allah support him. Dr Miller says about the unique style of the Quran that he finds wonderful: no doubt there is something unique and amazing in Quran that is not present anywhere else, as the Quran gives you a specific information and tells you that you did not know this before. For example: "This is part of the tidings of the things unseen, which We reveal unto thee (O Prophet!) by inspiration: thou was not with them when they cast lots with arrows, as to which of them should be charged with the care of Maryam: nor was thou with them when they disputed (the point)”(3: 44). “Such are some of the stories of the Unseen, which We have revealed unto thee: before this, neither thou nor thy People knew them. So persevere patiently: for the End is for those who are righteous”(11: 49). “Such is one of the stories of what happened unseen, which We reveal by inspiration unto thee: nor was thou (present) with them when they concerted their plans together in the process of weaving their plots”(12: 102) Dr Miller continues: “no other holy book uses this style, all the other books consist of information that tells you where this information came from. For example, when the (distorted) holy bible talks about the stories of the ancient nations, it tells you that a this king lived in a this place and a that leader fought in that battle, and that a certain person had a number of kids and their names are…. But this book (distorted Bible) always tells you that if you want to know more, you can read a certain book since that information came from that book”. Dr Garry Miller continues: “this is in contrary to the Quran which gives you the information and tells you that it’s new!! And what’s amazing is that the people of Mecca at that time -time of inspiration of those verses- used to hear those verses and the challenge that the information in those verses was new and was not known by Mohammed (PBUH) nor by his people at that time, and despite that, they never said: we know this and it is not new, and they did not say: we know where Mohammed came from with those verses. This never happened, but what happened is that nobody dared to say that he was lying to them because those was really new information, not coming from the human mind but from Allah who knows the unseen in the past, the present and the future”. May Allah reward Dr Miller for this nice reflection on the Book of Allah
  11. Salam ppl, i just thought i would post this article from I found it interesting because it talks about widneing the already well established 'security' apparatus the Us has implented in and around the East African region. The talks once more were held in ADDIS aBBA. ------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-Terror Regional Task Force Set Up July 30, 2003 Posted to the web July 30, 2003 Addis Ababa An 11-nation African regional task force is being set up to combat disasters and help ward off terrorism in the region, a top US military official said on Wednesday. John Abizaid, the US Central Command chief, said the African disaster management team which is backed by the US military, would ensure greater stability in the region. "We seek stability, we seek a defence against the terrorist attacks that have been active, not only throughout this region but also throughout the world," he told a news conference in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. "We know that we can only defeat terrorism collectively," he added. Burundi, DRC, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Tanzania and Uganda are all backing the initiative to combat man-made and natural disasters. Under the plans, drawn up over the last two days in Addis Ababa, the regional task force will be set up to ensure a collective response to emergencies. "The next disaster that affects the region could be a flood, could be an airliner crash or it could be in the aftermath of a deadly terrorist act," Abizaid said. He said the task force would not physically fight terrorism but would "provide the basis of a response" once an attack has taken place. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said his country would leave "no stone unturned" in supporting the initiative. "Ours is a region which has been prone to conflict and has had more than its fair share of the calamities that are the consequences of conflicts," he said. "Ours has also been a region that has attracted the attention of those determined to spread chaos." "No other the region of the world requires an extended respite for economic development and economic renewal as our region does," he added. The initiative follows the 2003 Golden Spear Symposium in Addis Ababa - a forum sponsored by US Central Command to bolster dialogue between African countries on security issues.
  12. That sounds like a very positive development, hopefully all will go well.
  13. Hey guys. I just thouht i would alert my fellow gaming addicts ((of which am sure tehre plenty)) to following link. Its launching a Seria manager game that isnt to dismilar to championship manager and the best player @ the end of the season for the 2003-2004 will win a prize, in addition to the monthly prizes on offer. Mind you it does cost £10 to play but hey its worth a try Calcio manager
  14. Thinkerman


    Hey i think its high time you do a collection of your best poets and publish a book bro excellent.
  15. It is certainly a threat with the various life styles students are encouraged to perpetuate. However for me going to university has lead to quite the opposite allahmdulilah. I have become a better muslim than when i before thx largly to the good brothers i met whilst studying there.
  16. salam calayakum bro nice to see ur still around. Yvonne has been accused of suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, first described in 1973 when a bond of sympathy was observed developing between hostage takers and their victims. Yeah...Its that :rolleyes: , why are these people so arrogant. Most of the news coverage to this was muted to say the least. I infact first heard of this on the net, and i havent heard anything else from Yvonne since her Reversion to Islam. Its funny how the media likes to focus on one angle and one angle alone, oh well its to be expected Allahu Akbar
  17. Salaan LST... Thx for posting the article, i too would also like to congratulate our brother Jabarti for his excellent contribution to his somali communtiy there in ottawa Canada, we need mroe people doing the same. well done Jabarti
  18. ^^^^^^^ Dont dispear ^^^^^^^ Just publish ur list and i shall tell you how well i score thanks Gediid.... I think I'm related to Abdi bille or something:) lol
  19. Salam calayakum sNw thx for sharing that article with us bro. Clearly Only Allah knows what is in store for the future of the world. But that said one doesnt have to be a genius to acknowledge and see as a high possibilty, infact an actuality, the several themes raised by Professor E. Said. Puting aside the External interferinces for a second, what really the people of these arab countries, and indeed what we ourselves as somali's need to see is that we must play a role in the way our future pans out. Inactivity and the allowances that are continualy made for despotic regimes, highlting of past mis-diongs, and generally division amongst ourselves is in effect akin to aiding and abetting the extrenal interfernces that have blited so many of our countries. I fear very much really for the future of many of our muslims brothers and sisters, who are ruled over by the worst of rulers, but it is high time they challanged the status qou they currently particapte in. We us somali people must, regardless of where our parents haile from, work together when it comes to improving the conditions that our people back home have to bear. Or @ the very least we should demostarte that the evil-old, who have destroyed our country and corrupted so many of our people with their Qaabil nonsense, that their way of thinking is reduandant and dead .
  20. S.O.L, that (abbreviation) in itself is a mark of the success that we have come to attribute to this great site. Another is the willingness of the Admin to tolerate and accept every form of opnion from contributors, that are both positively enlightning and some times positively deluded :rolleyes: . I can only commend the c0-founders of the site who i have been privilagd to meet, and the various moderators who peform that crucial oversite function.
  21. JUST WaKEd UP Know :confused: :confused:
  22. I would suggest that you Paltalk are niether a somali or a muslim. Infact i would guesss that your an american, most probably of Jewish Decent. As simple as that. Plz Brothers and sisters lets not waste any more time responding to this Persons Idiocy and madness.
  23. Walaahi on a personal note i cannot say that i would give ssm a thought, i would have also thought that they would not give a spring chic like myself a chance. Na seriously i think that like for like applies here. So clearly those who have married before and divorced would be in a better position than myself. However i must conclude by congratulating Sagshii on his unparalled words of wisdom. Brother what where u eatng that day
  24. ^^^^^^^ OK ^^^^^^^^ well for ur information Beware_BB am not a sheep :cool: , am a mere humble camel . I havent Got a hump ((excuse the pun)) with anyone that doesnt fit the ciretiera i highlted from the Words of our Grand old Sage J_11. Rather i am not interested in them. And u assume to much saxiib much too much in saying that my choice is limited . But hey lets not go there. lol