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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. i just wanted to ask anymore informed nomad out there whether The present Incumbants that are the TNG had any chances of securing the Security of Mogadisho and somali when the arms embargo to somali where constantly being flouted by various countries/elements?? And wont the problem of secruing security and de mobilsing militia still exist prior the completion of this talks? -------------------------------------------------------------- Somalia: UN Concerned Over "Persistent" Weapons Flow UN Integrated Regional Information Networks August 21, 2003 Posted to the web August 21, 2003 Nairobi The UN Security Council has expressed concern over the "persistent flow of weapons and ammunitions" to Somalia. The sentiment was expressed in a statement read out by Fayssal Mekdad of Syria - which currently holds the Council's presidency - after hearing a briefing from the sanctions committee on Somalia. A four-member panel of experts, investigating violations of the arms embargo on Somalia, was appointed by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in September 2002 and advises the Council's sanctions committee. The statement stressed that member states were responsible for "fully implementing" the arms embargo on Somalia. "[The Council] reiterated its call upon all Somali and regional parties, as well as government officials and other actors contacted outside the region, to cooperate with the panel of experts in the discharge of its mandate," the statement added. A mission from the sanctions committee, meanwhile, is to visit the region in October "to demonstrate the Council's determination to give full effect to the arms embargo". ------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Good Good i see the Camels are starting to Congregate at the Watering hole ...
  3. I took a unit titled Management Information System, but it was a few months back so give me some time and i will try n come up with a good little summry for you to check out. Alternatively u could just hit google, or any other major seach engine and type in the key words such as M.I.S
  4. I took a unit titled Management Information System, but it was a few months back so give me some time and i will try n come up with a good little summry for you to check out. Alternatively u could just hit google, or any other major seach engine and type in the key words such as M.I.S
  5. Indeed thx for the checklist M it is a good reminder for me.
  6. Indeed thx for the checklist M it is a good reminder for me.
  7. lol @ Winger... Bro i have t say it looks like its gonna be all about Man united this season there football on Sat was supreme. That said i would say chelsea yesturday played Phaat and Liverpools play yesturday @ home?? once again demonstarted that they need to rid themselves now of Gerrad Houllier. I think @ the end of the seasn it will look something liek this. 1 Man U 2 chelsea 3 Arsenal 4 Blackburn I just think Newcastle participation in the Champions League will hamper there premiership aspiritions now that there ar so many good teams and Liver pool are just not good enough as they remain, but with a change of coach who nows what they might do.
  8. Whats the latest on the talks in Kenya and whats the situation in Mogadisho?
  10. Walaahi it is the hardest pray to make because of shaytan but it is also about displine. I find myself sometimes up watchin irrelevent open university programs as late as 2.30am so am trying to tire myself out before i get back home so i can sleep start away.
  11. I just want to say my Congrat to our nomad sister Lovely Me, May allah bless you & your husband to be with many kids and a life time of happiness Inshallah Ameen
  12. Indeed it is without question SM, escpeically if they 2 issues where already incorporated into the draft constitution. Again i suppose the issue of Islam being the official Religion and Arabic the second language his actions would seem to be not more than a smoke screen to delfect the failings of his presidency.
  13. I think we shouldnt be jumping @ each others replies like this its quite embarrasing gents and ladies. The issue is quite simple and i doubt that in reality we would disagree to any significant point. Fact is when u grow up as a child you dont know what is right from wrong and what is acceptible behaviour and what isnt. So to prevent ill disipline and bad mannors from taking hold most parents, along with correcting their children behaviour verbal, usual reinfornce this with some physical punishment. Now i dont think there is much in this debate and am suppirsed that it has goten this far. It is general knowledge, indeed universally accpeted that when a child misbehaves the get phyiscal disiplining of some sort or the other. I would fnd it quite suppirisng if any nomad Gent or ladet would disagree.
  14. ^^^^^ i think thats all the advice you need Blush. However If in was in that brother's situation there would be one simple think that would ((however strong my feeling towards you)) diswaid me from persuing you anymore, and thats if i knew the attarction wasnt mutual. So again you should ask yourself the same question ameenah asked you. I suppose my advice to you would simple be to try and cool the brother down, you are after all @ college so getting you head all mest up is the last thing you wanna do. But then again am no woman , and am not in your situation so good luck sister.
  15. Abdiqasim accused the conference of being anti-Islamic, because Arabic was dropped as co-first language, and Islam as state religion. well i would also agree with those points. I cannot see how any of the politions could accept the notion of droping Islam as the State religion. That said i do still find that his motives are quite obvious and transparanet. I mean its diabolical. most ppl seem to say that he is the most credibal polition there, so why doesnt he stay and insure the success of the talks. What is the point in sulking off back to Mogadisho ((or the small quater you controll))? Is it much more befiting of a president to stay like his now sacked mininsters and press for what he desires.
  16. It is tue that the Journalist will always try to portray the muslims from a negavtive stand point, it is only natural and more than that, it is what will be given most air time. But i dont doubt this articles credibilty at all, since i have seen similar stories covered by arab daily's and other foriegn media networks. I think it was only natural that the situation on teh ground would go crzy once the law and order that was imposed by saddams regime was destroyed, and with the occuping Americans and British too scared to venture out too far from controlled areas everyone is doing whatever they want. This was confirmed to me by two of my friends from uni, indeed i was just catching up with them 2 days ago. They had already been back to iraq for 3 weeks in july and they said it was great expirence they went through Bassra, Bagdad, all they why up to Tikirit and the Kurdish towns up north.
  17. The president, who quit the talks on 29 July, accused the peace conference of taking an anti-Islamic direction saying that a transitional constitution being negotiated in Kenya would create a federal state that would divide Somalia. how much of a valid point is the above
  18. opinonated that might be true, but to be honest i havent come across somali parents who havent disiplined there children with punisment beatings, and to be honest it seems to work well for the best part. Here in the UK society has lost controll of children, they run around unchallanged creating trouble wherevere they be. Most of these children are unfortunate in that there parents never established some ground rules for them by disiplining them. Now they do whatever they want because if they did not have respect for their parents why should they have respect for anyoneanyone
  19. Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt." Now you can intellectually handle the situation. Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, a partner of Kneedeep &. Schitt Inc. In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, and the deeply religious couple produced 6 children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married Mr. Sherlock, and because her kids were living With them she wanted to keep her previous name. She was known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a nervous son, Chicken Schitt. Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new bride, Piza Schitt. So now if someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt", you can correct them. Not only do you know Jack, you know his whole family!
  20. lol its funny how most of your ladies have replied with that girl power tone in your voices " a'd have his a** checked". I would just say that if it has got to the stage where the individuals are married then some level of trust must already exisit. otherwise what was the underlying basis of the marriage? Its probably more logically to have such a test after and not befoe marriage no? but then i think most ladies would be to scared to ask such a question in fear of the guy getting angry or running away.
  21. Quikly sister go to the doctor before the condition becomes irreversible
  22. Quikly sister go to the doctor before the condition becomes irreversible