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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. Thats why they should be a Death Squad out there to Take out the Warlords, while the reign continues untold amount of damage will continue to occur to the Natural resources that do exist. For example I good friend of mine told me of the illegal trade that exist in somali area's of Timber burning to produce coal for the Arbian Gulf countries. Does anyone even know about this?? The difference between north or south for me although real is not a fundemental issue of debate, wat ever position you hold. I have always maintained that the real issues are that Pertaining to re-establishing some peace and hope for somali's back home, be there in the north or south, and salvaging what ever that is left of the country and securing its future development.
  2. I am in the Extreme Right with Robert Mugabe Saddam Hussein and Pope John 2 lol. I can dig that
  3. Yeah but saxiib the point is they were, allegedly, teachers. What good does it do to murder teachers, when its exactly those type of key workers that somalia will need to ry to attract when some semblence of peace is acheived.
  4. This ****** really have a Death wish... --------------------------------------------------------------- US soldiers have fired above the heads of thousands of Iraqi government workers protesting against the arrest of a woman who refused to be searched by a sniffer dog. The troops fired warning shots to disperse a furious crowd at a complex of government buildings in Baghdad that includes the oil, electricity, trade and irrigation ministries. A witness said US troops had handcuffed a woman employee and forced her to stand in the sun for an hour because she had refused to undergo a sniffer dog search. Dogs are considered unclean in Islamic culture. Several people said the woman was carrying a Koran in her handbag, which had made her even more determined to resist the search. There was no immediate comment from the US military. Sniffer dogs are routinely used to search employees for explosives at government ministries as a precaution against bomb attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ..........................Two Britons killed in ..........Somalia................. News Headlines: World Two Britons have been shot dead in Somalia, according to the Foreign Office. A Foreign Office spokesman was unable to confirm reports that the victims were teachers. The spokesman said officials were still in the process of informing the next of kin. Earlier this month an Italian aid worker was shot dead n Somalia's self declared republic of Somaliland.
  6. Club G.P Pts Juventus 6 16 Milan 6 16 Roma 6 14 Parma 6 11 Lazio 6 10 Modena 6 10 Udinese 6 10 Now thats a close league with 5 bigg teams still in contention. Now lets have a look at the champions league Table P W D L F A Pts Inter 2 2 0 0 5 1 6 D Kiev 2 1 0 1 3 2 3 L Moscow 2 0 1 1 0 2 1 Arsenal 2 0 1 1 0 3 1 Table P W D L F A Pts Juventus 2 2 0 0 4 2 6 R Sociedad 2 2 0 0 3 1 6 Galatasaray 2 0 0 2 2 4 0 Olympiakos 2 0 0 2 1 3 0 Table P W D L F A Pts Lazio 2 1 1 0 4 2 4 Besiktas 2 1 0 1 2 2 3 Chelsea 2 1 0 1 1 2 3 S Prague 2 0 1 1 2 3 1 Table P W D L F A Pts Milan 2 1 1 0 1 0 4 Ajax 2 1 0 1 2 1 3 Celta Vigo 2 0 2 0 1 1 2 C Brugge 2 0 1 1 1 3 1 Ahh makes for good reading for Calcio Fans , just a shame that Roma isnt there
  7. That sounds like a great idea, unofficially the probably the biggest cities of each region respectively, whether or not there peace full or not. So why Not
  8. I think wind talker was being Scarstic and i agree with him. U have to take what most women say or do with a pinch of salt because 90% of the time they themselves dont know what they want from you :rolleyes: . it is just many men don’t not invest time on knowing what tricks women, and when to hit the target… ha nagu dirin dumarka, … peace I can meet u half way on this bro. There those Guys who do, and those other guys who cant be arsed to play the game of Trick and treat with women((i fall in the latter)). Its a matetr of chioce rather than Ignorance. At the end of teh day any old Farax can come sit down and chat shiid and get his way.
  9. Wind Talker ur much less diplomatic than me and to be fair probably more accurate :cool:
  10. Ur all wlcmed, Inshallah will all gain the maxium benefits frm Ramdan this year and Improve our character aswell as strengthen our Imaan Ameen
  11. Yeah to be fair i have seen that circulated for a few years now, but it still has the same effect on me :mad: . Although we should recognize that this always has been the case in India in morden time, and it is not to disimilar to the Isareal Palestine conflict in that Indians and Sihks have alwased Oppressed Indian Muslims who are in the minority dispite the 100 million + number, teh way that the Jews and the Christian Right are now attempting to do so world wide This is the state of mulsim worldwide in Occupied Palestine, in Kashmir, Iraq, and in places where there arent any conflicts the muslims are opperessed by Totalitarian regimes that are even worse than the Kuffar. For exmaple take a look at the man being placed in charge of occuping Iraq US general: 'I'm not anti-Islam' Lt Gen Boykin has a glittering military record A leading US general has apologised for appearing to cast the war on terrorism as a spiritual battle between Christianity and Satan. Evangelical Christian Lieutenant-General William G Boykin said in a statement that he never meant to offend Muslims. "I am not anti-Islam or any other religion... I support the free exercise of all religions," he said. Referring to a Muslim fighter in Somalia, General Boykin had said: "My God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol." In his statement, he said his comment had been misinterpreted. :rolleyes: Yeah right we no what he ment right "My comments to Osman Otto in Mogadishu were not referencing his worship of Allah but his worship of money and power; idolatry," he said. "He was a corrupt man, not a follower of Islam." Pentagon 'embarrassed' The three-star general's statements came in speeches - some made in uniform - at evangelical Christian churches. In several of speeches, General Boykin said the real enemy was not Osama bin Laden but Satan. The BBC's Pentagon correspondent, Nick Childs, says top US defence officials pointedly declined to criticise the general, but the row clearly embarrassed the Pentagon and the Bush administration. In particular, the general's remarks brought anger from the Council on American-Islamic Relations which pointed out that Muslims believe in the same God as Jews and Christians. General Boykin enjoys a glittering military record as an officer and a commando and is currently deputy under-secretary of defence for intelligence. But correspondents say the remarks appear to run counter to the Bush administration's insistence that the campaign against terrorism is not directed against Islam.
  12. I guess it is Ironic for you women . And at least you have been forthright and honest in explain the logic behind your potential choice, and this seemingly Prenial "yeah Good Guy but Boring", "Bad Guy but Exiting" way of reading Personalities. But at the end of the day, and this goes i suppose for guys aswell ((although not to the same degree)) its about making the right choice knowing what you know, and what you want . I guess most guys would also want a mix of characteristics aswell, but at the end of the day if your seeking a long term Thing then tempering the Fires of ones desire and allocating more prestige to other more fundemental characteristics is probably teh best thing to do. what did some british Layer about once say? ahh " never let the affairs of the heart be ruled by other than ones Head". well its certainly true
  13. Dont be just know that Humans are selfish and that that has a major role to play in what ever they chose to do.
  14. Thats right North lol, i can just see him trying to debate the 'finer' points of dealing whilst buying he purchases his stock Pile of weapons of mass brain cell destruction
  15. I second that North, i was fortunate enough to have seen him run a coupe of times live. He wa sa tru Gent and Great Runner and if Micheal Johnson didnt take up Atheletics he would have been he best 200m runner ever with 19.68 second All the best Frankie
  16. America not supprised mind u Britian is Just as bad these days
  17. It doesnt matter that a person will speak in a 'Civilisied manner' when what they speak about is Pure B.S. So if u keep Posting Shiid, especially shiid that could cause un healthy exchanges, i will challange u, whether i get banned or not is something i will worriy about. About shock and awe lol, Crack Head
  18. Am game count me in this sounds like it could be alot of fun lol. Keep us posted on the details North
  19. I can be the Capitano.....interesting i might just be tempted out of my Inactivity then, but the team must be competitive otherwise you will see the more darker side of my Persona
  20. I just thought i would Bring this Artilce back out for the Benefits of those Newly Joined. Allahmdulilah we have all been Blessed to have reached another Ramdan, another oppotunity to Recieve More Thawab from Allah then the remining whole 11 months combined, and another chance to mend Bad Habits and Strength ones Imaan. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ramadan is an ideal training period for filtering out bad habits, developing virtuous character and is thus referred to by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a shield against evil and wrongfulness. ---------------------------------------------------------- Inshallah Some, if not all of you will find the article and interesting read.
  21. lol your quite accurate bro
  22. That was a worthwhile contribution to the debate Opinionated :rolleyes: