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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. Salam Calayakum. A warm wlcm bck Syhem, its great to here that you and your family are well. Ramadan Mubarak bro
  2. lol i see your gett the nomads up to more mischeif Dawaco.
  3. I think Saudi Gov is allowing'em fat pigs to demonstrate so they can lose weight LOL allowing them to lose weight I dont think u should refer to fellow muslim as pigs bro, i know that all of us have slip of the tonogue form time to time so i just thought i would remind u so .
  4. Thats some great pointers that we can keep in mind with us throught teh year, and try to cultivate during the great month of Ramadan Thx Nur
  5. Thx for posting the above Ayaat i think no one would even dare to try and mis-read the above, as it is pretty clear and ambigous. It is shame that we continue to not act upon such knowledge, indeed i wonder just how near the Pit of fire our ppl are :rolleyes:
  6. I agree whole heartedly, at the end of the day over 70% of the issues discussed relating to somalia/land are pointless ineffctive emotional dribble and thats the truth. What is need is to move away from Divise discussions, and to recognize that Qaabil was used in the past for recognizing one another, and it shouldnt hold such great weight in any future political developments Not alot of factual informative and usefull areas of debate are covered.
  7. Thinkerman


    Hodan iyo Liban lol
  8. Thank you guys for your Condolences and Prays for our departed brother he was a good man and he certainly hasnt been forgten. May Allah bless his soul, May Allah save him from the tourment of the grave, and May Allah elevate him to the highest level of Jannah Amiin
  9. Com'on ladies and Gents whilst the point is true i dont think it merited a topic, and especially since the author chose to highlight a particular nomad. Indeed i think some ppl could indeed brush up on the articulation and take good example from some of the undoubtable talented contributors we have here on S.O.L.
  10. So ladies even if ur bold stay away from fake hair lol
  11. The article wasnt as bad as i thought it might be the actual term saudization of somalis has a foul smell of westernization, indeed something you would have that that the Orientalist Bernard Lweis would have come up with
  12. the Gunners got the **** ....Dinomode by Kiev's finest but am not supprised, am just glad Jans lehman finally delivered on entertainment lool
  13. ur joker north, Hey i get searched for my bus pass alot by this bloody buss inspectors does tat count?
  14. Thinkerman

    Ramadan (Q A)

    Jazkarullah Keyhr Nur And thx for the reminder North
  15. indeed :rolleyes: , mind u past expirence suggest we better not go there
  16. lol am araid am no good there bro, i get around my bass pass :rolleyes:
  17. No appolgies need bro as you raisd as valid a point as i did.
  18. Marcello Lippi has praised his Bianconeri squad for a wonderful performance, but warns against celebrating qualification early. “At times Juventus were unstoppable tonight. This is a team that plays a lot of first team football and cross-field passes, so that can often lead to errors, but at the same time it can make us remarkable.” The Turin side was winning 4-0 before allowing Real Sociedad to get back into the game during the final minutes, but Lippi is not worried. “Towards the end Sociedad got two back, including a wonderful De Pedro free kick, but we also had chances to score more. These are our characteristics, leaving room for our opponents to play so we can also move easily.” “This is a solid team that is perhaps not as spectacular as others, but in our first ten official games this season we have done well and above all earned points.” Juventus now lead Group D with nine points, a 100 per cent record, compared to second-placed Sociedad on six. “One performance does not assure you of qualification,” insisted the Coach. “It can certainly bode well for the future, but that is all.” David Trezeguet bagged a brace at the Delle Alpi and insisted the result was secondary to the performance. “We have quality and are always trying to improve in all areas,” noted the Frenchman. “At the end of the game we became tired and Real Sociedad came out, but today we showed a lot more than in recent outings.” Juventus have never had such a good start to the Champions’ League and boast a 100 per cent record after three games, but fans are disappointed with some of their play. “I am still looking for my best form and am working very hard to get back to that level, but the team looked great and grabbed three crucial points.” Despite the fact the Bianconeri were leading 4-0 at one stage, Sociedad almost fought back for a shock result. “It wasn’t an easy game, but it was important to win and Juventus are now a step away from ensuring qualification.” “Above all,” concluded Trezeguet, “we wanted to show our fans that Juve can play great attacking football and improve on our technique.” Marco Di Vaio also grabbed two goals in this Champions’ League encounter and continued the fine form he has been on since the summer. “We saw that there was room out on that flank of the Sociedad defence,” he said of his first goal, “so I moved out wide and tried to get past them with pace. Thankfully it worked.” Even without the injured Alessandro Del Piero, Juve have ample attacking options with Fabrizio Miccoli left on the bench. “The new face of football is all about squad rotation and as long as all of us keep scoring two per game everyone will be happy.” The Turin side narrowly missed out on lifting this trophy in May and is making no secret of its concentration on this competition. “It is too early to say whether this is the right season for us,” added Di Vaio, “but we are all working hard and these good results help morale.” Juventus 4-2 Real Sociedad
  19. Sis i dont think it said that they where under cover missionaries, so to make that assumption is to be jumping to teh wrong conclusions
  20. Wa Calayaku salam Liqaye Of course not and thats not a debating point. Of course somali teachers doctors and civilians get killed on a daily baisis and it goes unreported. It doesnt matter whether they where british, the pont is they where teaching, and so its a loss to the local community. and let me put it to you in another way where u a somali student studying to be a teacher and dreaming of going back to somalia what implicationswould this story have???