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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. ahh i see the title now lol. Now thats whats called following your dream. Good on them for that :cool:
  2. Thinkerman

    Euro 2004

    That wot i like to see lefty get stuck in some pasta and Bolonisee of course . On a serious note though, i'd have to concour i think If Zidane is fit an healthy then a good french team (coz thats all they are) will become a great, potential, championship winning team. However i have a sinky feeling for Portgaul (host nations seem to be galvernised by the home crowd to great hights). Holland and Cezch will be bigg players aswell. But my heart and mind will still be with the the azzuri . Gk: Buffon Defence: Cannavaro Nesta Oddo (lazio) Zambrotta Medfielders: Totti Tommasi Pirlo Camoranesi Fowards: Del Piero vERI p.s lefty i would go as far as playing cassano from the start either for camoranesi or del piero (if his not fully fit) he is a massive talent
  3. Thx for the Congratulatory words bro.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to clarify exactly what it means to be one who proffess belief in Allah, his messengers, the Quran, and the Last Prophet Muhammed (SAW). To say this means to submit, willingly, and without no doubt, to the way of living perfect for us By Allah (Ar Rahman) under Islam. It is not for us ever to question the valdity or the wisdom behind any of Allah's laws that are clearly defined and expressed in the Quran, or Stated by Prophet Muhammed (SAW). To do so relfects (possibly) a lack of knowledge, and or low Imaan.
  5. Yeah i agree bro, but i always always rejoice when i see such on goals commited by these MP's because it reminds you (if u need reminding) that even if ur a role model citizen you will always be viewed with suspision.
  6. Arms accusation Arms Published: 29-Nov-2003 By: Peter Morgan Actions speak louder than words. That's what the Liberal Democrats are saying about the Government's Arms policy. The Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Menzies Campbell has released new research which, he says shows Britain is breaching its own guidelines. Britain exported billions of pounds of weapons this year - it's one of the country's biggest industries. But the Liberal Democrats say this drive to increase exports contradicts Labour's attempts to create a principled foreign policy. They say there's a real difference between words and deeds. In theory, Labour say they won't issue export licenses to countries which used weapons against internal opposition groups. But in practice, the Lib Dems claim, export licenses have been issued to countries like Indonesia - for aircraft and missiles could be used against internal opponents. It's the same story in Israel - where the government has licensed the export of security restraints which could include leg irons and electric shock belts.
  7. Yeah lol they are becoming even more blatant these days. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Blunkett in contempt? Terrorism By: Channel 4 News The Attorney General is to look at comments made by Home Secretary David Blunkett about the arrest of a terror suspect in Gloucester, following concerns that they could be in contempt of court. Mr Blunkett said that Sajid Badat posed a "very real threat to the life and liberty of our country". Last night the chair of the Bar Council Mattias Kelly told this programme, that the Home Secretary's comments could be prejudicial to any future trial. On Saturday, 24-year-old Sajid Badat was still being questioned in London's Paddington Green Police Station. He's being held under the prevention of Terrorism Act. According to the police a small amount of explosives was recovered from his address in Gloucester, where detectives are continuing their search of Badat's home. The police have until Monday to charge Sajid Badat, they must then release him, or to apply to magistrates for further time to question him. And today the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, came under pressure after the Attorney General's office said it is to look at comments he made about what had been uncovered. Peter Goldsmith, the Attorney General, will look at whether the Home Secretary's remarks were in contempt of court. On Friday night, on Channel Four News, the chairman of the Bar Council suggested that Mr Blunketts comments could be prejudicial to any future trial. -------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Accounting for Samerra firefight Iraq Published: 01-Dec-2003 By: Paul Eedle American forces and local Iraqis are giving sharply different accounts of a battle in the city of Samarra, north of Baghdad. The Americans say two convoys delivering money to banks were ambushed and they killed more than 40 of the attackers. Five Americans were wounded. Local people say the death toll was much lower, maybe no more than nine, and most of the casualties were civilians. Meanwhile an American soldier has been shot dead west of Baghdad. Much of the shooting took place right in the centre of Samarra, in busy shopping streets next to the sacred Shi'ite Muslim shrine. US spokesmen said Iraqi fighters opened fire from alleyways and rooftops with automatic rifles, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. The two convoys of the US 4th Infantry Division shot back with everything they had. Captain Depona, US 4th Infantry Division: "We believe they split their force in half as well and they had a well planned attack against each bank site. We think we are looking to between 30 and 40 individuals at each bank site and they had broken themselves down into spot and team size elements so they could attack each bank from all sides." The Americans said 46 Iraqis had been killed, some of them wearing the dark clothing and headscarves favoured by fighters of Saddam's Fedayeen, the guerrilla unit which led much of the initial resistance to American and British forces in Iraq. But angry local people said the American forces had opened fire at random and several civilians had been killed and injured. am Shakir, Samarra pharmaceutical factory "We work for the state pharmaceutical factory in Samarra. We'd just got out of the factory when a shell fell on us. The American forces opened fire randomly on passers-by and at the market." They showed journalists a child who had been injured and took cameras to the morgue. Iraqi local man: "This is an old Iraqi man and this is an old Iranian pilgrim. What is his crime?" Local people doubted that the death toll was anything like as high as the Americans had said. Doctors could confirm no more than eight dead. Dr Ali Tawfeeq, Director, Samarra Hospital "We are not afraid of anybody. As for the number of the injured, we do not know the number exactly but they are between 40 and 50. The number of dead at the hospital is seven to eight. Those are only people who were brought to the hospital, but we do not know if there were others outside the hospital." It is impossible to say whether the American or the Iraqi version of events is closer to the truth. What we do know for certain is that the city of Samarra hates the American occupation forces. Channel 4 News filmed in the streets around the shrine recently - the people were polite to us, but vitriolic about the Americans. A baker runs a shop right opposite the scene of Sunday's shooting. He thinks the Americans are here for only one reason: Baker: "They only came for the oil.... " The grief in Samarra at these latest deaths will only deepen hatred in this central area of Iraq. People don't necessarily want Saddam Hussein back. But they resent the occupation: the raids, the arrests, the civilians killed and injured when the Americans respond to attacks, and the humiliation of seeing foreigners running their country. These feelings translate into support for the guerrillas, who are able to mount ever bolder operations. They are now attacking not just American troops but soldiers and civilian contractors from other countries. Men from seven countries were killed in November, the bloodiest month yet for the coalition: 79 American soldiers Italy lost 19 troops in a suicide bombing Seven Spanish intelligence agents were shot dead at the weekend Japan, South Korea, Poland and Colombia have all suffered casualties. The guerrillas are seriously undermining America's strategy of involving allies in Iraq. Both Japan and South Korea say they would stay the course. But images of grieving relatives and public protests, as in Tokyo today, show just how costly this commitment may be.
  9. Clearly the Victim didnt help himself by throwing a punch towards one of the officers invloved but did he deserve to be betean so servely... The six police officers involved in the arrest have been put on paid leave pending an internal investigation. great messege to send out to the community
  10. Good topic For discussion. Cleay this is another problem that seems to be developing within our already beligued country, admitedly i dont no the numbers infected, or the rate of infection, i read somewhee else o th forums that in Galqacyo it was something like 4 in every 100. I suspect that we might know of the answers to teh questions you possed, but i will await a more knowledgble nomad to give you a precise answer
  11. Boy among dead in Ramallah raid
  12. US man dies in taped police fight
  13. True star , but i can see my Roma going all the way this year 11 games and only 4 conceded suggest we gonna be hard to beat, saying that though i was quite shiocked to see Juve Capitulate against Inter so i'll be abit modest, like Arsenal , we aint won shiid yet so i will wait for teh Eggs to hatch, rather thne be fed Humble Pie later on
  14. Sorry lads reality check Chelsea's League Position doesnt lie i think we are witnessing the dawning of a new super power So man U and Arsenal better be looking over the shoulders
  15. The list is non-negotiable! I concur ........i guess i better prepare myself for a long wait and some hard negotiating :cool: .
  16. Interesting Article on this issue. Iraq's Shiites Insist on Democracy. Washington Cringes.
  17. looool i look forward to it bro. Half time scores Roma 2- lecce 0 Milan 1- Modena 0 Standings after week 11
  18. lol i got to hold my hands up football is a crazy game. I was show sure of the out come that i didnt even bother to watch the game, rather i went to watch a more unpredictable ending (or so i thought) at teh Shinemo Matrix 3. But that said am obivously hapy that Juve finally sliped up, that ws theer first defeat since teh Chapions Leauge Final and they where starting to look Unstopable. But i would say one thing, i think its quite clear that inter play well and there is harmony in the team without Veri. That was evidnet yesturday, and a highbury aswell. Cleary there is someone thing going wrong in the team when he players. But i am a man of my word and i will keep shtum for a while now :cool: , but i know i wont have to wait too long before both Inter and Arsenal prove me right again . BTW Enough of both them shiid teams my Beloved AS Roma will go top today if the Beat Empoli by just 1-0 score line which would make it 16 games 11 wins 5 draws in Seria n Uefa Cup, 28 goals for 4 conceded now that is a team . Anyway live u t it gents
  19. Trust me bro, i had the pleasurew of watching Real and just 2 decent center backs (not great ones just decent ones) would do. But saying that they also need a Midfield general, they cant play beckham as the holding midfield player throught the whole season. If i was in charge of real , i would get Lucio from Leverkuson, and Philip Mexes from auxere and push Ivan Heilguerra back to his Natural position of Holding ,Midfield where he is fantastic.
  20. Salam Calaykum one and all. Bee i now understand why u ask the question What do you guys think of the assertion that the hijab is more a 'political symbol' than a religious one? Northner i think gave you roughly the same unser that i would give, i would only expand on it further by saying it seems that it each host nation see's some poltical incentive in integreting muslims fully into there respective societies via asslimilitory policies. The issue of the Hijab (Update on French Bill) could be just the first of many potential battle grounds. Just might add, the backlash as much as it might be currently focused on women, in the poltical sense anyway, is a general backjlash against muslims as whole, and there failer (as they see it) to fully integrete into society as most other immigrant groups have. here is another intersting piece Sharon sees Europe's Muslims as a threat : Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said on Monday that the rising number of Muslims in Europe was a threat to the continent's Jewish community. "Since there is an ever strengthening Muslim presence in Europe, it certainly endangers the life of Jewish people," Mr Sharon told an online publication,, in an interview. "Of course, the sheer fact that there are a huge amount of Muslims, approximately 70 million in the European Union, this issue has also turned into a political matter," he said. The Israeli prime minister repeated allegations that Europeans were inherently anti-semitic and their leaders guilty of pushing a biased policy in the Middle East. source ::::
  21. lol u do well to mix compliments with attacks, i see a long and prosperous career for you in the Forums AS .
  22. Thinkerman


    Of course its important whilst adopting the Correct Islamic Attire, to then behave in ways best represent our Deen. Rember both men and women are the Dawah Carries. We must Practise what we often preach lest we become Hypocrits ourselves (and before anyone jumps on me i am not talking about any specific individual). Dawaco, sis, whilst i understand the prinicple behind what you say i cant fully endorse your thoughts. It is incorrect to suggest that it is permissible to just get by on good behavour. Ideally Behavour must match the Attire, otherwise your just another women who behave very modestly but is none the less still somewaht exposed to the glare of us men. Why not reap the full rewards of Modesty in mind, by draping that modesty in i.e. Jilbaab.?
  23. Indeed charity literally does start at home, your Family, friends and so forth. Then if you have the means you can look towards the wider Community as a whole, but obiously you immediate obligation would be to your Muslim Brothers and sisters, be the in somalia/land or else where