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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. I dont no what Garyaqan would want to add to the replies so far, but my point simple is all i see is medicore Peace Talks, and here in the disapora Countless Ruywaaids by Samatar, or Warsame celebrating all and sundry. :rolleyes: So until i catually see (again you might say why dont you get invovlved yourself , which is a fair question) well organised Groups/foprums addressing Issues such as Health, Education, Economics, Law and Order etc etc in detail, being formed!!! Then i shant assume that by magic things will get better anytime soon (soon being n years). Seeing is indeed beliveing on this matter.
  2. 2. You don't have genuine containers or executive utensils,you only use margarine,ice-cream and yoghurt mikebes. (Blue band, Kasuku, Kimbo,mallo, Lyons Maid serve me well) 4. More than 90,sorry 95% of the music CD's and cassettes in your home are illegal or pirated copies. (done in Dubai,kariokor base or Rivarori) Na Kwambia mpaka zile CDs ninazo hapa ni pirated. 15. You never have less than 50 people to meet you at the airport or see you off even if it is a local flight. (Yeah, my relas from Gatanga have hired a minibus to see me off to Lokichoggio. - 1st person to fly in the family, that's why) 50???? More like 100!!!! Kuna watu wengine walikuwa airport na hata sikuwa nawajua!!! Lakini is all good. There all so true but above are the ones i rember the most with much joy lol
  3. good to see that there are some who arent as pessimistic, but i cant get past the reailty of today :rolleyes:
  4. I strongly feel some of your views but i personally think, it wont get better until we as people get better which ppl, back home or the Disapora Lot (US). If you refere to the people back home, they cant get beyond a certain stage of well being with the current sitaution prevailing. Just getting by, and surviving might be enough of a concern for a substantial amount of people. However if you are refering to us here in the disapora then i havent seen enough to make me optimistic, infact i have sometimes unfortuantely seen quite the opposite
  5. Thinkerman

    Euro 2004

    lol north I think he hasnt yet shownn his true worth, and that he would only command a squad position. Mind you i cant wait to see how Wayne Rooney will fair against say Thrum and co, should be a real acid test of the Boy, Com man (although he has already proved himself countless times) For Portugaul I would look more towards the established players who will be having their last bigg Tournamnet.
  6. I'd have to share ur perssimism bro. I hope that the positive trends that do exist's insome areas now can continue to grow, but geenrally speaking i cant see how the for republic can return any semblence of normality. The so-called leaders now cant be of any help to the cause. Warlords, Criminals, Mass Murderers, Nationalists, Beggers etc etc. A BIGG JOKE they are..
  7. lol Khayr good sense of humor My lad, Opnionated com'on give the Wadad a chance
  8. lol it is something i am tempted to agree on Ramapage, bad as it my seems. I agree with what liqaye said earlier. what black people need in america is not necessarily money ( although countless ghettos that they and many minorities inhabit could do with that) but some formal recognition of the difficult backgrounds that they come from resulting from the slavery . To reach where there wanna be at they have to be given a fair chance. Something like Afimirtive action, akin to that currently being discussed on College application forms in america. What i would ask if they where to be some form of repatriation, who would it go to an Individuals or an Orgnaisation? would it be mney o do what u want with, or with strings attached?
  9. Thinkerman

    Euro 2004

    so did i , but the prospect of ending up an old Fowgy in this dry and drib country, with little kids terrorisng me on a tall grey ghetto estate doesnt appeal much to me bro
  10. Anyone heard about that saying "the rail road of the sea" someone thought that they were being poetic whne they said that this rail road was made out of teh bones of aricans stolen to become slaves. North bro thats cold byts thats alo true, no body in america wouldbe willing to do so easily. The case for Repatriating African Amerian is Rock Solid, and compelling. Indeed it is the rest of the rich america that is reapin the rewards of the Four Fathers slavery policy, and even if the economical case is dispelled the human rights case cant never be. 400 years of slavery, can that eve be compenstated?? i hardly doubt it.
  11. Thinkerman

    Euro 2004

    I just hate England, am one of those Qaxooti's the should consider deporting on grounds of disloyalty . I wonder if teh BNP are still running their Repatriation Scheme (i.e. bogg off else where n will flogg u £10000) i'd liek some of that
  12. lol i think i have seen some of them, just Brilliant :rolleyes:
  13. dont know! if its the real thing or just crush! but when i come to london town! i will buy so fish/chips !! so aad ship nogotid!! meantime, peace lol joker
  14. I was thinking of starting a weekly topic in which we rate the top three best players of the week and the top three donkies of the week. I wlcm the Basketball and American Football fans to join in if the desire the Format i will use is already made , and goes like this Seria A week 11
  15. For me it beggs the question just what kinda of societies do we live in. True its safe in the absolute sense, i am not likely to be hit by a round of AK-47 or be a victim of a motar bomb. But i am surronded by Peodophiles, Serial Killers, Sex Attackers, Murderers etc etc brialliant huh :rolleyes: .
  16. Update on the story Prem trio want Rivaldo Rivaldo's agent denies that the former Milan man is moving to Liverpool. "I know there has been speculation in the English papers linking Rivaldo with Liverpool, but all I can tell you is that they are not one of the clubs whose offer will be put before him," said Jorge Gama. "We have three offers from Premiership teams who are interested in Rivaldo."
  17. Mancini wants Brazil chance Wednesday 3 December, 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After convincing Roma of his abilities, Amantino Mancini is looking for a place in the Brazilian national side. "Everyone is saying good things about me," stated the youngster. "And obviously playing for your country is the objective of every footballer." The 23-year-old has arguably been the revelation of the season in Serie A so far after a number of outstanding displays. The South American arrived at the Stadio Olimpico this summer as a replacement for the Milan bound Marcos Cafu. Few believed that this virtual unknown, who struggled at Venezia last term, would succeed but he has stunned everyone with his performances on the right hand side of midfield. He also booked himself a place in the hearts of Roma fans forever after his splendid back-heeled volley in the derby win over Lazio. "That goal changed my life," he admits. "Everyone wanted to compliment me. Playing for this club is simply the best."
  18. But thats the thing, he wont. He will state his defence on the fact that it was a consenting act between two males of sound mind, and in German there is no provision in Statue or Case Law for Cannibalism, so he might well serve a Custodial Sentence, but it might be minimial as there was no 'Murder' in the Literal meaning of the word, committed here. The only thing i can think of is the fact that the courts might want to make a precedent of this case, which is obviously needed. I hink his defence team could make a plea under insanity, but that might mean a longer term Jail sentence. Anyway it all makes u think of just how crazy the provisions under Man made laws can get. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  19. Good link it bro, has alot of up to date news reals and pics Thx geezer
  20. As Salamu Calayakum Nomads, perhaps another example of what we have being discussing in the Topic addressing the Hijaab, and how it has become such a poltical item for the Western Gov n Media Alike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEWISH GIRL KICKED OUT FROM HER SCHOOL FOR CONVERTING TO ISLAM (29 Nov 2003) JEWISH GIRL KICKED OUT FROM HER SCHOOL FOR CONVERTING TO ISLAM 28 November 2003 An Israeli boarding school has kicked out a female Jewish student for embracing Islam and wearing hijab. The students and teachers of the 'Zionist Youth boarding school' came to their classes to find their 15-year-old Jewish colleague wearing the Muslim headscarf in a sign that she has converted to Islam, according to the Israeli daily Maariv newspaper. The school's headmaster tried in vain to dissuade the student from her decision and get her taking off hijab and decided to expel her. The student, who requested anonymity, told the daily that she was offended by the headmaster's conversation, adding that she was ready to leave the school which she liked most. "Religion, as far as I am concerned, is more important than school," she said. "I took offence at the headmaster's remarks, not only for myself but for all Muslims. If a Jewish student in France, for instance, was expelled for wearing his kippa (Jewish scull cap), the action would be right away condemned as ''anti-Semitism," she added. "I understand a student expelled for his/her misbehavior or being dull and inactive," she said, criticizing the school's decision as "racist that stirs up feelings of hatred". She said she was born and brought up in the former Soviet republic Kazakhstan to a Jewish mother and a Christian father in an atmosphere that "respects Islam." "As years went by, I have reached to the conclusion that Islamic values suit me fine," she said. "I began to read about Islam four years ago and my teachers started noticing especially after I had worn a gold necklace bearing the name of Allah in Arabic," she said, adding that a few days later a copy of the Glorious Qur'an was found inside my room. The school's headmaster told Maariv paper that he asked the girl to refrain from her "provocative practices," noting that he did not mind her back to school and that he would discuss the matter in its entirety with her family. soruce: -------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. It is shocking to think so no? But then really it makes u think again what kinda of people we are living amongts very civilised indeed.
  22. Subhanallah what a beuatifull story. For the disbelivers undoubtable they will continue to ignore such mircales (if they ever acknowledge it to beging with)as just co-incidences or freaks' of nature, but for us muslim's it should remind us that Allah does not forget those of us who rember him and those who struggle for the sake of him. I know when we discuss the issue of Martadom the issue of Suicide Bombers crops up, and people debate whether its is Permissible or Haram to take one's on life in the pursute of destorying the enemy. Am sure some more knowledgable nomads can shed some light on this, but i hope this incidence also shades some light on the issue, its quite beautifull.
  23. Abit shocking :eek: . ------------------------------------------------------------- German 'cannibal' goes on trial Mr Meiwes appeared relaxed before the opening of his trial A man accused of killing, dissecting and eating another man has gone on trial in central Germany. Computer technician Armin Meiwes, 41, is charged with murder, even though the victim allegedly volunteered for his fate by replying to an internet advert. The gruesome incident was all captured on camcorder and the video will form part of the evidence. It is Germany's first cannibalism case, and the world's media have gathered in Kassel to watch the proceedings. Mr Meiwes has already admitted in a recent newspaper interview that he killed and then partly ate his victim. The grisly details of the case caused a sensation in the German media when Mr Meiwes was arrested in December, 2002. My friend enjoyed dying, death. I only waited horrified for the end after doing the deed. It took so terribly long Armin Meiwes Cannibalism: A modern taboo Mr Meiwes advertised on the internet for a well-built male prepared to be slaughtered and then consumed. The victim, 43-year-old Bernd-Jurgen Brandes, answered the advert. Mr Meiwes told investigators he took Mr Brandes back to his home, where Mr Brandes agreed to have his penis cut off, which Mr Meiwes then flambéed and served up to eat together. On Wednesday, television images showed Mr Meiwes - wearing a jacket and a tie - smiling and talking light-heartedly to his lawyer moments before the trials began. It was the first time that the self-confessed cannibal has been shown in public since his arrest. Shock value Legally it is a tricky case, says the BBC's correspondent in Berlin, Ray Furlong. The court will test if Mr Brandes gave his life willingly Cannibalism is not on the German law books and the defence will argue that since the victim volunteered this was no murder. The prosecution will push for a life sentence on the basis that Mr Meiwes is simply too dangerous to ever be released. Meanwhile Germans will continue to be treated to a media frenzy that plays on the story's unrivalled shock value. And among the "highlights" will be the two-hour video that Mr Meiwes took of the whole thing on his camcorder, our correspondent says. "The public probably won't be excluded from this part of proceedings, we have a tradition of open trials," says legal expert Felix Hardenberg. "But the panel of judges will only show the relevant parts: what the victim is saying and doing before and during the killing." Mr Meiwes has said that after his trial he intends to pass the time in jail - if convicted - by writing his memoirs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. Thinkerman

    Euro 2004

    loool two great Rivals put aside the difference to share Vindaloo for the sake of the greater cause.
  25. i do no such think :confused: , besides u can have it back if you want , i will move on to bigger and better things