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Everything posted by Thinkerman

  1. I would hope this would be an issue that the administrations all over Somalia puntland somaliland are aware off and takign seriously, because i would imagine that the damage being inflicted to the marine life and ecology by this toxic wastes to be long lasting.
  2. lol Same here Bruv, although i'm your average african goal, i tend to use my leggs more than my hands to deal with shots
  3. I think there is an over-abundance of information published on hard back or internet covering analysisng and stating opnions on somali history Just look at the books cited in this individuals site. web page What is now needed is for ppl to actually move on the ground, and start to act upon all the usefull information unearthed by all these various studies into the somali history and recent conflicts.
  4. London’s Mosques Offers a historic descriptions of the current Mosques/Masjids around London The Islamic Cultural Center & London Central Mosque LECTURES: MEDICINE OF THE PROPHET (SAW Usefull site for londoners
  5. Legendary Dutch boss Michels dies Legendary Dutch coach Rinus Michels, the man credited with developing "total football", has died aged 77. Michels played for Ajax and coached the side to four national titles between 1965-71 and a European Cup in 1971. His 1970s Dutch team was built around Johan Cruyff and Johan Neeskens and introduced the concept of "total football" to the world. The strategy was to foster team coherence and individual imagination - with all players possessing the skills to play in any part of the pitch. Cruyff was the on-field organiser of a team whose players rotated in and out of defence at will and was encouraged to play creative attacking football. Cruyff said: "Both as a player and as a trainer there is nobody who taught me as much as him. I will miss Rinus Michels. "I always greatly admired his leadership."
  6. lool@Dinho well spotted on point 6 Ngonge you have a talent for engaging the nomads with either fictious stories facts or trivia like your Boredom and Rude-Boy posts. Whens ur first book coming out :cool: . I thought more than anything else it was a very funny story , mis-understandings, stubborn-ness and the un-willingness of both nimco and the other somali women to meet in the middle a somali story if i can generalize slightly lol. Keep them coming
  7. lol@Pacisit Dont be sister, we all seek Reconcilation and well are probably aware of the many truths that are held by all the different folks of the former Republic. Lets just see how the powers that bee try to take us foward or backwards as it my transpire Inshallah we will see a committee develop for us If the Blacks and Whites with of South Africa could do it with all the obsticals the faced, surely its not also beyonds us aswell
  9. sure was Brown Hey Aftan its not wishfull thinging rather pundit talk lol, i reckon another trip up north to Bolton should seal the ars- -nals fate But if its all the same we wild men would like to retain our Club if u dont mind
  10. Yeah, still a shame. lol Fabrigas looked out of gas and traumatised yesterday when he was substituted for Toare, if the Ars-enal would have lost yesterday that would have been there season completely over
  11. Your wlcmed Disclaimer Enjoy but dont get fired Not sure i think my score wasnt passed 2000
  12. lol@Bite Size Ngonge look what you have done to the thread
  13. The Third Stage of American Empire By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Perspective Tuesday 01 March 2005 There have been three stages of American empire since the creation of this nation. Each has fed the other, and each has been established and fortified by war. More importantly, each has been fortified by the vast profits derived by the few in the making of war. The first two stages did not collapse, so much as they were absorbed by the next iteration, carrying over all circumstances and attendant difficulties. We exist today within the third stage of empire, one that is sick at the core. The first stage of this American empire began with the Mexican-American war, but began to flourish at the conclusion of the Civil War. All the states east of the Mississippi River had been brought by force back under the rule of the federal government, a national taxation system had been established to provide revenues to that government, and the nascent outlines of what Eisenhower described as 'the military/industrial complex' had been built by the lucrative contracts handed out to arm, clothe and feed the military. For many years prior, Americans had been pushing into the western lands occupied by native peoples. Under the banner of Manifest Destiny, the military/economic machine created to fight the Confederacy pushed its way to the Pacific Ocean. In the process, the vast majority of Native Americans were erased from the book of history, a book that is always written by the victors. The boundaries of this first stage were limited to the 48 continental states, but did not long remain this way. By the time Woodrow Wilson assumed the presidency, the first stage had expanded to include Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Imperial footholds had been established in South America and East Asia. While other global empires were on the wane – the Spanish empire was essentially dissolved with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1898, while the French and British empires were being attacked and slowly rolled back – this American empire became more muscular with each passing day. The transition between the first and second stages began on April 2nd, 1917, when newly re-elected President Wilson reversed his campaign theme of staying out of the European conflict and asked congress for a declaration of war against Germany. Previously, Americans had defined themselves in no small part by being separated from the troubles of the 'Old World.' When the doughboys shipped out, however, that line of demarcation was crossed. Despite the eventual victory in Europe, the second stage took many more years to flower and flourish. American armies and navies were essentially dismantled in the aftermath of the 'War to End All Wars,' and the 1930s saw the near-collapse of the American economic system. The advent of and eventual victory in World War II not only cemented the second stage, but resurrected and forever changed the fundamental underpinnings of the American economy. From that victory to now, the American economy has been based centrally on preparation for and fighting of wars. By the end of World War II, the influence of the American empire stretched throughout Europe to the borders of the new foe, the Soviet empire. Strongholds of the second stage could be likewise found in Africa, the Japanese mainland and many Pacific islands and, with the creation of the state of Israel, the strategically-vital Middle East. American corporations that had built the victorious war machine swam in an ocean of profits. The 'military/industrial complex' was about to become the dominant force in domestic and global commerce, conflict and social structure. The central reality of the second stage was the Cold War, a death struggle between two competing empires waged across the width and breadth of the planet. The icy staring contest at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin stood a grim counterpoint to the hot blood spilled in proxy wars fought in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Angola, the Sinai Peninsula and elsewhere. American and Soviet arms dealers salted the world with millions of conventional weapons to aid these proxy fights. All the while, larger and more powerful nuclear weaponry was developed by both sides, deployed across the globe, and aimed with deadly intent. On several occasions, most prominently during the Cuban Missile Crisis, these dragons came within inches of slipping the leash. The production of these weapons left uncounted tons of waste behind. The roots of the third stage were planted deep in this time. At home, the populace became accustomed to existing in a perpetual state of war. The establishment of the Truman Doctrine by men like Paul Nitze created the foundations for an enduring reality: Americans are most easily governed when they are made to fear the strangers 'over there' across the horizon. Contracts for the development and deployment of weaponry became profitable on an epic scale. The military/industrial complex came to own whole swaths of the American political spectrum on both sides of the aisle, and attached itself umbilically to the petroleum industry as a matter of basic expediency. One cannot fight wars without an abundance of oil and gasoline, and after a fashion, the means and the ends became indistinguishable. The transition from the second stage to the third stage of American empire came slowly. Millions of Americans took to the streets to protest the large-scale death empire required. The Vietnam War ended with images of Americans fleeing from rooftops in helicopters. A president was required to resign his office or face removal and imprisonment. A 1950s-era chess move in Iran resulted in the 1979 Islamic revolution and the daily humiliation of America by masked gunmen pointing rifles at blindfolded hostages. The Soviet empire had invaded Afghanistan. The CIA, long the sharp saber of American foreign policy, was broken by the Church Committee. Gasoline became brutally expensive and the American economy struck yet another reef. The American populace, by and large, fell into what could be called a mass depression, described by the last president of the second stage as 'malaise.' It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the third stage came into being, but a hockey game will suffice as a marker. On February 2, 1980, the American Olympic hockey team came from nowhere to defeat the unbeatable Soviet squad in Lake Placid. The subsequent eruption of nationalistic fervor, augmented by the American squad's victory over Finland in the final round to capture the gold medal, led to an outpouring of public emotion that no sporting event had ever created. It was at Lake Placid that the now-familiar chant of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" was born. The American people had been well-trained during the second empire to expect being on top, and the years prior to Lake Placid had been hard. Something so simple as a win on that ice was enough to strike sparks again, to ignite the long fuse that has been this third American empire. The American people were mesmerized by the vision of their flag rising next to but just a little higher than the red Soviet banner. It was their first taste of what would become a long and uninterrupted stretch of total global dominance. The central aspect of this third stage has been the rise of the 'movement conservative.' Not to be confused with the breed of conservative that included Nixon and Rockefeller, the movement conservatives held American nationalism and evangelical Christianity as a dual-headed state religion. They spurned concepts of dιtente and international cooperation. They were and remain radicals in every sense of the word, seeking to deconstruct the American social state that had been in place since the days of FDR. Ronald Reagan, the first president of this third stage, was the avatar of these movement conservatives, who first began to become an organized entity in American politics during the campaign of Barry Goldwater. Reagan was their perfect man: Confident to a fault, dedicated to the enrichment of the wealthy corporate class while deconstructing Roosevelt's social safety net by any means necessary. Reagan established the forked-tongue policy talk adopted by the present administration: Speak about the end of large government, gut entitlement programs wherever they can be found, while simultaneously cutting against the grain of the 'small government' ideal by vastly increasing the military and intelligence apparatus of government with trillions of dollars of taxpayer monies. This cash, as it did during the rise of the first and second stages, vastly increased the power and reach of the military/industrial/petroleum combine. The movement conservatives, funded by this combine, pushed for the deregulation by government of business in every aspect of commerce, none more pointedly than within the media. Over the course of this third stage, that combine purchased 99% of the news media, ensuring that an uninterrupted commercial advocating for empire would be broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Competing messages were all but shut out. When the Berlin Wall finally fell, when the Soviet empire finally imploded, the banner for this third stage was unfurled for all to see. For the first time in history since the apex of Roman rule, one nation and one government and one military ruled supreme over the known world. The movement conservatives, having lost communism as the main target for their energies and ire, turned inward and laid siege to their fellow citizens. The ultimate goal of this was to purge from debate and consideration anyone who did not approve of empire, and anyone who did not fit the Christian Reconstructionist mold they wished to build American society around. The rise of George W. Bush, leader of the evangelical/political wing of American Christianity since 1996, to the office of the president has been the fulfillment of the dreams of movement conservatives. September 11 cemented their ascendancy. Now, permanent war and rule by fear are accepted without question. Now, the news media owned by the combine opens the public dialogue to these radicals while painting them as moderate, rational Americans. Now, the dominance of the military/industrial/petroleum combine is unquestioned. Now, the idea that America is engaged in a holy war has been widely disseminated. There are several cracks in the veneer, however, many of which began during the second stage. The conventional weapons disbursed across the planet during the Cold War are now being pointed at us. Many of our former client states such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia, which served us so well during the Cold War, have now become profoundly debilitating problems that have exposed our vaunted national security system and military forces as less than adequate to the tasks of empire. The dollar is failing slowly but surely, and new power combines between nations like China, Russia and Iran threaten to destabilize American dominance. Oil, the true coin of this realm, is also becoming scarce. The extremism that always comes when one overwhelming force spreads its wings has passed the point of management, and has itself become both organized and well-funded. It seems all too clear that this third American empire is threatening to collapse under its own ponderous weight. The movement conservatives cannot contain the forces that have been unleashed against them. The American military is proving itself to be incapable of sustaining the unreasonable demands being placed upon it. The ghosts from the second empire loom large, in Europe and Africa and the Middle East and Central Asia. The American economy, sustained for sixty years by petroleum and war, stands at grave risk of being subsumed by both. Perhaps, someday, a powerful society will rise that understands the lessons of history. Empires fall, always. They consume themselves, slowly at first, but then with ever-increasing speed as military solutions fail to resolve threats and drain the resources of the core. Perhaps, someday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books - 'War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know' and 'The Greatest Sedition Is Silence.' Join the discussions at his blog forum
  14. lol what next inter-species adventures!!! Binsinka
  15. To: AliVeritas There is no one 'gay' gene. I remember about 14 years ago when Newsweak did a front page story about how a "scientist" made the discovery of a "gay gene." The magazine gave this story about 10 pages of coverage. Later, I saw a picture of the "scientist." He was rail thin, with a village person mustache, who had AIDS, and was a homosexual political activist for over 20 years. To think a national news magazine would do such a thing is really laughable. Today, I doubt Newsweak would try the same thing--the Age of the Internet would expose them too quickly. loool qaulity
  16. looool@dinho u didnt know the won 1 - 0 Jokar Yeah i must admit i liked the Manks, even if 2 days was too short to generalize completely on them, i think i had my late night curry down what is populalrly known as the curry mile, it must have been lol every resturant was halaal, man that was phaat i liked that :cool: Dont worry Viking will put the old Hagg lol Juve out of her misery this coming wknd, and make capello zebina and Emerson no what it means to betray the Gialorossi :mad: :mad:
  17. WOW WOW WOW!!! You mention that u had a gay dogg and 2 pages later Diamante is the only one to take u to task on this lol WHAT THE FRENCH CONNECTION MATE!! lol u had a GAY DOGG lol is such a behaviour possible in animals? I rember this Gay scientist tried to perputate this theory (or fact as he liked to delude himself with) that there exist gay animals so this must be a natural phenomena/Behaviour i.e. a genetic pre-disposition and not a "life style choice" He was promptly disproved and his homosexuality revealed lol P.S ADVANCED AOLOGIES For running away with the topic Mrs Virgin i just had to ask..
  18. lol@dinho that was exactly what one of them said lol I rember during the Game Gary Neville was all alone on the wing and scholes should have passed it. One guy infornt of me screamed "Neville's free pass the F*~@*%$ bALL u Ginger Nut" to which his mate calmly stated "they know his crap thats why they've left him there" Priceless Her Viking salams sxb, Your team just about shaded it on sunday, u starting to win as effectively like Juve were doing at the begining of the season. 187 sxb Bergkamp is like Totti or Ronaldihno he can play from any foward position, although his most effective and dangerous as the withdrawn stricker or attacking midfield player
  19. Somalia: A woman's perspective Mariam is a successful and well-known businesswoman in Mogadishu, running a busy hotel which holds parties and weddings in Kilometre Five in the south of the city. It is our duty to show now what we can do for Somalia, politically Mariam Arif Qassim Traditionally, she says, women have been excluded from politics and peacekeeping - in many of the initial Somali peace conferences following the civil war, there was no official role at all for women in the discussions. This time, the Kenya peace conference made special provision for women, and Mariam says she is confident they will now be taken seriously.
  20. I lol feel sorry for Arsene Tough luck aey? Lpool have struggled with some bigg bigg injuries Alsono Ciise and Pongele all out for the season, with Garcia Baros Gerrard all enduring long spells out in the medical room. Lets see how the Southern Fairies cope during the next 2 weeks :cool:
  21. Ahh just thought i would turn the argument on its head. :cool: