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Everything posted by kidd

  1. Let my people GO! Let my people dream! Let my people accomplish! We don't know where we're going That is why we will never going to get lost, So Let the People of Somaliland go! Let us Go! Let my people GO!
  2. Every Somali citizen has a choice to make... You are either with us or........naa, really,u know they say that governments is not the talent of the promising, but it consists in choosing between the disastrous…..Ina Yey or Qanyare, u make the call!!
  3. Too bad that all the people who really know how to run the country are busy driving taxi cabs and commenting in SOL!!!
  4. How do you know it is propoganda? It is propoganda alright! just don't quation it!
  5. Maxaa layadhi iyo waxaan maqley so waxaa halkaa nadhigey ma’aha? Alla heedhe, anaa hoogey oo'ba’ey. Yaa Goormaanu kagudbbeynaa waxaa layidhi? It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong. T. Jefferson
  6. I've noticed that some Somalis support Abdullah’s government because they think it is their last chance for peace and hope for Somalia (they seem to care about the country). They believe if this one fails they won’t anticipate any other Somalia reconciliation anytime soon. Others opposed this new government because Abdullahi belongs to clan X. they would fight with their toes and nails to make sure that he won’t succeed, even if his succeeding means the tranquility of their country. People, lets come to our senses…. whether u are supporter or not never wish bad things to your people and country because dislike/like someone!! "Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people with ill will." Martin Luther King, JR.
  7. I also found his responses well thought out as he is well-spoken gentleman himself. Quality and uniqueness that is known and recognized for Mudug boys!!
  8. ^^ dare u not ask to support a government that my clan leader is not the head of the state!! What is the matter with ya?