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Posts posted by RendezVous

  1. Originally posted by The Rendezvous:

    [QB] Making Love to a Woman




    Making a cup of coffee is like making love to a beautiful woman. It's got to be hot. You've got to take your time. You've got to stir.. gently, and firmly.


    You've got to grind your beans until they squeak. And then you put in the milk.



    Laying a carpet is.. very much like making love to a beautiful woman.


    You check the dimensions, lay her out on the floor, pin her down, nail her, then walk all over her. If you're adventurous - like me - you might like to try an underlay.




    Well, hanging wallpaper is also very much like making love to a beautiful woman.


    Clean all the relevant surfaces, spread her out on the table, cover her with paste, and stick her up. Then you clean your brush, light your pipe, stand back and admire your handiwork.




    Putting up a tent, is.. very much like making love to a beautiful woman.


    You rent her, unzip the door, put up your pole an'.. slip in to the old bag.




    Washing a car, is very much like making love to a beautiful woman.


    You've got to caress the bodywork. Breathe softly and gently. And give every inch of it your loving attention. And make sure you've got a nice wet sponge.




    And yet, having therapy is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. You.. get on the couch, string 'em along with some half-lies and evasions, probe some deep dark holes, and then hand over all your money.




    Going to the brink of death and back, in a nine car pile-up on a dual carriage-way, is.. very much like making love to a beautiful woman.


    First of all, brace yourself, hold on tight - particularly if it's a rear-ender. And pray you make contact with her twin airbags as soon as possible.




    Going fishing was very much like making love to a beautiful woman.


    First of all, clean and inspect your tackle, carefully pull back your rod cover, and remove any dirt or gunge that may have built up whilst not in use. Then, extend your rod to its full length, and check that there are no kinks or any wear. Particularly at the base, where the grip is usually applied.


    Make sure you've got a decent float, the appropriate bait, and that there's plenty of shot in your bag.



    Ati Who said KENYANMALIS are the best in BED ;)


    How about making love to a handsome man? ;)

  2. """""i am a somali young woman, they don't come any better than that sweetie ..... smile.gif i have the quran, my mom's wisdom, my father and brothers protection,a great and continuing education and the love of a good somali man ;) , i say alxamdulilaah and live happily ever after.....""""




    am sure This crap will be the best statement in SOL this year. smile.gif

    This comes in plenty when someone only FEARS ALLAH. smile.gif

  3. SillySis,


    Before we embark on answering or helping this difficult story, would you mind if you answer the ? posed above by caveman?


    It ain't tooooooooooooooooooo late...Insha-allah we will try to help in one way or the other.





  4. >>>>>>>>This is just a very serious attempt to CHANGE THE HOLY QURAAN.It was previously done by others without success.So let also try.


    The truth of the matter is that Most of the authors are Christian Arabs who spend most of their time with Their muslim peers and freinds.They distort the correct sayings of the Holy Quraan.


    They see it from us.We don't VALUE the how will they value it.



  5. .......I have the tendency of getting very physical

    ....So watch your step cause if I do you'll need a miracle!



    Virgin Sis, I saw your label and thought you are that type?

    Haigoosanin!!!!!!!!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

  6. Hi all,


    I have been reading about your comments for long but was asking myself what Van+Ayaan hirsi were claiming as ANTI-ISLAM....



    As a muslim and a somali for that matter, I would first of all say thank to all of you who posted comments here whether Insulting or With some guidance for the lot that is misguided.


    I came across 'ISSUES' concerning what the DEPUTY AYAAN said about THE ABUSE OF MUSLIM WOMEN...and her subsequent SUBMISSION film.She really confused with this two words:-




    ISLAM respects women and even went ahead dedicated a whole verse in the HOLY quraan discussing about Women, both married and singles, mothers and so on....If you want to read truthfully what ISLAM and our religion's position is about WOMEN generally Please see this website






    or even how to make your man/woman happy in islam....




    Search Results


    The condition of women before Islam:


    Islam came at a time when women all over the world were being oppressed and exploited. The most any society would accord the woman was to admit that she was part of the human race. They never admitted her dignity or gave her rights and responsibilities equal to those of men. The Greeks considered her to be an object of pleasure and amusement. This view was articulated in the text of Deemo Stayn:


    He said: “We take prostitutes for pleasure, lovers to care for our daily health, and wives to give us legitimate children.â€


    The Romans gave the father and husband the right to sell her to whomever they pleased.


    The Arabs gave the son the right to inherit the wife of his father (not his own mother) just like he would inherit his father’s wealth and his steed! That is if she were lucky enough not to have been buried alive at birth.


    This was the case with the rest of the world’s societies, like the Persians and the Hindus.


    Women remained in this horrible state without protesting or rebelling against it. No one else was to do so either. Nor were there any social or economic developments that would require a betterment of her status.


    Then Islam came, proclaiming her rights and her equality with men. It established for her all of her rights to bring her out of the miserable state that she was in and elevate her to the noble status that she deserves.


    How did this happen?


    Equality Between Men and Women in Islam:


    Islam establishes the principle of equality between men and women in all aspects of life that they are equal in, because both of them are equally human. It distinguishes between them in some areas, taking into consideration the natural differences between them and the special qualities that each of them has.


    The areas of equality are as follows:


    1. Equality in their human origins:


    Islam conclusively establishes that all human beings have a common origin. This fact is mentioned in many verses of the Qur’ân:


    “O Mankind, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and created from it its mate and brought forth from the two of them many men and women.â€



    “O Mankind, verily we created you from A MALE AND A FEMALE and made you into nations and tribes so you may know one another. Verily the most honorable of you with Allah are the most righteous.â€


    2. Equality in their destiny:


    Islam also establishes that all of mankind is going to return to Allah who created them, and everyone – male and female – is going to be recompensed for his or her worldly deeds. They will receive well if they did good and they will be requited with evil if they did evil. Allah says:


    “And every one of you(MALE OR FEMALE) will come to Him alone on the Day of Resurrection.â€


    Allah says:


    “A human being will have nothing except for what he does. And his deeds will be seen. Then he will be recompensed fully.â€


    Allah says:


    “So their Lord accepted of them their supplication and answered them: ‘I will never allow the work of any of you to be lost, MALE OR FEMALE. You are from each other.â€


    Allah says:


    “Whoever works righteousness as a believer, whether MALE OR FEMALE, we will truly give a good life and We shall pay them a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do.â€



    So please note that there is almost all rights given to a muslim woman as a man.If someone is beating his woman or child(girl), Then this is not ISLAM..and should not claim this is ISLAM.



    You can e-mail me free for more ISLAMIC matters at




  7. quote:


    3-how come rodeos never have a cow riding events for women?



    Because we live in a sexist, patriarchal society that thinks women cannot handle a dumb bull jumping around. :D:D:D:D:D


    P.S. The bull is rumoured to be sexist too. I heard it from a reliable source.

  8. bLAH bLaH Bob..Very Cheap BOB...add another BOB....Book an Appointment with our consultancy firm on Shukaansi issues...get a GUARANTEE that withing a very short time, you will do better with us..and part with some BOOBs..BOBS :D




    I don't know what you heard about me...But OlD ScHoOL DiEs SlOwLY smile.gif

  9. I do think online romance is thriving and doing well.We all do it Rudy.. :D


    But for once am starting to see ladies pm on the pretext of asking a certain ?When We answer them is straight to Cyberlove..Good but Just have privacy and respect...


    I hate those ladies showing off in Cams(Yahoo+MSN+Paltalk)in Public and 5people watching the so called 'REER BAADIYA Stripper' ;) ....Have respect for your cyberlove diligently with affection+respect+love


    LOVE IN SOL. ;)

  10. Originally posted by Viking:

    Would we have less belief if the mosque in Banda Aceh was wiped out too?


    I think it has more to do with the building materials and engineering than a miracle. Allah knows best.



    :D:D Sxb..Don't try it..In other words 'There was no Engineering aspect on all sorrounding buildings'..


    Engineer your faith to Allah once more!!! smile.gif

  11. NAFTA


    Love Nafta...In arabic...nafda..means something like OIL..PETROL..kinda..and you know what?This precious liquid made Abudhabi known as the Manhattan of the East...


    While precisely taking advantage of my 'Sawahili' as some would like us call that language,Please assume that 'our core language'must be Somali and would appreciate if some of you translate for us 'your MOTHER TANGUE' :D for us.


    Am sorry.....The question :-


    Whom do u think is the hook up in SOL


    Meno zake ati ziko misplaced...mpaka!!!! :D

  12. ~~~Good article with tearful experiences.We also urge all our sisters to take this HIJAB issue with seriousness.


    The less serious you are, it gets devalued.Explain to the non-muslim we have a very different kind of Religion,Let them try to understand it instead of refraining and abusing it.


    First let them have a look at ISLAM before criticising on it.


    We don't know but may be they found HIJABEES in Red Light Districts and Working with Drug Dealers.Acudhu Billah.


    A verse in the HOLY QURAAN will try to separate the TRUTH from the UNTRUTH.


    In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.



    SHAKIR: Say: O unbelievers!



    YUSUFALI: I worship not that which ye worship,



    YUSUFALI: Nor will ye worship that which I worship.



    PICKTHAL: And I shall not worship that which ye worship.



    YUSUFALI: Nor will ye worship that which I worship.



    SHAKIR: You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.



    A VERY BIG FULLSTOP smile.gif

  13. Fot the sake of SOL's Survival..Let us converse in English,Somali,And some swahili..


    If you don't speak your mother tongue, that is, Somali...You are already LOST from your roots.To talk in SOMALI is a is the basis of SOL.


    Otherwise English and swahili ain't ours coz we learnt them over from others.


    It is disgusting to see an Englishman laughing at you coz you don't know your Mother Tongue.You are competing with him in his own language.


    With that please avoid OROMO..AMHARIC..DUTCH..BORANA&GARRE..FRENCH and so many other Botanic..ooops!!!Languages :D


    Is this hatred? as Raula claims..


    Meno zako ati...zilikuwa misplaced.. :D ati aje? :D:D

  14. Raula..jina yangu ndonini!!!!


    OG..Call me Mr.Blah Blah...what are you talking about.When someone starts writing his 'mother tongue'..what do u expect us to do in a public environment like SOL.


    we munch on those Boranic words?????..let them be considerate also.




    Ati meno zake...ziko misplaced.. smile.gif