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Posts posted by RendezVous

  1. ...........Eastern women particularly Arabs have "Men are you Masters and You're inferrior" mentality that has been drummed in to them since childhood and a mentality that is hard to break for it dates back to before Prophet Maxamed S.C.W. and it still exists ....




    Who told you that..Acudhu u remember the lady who came to prophet s.a.w and was seeking some intervention about a possible 'FORCED MARRIAGE'...what did the prophet s.c.w the small lady..


    It is your wishes that you will be the sole one who will consider whether to get married to the guy or not...

    The lady was given the authority..




    What about the Quraan interpretations of a Mother...and the Hadeeth also on Mothers..


    One SAXAABA came to the prophet asking who can be the best Companion of his ..who is MORE BETTER to be close After having so much thought for sometime..


    The prophet said..Your mother..he asked and the saxaabi asked again.. then who?..The prophet said ..your mother..then he asked the third time then who?..the prophet said..Your Mother...


    He only said ..your father..the fourth time...


    The mother was valued three times than the father..point Blank...Warrior dadkaan nagaqabo..sis...ama nizitoe more.. smile.gifsmile.gif

  2. Supuu sikiza jo..


    Nobody did say we have a fight against ISLAM as a religion..nor did we say we have a problem with the word 'ISLAM'meaning submission...


    We submit to Allah s.w not you or anybody else for that matter..When our religion was called didn't come by 'TRYING'names or giving nicknames..we have a prove that you are needed to 'SUBMIT' in submission to Allah s.w


    '..and we choose ISLAM as your religion'


    Do not try abusing the word ISLAM..Which means going around saying what submission...or how can someone be silent in Submission..we are not saying you be silent on issues affecting our society but express them islamically..follow your religion properly..or u think anybody's forcing you to submit to Allah.


    Islam is a perfect religion enforcing what is right and what is wrong..there is a lot of equality for both men and women..look at the phrases like...


    'Inaan muuminiina wal muuminaati' 'inaal musadiqiina wal musadiqaati'..'inaal qaanitiina wal qaanitaataati'..and so on..and about stoning as in this was said..


    'flog each of them with a hundred stripes'..


    Our problem is when people start translating ISLAM in their own the way you are talking about u submit to Allah your creator or to nomads at SOL..


    ISLAM is the fastest growing religion today in the world..especially in the states and Europe..but most people nowadays are muslims by Names like Ibraheem and xaliimo...Few rarely follow ISLAM..

  3. ............I agree.



    The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material wealth and sensual pleasure.


    We should have in the first place.. place a great virtue attached to the First wife by not marrying a second one.. smile.gif

  4. >>>>It is true that Pak's as they are called, do speak very crude form of English and pretend they know much while they know little of English...


    and they argue so wonder they are called Pak..I at first thought of a cat.. :D:D with nine lives...


    Who is selling his wife...? :D

  5. Very serious indeed.I think there is more 'WAR' against ISLAM not only in the USA and CANADA...but the whole world...


    I think all of you have been listening to BUSH visit to Europe this week..


    The way he described 'AMERICAN VISION TO THE WORLD'.He was actually saying that AMERICA and the CHRISTIAN WORLD must STOP ISLAM..BUSH was describing how USA is giving people freedom from MOROCCO TO AFGHANISTAN...where muslims inhabit most.


    Why wouldn't he say like he is giving freedom to South Americans, europeans or even any other country..He is in other words trying to say that..


    Since ISLAM is opposed to all our ways of living..AMERICAN/EUROPEAN/CHRISTIAN WAYS(there women are semi-nude, drinking, prostitution, gambling, disrespect to parents and so on)..Then we should have a WAR with ISLAM..


    Does anyone seeing some seriousness in their vain to fight ISLAM.. smile.gif


    If Allah is with us....What is America..?

  6. Is this why they hate ISLAM soooooo much..Diamond... smile.gifsmile.gif


    ISLAM is against everything they like.including prostitution, nakedness and nudists, gays and lesbos, kharm(drinking) and being RUDE to God.


    No worries..that is why ISLAM is growing so much in the west..USA/CANADA and WESTERN EUROPE..


    We will prevail insha-allah..

  7. >>>>>>This guy trying to capitalize on a small scale problem of prostitution and relate it to ISLAM..So because he believes as we do that if the lady was a SOMALI...she was a MUSLIM...


    Right..but you know ISLAM is ISLAM and it is only some few people who are called MUSLIMS...nowadays..


    ..I mean to separate a muslim from a non-muslim, there are categories and the easiest hadeeth to separate the 'WHEAT FROM CHAFF' is this...Hadeeth


    The Holy Prophet has said: "Discarding of Salaat is the only partition between Imaan and Kufr.


    meaning anyone who doesn't perform PRAYERS...SALAADA' is not a muslim..may be a muslim by name like sophia and Ibrahim.So on and so forth.


    Therefore although we are saddened by this issue..most people nowadays try to relate 'ECONOMIC HARDSHIPS' and getting it Allah Who gives you RIZQ or you do it by Force...


    You will never get RIZQ(SUBSTENANCE)by force as this Arabic Shair..used to say..



    "و من ظن ان الرزق يا تي بقو ه "


    and whoever thinks he can get force..he is dreaming..It is only Allah who gives and takes..So when you say I must get something to must pray to Allah to give you proper Rizq..That is why we are his servants..


    Allahu Aclam...


    We should empower all muslims..MEN/WOMEN...we should give enough education to all our Women and Men.Education is a must for any MUSLIMS MEN AND WOMEN... smile.gif


    Likewise we should try to reduce The divorce Allah is not happy with the vice..


    We should create some brotherhood and support such sisters to be able to manage her life instead of venturing into PROSTITUTION at probably that age..


    Last but not least..anyone who thinks it is the SOCIETY that you are hiding from..know that you are not HIDING from your GOD..This is in relation to the TAWHEED we muslims talk about..




    the Third TAWHEED is to believe that:-


    Believe in Allah as is you are seeing HIM...if you don't see HIM...he sees you... smile.gif

  8. I think admin, admit that for sometime now we had had this kind of arguments and that it is good for us muslims.


    First we need to refine and do lots of research on ISLAM as they do on their Religion.We have to deal with websites like...



    which preaches against ISLAM totally on a different platform..while using JIHAD...


    They pretend they are PRO-ISLAMIC FAITH and act against it.Although christians..They still admit that ISLAM is the truth.So they are trying all ways..kinda propaganda to cause confusion in ISLAM..


    I have documents with me to show that ISLAM talks about Terrorism,Comparative religion,islam in the US, ISLAM expnasion in the world..latest statistics..It is rated now as the WORLD is surpassing AFRICA and the also


    about WOMEN...this is where they found an almost convincing hole but nothing and which our sisters would have to do lots of research...


    They infact talk about 'WIFE BEATING'which we have explained in details alhamdulillah comparing them to other cultures and religions..We said we don't have 'WIFE BEATING' is assumed as a displeasure when it comes to Actual 'BEATING'they are talking about..


    About inheritance..divorce, and all aspect of WOMEN..God has dedicated a whole SURAH(CHAPTER)in the HOLY QURAAN just for will never find any sura for is because of IMPORTANCE..


    Most of the time, you will find the Quraan talking about Goodness, Camal fiicaan, love..happy deeds..brotherhood, sisterhood..and sorts..


    Whereas women are are taken as 'RUBBISH' in their books...(i have documents to proove)..ISLAM takes women equally for talks about




    Allah says whoever MAN/WOMAN makes good deeds will be recompensated in the day of judgement..YAUMUL


    you see the sense in which ISLAM faith is based..let no one subdue you on your faith..


    Allah says'




    We have revealed DHIKR to you(O' Mohamed) and it is us who will protect it..


    meaning the HOLY QURAAN..


    Do u get that kind of Assurance in any other religion..


    What about the bible according to JOHN/MATHEW/LUKE ETC.....





  9. DINKY WINKY.......


    You think ISLAM is man-made..Please look at the following verse from the HOLY QURAAN...revealed 1400yrs ago...


    ALLAH s.w SAYS...



    YUSUFALI: Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).


    WHOSE LIGHT.....fundamentalist light...our lights..or maybe our torch smile.gifsmile.gif


    Did u read about CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISM..or as they call it the 12th century..THe way they used to kill everyone against them..


    All people have started seeing ISLAM as the true religion and nobody is forcing them..they are coming in millions..are you jealous :D:D




    Seattle Times: Muslim in America Cached [24Kb]

    Washington Report: Muslims in America Cached[32Kb]

    CNN: Fastest growing Religion Islam Cached [10Kb]

    ABC News: Islam on Rise Cached[10Kb]

    SIM :Islam Fastest Growing Religion Cached[10Kb]

    BIC News: Fastest and Misunderstood religion Cached[7Kb]

    Newsminer: Islam in Fairbanks Cached[17Kb]

    Refugees attracting Americans to Islam

    Islam Luring More Latinos - Washington Post Cached[38k]

    Islam The Fastest Growing Religion

    America Free but Immoral

    Comprehensive Survey of US Muslims





  10. >>>am sure those agitating for a campaign tainted with propaganda as 'HARRASMENT OF WOMEN'in ISLAM will see what is happening in other cultures.. smile.gifsmile.gif OUR freind DINKY WINKY knows about 'WIFE BEATING' ISLAM..


    But FF is this related to any religion..?Why shouldn't BBC have documentaries on this Brutal things yet they have one from SAUDI this propaganda against ISLAM.. smile.gifsmile.gif



    YUSUFALI: Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).

  11. Please read the following information to see the difference in WORD OF GOD......



    did u read in the website above that the BIBLE CONTAINS 50,000 errors...


    Now read what the HOLY QURAAN written 1400years ago says...




    YUSUFALI: Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other Than Allah, , they would surely have found therein Much discrepancy.




    even the christians all over the world have now turned to see the light..Millions are converting everyday all over the world..did u also read that....



    Fastest-Growing Religion Often Misunderstood

    By: Barr Seitz (ABC News)

    Broadcasted on BICNews 13 December 1997


    Islam Rising Tide in America


    Aaron Cambel was an American kid who used to hang out with friends cruising the local mall,picking up girls, checking out the latest fashions and getting in trouble. “I was realized if I took the same path, I would have ended up the way they did, wasting my life away,†says Cambel, who lives in Washington. So he converted to Islam. “It was the most simple and direct to understand of the religions I looked into,†says Cambel, who converted four years ago. “It taught about moral character, and ethics and the way people should be treated.â€


    Islam Liberates Black Americans Cambel, 23, has joined one of the fastest growing religions in the United States. Experts agree Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America. As many as five million Muslims live in the United States and in the last five years, the number of mosques in this country has increased from 843 to about 1,300. Most of the growth has come from immigration, but muchof it is home-grown. For many black Americans,Islam has become the religion of choice and some one million—mostly men—have converted.