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Everything posted by RendezVous

  1. ^^^Meaning you want her... ..Shukaansi badanaaaaaaaa
  2. bacon • means salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig. Someone asked .. how the hell do they get the flavours right, is it halal? can we eat that as muslims? am confused and you replied... Originally posted by Fathia: It is suitable for the vegetarian and hence for the muslims. Is just for those people who prohibited themselves for some strange reason from eating animals but still hunger for the delicious taste of having meat & chicken.Hence the bacon or chicken are just artificial flavourings. The beauty of the 21st century, you can taste bacon or least a near-like taste and yet still be a muslim. Can someone please help us remove Threads of this..Fathia as this one is Misleading Muslims in the name of The beauty of the 21st century, walahil cadhiim..This is just Bloody shit.He/she may not know the word itself or just think to know some other words like Flavours.. Am just asking :mad: :mad: ..Why can't you advise the Concerned Honest Muslim That he/she avoids anything with ..even.. the Slightest suspicion..Instead of bragging the american way ..You are in The 21st century..Aduunka Jaahil badanaaaaaa? ..You pretend to enjoy..and someone has just asked a simple Islamic question.. :mad: :mad:
  3. Originally posted by Fathia: As for my legs Mr Dhuusaye, I’ll have you known that they are bonny perhaps I should give you a free demonstration or maybe not since you only are a FAARAX. Your comments are merely to be expected been a Somali man. In addition, I rather fantasise about the likes of Colin Farrell then a skinny, penniless, narrow-minded Faraax. Your comments are merely to be expected been a Somali man. ...then a skinny, penniless, narrow-minded Faraax.
  4. Originally posted by MR ORGILAQE: So the prospect you sharing bed with one of those dudes you mentioned is nonexistent and you might as well stop bad mouthing farahs since they are the only ones that will ever consider checking if lights shine between those chicken legs.. Dhusaaye..... Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool I had a nice chat with a certain white man over his personal life.I just asked him to tell me about his personal life and nothing no. Walahi he started like this..!!!Divorced and raising two kids..I asked..why did u divorce your wife(who happens to be white)..He said she was unfaithful. and went on to say... Please find me an arab or a woman from Somalia who is a muslim I asked why do u say that, he said I hear Muslim women are faithful and then thereby we started talking about How Islam treats women which I advised him That ISLAM has dedicated a whole chapter of the Holy Quraan for Women while Men have no chapter See the basis of all that information. Who talked about: ... bad mouthing farahs since they are the only ones that will ever consider checking if lights shine between those chicken legs.. [/b] Dont call the Somali women's Legs as chicken u know they have brought you to this world..I wonder why Somali men are harsh to their women..I am worried as a Somali faarax..
  5. ^^^ :mad: :mad: Originally posted by Fathia: What hope are there for Somali brothers when there are the likes Brat Pitt, Collin Farrell and more and more to compete against. So what do you expect if girls start looking at others groups for more satisfaction, ! why limit themselves as the saying goes 'there are plenty fish in the sea'. So girls aim for the best As if that is a style.. :mad: Good..This is the moment we gonna start Courting The 'blondes'...Then we see who..zz Gonna loose between Somali xaliimos and Faaraxs.. Dis Fat Hia!!! You are making me find a real blonde now.........
  6. Originally posted by Dhuusaye: Ahhh Bull shit (Dibiga xaarkiisa) ! No Farah or Xalimo can handle mingling with white species.... Do you want to be a translator between your spouse and your parent or to be in some other odd positions ? Kills!!!
  7. Originally posted by Femme Fatale: Its not just the marriage of a man and a woman---but the joining of families. Don't forget that. A successful marriage is one in which not only are the couple compatible and satisfied but also the immediate family from both sides. Personally, I would want my family to feel comfortable in my home and be able to relate to the person I plan on sharing my life with. Thats important to me because their opinion matters. stop there..There is a great point out there..marry whosoever you wish to marry..Jareer..Jamaican(oh some were nigerians b4 coming like slaves)or jap dudes..but one thing is that you will find me and my family insha-allah still same with the 4th generation highly educated, talented, islamic and Somali(speaking,writing and culture).. Marry someone from your an they say..Birds of the same feather flock together.. Originally posted by The Flipmode..: ^^^There are soooooooo many eligible somali women than men..So please let them be married off to others..why hold them.. Our problem is that what works out like marriage gradually turns out to be a 'Joke' "I thought you are just my freind .."When infact you got two "wacelo" children with him..he would even be embarrased to know that you were treating him like a husband when he 'thought' he was just a freind.The next one to marry you will make you pass the same procedure.One thing is that Somali men will never pass you This kind of "scenarios". But alhamdulillah while majority of somali women are mistreated or have biased relationships to their Somali men.many work out their way with sabar. Still Marry someone with your they say..Birds of the same feather flock together..
  8. ..On request..Mafala walendo wote wanakaribishwa...
  9. Originally posted by Modesty: I pray to Allah that these individuals who are drawing these cartoons become crippled and burn in Hell. Ameen! It is us muslims who belittled ourselves..Nobody else.Check the link below to find muslims Modernised..Even the white lady is scared... Originally posted by The Flipmode..: quote: It must be a winter now in Holland, . Are Muslims In Holland like these..or is a picture speak sort of..Is the lady a Somali, jareer or a muslim anyways...?
  10. Originally posted by The Flipmode..: quote:Originally posted by Farxan: It must be a winter now in Holland, . Are Muslims In Holland like these..or is a picture speak sort of..Is the lady a Somali, jareer or a muslim anyways...? The white Woman in Black dress wears fine than the Somali Lady?Acudhu billaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!
  11. Originally posted by Farxan: It must be a winter now in Holland, . Are Muslims In Holland like these..or is a picture speak sort of..Is the lady a Somali, jareer or a muslim anyways...?
  12. ^^^Joint yetu lazima ibambe...Orgi let us compile the list of Sijuis wanasorora around..
  13. Originally posted by The Flipmode..: quote:Originally posted by Kashanre: quote: Somali women are beautiful because of somali men [Wink] Without the somali male seed, she wouldn't look what she looks like would she? And all the americans I work with come to me asking for few somali words to impress the somali girls because as they tell me, they are enthralled by the looks. Xoogsade it's amazing you said that sxb. Your sentence there transported me back months ago to a situation in my local Safeway. A very attractive middle-aged Somali woman was infront of me checking out her groceries at the counter when a very young (about 6 to 7 year old) African American kid bumbed into her sxb. She got an annoyed look on her face and maliciously said "jareeryahow maxaad markasto u ciyaareesaa". What I had thought was an African America child said "sorry hooyo , sorry". She responded by saying "sorrigaada ma aqaan ee halkas istaag, kii xumaa waxa ii geeyaan garanayne (appearently his father, her ex-husband). Walaahi, ilaahay baa ii jeedee, naxdin baan u dhintay. I have never been so shocked and speechless in my life! She regretted her earlier action (marriage to the African American) so much that she came to despise her own son and his physical appearence to that degree. I haven't seen them again, but everytime I see these kinds of topics it's like a time warp traveling me back. Naxdin walaahi. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Kashanre: She regretted her earlier action (marriage to the African American) so much that she came to despise her own son and his physical appearence to that degree. Hey hey hey...Somali 'Supuus' ain't that Kind unless she was herself a Wacel..I am feeling it walahi.. Imagine If you were the son.. anyways Did she marry a Nigerian born american... we are talking about whites..
  14. Originally posted by Kashanre: quote: Somali women are beautiful because of somali men [Wink] Without the somali male seed, she wouldn't look what she looks like would she? And all the americans I work with come to me asking for few somali words to impress the somali girls because as they tell me, they are enthralled by the looks. Xoogsade it's amazing you said that sxb. Your sentence there transported me back months ago to a situation in my local Safeway. A very attractive middle-aged Somali woman was infront of me checking out her groceries at the counter when a very young (about 6 to 7 year old) African American kid bumbed into her sxb. She got an annoyed look on her face and maliciously said "jareeryahow maxaad markasto u ciyaareesaa". What I had thought was an African America child said "sorry hooyo , sorry". She responded by saying "sorrigaada ma aqaan ee halkas istaag, kii xumaa waxa ii geeyaan garanayne (appearently his father, her ex-husband). Walaahi, ilaahay baa ii jeedee, naxdin baan u dhintay. I have never been so shocked and speechless in my life! She regretted her earlier action (marriage to the African American) so much that she came to despise her own son and his physical appearence to that degree. I haven't seen them again, but everytime I see these kinds of topics it's like a time warp traveling me back. Naxdin walaahi. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Kashanre: She regretted her earlier action (marriage to the African American) so much that she came to despise her own son and his physical appearence to that degree. Hey hey hey...Somali 'Supuus' ain't that Kind unless she was herself a Wacel..I am feeling it walahi.. Imagine If you were the son.. anyways Did she marry a Nigerian born american... we are talking about whites..
  15. ^^^There are soooooooo many eligible somali women than men..So please let them be married off to others..why hold them.. Our problem is that what works out like marriage gradually turns out to be a 'Joke' "I thought you are just my freind .."When infact you got two "wacelo" children with him..he would even be embarrased to know that you were treating him like a husband when he 'thought' he was just a freind.The next one to marry you will make you pass the same procedure.One thing is that Somali men will never pass you This kind of "scenarios". But alhamdulillah while majority of somali women are mistreated or have biased relationships to their Somali men.many work out their way with sabar.
  16. Originally posted by Xoogsade: It is always "Hey, Hamdi looks great and is sweet, can you hook me up with her"? Some even have pictures of somali girlfriends to show around sis and I am not kidding. It is not only young girls even experimenting the difference. One day I was depositing money into my account and the teller asks me if I was a somali. I replied yes. She was around 22 agewise and proceeded to tell me few words in somali. I curiously asked who taught her. She said her father's somali grilfriend. Can you imagine that sis? It is not shocking anymore and everyone is bragging about somali grilfriends both mature and young. Oh well. A somali guy may screw around with others but I suspect if they would whisper into an ethiopian girl's ear and say: "I was scared at first, I thought you were SOMALI, thank god you are not" I have a freind, a white infact who gave me a 'Video' of a certain Somali cutie...Infact he keeps it like a 'Souvenir'..I was astonished to see the lady..I think she is from per her Styles.. ANOTHER...!!!! And I don't mean to say somali guys don't date or run after white women. Some of them do. It is just not that many of them who do it and marriage by them to these women is rare in our area. Someone said...Why should I crave for a somali when you can a white skinny...^^^Check the video "Gabadh Soomali laga soo dhuubey" my next Thread...I am sorry she didn't know The secret webcam..
  17. Originally posted by hodman: quote: Laakin aad iyo add ayuu nafta ikeneey.. Nimekubali hiyo kisomali yako ni kali!!!!! Flip mbona unataka kukasirisha watu hivyo? Nani????Hodman na Alpha Romeo...mazee chekini..Hii ni joint yetu wapende wasipende..Let us just tell them the truth.Am proud being sijui..Holla
  18. Originally posted by sigma: i'm just looking for a guy with his own teeth and can get to the toilet on his own at night QaTarRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!Meaning many get blackout at night and can't get to the toilet.That is serious..Is that X-rated?
  19. Originally posted by ibtisam: why would you go through all that trouble just to find a somali guy? Especial as a female, when other guys make all the trouble to find you!! That is a Somali Xaliimo expressing her desires.. All Faarax beware why would you go through all that trouble just to find a somali xaliimo is the next
  20. Originally posted by The Flipmode..: quote:Originally posted by The Flipmode..: quote: Originally posted by OLOL: When I read about that 16 year old Somali kid in UK going to a prestigious school, I was so excited to share his success with my younger brothers and sisters to motivate and encourage them to excel in school like him. But then, when I look the education level of Somali kids in my neighborhood it is all a different story. They don’t speak good Somali. They don’t know anything about Islam. All they excel in watching TV cartoon shows, playing video games, listening to rap music and watching BET and MTV. We are at least people who come from good culture to certain extent and good morale standings. Let us stop fooling around and fooling ourselves and start taking real good care of our kids. Let us pull the pants up on the bottoms of our adolescent boys; pull the tight mini skirts down to our daughters' knees and make them dress according to Islamic way. Let us wake up! parent have to visit their children's schools, make time for their homework. As I said before those of us who are educated and successful have to give it back to the community. Please go and visit your relatives homes and pay attention to how the kids are growing up and how they are being brought up for It will be a shocking eye-opener! Well said.... That was the topic..Fidel Castro.. Was that guy really castrated.. ..Please don't change the subject..You either shut up or bring a suggestion to help the lost generation.. won't you... and the point was: Can we do something to help our deteroriating Somali Generation???????????????
  21. in players... Shit happens!!!!
  22. ^^^^^IBtisaam you are lucky you share the first two initials like Me, IBrahim...walahi understand this..We had a nice topic that we are wasting...Can u go back and re-read the paragraphs..may be this Castle...castro is blaying with me...
  23. Originally posted by The Flipmode..: quote:Originally posted by OLOL: When I read about that 16 year old Somali kid in UK going to a prestigious school, I was so excited to share his success with my younger brothers and sisters to motivate and encourage them to excel in school like him. But then, when I look the education level of Somali kids in my neighborhood it is all a different story. They don’t speak good Somali. They don’t know anything about Islam. All they excel in watching TV cartoon shows, playing video games, listening to rap music and watching BET and MTV. We are at least people who come from good culture to certain extent and good morale standings. Let us stop fooling around and fooling ourselves and start taking real good care of our kids. Let us pull the pants up on the bottoms of our adolescent boys; pull the tight mini skirts down to our daughters' knees and make them dress according to Islamic way. Let us wake up! parent have to visit their children's schools, make time for their homework. As I said before those of us who are educated and successful have to give it back to the community. Please go and visit your relatives homes and pay attention to how the kids are growing up and how they are being brought up for It will be a shocking eye-opener! Well said.... That was the topic..Fidel Castro.. Was that guy really castrated.. ..Please don't change the subject..You either shut up or bring a suggestion to help the lost generation.. won't you...