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Everything posted by Jafarel.

  1. I feel sorry for the females who have to choose a husband among these bunch. You never know whats coming your way (if it hasnt)...
  2. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2394166448404170605&q=Arsenal
  3. My new Hilux: HILUX FOR IS THE CAR FOR ME.... My first HILUX: Ohh, the good old days...
  4. For me, nothing beats a Toyota Hilux...
  5. Mimi...never been to Kenya...(so couldnt have gone to Aga Khan nursery/primary/secondary/hospital..etc.) BUT have taught myself 'kiswahili'...not the 'royal' one.... And have mastered 72 Zambian languages...'Nyanja, Bemba, Lozi, Tonga, Chewa...to the 72nd one. Any 'traveller' in SOL been to Zambia? Upon u be peace
  6. Gutted is an understatement for me.... No drive, no desire....[lost for words.....] Good game, Liverpool.. With that kind of performance, do u seen Arsenal beating Real Madrid..I DONT. Lets just hope they get their acts together and play their trademark football...[the best of its kind].. 9 defeats this season ( compared to 14 in the last FOUR seasons): :mad: :mad: :mad: ..and still coming... This will be a long transitional period if Arsene doesnt get it right...[when was the last time he got it right anyways??...I cant remember] Good Luck Arsenal....
  7. It said 'SISTERS'... Jumped into the wrong river....
  8. Sxb, firstly congratulations on your marriage. ( + a yr late). Secondly, the lady above said it all. Try and make your marriage work. 21 is mature enough for marriage and no excuse. I'm no marriage counsellor ( cant even find myself a wife), so I guess I'm the least qualified to advise you. Good luck with your marriage sxb and may Allah make it a lasting one that withstands all kinds of trials. Upon you be peace.
  9. LOL... 22. You don't hear sirens anymore Guess we've been in it long enough....
  10. Your closest friends and relatives will wash you, pray on you (if u r muslim), carry you to your grave, place you in it and leave you there. Munakar and Nakiir will pay you a visit and question you. What happens from there is dependant on the deeds that you sent forth.. Your friends and relatives ( those that loved you) will miss you for a few days....and then...U'LL BE FORGOTTEN. You asking this question doesnt mean there is anyone in here capable of answering but shere ignorance on your part of that very fact. My advise: Read the Hadiths (I have a feeling you know what they are) and the Quran. With these two u'll never go astray. Then u'll be able to answer the Q on ur own.. Upon u be peace..
  11. I'll have to go for Egypt on this one.
  12. Congratulations on your success sister. Praise be to Allah who guided to truth of His religion. As for your questions, I'm hoping that more knowledgable brothers and sisters in here will be able to help.
  13. Sol Campbell? Where is he? Anybody seen him lately? On a serious note, I think the guy needs to put himself back together and get on with life and football. Arsenal needs him...and so does England.
  14. Welcome to SOL Abu Tahla. I hope you will enjoy your stay.(and help with the NETWORK/S) GALCOM in Galkacyo..and a few others. (will do my research Engineer)
  15. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Dutch MP famous for her criticism of Islam and author of the screenplay for Mr Van Gogh's film Submission, supported the paper. "It's necessary to taunt Muslims on their relationship with Mohammed," she said. "Otherwise we will never have the dialogue we need to establish with Muslims on the most central question: 'Do you really feel that every Muslim in 2005 should follow the way of life the Prophet had 1,400 years ago, as the Koran dictates?' " This woman has no shame.....She is one those who wish to be muslims again yet knows not how to. May Allah barnish her from His lands, make her entry Hell, and make her the wife of Iblis in Hell-fire.. 'Do you really feel that every Muslim in 2005 should follow the way of life the Prophet had 1,400 years ago, as the Koran dictates ?' Yes I do. The Quran is the word of Allah (whether she likes it or not). It is a divine code of her. Look at her life. A misery..she has no freedom. How long will the Dutch government protect her before all the slander catches up with her? NOT LONG.
  16. May Allah forgive the innocent boy they killed. May Allah grant his parents patience and May Allah raise him to the highest abode..Ameen.
  17. Our youths have no shame. They are a living proof that our people are the easiest to change. No deen, no values, no sense of direction. For how long will one be a youth? Not a lifetime. O Allah, guide us and our youths to the straight path. Give our youths the wisedom to see that which is right and that which is wrong. O Allah, show them the way of the Prophets and the Salaf, grant them the knowledge which they lack today to lead tomorrow. And Allah knows best.. Upon u be peace..
  18. Mockery of the Islamic system will not lead to any good.. My advise: Keep that which is or might sound like mockery of Islam out of ur life. And Allah knows best.. Upon u be peace...
  19. Seen them before...but
  20. Five to seven yr gap would be ideal for me....
  21. Jafarel.


    British school kid jokes.... Trust the British to come up with such 'lame' jokes...AND Norwegians to copy..
  22. Who said 9AM lectures were always boring?... Sxb, if you think u can get more out of a nine in the morning boring lecture, attend it. If not, attend the next not boring one ( depending on ur course). If you never have interesting lectures (who does??), then lectures are optional...but then, havent they always been?? Does signing such a contract guarantee good grades?.... Remember, u can take a horse to the well, but you cant make it drink the water. Upon u be peace...
  23. ^ If ur best friend's father was a muslim, may Allah shower him with His mercy and give him the highest abode. Ameen.. and you pretend to be polite and say “sure†. I believe thats hypocracy.... My advise: Speak the truth no matter how much it'll hurt...