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Christopher Hitchens, signs his book that denies the existence of God
Prometheus replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
^ Amiin, adeer. No matter. It has been said, rather aphoristically, "in heaven, all the interesting people are missing". Dadyowga caqliga ka curyaamay midh baan odhan, oo waa halkii Cantara bin Shaddad ee: wa Jahannamu bil Hitchens, atyabu manzili -
I hope the poor victims appeal this feckless decision by the judge. Unless there are facts about this incident to which we are not privy, it is glaringly obvious that it is a case of vicious assault— by thuggish wenches. I'm not familiar with the judiciary system in the UK, but I would be flabbergasted if this unduly lenient sentence was not overturned by an appeals court. I think Nomads residing in the UK should send an official complaint to the crown prosecution office regarding the ridiculously lenient sentence the judge rendered. Bahasha dadku way wada cabaan, oo marmar bay maskaxda yara furtaa, laakiin waxani wax loo dulqaadan karo maaha. والخمر قد يشربها معشر** ليسوا اذا عدوا بأكفائها
Christopher Hitchens, signs his book that denies the existence of God
Prometheus replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
One of the greatest English essayists to put pen to paper. His command of logic and language are truly legendary. RIP, Hitch. I highly recommend reading his fascinating memoir, Hitch-22. -
NGONGE;749581 wrote: And now when the leaders of this idiotic group get blow up by some random drone, the soft hearted amongst us will lament their loss and say "sheikh fulan used to do heart warming sermons". It's unconscionable. People have a twisted sense of religious solidarity. But why express condolences over the death of someone (Awlaki or Al-Shabaab) who would relish the opportunity to disfigure your life and distort your religion? It is disturbing that Al-Shabaab miscreants continue to have daffy fan-boys on these very forums.
One Lebanese-American breathes a sigh of relief. Money quote: Awlaki was a malignant cancer on the reputation of Arab- and Muslim-Americans. He was also frequently cited by those who would stigmatize these communities as a potentially dangerous fifth column requiring discriminatory special treatment from the government. The bottom line is that Awlaki preached that all Americans, of whatever origin, were fair game and should be killed at every possible opportunity. That, of course, includes Arab- and Muslim-Americans. So Awlaki not only threatened the reputation of these communities, but also potentially their members as well. This man wanted us all dead, so eliminating him was, quintessentially, an act of self-defense. Courtesy Dish.
Somalia: The Playground of Humanitarian ‘Pirates’
Prometheus replied to Abtigiis's topic in Politics
I share many of Abtigiis' concerns about the aid industry, and occasionally find it difficult to stave off the suspicion that the entire thing is utterly debauched, as though it were devised to perpetuate and exacerbate the very problems it was meant to solve. In her contentious book, Dead Aid, the Zambian economist, Dambisa Moyo, wields a sharp harpoon against developmental aid, yet much of her critique can be applied to humanitarian aid as well. It is a good read, even if you ultimately disagree with her policy proposal that all aid to Africa should be terminated. Other than a few successful aid programs, it seems that much of foreign aid militates against progress and development. It is wasteful and baneful. -
Sultaanoow, you should post your queries on this forum. Many faith-heads have cautioned against, with sheepish fear, listening to the whispers of Satan. Their pious refrain—that inquisitive minds suffer from spiritual maladies— will at once sound familiar and tedious . Others have insinuated, a touch condescendingly, that your questions stem from abject ignorance— if only you had adequate knowledge, your simple questions would soon disappear. Still others have piously counseled you to search for an oracle Imam who ostensibly knows the answers to all your questions. If all else fails, "the trick is to keep praying." Why— a trick indeed. The distinct possibility that there are no answers to be had is never considered. Walaal, I think you should pose your questions and ignore the flurry of facile responses you have elicited thus far. Allaa Macakum.
^^ Though I was an erstwhile aficionado of fantasy fiction and science fiction novels, I shunted it aside for less fictive pursuits. But old habits die hard. I must confess that I recently picked up the Song of Ice and Fire series-- Game of Thrones, Clash of Kings, Storm of Swords, Feast of Crows-- and found myself dangerously engrossed. It certainly exceeded expectations, both stylistically and substantively. I just might read the latest installation, A Dance with Dragons, if time permits. Unfortunately, I have yet to see any of the HBO series of this epic novel.
I think there are legitimate ethical concerns surrounding the conduct of any war, and whether assassinations of this kind (or any kind) are beyond the moral pale. It's definitely a discussion worth having. Not to go off on a tangent, but I find it immensely ironic, though equally laudable, for a prominent gay blogger and lawyer, Glen Greenwald, to defend the rights of a wretched theocrat who would sooner execute him for his alleged sin of homosexuality. One has to admire Greenwald's Voltaire-like virtue.
Anwar al-Awlaki, al-Qaida cleric and top US target, killed in Yemen Obama welcomes news of Awlaki's death in US air strike, and says dual US-Yemeni citizen advanced 'murderous agenda' A missile fired from an American drone has struck and killed a radical American-born Islamic cleric in Yemen and put an end to a controversial manhunt that stretched across the globe. Anwar al-Awlaki, a dual US-Yemeni citizen, has been one of America's top targets in its fight against al-Qaida. His firebrand rhetoric had become renowned on jihadi websites and is thought to have inspired many more followers. With a blog, a Facebook page and numerous YouTube videos of his sermons, he had increasingly been regarded by the US National Security Council as one of the most dangerous al-Qaida leaders. President Barack Obama authorised a request to target Awlaki in April last year, making him the first US citizen to be a legal target for assassination in the post-9/11 years. The strike has prompted accusations in the US that the administration has carried out an extra-judicial killing. Obama welcomed the news of Awlaki's death. At a ceremony at the White House to welcome the appointment of a new joint chief of staff for the US military, Obama broke from his prepared schedule to say Awlaki's death was a major blow to America's enemies and condemned him as a dangerous terrorist. "He repeatedly called on individuals in the United States and around the globe to kill innocent men, women and children to advance a murderous agenda," Obama said. Awlaki is credited with inspiring or directing at least four plots on US soil in recent years, three of which were unsuccessful – a shooting inside the Fort Hood military base, the failed Times Square bombing, the failed underwear bomber, and a parcel bomb hidden inside a printer that also failed to explode inside a passenger jet. His exact role within in al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is much debated by security analysts: some claim he had a senior operational role, others say he had a more informal relationship, and some reports said he was at odds with the established leaders of the group. His key role, both locally and internationally was as a propagandist and inspiration to potential terrorist operators. Awlaki, a bespectacled and bushy-bearded cleric, usually appeared in videos dressed in traditional Yemeni long robe, headscarf and tribal dagger, but he spoke in conversational American English. With his native English and grasp of Western culture, Awlaki was able to make the often esoteric worlds of radical Islamist theology and Middle Eastern politics accessible and understable to a new audience in Europe and American, introducing political arguments more familiar to listeners who may have had limited understanding of their professed faith. Awlaki was also linked to failed plots to target British and European interests, according to security officials. The attempted murder of the MP Stephen Timms was inspired by Awlaki's sermons, and a British Airways employee, Rajib Karim, was convicted in February of plotting attacks against the airline. Reaction from American politicians was generally positive on the news. Awlaki was born in New Mexico in 1971 to Yemeni parents who took him back to Yemen after early childhood. He returned to the US in 1991 to attend college. US authorities believe he came into contact with at least two of the 9/11 hijackers while giving sermons at a San Diego mosque. He is believed to have been killed at 9.55am on Friday morning at a site 90 miles (140km) east of Sana'a between the provinces of Marib and al-Jawf in what is believed to have been an air strike. Few details have been released about the strike – not least because the Obama administration is wary of further destabilishing the embattled regime of Yemeni president Ali Abdulla Saleh. But witnesses say that Awlaki was boarding a 2005 Toyota Hilux along with five other supporters when the US drone attack hit the vehicle. Initial reports suggested that it was the drone was operated by the CIA, working alongside the US joint special operations command team that directed the Osama bin Laden assassination. A second American militant, Samir Khan, who produced the English-language al-Qaida web magazine Inspire, was killed in the attack, said Yemen's defence ministry. The death of Awlaki is the most significant blow to the al-Qaida organisation since Bin Laden was assassinated in May. He was one of the few senior operatives orientated to western ways, and in recent years had become increasingly strident in his calls for Muslims to wage jihad against the US. The CIA and the US military have used drones to target al-Qaida officials in Yemen and had placed Awlaki near the top of a hit list. Yemeni officials initially said they were not yet sure who had killed him. However, they released details of the killing within several hours of it happening, suggesting that Sana'a was either directly involved or well-briefed by the US. Perhaps mindful of the difficult circumstances in Yemen, Obama was careful to praise the country's involvement in the strike and stress that Islamic militants have carried out many attacks in Yemen. "Awlaki and his organization have been directly responsible for the deaths of many Yemeni citizens. His hateful ideology and targeting of innocent civilians has been rejected by the vast majority of Muslims and people of all faiths, and he has met his demise because the government and the people of Yemen have joined the international community in a common effort against al-Qaida," Obama said. But not all reaction was positive. The campaign to take out Alwaki has been criticised by some as a worrying development where the US government can undertake to kill a US citizen without any form of trial. Republican presidential candidate, libertarian-leaning congressman Ron Paul, spoke out against the attack. "Nobody knows if he [Awlaki] ever killed anybody," Paul said after a political event in New Hampshire where he is currently campaigning. "If the American people accept this blindly and casually … I think that's sad," he added. Paul is a long-standing critic of American foreign policy and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The American Civil Liberties Union also condemned the attack. The organisation, which campaigns on legal and human rights issues, put out a strongly-worded statement saying the strike was a clear violation of both US and international law. "This is a programme under which American citizens far from any battlefield can be executed by their own government without judicial process, and on the basis of standards and evidence that are kept secret not just from the public, but from the courts," said ACLU deputy legal director Jameel Jaffer. He added: "It is a mistake to invest the president — any president — with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems to present a threat to the country." http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/30/anwar-al-awlaki-killed-yemen
Garnaqisow, kan yar ee caadifaddu heyso wuxuu mooday in diin la caayay, oo rag iska celi buu is leeyahay, oo ma innagaa diinba soo hadal qaadnay? Waxaan xusuustaa beri uu xaqiirku khuraafaat nagu afuufay oo wuxuu na yidhi "Golden Ratio" waa mucjiso weyn oo cadaynaysa inay Makkah tahay meel muqaddas ah. Dee wuxuu lasoo shir tagay xisaab ay xitaa dhallaanku ku qosli lahaayeen. Laakiin safiih maxaad ku taqaan: waabuu khashuucay intuu sidaa madaxa u foorariyay. Waar kani xitaa fractions isuma geyn karo, kolkaasaad doonaysaa inaad u sharaxdo theory of relativity iyo Newtonian mechanics. Maahmaahyada dameerada iyo suuradda maroodiga uunbuu yaqaan ee waxba wakhti haysaga lumin baan ku odhan lahaa.
Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections
Prometheus replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Good for the Saudis. Still, they are disappointingly behind the curve of moral progress by half a century. A few more antiquated, discriminatory laws should be consigned to the flames: i)segregation of the sexes ii)government enforcement of " religious morality" (e.g. enforcement of Hijab laws by theocratic thugs) ii)patriarchal laws pertaining to female witness testimony and female inheritance iv) unjust matrimonial and divorce laws v) judicial sanction of spousal abuse (i.e. allowing a husband to lay a finger -- or was it a small miswak-- on his wife) -
Why Women should be banned from Management/Leadership positions
Prometheus replied to Abtigiis's topic in General
Abtigiis, sxb, over the years, I, too, had to endure my share of shrewish professors and singularly unimpressive female managers and bureaucrats. I oddly, and probably wrongly, remember more wicked and witless women than I do men. But as I used to constantly remind (and console) myself, "the plural of anecdote is not evidence." Male bitc**es exist as well. Also, I think it's prudent to say that in certain circumstances one should deal with women in a different manner. Owing to differences in psychology, one is required to painstakingly fine-tune one's responses. The old proponents of behaviorism, who erroneously asserted that men and women are "only different from the neck down", got it fantastically wrong; females differ from males from the neck up as well. The innatists' insistence-- that nature be given its proper place alongside nurture-- has been vindicated . Now, I understand some may be wary and weary of saying this because lesser minds will start sniffing whiffs of sexism as soon as so banal a fact is declared: there are innate gender-differences not only in anatomy but in behavior. Here, one is obliged to belabor the obvious. Behaviorally, mothers aren't like fathers, sisters aren't like brothers, and boys aren't like girls. Not all stereotypes are unfounded and fatuous. While social conditioning is an important variable, it is scarcely everything. To wish away biology is a fool's errand. (To insufferable feminists: Difference need not mean deficience.) Of course, Abtigiis could have articulated all this without employing provocative and colorful language. But that would be boringly disinterested. It seems that he has decided that a tinge of controversy serves him better in soliciting advice. I think this invites only screeches and screams, and disapproving scowls from us hoary liberals. -
I am eternally puzzled by the reaction of the faithful to scientific discoveries, ever declaiming against the authority of science. Unfortunately, their misplaced schadenfreude betrays a profound ignorance of the scientific process. Experiments like OPERA are scarcely a source of angst and dread for scientists; on the contrary, such provisional findings are a catalyst of curiosity and an impetus for further research. It is impossible to exaggerate the intellectual excitement and debate such experiments foster. If you peruse any scientific journal, magazine, or blog, you'll find lively reviews (and debates) of the original paper, arguments about methodological flaws, interpretation of the data, and its possible implications. This is science at work. And it's pure fun.
Why Women should be banned from Management/Leadership positions
Prometheus replied to Abtigiis's topic in General
Alas, I expected old-fashioned misogyny, of this sort, to emanate from the minds of our resident Imams and holy men, namely, the venerable xiinfaniin and Nur—not Abtigiis. Was I deluded to surmise that SOL's favorite philanderer was an egalitarian individual, a male feminist, a champion of gender equality? Should I be incredulous? Perhaps I am just being a humorless curmudgeon. In any event, I suspect our favorite gadfly is, at heart, more progressive and liberal than he lets on. His latest howler about the inherent inadequacies of women as it pertains to matters of leadership is, one hopes, an unfortunate byproduct of his resentment of, and frustration with, an inept and domineering manager who merely happens to be a woman. In fairness, Abtigiis' blog post is not without comedic value: to observe a man of free spirits ape the traditional values of benighted conservatives is an uproarious stunt. -
Awoowe, meel cilmi loogaga hadlayo maaha inaad sheekh iyo diin keentid. Ee waxaan ku idhi kutubtaadii barakaysanayd isaga noqo oo masalooyinkii xaydka iyo nifaaska iyo tayammumka xal u raadi. Hawshani waa mid aadan fahmayne.
I suppose there's a good reason why professional physicists aren't anticipating a Kuhnian "paradigm shift" in physics. It takes more than one experiment to overturn an established theory buttressed by hundreds of experiments. Either way, the beauty of science is self-correction. And many a beautiful theory has been slain by, as the cant goes, a grotesque fact.
The special election in NY probably reflected a more general economic malaise, and the ire of voters seemed to point more towards the administration than the intransigent Republican party. But the fact that the Republican also painted Obama as less than a stalwart ally of Israel also helped his cause. It's somewhat unfortunate for both parties to be beholden to the interests of a foreign state. It's almost scandalous. You can be a Zionist without being self-destructive. @ Che, sxb, things are not as simplistic as you think.
Why Israel insists on acting against its own self-interest befuddles me. Despite my sympathy for the state of Israel, it is becoming increasingly impossible to defend their policies with a straight-face.
A planet with two suns discovered - First of its kind
Prometheus replied to nuune's topic in General
Subxaanallah! Hallalejuah! But more importantly, thank goodness for science. Neat stuff. -
There was a fascinating lecture on TED about the sources of happiness. The data about what makes people happy was coralled from disparate disciplines-- behavorial economics, neuroscience, pyschology. Takeway? Buy more experiences than things. Give to others more than yourself. The beauty of such advice is that it is informed by empirical findings not philosophical writings.
It seems that both usages are standard and, needless to say, interchangeable. What I find mystifying, even horrifying, is the bizarre reaction of some Somalis to the term "Somalian". It is not unusual for a Somalian to start frothing at the mouth, needlessly animated by wrath and wroth, upon hearing this innocuous word. One is left to wonder whether such naive, über -nationalists, who are wont to impugn the patriotism of any Somalian who follows standard usage, are in thrall to a pretentious, indeed odious, nationalism. If they do not deign to describe themselves as "Somalians", that's fine. But to hector others for using a standard term is little more than linguistic harassment by an unlettered cranks.
A Ramadan State of Mind When Ramadan-ing, it’s encouraged to have a Ramadan State of Mind. It’s a state of mind and state of body that is resilient to pain, longing, easy comfort and selfish desires. An observer can easily perceive this month long fast as an exercise in masochism commanded by a sadistic Creator who enjoys denying his “trying-to-get by worshippers” food, water, sex and bad etiquette from sunrise to sunset. To add insult to famine, we’re also encouraged to increase our prayer –as if the daily 5 prayer ritual wasn’t enough – and give charity despite being mired in one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression. The Usual Ramadan Wikipedia Posts Your usual “Ramadan” blog posts give you a quick Wikipedia facts update on how this is the 9th month in the Islamic lunar calendar in which the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Upon sighting the new moon, Muslim communities worldwide become spiritually charged avatars of ascetic awesomeness immersed in reflection, forgiveness,prayer, reconciliation and generosity. 1.5 billion Muslims magically transform overnight and jettison their messy, imperfect, human emotional baggage, because that’s the miraculous power of Ramadan and being Muslim! We become Yodas with kufis and Splinters in thobes. We are Mr. Miyagis and Morgan Freemans dispensing calm, sage advice and composing ourselves elegantly like a stereotypical ascetic monk only seen in Hollywood movies as quiet Asian men in robes. This, my friends, is not reality. Most of us spend at least half the month complaining about being Muslim and flirting with the idea that maybe worshipping fire (Zoroastrianism) isn’t such a bad gig. The Nostalgia of Old Men A few days ago I sat with a bunch of friends at Ma’s Halal Chinese Restaurant in San Jose talking about the upcoming month of fasting. We’re all old men now, mostly in our early 30’s, and gone are the days when we thought hair would last forever or we’d be able to sustain a 6 pack. Some of us have wives and kids, and mostly all carry a one-pack gut. We are good folks just trying to get by and we fondly remember the glory years when we could play basketball for 3 hours without stretching and then eat 2 slices of Blondie Pizzas and stay up for most of the night playing video games and still function with 2 hours of sleep. “Annoying Muslims Then, there’s the Muslims. They annoy the hell out of me. Islam would be far more pleasant if it had less Muslims. Really. Sometimes I feel like being Reverend Lovejoy of The Simpsons and suggesting other religions to the Ned Flanders of our communities. We Muslims are obsessed with Unity for some reason, but can only unify on how much disunity exists within our communities. For the first time in years, every community is starting their fast on the same day. Some of you are asking, “Why? Don’t you all start at the beginning of the Islamic month?” Well, there are two camps. I refer to them as “Moonies” and “Computer God Muslims.” The former say we have to see the new moon with the naked eye and only then we can officially begin Ramadan. The latter camp says we should rely on technology and if the new moon rises, despite being visible to the human eye, then we are officially a “go” for Ramadan. Naturally, these two camps rarely agree thus resulting in major social awkwardness when telling our bosses, “Yeah, I might have to take either Tuesday or Wednesday off for Eid in a month. I’ll let you know in a bit. Yeah, it’s a Muslim thing. Just…trust me.” But, fortuitously, this year “Moonies” and “Computer God Muslims” apparently made a truce with a celestial power, saw the crescent moon the same night, and now we’re all on the same schedule. Sweet! Optimus Prime Muslims But, sadly, this unity means bumping into more “Optimus Prime Muslims.” These are Muslims who transform during Ramadan – and only during Ramadan – into obnoxious, religious blowhards and completely change their personality and behavior traits for 30 days only to de-evolve into the same exact human being immediately on Eid, the day celebrating the end of fasting. These guys stop listening to music, watching tv, logging on facebook, reading magazines and the whole shabang. Now, I have no problem with this. Go forth and free thyself from these technological crutches that have paralyzed human interactions, I say! However, I do have a problem with Optimus Prime Muslims lecturing me for being a heathen for occasionally watching a Netflix flick or catching a re-run of Dexter. “You watch movies during RAMADAN!?!? Wow…ok, maybe we were…raised…differently. Well, Allah is Merciful…I guess.” Listen, I don’t drink, do drugs, beat people up, snort cocaine off of strippers’ bellies, gamble or even know what bacon tastes like. Life is hard for a practicing Muslim. Relent. Give a brother some instant Netflix. That’s all I’m asking. We also have family and friends. Ah, yes. Family and friends – how can we forget them: the cause and solution to so much of life’s joys and pain. Machiavellian Strategy Before Ramadan, each married couple or family unit strategically “claims” out a weekend in advance during Ramadan to host their Iftar party. You have to quickly send your Facebook evite, because those slots fill up damn quick. What happens when you have competing iftar parties? Where do you go? Whom do you choose? This puts many of us in some serious, sticky social situations. You need to dust off Machiavelli’s Prince and get prepared. It’s like being a Senator in Old Rome – an environment filled with intrigue, strategy, partial deception and sycophantic pleasantry –but, sadly, no nudity. The State of The World And, of course, the ongoing depressing state of the world reminds us daily that perhaps Armageddon is around the corner and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will probably be wearing GAP and starring in their own reality TV show. We just emerged from a debt ceiling crisis that might destroy our economic future. There is famine, civil war, and violence throughout the world. A hate-filled bigot killed 76 people, mostly youth, in Norway. Haiti, Pakistan and Japan are still recovering from some of the worst natural disasters in modern history. People were promised bright futures and jobs only to land in their parents’ homes which is about to be foreclosed by a bank that received a bailout and gave record bonuses to its executives. And, the shadow of 9-11 looms in the horizon. So, how am I supposed to have a Ramadan State of Mind? So, why do I keep doing this year after year? After all, there is no compulsion in my religion. I can easily snack on a tasty burger and wash it down with a sugary coke while my fellow Muslims slog through the heat. I don’t have to pray or be charitable or reconcile with loved ones or forgive my enemies or myself. I can be flippant, rude, mean, selfish and brash, and simply “tell it like it is” instead of exercising restraint, moderation and patience. It’s all about perspective and appreciating the journey. The experience when framed by the proper intention always makes me a stronger, resilient and more spiritually balanced individual. Really, each and every Ramadan, there’s always a net positive. Yes, the shadow of 9-11 looms and it seems America has gone cray-cray with extremist rhetoric, hate speech, divisiveness, and Islamophobia, with 2012 Republican Presidential candidates, such as Herman Cain, recommending banning mosques and denying Muslim Americans their constitutionally protected rights. Yes, some “Muslims” around the world are still hijacking our faith to rationalize their perverse, criminal actions of hate and terror. Yes, Americans are suffering from uncertainty, confusion and economic hardship. There is a war in Afghanistan, Pakistan is exploding, and Iraq has yet to heal. The world is reeling from environmental tragedies. Madness seems to be Kool-Aid of the day. But, the Ramadan State of Mind allows me to see this as an opportunity – to push things forward and evolve as an individual, as a community and as a society. Instead of reacting with hate, despair and nihilism, this month allows us to ask for Allah’s Mercy and blessings. It puts me in a spiritual zone where I’m allowed and encouraged to hope. My hunger is temporary but in the long term I gain awareness and empathy. I starve myself of the world and hope to taste something sweeter. Yes, the transformer Muslims annoy the hell out of me, but I know they’re simply trying their best to do what’s right in their own obnoxious way. Sure, I have to engage in Machiavellian strategy to save face when I ditch Iftar parties, but I’m grateful to have friends and family who love me enough to share their happiness with me. And the world has been mad since it was born, but I cannot carry its burdens on my shoulders alone. All I can do is try the best I can with the time I have. And sometimes that time comes packaged in 30 days where fasting might seem like an exercise in masochism to the world. But, observe closely, because sometimes – sometimes – you can see that worshiper smile despite the hunger, thirst, and exhaustion. That person has a Ramadan State of Mind. I hope to be fortunate enough to taste what he’s having for Ramadan. And it just may be that resilience and hope are the main courses on the menu. --------------------------------------------------- Wajahat Ali is a Muslim American of Pakistani descent. He is a playwright, essayist, humorist, blogger, and Attorney at Law
Mystifying and humbling, to be sure. I have always thought it the epitome of conceit, of errant speciesism, for primates such as humans— highly evolved primates, but primates just the same— to assume that the Universe was created primarily for them. Primarily? Does any thinking person even think that it was created with humans in mind at all? Copernicus proved that we were certainly not a forethought; our planet hardly a center. Is it possible that we are not even an afterthought? It’s tempting to think so. Carl Sagan christened our tiny planet the “pale blue dot”. Pale, because the light it reflected was scarcely visible to Voyager 1. Dot, because it appeared as insignificant and invisible as a dot against the cosmic background. Our ancestors falsely, though understandably, imagined that our pale blue dot was the center of the universe, that the Sun orbited this tiny speck of rock. Indeed, they spawned silly stories about the origins (and mechanisms) of celestial events. (One popular, pre-scientific story imagined that meteor showers were the result of stars hurled at eavesdropping spirits, such spirits supposedly wanted to share the secrets of God with humans.) Alas, hubris is an innate reality of the human condition. We are not the apple of God's eye. And meteor showers have nothing to with humans whatsoever. Compare the grand and mystifying view of the Universe painted by science with the parochial and insipid view proffered by gods and prophets, charlatans and quacks. We might never know whence the Universe came or why, but to think that we are the favorite play-thing of an invisible puppeteer is morally odious and scientifically erroneous. P.S. Mathematicians and Astronomers are fond of assigning probabilities to whether there are other intelligent life-forms in the universe. Though much of their number-crunching owes more to speculation than experimentation, I think the bigger surprise would be if there were no intelligent life-forms elsewhere. The numbers seem to demand it. How would faith-heads explain other intelligent life-forms, I wonder. Of course, it's a bit too easy: the same way the explained away that our planet is a pale blue dot. Some holy booklet must have vaguely predicted it somewhere.