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Everything posted by Thankful

  1. Well Mr. JB, you can post negative articles on President Sharif cabinet all you want, as you did with Abdullahi Yusuf before him. But these leaders terms are not extended continuously like your leader and they step down and let someone else take over. So if President Sharif's cabinet is wolves in Sheep's clothing, what is yours?
  2. Mr. Somalia, I know where people like Sabriye & co are coming from, always posting negative news from one region and never from theirs. If they were so concerned they'd write the good and bad. However, my concern is that these relatively little incidents will be exaggerated in the media and people will start thinking that they are worse then they are. It seems the Puntland government thinks that if they don't acknowledge this news, people will forget. I understand that these things happen all over the world and especially in Africa, but the people need to know what the government plans on trying to do to stop them. If the people throwing gernades aren't getting the governments attention or feel that they can get away with it, they might become even more bolder and start making their attacks larger.
  3. You seem happy by claiming they are in the Mud? Don't bask in these incident(s). The government has made no comment on any of it, which I don't understand. The small incidents may turn into bigger ones if the government doesn't start addressing them publicly and mobilizing the people. Of course Garoweonline has never mention a single thing nor the puntland government website. I hope they don't take this lightly.
  4. Just a random comment but... The man in the background with the black baseball cap, is PIS Head Osman Abdullahi.
  5. Inna Lillaahi wa innaa Ileyhi Raajicuun I knew Haykal very well, I met him on all of my trips and spent a lot of time with him in Gaalkayo in the summer of 06. He was a small guy but fearless. He help me out a lot and I owed him a lot. Sad to hear this is what happened to him. Allaha u naxariisto
  6. This will feed many people and help NW and NE Somalia's local economies. The lifting of this ban would not have been possible without the development of the live stock quarantines. Building these facilities was essential to opening up our most vital trading export to Saudi Arabia. For those that were against the livestock quarantine, I hope you realize how important it really is to the people living in Somalia and that they were in fact happy with its construction, regardless of what some media outlets with political motivations might have reported. We need more development done and the time of complaining and arguing that the time isn't right, is over. This is good news indeed.
  7. I've seen them with my own eyes and have met some of their members. So I know way better then you do, who and what they are. What these guys were a few years back and what they are now is indescribable they have seemed to have learned from attacks and have adapted themselves very well. The weapons supplied to them are not typically seen in Somalia. Their soldiers do some tough physical fitness training as well. You might not care much about peace gained through security but in Puntland we do. Like i've said before, peace is the number one priority for everyone.
  8. The PIS is becoming stronger and stronger every single day, they are by far the best trained, armed and funded security force in Puntland. They receive the highest pays and I can honestly say they dress and act professional. They are constantly training. I think these guys attacked someone that use to be with them because they know the response if they took the PIS on face to face. They look like some serious guys that mean business. Insh'Allah they will open up bases throughout the state and bring security back to order like they have in Bosasso. Then head to Eyl and other pirate area's and shut them down.
  9. Where are the protests in Puntland or people voicing their concerns? Even those abroad, considering how big the population is, I have seen virtually nothing. Because they know that you get all the fact first before you start coming to conclusions. It seems so many of you own here are hoping that the people in Puntland will overthrow their government. You can huff and puff all you want about these stories, but the people their aren't believing it.
  10. What is your sources for all this? The is the name of the alleged person that died? We don't know any details except one person has died? You must be careful about what articles you believe. So if a minister is "allegedly" unsure of the one said man, you presume he's dead? My point is that since as you admit the "story of fluctuating details" is developing still, dont't try and fill in the holes to suit your own agenda's against Puntland. He may have died in custody, but until their is concrete proof we need to wait. But it seems you and many that love to grab hold of certain stories are enjoying this and hoping that it will be some sort of rallying cry that will cause a war in Puntland.
  11. The point is nothing has been varified and until there is something tangible then lets stop with the imaginary stories that you are believing. What is the alleged person name that was killed? Do you have a picture of him?
  12. current times? The past won't be forgotten. So you and the people you support can try and run with this ONLF story all you want, but you won't see the people of Puntland believing any of it.
  13. Remember how the story was first that 5 ONLF teachers who came from studying in Yemen were arrested and sent to Ethiopia. Then the story changed to 5 ONLF rebels were sent to Ethiopia by secret plane and then final the story is....they were never sent to Ethiopia but left in Bosasso where one man has died. Get the stories right, I can't wait until the twist.
  14. ^how about before that? We can start anytime. Although a significant amount died when the government collapsed. How about those guys in Xamar who have purposely fought in the middle of the city for almost two decades.
  15. Are we going back from 1991? Or are we going to just forget that as irrelevant?
  16. I am not saying the jail death is true or false. I just haven't heard anything from the websites I consider reliable. If it is true, President Faroole must announce that he has ordered a investigation and that if their is any criminal wrong doing those involved will be punished. President Faroole cannot remain silent while media outlets are spreading these stories, he must address them a.s.a.p. He's taken different actions in the past and I don't understand why garoweonline and the puntland website isn't being used as it has been in the past. The same thing he addressed the four boys ,, denying the whole thing then admitting it later ?? Is that the truth our your own spin? The rumours and news first said the men were arrested and sent to Ethiopia remember how that was the first story? Now the same people and media are saying, no he was never sent but was killed in Bosasso. So of course denying they were sent to ethiopia is the truth.
  17. I am saying that I haven't found any Puntland websites that have reported the deaths. I only see certain sites who are anti-Puntland doing so. And that President Faroole needs to understand that he needs to address the rumours that are being spread before they get out of hand. Stories like this whether true or false can snowball and public anger can turn to violence. The president needs to to attack the media with media, which he has shown he can do. So he must first address the alleged jail death immediately.
  18. I don't understand why President Faroole is not attacking the media campaign that is against him. Right now the enemies of Puntland have attached themselves to these stories and are running with it. I've seen Garoweonline attack and find excuses for so many other new articles that were against them, but it seems this whole ONLF and prisoner death stuff has gone unaddressed. The attacks in bosasso are quite small right now but if the government continues to keep quiet the anger may start to grow. It seems that the government is not taking this propoganda serious. Propoganda from those that use to support the ICU and those from NW Somalia. President Faroole has attacked other media outlets before who were nothing compared to the storm that is growing right now. He needs to really address this situation and investigate this death or dispute it. The Puntland website is not in use, Garoweonline hasn't reported much, I am not sure what is going on in the government but there's no time to waste. People will start believing the lies that our enemies are reporting.
  19. Whats the source? If you are too lazy to give us a link, I understand. Atleast show us the whole artice and don't purposely cut and paste the article so there is no indication where you got it from.
  20. After 18 years of no government you think the people will start protesting the little government they have formed, if they wanted to, they could take it out in a day. But they learned from their mistakes when it comes to attacking your government. There is no occupation anywhere in Somalia, we asked all those that are here to come and we are happy they are here. In my opinion it may be that deep down inside we know who has committed more war crimes against us. One thing is for certain the people are not protesting in Puntland because they are people of peace and not prone to violence. Demonstrating and dragging bodies is not the Puntland way. If you think some big revolution is coming it won't, the last revolution destroyed Somalia. If there is one thing we learned in the last 18 years is that peace is everything.
  21. Originally posted by Suldaanka: I love Puntland's "ana waa ikan" moment. In what context are you referring to?
  22. isbaaro - checkpoint, place to search people and vehicles that are all over bosasso. Why'd you think the PIS was the target? Because they are the backbone of Puntlands security apparatus?
  23. Qaraxa ayaa ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada gaar ahaan meel isgoys ah oo xilliyadi habeenki ay isbaaro dhigtaan Ciidamada amaanka ee Bosaaso kuwaas oo baara gaadiidka ku goosheeya magaalada. Is that what you hope, that the PIS get attacked?
  24. horseednet Horseed Media Breaking News. Waxaa goor dhowayd ka dhacay magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari Qarax nooca bamka ah kaas oo laga dareemay qaar ka mid ah xaafadaha u ka dhacay qaraxa. Qaraxa ayaa ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada gaar ahaan meel isgoys ah oo xilliyadi habeenki ay isbaaro dhigtaan Ciidamada amaanka ee Bosaaso kuwaas oo baara gaadiidka ku goosheeya magaalada. Qaraxa ayaa waxaa dhaawac ka soo gaaray dad maraayay isla markaana ka aag dhowa goobta u qaraxu ka dhacay,iyadoo dadkaas aan ila iyo iminka tiradooda la xaqiijinin inta u yahay kuwaas oo loola cararay xarumaha Caafimaadka oo ay ku jirto Cisbitaalka weyn oo iminka lagula tacaalaayo dhaawacooda. Ciidanka ku sugnayd isgoyska ayaa rasaas furey ka dib marki ay maqleen dhawaaqa qaraxa,waxaana goobta isugu soo baxay dadweyne boqolaal ah kuwaas oo doonaayay in ay ogaadaan sidii ay wax u dhaceen. Xilliyada habeenki Ciidamada amaanka ee Magaalada Bosaaso ayaa sameeya howlgalo ay ku sugaayan amaanka,iyadoo ay baaritaano ay ku sameeyaan gaadiidka ku goosheeya wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada. Hore magaalada Bosaaso waxaa ka dhacay qaraxyo aad u xoogan oo ay ku waxyeeloobeen dad aad u tira badan oo shacab ah,waxaana ila iyo iminka aan jirin wax hadal ah oo ka soo yeeray maamulka Gobolka iyo degmada Bosaaso oo ku aadan qaraxa caawa dhacay. Wixii faahfaahin ah waan idin soo gudbin doona. Horseed Media.
  25. We should wait and see what happened, you must look at who uses these tactics and who has threaten NW Somalia with violence. Those groups in the south have continuously threaten to kill and they are definitely the number one suspects. Africanown, use your common sense and not tribal hatred.