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I am saying that this Ayoub guy wrote that I said: "Al Amiin Amir. "Image matters" rationed ThankfulSP" When did I say this!
I got all the NW Somalis coming after me. I just want to know, where I rationalized President Faroole attack on Amin Arts! that's it.
Originally posted by AYOUB: Faroole declared war on Pirateland's irrational enemy from the south; namely...Al Amiin Amir. "Image matters" rationed ThankfulSP . The lying secessionists! when will they ever stop with the lies! I dare you to show me when I defended the ridiculous attack on Amiin Amir. Grow up buddy, either put up or shut up. Seriously does all the khat in your D.N.A make you lie??
Qardho is a nice spot if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of Bosasso, the Politics of Garowe and the tension of Gaalkayo because of the two groups living their. Of course for me Bosasso was the most enjoyable place, but Qardho has very good food(I think because they don't serve as many people as the other cities) and Qardho has nice weather. It's nice because you are in the middle of Garowe and Bosasso so you can get to either relatively soon. To us who have lived in the west a place may seem to be reer miyi, but to the people living their it is a definitely an insult. They don't like people classify their homes. Because 1) the people that consider themselves as reer miyi have no electricity, running water and home is made out of different recycled things. 2) When you say that the city they live in is reer miyi, you are basically saying they thinking and acting like that. But if I had a choice Bosasso is the best spot; atleast when it's not summer!
No need to be rude, but then again I expect that from you!
all puntland WAR DEG DEG AH: Qarax ka dhacay Caasumada Puntland. 20. december 2009 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan WAR DEG DEG AH(AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya caasumada Puntland ee Garowe ayaa xaqiijinaya in uu qarax ka dhacay magaaladaasi, isla markaasna lala beegsaday gaariga Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland Md, C/rishiid Maxamed Xirsi. Khasaaraha uu geystay qaraxa ayaan tafaasiilaad dheeri ah aan laga heynin, waxaana Saraakiisha amaanka iyo xildhibaanada baarlamaanku ay sheegayaan in aysan jirin cid wax ku noqotey, marka laga reebo shaqsiyaad ay ka soo gaareen dhaawacyo fudud. Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Md, C/rishiid Maxamed Xirsi oo ay isku dayday APL in ay la hadasho ayaysan suuragalin, iyadoo uu hawada ka maqan yahay Telfoonkiisii gacanta, waxaana Mudanayaasha aadka ugu dhaw gudoomiyaha ay xaqiijiyeen in uu bad qabo oo aysan waxba ka gaarin weerarkaasi lala beegsaday, waxaana socda baaritaano adag oo ay wadaan ciidamada amaanka, iyadoo aad loo adkeeyey amaanka guriga Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland. Saraakiisha dawladda Puntland ee ciidamada ayaa sheegay in ay ciidamadoodu wadaan howlgalo ay ku ogaanayaan qaraxan waxyaabihii uu ka dhashay iyo cidii ka dambeysay sidii gacanta loogu dhigi lahaa. Dad ka soo tagay magaalada oo ku soo dhawaaday goobta ayay ciidamadu isku dayayan in ay hakiyaan, isla markaasna ay ku celinayaan rasaas ay cirka uridayaan, iyadoo isla markiiba ciidan badan ladhigay gudaha goobta ay wax ka dhaceen. Xildhibaan ka mid ah baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa usheegay APL in ay jiraan dhaawacyo sahlan oo soo gaaray shaqsiyaadka aad uga ag dhawaa goobta,warar kala gedisan ayaa ka soo baxaya cida wax ku noqotay qaraxa ayadoo wararku ay sheegayaan in ay wax noqday darawalka gaariga Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka, inkastoo aan la xaqiijin wararkaasi.
Horseednet Qarax Ka dhacay Magaalada Garoowe December 20, 2009Waxaa caawa qarax lala beegsadey gaarihga Gudoomiayaha Baarlamaanka Puntland, qaraxa ayaa dhacay caawa fiidkii waxaana uu ka dhacay dhanka galbeedka ee magaalada, garoowe Qaraxa ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in dhaawac fudud uu ka soo gaarey Gudoomiyaha iyo laba askeri oo ka mid ahaa ilaaladiisi, ma jirto tafaasiil laga baxshey in cid ku dhimatey iyo in kale, warar aan si rasmi ah loo caddeyn ayaa tibaaxay in dareewalkii gaariga gudoomiyaha uu qaraxa ku dhintey. Qaraxa ayaa ahaa mid laga maqlaayey guud ahaan magaalada aadna u xoogbadan. Waa qaraxii u horeeyay oo noociisa oo kale ah oo ka dhacay magaalada Garoowe, waxa ay arintaani qayb ka tahay qaraxyo sil silad ahaa ee lala beegsanaayey goobaha amaanka iyo ciidanka amaanka ee Puntland. Waa masuulkii u sareeyey ee qarax caynkan oo kale ah lala beegsado, arintan ayaa ah fariintii u danbeysey ee ay dirayaan kooxaha amaandarada ka wada Puntland, taas oo ay ku muujinayaan sida ay u bartilmaameedsan karaan qofkey doonaan, waxaana la dhawrayaa talabaada ku aadan ee Dawladdu qaado
- Try and make up your fake news, just like you use to claim that you were catching "terrorists" now it's pirates. But, a neutral observer named Jurgen Kantner the German man who went back to Bebera to fix his boat said it best when he saw the NW Somali navy: Now Kantner has returned successfully to Somaliland, travelled to Berbera, and spends his days rebuilding his yacht, on the other side of the pier from the Somaliland coastguard base, seemingly safe from pirate attack. He has, however, little belief in the effectiveness of the coastguards. ‘They put on a Mickey Mouse show,’ he said, dismissing them with a wave of the hand. ‘They will never catch a thing.’ The Pirates try and stay clear of that area because of the military bases in Djibouti.
Saw these ones on Horseednet.
You say there are tons of poor and desperate girls in your area and take pride in it, I won't dispute that. I am just saying because of the young pirates their are tons in Puntland, girls from all over are flocking their! Hopefully through education and time they will no longer need to choose that desperate lifestyle. In relations to chat, qaat is chewed through out our region, the same in yemen,ethiopia and djibouti. Its the beer of the somali's saxib. Their is nothing wrong with it in my view, cocaine, weed,alcahol, pills are much worse. I knew a NW Somalia would defend a drug that is illegal in many countries in the world. You try and defend it by naming 3 of poorest countries in the world. I am surprised that you think nothing is wrong with it. Puntland has it's khat problem, but even President Faroole said that he would not hire any one that chewed it! Every president has spoken against it and many know it is wrong. The problem is their is no economic alternatives. So the government cant' ban it, yet. Would your leader dare speak out against it? Regardless, for you this terrible drug is okay and normal. The family that runs 571, is making a fortune by keeping their people addicted to a it! When I flew back to Dubai From Puntland we stop in Hargeysa and picked people up. All these guys came on with khat, and started eating the whole trip to dubai. I mean they were like zombies, eat super fast trying to finish before they landed, their mouths were all green, and they knew that if they didnt' finish they would be arrested. Saying the man that runs 571(Khat Business) is the richest somali and your biggest business is nothing to be proud of, he is bringing no benefit to our people!!!
GAAROODI correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't 571 the khat business? And you said he is the richest person, how is drug dealing Halal? Only a NW Somali would think it is! Your biggest business is the drug trade and you have the nerve to talk? The disgusting criminal pirates made more money then Puntland and NW Somali's admin makes COMBINED. Unlike you, I am not saying this is right, they are criminals. But you are trying to say Puntland girls are going to Hargeysa and I am saying that tons are hargeysa girls are coming to Puntland, more then you can imagine. The money these guys have is just being spent on living an expensive life. Not running a business or a government. These guys have nothing to do except spend their money. I hope the international community stops these criminals and they start doing land raids on pirate bases! Women there don't care about the brains and balls crap you speak of, they care about money and only money!!! The United Nations believes pirates may have earned as much as $120 million in ransom payments. And there has been rising concern among western diplomats and security analysts that a large chunk of the money is being funneled to the militant Shabab group.
Believe me, it is nothing compared to all the girls running from hargeysa to nugaal, trying to catch a young pirate with money.
Mr.Paragon, what part of Puntland are you from, if you don't mind me asking?
I admit she has done wonders for her family! This picture with clinton was taken a couple months ago, long after he left politics. Excited little kid? Hmmm she is the one with 2 hands grasping!
Any oil in Buntland yet? I think everyone knows their is oil their brother. Siad Barre knew very well and that's why they went to Puntland. Yemen has oil and they were once attached to our land mass. The risks and prospects are high?
Of course, because you dont change leaders unless he dies! You left the "tyrant regime of Siyad Barre" who refused to step down and hold elections and replaced him with Riyaale (part of the old regime)who has stayed in power long after his term expired!
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Thankful- She is a midwife and she has a PHD. She does not have a PHD. Unless you want to consider an honorary doctorate that she was given. When I initially read the article, I thought the university had written the piece that is why I responded, but now that I see someone by the name of Saeed Mohamed - who is a NW Somalia activist wrote it. I understand why it has the typical misleading changes to it. Had I noticed who the author was, I wouldn't have responded, it seems our media have no issue with lying and it's quite normal. Just like the lie about who caused the bombing in mogadishu amoung many others.
I am certain he is faking where he is from and that he is from NW Somalia. Just like Marx admitted he was lying, I think AT is the same. Only one side hates Puntland this much! The fact that he has aligned himself with Oodweyne makes me even more suspicious, because the ONLF has accused the admin in Hargeysa and Garowe of comitting the exact same crimes against people from the "O" as well. But he will still join forces with them? The real ONLF would never ever side with them. AT is definitely a NW Somali.
source----> Kismayonews
You said Amin Arts signed a peace treaty with Puntland good community because the picture was taken down ---but the picture is still there. I might have high blood pressure, but you definitely suffer from paranoia.
Originally posted by The Zack: Remember how few days ago Amin Amir posted a pirate flag claiming to be it is Puntland's flag? Well, that is not the case any more. It seems that even Amin Amir has signed a peace treaty with Puntland's good community as he is not making fun of their flag any more. The pirate flag has been removed from Mr. Amir's website. Zack what are you on about now? The pic is still on Amin Arts!! Are you just trying to make more Puntland conspiracy theories? I advise you to stop making up your own news and make sure the ONLF writers know that lying is not good either!
Puntland needs a massive conference. With important elders, religious leaders, of course government officals and past government officials, important business men and members of the diaspora. They need to really figure out what to do and realize that they need to work together. We need to take it serious now before it gets worse. I think it is obvious who is behind it, Al Shabaab who has claimed war on foreigners. These criminals have already admitted to suicide bombings so they are logical suspects.
Horseednet NEWS IN SOMALI Mudaharaad maanta ka dhacay Bosaaso oo lagaga soo horjeeday qaraxi xalay dhacay. December 15, 2009Dad ka caraysnaa qaraxi saqda dhexe ee xalay lala beegsaday Ciidanka Amaanka ee Bosaaso ayaa waxaa ay isugu soo baxeen wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada Bosaaso kuwaas oo dhigay mudaharaad kooban kuwaas oo ku muujinaayay dareenkooda sida ay uga xunyihin qaraxi xalay. Dadkaas oo gaarayay Boqolaal qof ayaa waxaa ay socod ku soo mareen wadooyinka waa weyn ee magaalada Bosaaso gaar ahaan wadada dheer ee laamiga ah,waxaana ay ku dhaawaqeyeen Erayo ka dhan ah dadka wada falalka amaan darada ka wada gudaha degaanada Puntland gaar ahaan magaalada Bosaaso. Waxaana ay dadkaas ka codsadeen Dowlada Puntland in ay wax ka qabato falalka amaan darada iyo dadka wada in la soo qab qabto hal meelo la iska soo wada jeesto. Waxaa ay sidoo kale dadka mudaharaadka dhigaayay socod ku mareen xarumaha Dowlada iyo Hay’adda Samafalka,waxaana ay mar weliba ka codsanaayeen Maamulka gobolka iyo degmada in ay si deg deg ah wax uga qabtaan amaan darada. Qaraxi miinada ee xalay ka dhacay magaalada Bosaaso oo lala beegsaday Ciidanka Amaanka oo watay gaadiidka dagaal ayaa waxaa ku dhintay inta la ogyahay 3-Askari iyadoo ay ku dhaawacmeen ku dhowaad 8-Askari kuwaas oo xilligaas ku jiray howlgalo ay ku sugaayeen Amaanka,waxaana goobta u qaraxa ka dhacay howlgalo ka samaynaayay subaxnimadi hore ee saaka. Horseed Media.
Right now there are 100s protesting in Bosasso because people were murdered and injured. This article is insensitive and poorly timed. THE RIOTS ARE NOT A LAUGHING MATTER. To change the news and make a joke about it is not funny!