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Col. Abdisamad Ali is the deputy of Faroole and perpetrator of the attacks that displaced so many people. The area has no presence of humanitarian organizations and the wounded civilians have no where to go,” Asha Abdalla said. Even though Ilka-Jiir is also on the Puntland government side and has put on a military uniform along with General Abdisamid. Asha will not mention him, because she can't say anything negative about a person from her area. Ilka-Jiir is the single person that has brought many people from these regions on the side of Puntland. This is where her rational is flawed, because if the Puntland government is committing crimes as she alleges, then Ilka-Jiir would also be responsible. But no, she makes no mention of him at all! It doesn't matter if it is Atam or Ilka-Jiir who are facing each other in this battle, both can't be criticized by people from E.Sanaag and W. Bari.
Amazing pictures!!! This is clear proof that the Puntland government has the full support of the local populations of these region. The vice president and interior minister can tour the area's. Unlike the criminal Atam that must hide in the mountains. People of these area's refuse to aid someone associated with terrorist groups. This also proves that the radical Diaspora of Eastern Sanaag and Western Bari and websites like the Bias Somali Public Radio are completely misinformed or trying to instigate conflict for their entertainment. I'll say it again, if the populations of these area's were against the Puntland government, Atam would not have retreated and have to hide in the mountains and the Vice President and minister of interior would not be visited these area's. Well done
Originally posted by Nassir: Brief illustration of the Galgala/Majihan conflict for the benefit of observers and confused readers.The issue of Gagala is quite complex and it has multiple root causes. Basically, it's about a land dispute, clan feuds, contraversial mineral and oil exploration deals that PL signed with foreign comapnies (Range and Africa Oil), and the harsh policies and the uneven structure of Puntland Intelligence Services, an independent security organization backed by the West . See that is the problem there is only one side of the issue that you are trying to get out, But form the Puntland Government side their reasoning for taking on Atam is that he is a man that has connections with an internationally recognized terrorist organization named Al Shabaab. The group kills civilians and government officials frequently. Mr. Atam then proved Puntland reasoning’s for taking him on were valid after he was recorded 2 weeks ago saying that he considers this terrorist group called Al Shabaab his brothers and that "they are us and we are them." Mr. Atam's clans men inhabit a very wide region and could cause significant trouble if they saw him as a just man, but they don't, which is why he is isolated to the mountains. He holds very little support inside Somalia; it is only his Diaspora that supports him!
Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Yesturday, they were very pro-puntland and today here they are. . LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, what are you talking about? Yesterday they broke away and said they are a new state indepedent from Puntland. Come election time they were back hailing the new admin and their darling Ilka-Jiir, now they government is taking on a criminal that sides with terrorists organizations and they become upset and attack the government. They were never "very" Pro-Puntland, it's only during elections times. As Mr. Somalia said, you just wait until the elections in a little over two years and you will see them all supporting Ilka-Jiir for the Puntland presidency!
As usual you make baseless claim with no evidence. Show me once where I said that people from Eastern Sanaag don't have villages in Bari. Just like this nonsense thread, which lies about numbers, you want to make things up to. I am happy that people from Maakhir have 68 villages in Bari. I hope they all migrate to Bari and set up towns, they have every right to. Just like anyone from Somalia has a right to. Bosasso and other areas are inhabited by Somalis from every corner. I believe within the near future the government will include everyone. But we first need to get a grip of people like Atam first. It's nice that you admit how that Maakhir's have 68 villages. Because it proves my point, none of those areas are joining Atam to take on the Puntland government. The vice president, minister of interior both travel freely through these areas while Atam hides in the bushes and mountains. Why aren’t these areas giving him sanctuary? You and I both know that if these 68 villages and the rest of Eastern Sanaag joined in support of Atam, he would never have to hide in the mountains. But just like Ilka-Jiir and the rest of the people living in these area's know, Atam is a man that has motives that they dont agree with and which they do not want to live under. Of course you don't care because you are safe and sound. My issue is not with Eastern Sanaag or Western Bari; it is with the Radical Diaspora that hail from this area’s that wants to support a man that called a terrorist group his brothers. While you sit safely in your foreign country, making up news that 25,000 were displaced in hopes that it will upset people and cause more blood shed.
25,000??? It's a shame that SPR has turned into this propaganda machine. It's not only SPR, I remember when the Tsunami hit, the initial reports tried to say that a 100,000 homes were destroyed, but when a fact finding mission was sent, they realized that it was lies! SPR is a mouth piece of Eastern Sanaag's radical Diaspora and is lead by Salah Donyale. Anyone who has been to these regions would know that not even 25,000 live there.
I agree I sound like a broken record. But when I hear people defending Atam, I feel I must remind them what this guy said on Pal Talk. That interview is the Puntland governments Ace in justifying their actions. I truly believe that the reason the people of E.Sanaag and W.Bari are not defending him specifically is because of that interview! If I keep reading about how he is a man defending minerals or the people of a certain area, I feel I must bring evidence (Paltalk interview), to contradict those lies. So, as long as E.Sanaag's radical Diaspora posts comments that defend the man, I feel I have a duty to respond to it.
I side with the side that is right Ngonge! Right now Atam is a serious threat, I have said it dozens and dozens of times and won't stop. He called Al Shabaab his brothers, that is enough for me to want to see him defeated. I am siding with the Puntland government! It must protect it's citizens, you heard Atam hopes of changing the government and brining his version of what an Islamic one should be.
Lol, Cadde and any other Puntland government offical in their 4 and sometimes more years in office never received accusations from the United Nations Security Council for criminal activity. Eastern Sanaag, Atam, Ilka-Jiir and Faroole were all specifically mentioned!!!!....I was just pointing out my surprised that in such a short time this could happen to the government. The UN report made no mention of Cadde in it or his previous admin, despite your Diaspora attempts to lodge baseless claims. However when a comprehensive investigation was done, the criminals were clearly pointed out. Which ironically turned out to be Cadde's biggest opponents. Eastern Sanaag, Faroole Atam, as I mentioned earlier!! The truth has a funny way of revealing itself!! Now Atam will be dealt with, a man that went on radio and sided with Al Shabaab!
Burn Notice dont bother with these guys. I brought up the contradictions from Faroole back in 2006 and now, regarding oil and minerals. But these guys remained quiet, they never said a word. But now that he is doing something they dont like, they are trying to bring it up! If this was about oil and minerals there would be a lot more people involved, Atam is isolated and his base was taken from him! The people on the ground there know he is a criminal, it's just this radical Diaspora that always want to see conflict from the safety of their homes!
Burn Notice, good point. I am just surprised that people will defend an individual even when they are doing something wrong! It's really sad!
First it is Ina Yeey, because Yeey was his fathers nickname! Second, you are correct he does not have a foreign passport, he uses the Somalia passport and gets a visa everytime he travels with it.
Lol, before it was about Clan, but after Faroole wisely chose men from Sool and Sanaag to lead the attack on Atam. E. Sanaag Diaspora lost that argument, so now they have to say it is about resources! But if it was about Resources then where are the rest of the inhabitants of these areas? Why aren't they getting involved? This is about Atam, and his views on Al Shabaab, he can not be allowed to build an armed force!
Faroole is finally getting a handle on things. His successes against Atam will be remember just like Abdullahi Yusuf's back in the 90s! Atam has no support and is hiding in the mountains! He'll probably resort to cowardly attacks in Bosasso!
Let's be honest, does Faroole look concerned with what's going on in the mountains? Nope! He knows it is completely under control. Also, do you think if Puntland wasn't peaceful she would have chosen to go through it?
Garoweonline Kate Leming oo bushkuleeti ku timid PL 12 Aug 12, 2010 - 1:18:13 AM Madaxweynaha Puntland oo sagootinaya gabadhaan saaran Bushkileetiga Gabdha la yiraahdo Kate Leming oo la u dhalatey wadanka Australia ayaa maalintii shaley 11.08.2010 socod bushkileeti ah ku timid magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garowe. Kate Leming oo socodkeeda ay ku saaran tahay Bushkileetiga ka soo bilowdey Galbeedka Africa ayaa ku dhameyneysa magaalada Xafuun ee ku taala cirifka barri Puntland. Kate oo dhexmareysa magaalada Garowe.xuquqda GO Gabdhaan oo ay wheliyaan walaasheed iyo nin filim duube ah ayaa habeenkii xaley casho sharaf loogu sameeyey aqalka Madaxtooyada halkasoo kulan la qaateen Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Farole. Kate Leming ayaa saakey 12.08.2010 socodkeedii fuulista bushkuleetiga dib uga bilowdey xarunta Madaxtooyada Puntland ee Garowe iyadoo halkaas uu ku sii sagootiyey Madaxweynaha Puntland Mud. Cabdiraxman Farole waxeyna ku wajahan tahay magaalada Xafuun. Saraakiil sii amabaxineysa Kate leming/Xuquuqda GO Socodka fuulista bushkileetiga oo ay gabadhaan u dhalatey wadanka Australia ku soo martey 22 wadan oo Afrikan ah ayaa waxaa loogu magac daraa " breaking the cycle in Africa" iyadoo la adeegsanyo wax barshada, waxaana ay arinkaan kala shaqeynaya shirkado reer Galbeed ah. Dhinaca kale gabadhaan ayaa kasoo gashey Puntland dhinaca Somaliland iyadoo halkaas uga timid wadanka Ethiopia. Kate oo ka baxdey magaalada Garowe/ xuquuqda sawirka GO Hadii aad rabtid inaad la socotid halka gabdhaan socodka ku mareyso ka daalaco boogeeda ay ku leedahay Internetka.
Again! This article fails to mention that Atam said in an audio interview that he considers a terrorist group his brothers and that they are us and we are them! But yeah, I never though Eastern Sanaag's Diaspora would become this desperate. Mr. Atam has been quickly defeated and Puntland government officials were able to tour his former base the next day. If Atam had the backing of his clan, he would still be in his base and the government wouldn’t have step foot anywhere near W.Bari or E. Sanaag! The fact that Puntland has been able to move so deep into these area's with easy is proof who the clan of that region is siding with! I admit it's radical Diaspora is trying to instigate this into something it is not, but just look at Ilka-Jiir and Abdisamid leading the charge, would they have gotten that deep into these area’s if the clan objected to what they were doing? Would Atam be retreating if he had their backing? As well this is a military operation that is taking place in the mountains, where Atam's men have the advantage since they are at the top. I am surprised that the casualties haven't been higher! They must be very poorly trained!
Mr. Atam tries to use every excuse to justify having armed men hiding in the mountains. If this had anything to do with resources why would he be talking about bringing his own perception of what an Islamic government should be in Puntland? The man said numerous times that he wants to bring his own interpretation of Islamic law. If his mission was to protect resources then why does he want political change that falls in line with his own beliefs? Seems that he may be using resource protection as a cover for his own criminal plans, which were exposed when he called a terrorist group his brothers! Ilka-Jiir has made a wise decision by going against Atam; he knows that this time the Puntland government is right in fighting against Atam. That is why he was able to quickly chase him away. Unlike Eastern Sanaag's radical Diaspora, the Interior Minister can easily see that there are times to oppose the government if it is wrong, and there are times to support it. Mr. Atam's interview has made it clear he is a man that associates with terrorist organizations and cares little about his people. I am certain the people back home living in E. Sanaag and W Bari who he was counting on for support are fully aware the man is a fraud!
Ali H. Abdulla should bring all evidence he has against the Puntland admin, we will bring our Pal Talk interview where Mr. Atam talks about his views on a terrorist organization called Al Shabaab! Then we will see who will be convicted in the Hague!
Originally posted by Xudeedi: ^ Adeer this is a clan war, so please wipe off your tears. The Sheikh is addressing the injustices that you want to cover. Your last resort huh? You need to make this into a clan issue. Look at Eastern Sanaag and Western Bari, the population have remained quiet. The military operations have caused no riots or fighting. This is not a clan war, Ilka-Jiir leading this battle has made it clear that this is about Puntland vs. Atam!!! The soldiers fighting come from every region, believe me that Pal Talk interview unified our forces like never before. It also woke up eastern Sanaag to Atam's true motives! One thing is for certain, the people are not coming to Atam's defense!
Xudeedi, I agree that Puntland so-called "SSDF" leadership has taken a back seat. I have even said that this was an extremely intelligent move. Because people like you were hoping to make this into a tribal issue, but can no longer use that strategy, since both Generals leading the attack come from Sool and Sanaag. I am hearing a rumor that Atam and his men are planning to attack the city within the next coming days. Supposedly police intercepted a telephone call between him and his leadership. They plan on doing this either Thursday or Friday, as they await reinforcements to arrive. Either way, Puntland has done well thus far!
Nassir, Sometimes I think you are from another world or you think people have no idea what you are trying to do. After the defeat Atam has been dealt by the Puntland government, which used a coalition of leaders from Sool and Sanaag. You want to try and save face by avoiding that topic and mentioning another one. It's all about denial and avoidance from you? Before this battle you were all about Atam and comparing him to Sheik Sharif and how this was a tribal issue. Stick to this issue how the Vice President and Minister of Interior defeatd Atam quickly and were touring his base soon after!