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Everything posted by Thankful
Lol, they left last time in 2008, and declared their own state saying they were upset. Then they came back to Puntland and were all happy about Ilka-Jiir and now they are upset and angry again. They'll be back come next election! I'm starting to think this is a ploy so they can get (s)elected in the next elections.
JB you should contact gagalanews and tell them you want to get paid for promoting their site so much.
Yes, many people asked me if I had gone there but unfortunately I haven't. I found the places I was staying to be to interesting to really want to go out that far, but when I think of it I should have. Insha'Allah on my next trip I will go out there! I want to try and go in the winter or next summer Insha'Allah!
Originally posted by General Duke: source Thankful have you ever been to Haafun? the most easterly point of Africa. No I never had the oppurtunity to be honest. I always wanted to, but I got caught up with meeting family in other places. The places I went where all along the main road from Bosasso to Gaalkayo, I went to Goldogob (I was really impressed with that place, brand new hospital, schools). I enjoyed Bosasso the most! But yeah, I dont consider my trip complete until I head out to the Hafun and other area's on that coast.
Meles Zenawi, who soon after this meeting would be on the world stage at the G-20 meeting in Toronto, needs Puntland for its Indian Ocean coastline and as a bulwark against an outbreak of Somali nationalism in Somaliland in the north and the Islamic resistance in the south. I agree with him, but I have no idea what he is talking about Somali nationalism in NW Somalia :confused: ! But this is how usually signs his name Thomas C. Mountain, the last white man living in Eritrea, was in a former life, educator, activist and alternative medicine practitioner in the USA. Email thomascmountain@yahoo.com GlobalResearch Every article you read Thomas C. Mountain states he is in Asmara the capital of Eritrea. It is only logical he will attack Ethiopia and any places allied with it. Eritrea is a country that has been sanctioned for supporting terrorism! Mr. Mountain knows how important Puntland is to fighting terrorism.
Nice pics
Yahoo.com Somalia's once stable Puntland hit by insurgency AP – Atom was among nearly a dozen suspected Islamist militants in Somalia whose assets were frozen by the U.S. Treasury Department in April. He considers Puntland officials apostates for failing to apply Islamic law, and is especially critical of the Puntland Intelligence Services, calling its members "Crusaders." The man you are defending Nassir has had his assests frozen in the U.S!
Originally posted by NASSIR: ^Look the article predates the VOA interview and it's mostly based on the assertions, politically motivated charges of the Security Minister and the circulation of the Paltalk charges. After the long VOA interview, the AP diversified its sources and somehow self-corrected its earlier but contraversial content. Puntland hit by powerful insurgency Read carefully! Here is the phrase used by the Monitoring Group literally means "believed to be" : "think to have an idea that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about somebody/something:" I the read it carefully and this is the same article I am quoting in my previous post it was released on August 19th , its says "Al-Shabab has so far distanced itself from activities in Puntland." - Do you realize that Al Shabaab is an organization that targeted civilians in Uganda and graduating doctors in Mogadishu? It closes aid agencies that are helping the poor because they believe they are spies? My point is that Al Shabaab distancing themselves means nothing, they are a criminal organization that is banned throughout the world, whether they distance themselves or not means nothing. They have no credibility! The monitoring group never says "believed to be," where did you get that from? This is what they said Mohamed Sa’iid “Atom” and the “Eastern Sanaag Mujahidicen” Several recent incidents have been specifically attributed to Mohamed Sa’iid “Atom”, described in the Monitoring Group’s report of December 2008 ,whose activities pose a growing threat to peace and security in both Puntland and Somaliland. Although he remains essentially a ********* clan warlord, Atom reportedly calls his militia the “Eastern Sanaag Mujahidicen” and has strengthened ties with Al-Shabaab during the course of 2009. A significant number of non-********** militia are reported to have recently joined his group. His training camp at Galgala remained active in 2009, and the Monitoring Group has received reports about two related training centres in the Bari region. Numerous sources indicate that there are several non-Somali instructors at the Galgala camp, and according to eyewitness reports delegations from southern Al-Shabaab groups have been regular visitors. The Monitoring Group has received eyewitness reports that Atom continues to import arms from Yemen and to receive consignments from Eritrea, including 120-mm mortars, which may have been transferred to southern Somalia. He has also embarked on an expansion of his influence and infrastructure, attempting to build an access road to his main training camp near Galgala. Local ********** elders have reportedly tried to discourage him from this effort. In January 2010, Monitoring Group sources and local media reported that Atom had also completed construction of an airfield near his Galgala base. Meanwhile, Atom appears to be preparing to confront both the Puntland and the Somaliland authorities more directly. In March 2009, he issued a press statement in which he demanded that the Puntland authorities release several ********** youth from prison or his forces would liberate them and take unspecified action against the administration. Late in 2009, Atom personally visited the town of Laascaanood, where he reportedly established an operational cell. There have since been several attacks with improvised explosive devices against Somaliland forces in the town, although it is unclear whether these may be Atom’s responsibility or the work of an autonomous *********** clan militia. Talks in Galgala district between Puntland officials and ********** clan elders about the fate of Atom and his militia were suspended late in January without agreement. Nothing is proven until it goes before the court, so everything you or I say is not really fact. But the UN monitoring group is neutral, I have the entire PDF file that the monitoring group claims to use reliable sources and not believed to be, so stop use that phrase!!
Originally posted by NASSIR: Thankful, considering your often discredited Paltalk citation, the word al-shabab is an Arabic term and it means Youth. If, for instance, there is an organization with the title of Youth exists like the now defunct SYL, and you have got tired of the abuse and usage of the term as though it's the boogeyman for which to frighten any legitimate opposition, and a popular figurehead of such opposition is asked a question about it and he therefore employs witty sarcasm or satire as an indignant retort to such linguistic term, would he be qualified for that accusation. Second, be critical thinker and remember, Paltalk is not a reliable source of information. It's not an News organization that is accountable to public scrutiny like VOA or BBC lease air space for such a noble public function. So why would you pick Paltalk chitchats and satire over real, verifiable and reliable source of information such as VOA and BBC media is to the world. Chitchat Paltalk that's subject to all types of manipulation has so far failed to win the approval of major news reports such as the AP. They dropped the charges after the VOA interview and the subsequent denial of al-shabab leaders themselves of any organizational affiliation with Mr. Atam. Your sources always go back to the prior VOA and BBC interviews of Atam. Btw, the UN monitoring group alleged him of being an arms dealer but added the suspicion of the phrase "believed to be" as a supplier of weapons to al-Shabab. What is "believed to be" mean in English? Nassir, I am not sure what you are implying about Al Shabaab and the fact that their name means "The Youth." They have been named as a terrorist organization by many different countries around the world, anyone caught aiding them in anyway is subject to punishment by the law. The admitted to attacking innocent people watching a soccer match in Uganda and many other attacks on civilians, closing Aid Agencies and denying people food and medicine. It doesn't matter if a organizations name is "cupcakes," you judge them by their actions. The Paltalk interview is similar to many audio and video tapes of terrorists leaders around the world, interviews are sometimes smuggled out or done in different ways. For isntance sometimes audio or video cassettes are found in the rubble of a bombed out home. If you listen to the audio of BBC, VOA and PalTalk you will clearly see it is the same individuals voice. He distanced himself because he knows Puntland has a history of fighting radicals, but most importantly Atam's strongest support comes from people such as you in the Diaspora, if he gets grouped with Al Shabaab that would mean his Diaspora Base would not be able to support him, that is why he did the other interviews and tried to distance himself! Chitchat Paltalk that's subject to all types of manipulation has so far failed to win the approval of major news reports such as the AP. They dropped the charges after the VOA interview and the subsequent denial of al-shabab leaders themselves in connection to Mr. Atam. Actually the Last AP report done on August 19th said Somalia's once stable Puntland hit by insurgency (AP) – Aug 19, 2010 NAIROBI, Kenya — Militants loyal to warlord Mohamed Said Atom have repeatedly fought against government forces in recent weeks, and Atom told a local radio station that his men have retreated to their mountain hideout in Gal Gala to plan guerrilla attacks. Government forces recently drove through the desert toward Gal Gala in pickup trucks mounted with machine guns. A U.N. report says officials have credible information that Atom has delivered arms sent by Eritrea to al-Shabab forces in southern Somalia. Al-Shabab is Somalia's dominant insurgent group and has ties with al-Qaida. A March report by the U.N.'s Monitoring Group says Atom has been importing arms from Yemen and receiving consignments from Eritrea, including mortars, for delivery to southern Somalia. Atom's "activities pose a growing threat to peace and security in both Puntland and Somaliland," said the report, noting that "Atom appears to be preparing to confront both the Puntland and the Somaliland authorities more directly." As you see, just a few weeks ago the AP made sure to mention the UN has "credible information" on Atam's terrorist ties! If you notice the AP made no mention of Atam denying he was Al Shabaab!
Originally posted by NASSIR: Despite Farole's strong and self-assured assertions that Sheikh Atom is part of or connected to extreme terrorist networks, so far there has not been single evidence to prove any link. Al Shabaab has denied it (they do not usually deny their links or intentions) Atom himself has again and denied any connection to any external forces., that up until now! Really, he denied it? What does this say in Somali "Shiikha ayaa weydiiyey waxa ka jira in al-Shabaab ay yihiin iyo in kale, waxaana uu daaha ka qaadey in al-Shabaab ay iyaga yihiin Iyaguna al-Shabaab yihiin" This is the Audio where Atam says that we are Al Shabaab and Al Shabaab is us. Atam Alshabaab declaration The UN has implicated Atam for funding Al Shabaab with weapons and that many trainers have visited him in Gagala, some of these being foreign terrorist trainers. The fact that "Al Shabaab has denied it (they do not usually deny their links or intentions)" - but they are this time, should make people suspicious. On the security front, the historical city of Bossaso which is also useful trading hub for all Somalis is becoming more and more anarchic and out of control. Bombs go off quite frequently and people get killed, arrested and tortured in the streets and jails until they die. Mr. Abdi Ali says that people are being "arrested and tortured in the streets and jails until they die". Yet, he only ranks this as 4th on his list? Of all the things he alleges, you would think this was the most severe. I have said it before, many of the people remained silent when the majority of these alleged issues were taking place and praised Faroole and Ilka-Jiir, but the moment the government took on a man that has links to terrorists (from their region), they have begun to attack the admin in the media, mentioning things that happened almost 2 years ago. The article bashed all of Puntlands leaders as "disappointing administrations." The writer should remember that Puntland is trying to run it's affairs without the help of a central government, in fact Puntland has in many cases supported the Central government with it's meager resources. They face the same issues that most countries in the world face, but have far more limited resources. Of course they will never be able to run efficiently without a united Somalia. All of it's administrations start off with far more troubles than they can handle. So instead of easily mentioned all of the problems, why doesn't he start talking about the solutions. For instance he talks about how "Farole government couldn't add half kilometer run way." Well can he explain where you fund things such as the factory to create the concrete, engineers, construction machines, the continuous maintenance that will be required, and other costly equipment?
Garowe: Direct flights between Puntland Ethiopia start..
Thankful replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Land soldier are you Cowke? -
Jb, Don't worry it will go away by morning!
Touch a nerve JB?
Probably not even 1% of how many are currently living peacefully in Puntland. There are whole neighbourhoods and business in Bosasso that are run by Southerners. You don't see women and children or the elderly in the pics. It's all men of fighting age.
Land_Soldier, I believe Puntland already is leading the way! Tens of Thousands come to find shelter from violence.
I can't state something that I didn't say first without giving credit to the person who did. General Duke and I may differ on some things but we both want to see Somalia prosper with Puntland leading the way.
No, is it on the forum?
Originally posted by bilan: Thankful I do not know what your problem is, but what is going on in LA, SL brought them to themselves, plus you should be supporting SSC not SL, did you forget Sool is part of a state that you claim to support(PL). I am not supporting SL, I am just saying that they have accused the SSC of being this terrorist group. So I am wondering if that is what they consider than why are you not doing anything about it? I agree with the SSC and do not think they are a terrorist organization because it was their land that was taken by force, they want to remain in a united Somalia but don't agree with PL or NW Somalia. I believe they have every right to want to go their seperate ways. It must be the PL government that listens and addresses their concerns.
I suspect this is why the elders have not come to his aid! He has his own agenda.
LOOOL , That report came out over 6 months ago, yet you guys never even said a word about it and in fact this is what Nassir said. quote: Originally posted by Nassir: The UN Monitoring Group reports are extremely biased and based on questionable findings. I don't know if some members of its committee has special relationship with "Somaliland" but their reports correlate very close with the secessionists' news information, editorials and opinions. It does in fact glean most of its sources from Hargeisa. In its last report (I believe) it alleged that the people of Sanaag and western Bari regions supply arms and weapons into the ONLF in order to facilitate support for their expansionist policies of SL against our regions. The UN Monitoring Group is very corrupt that it has turned into tool for others to advance their own narrow interests. Nassir - SOL But back to the UN Report, I guess it is the lesser of two evils. We need to compare what is said about Puntland officials and what is said about Atam. For instance the threat Al Shabaab creates. We need to also factor in that Puntland officials can lose (s)elections, where a new leader can come in. This has been seen in the past! Atam on the other hand cannot be as easily replaced and if not dealt with can cause great problems for many years if not decades to come.
Originally posted by Xudeedi: According to reliable UN reports, high-ranking government officials are noted to be involved with piracy, human trafficking and money laundering like Puntland President Cabdiraxman Faroole and his son, who are both from the leading piracy hub of the world, Eyl. That is interesting that you would quote a reliable UN Report. The same "report" said this about Mr. Atam. Note that this UN report at no time mentions Atam defending resources and it alleges that he has ties to the terrorist group Al Shabaab. So if you consider the UN report "reliable", (which I do). Than you will have to consider the part about the terrorist activity lead by Atam in Gagala as reliable as well; you cannot consider some parts reliable and not others. Mohamed Sa’iid “Atom” and the “Eastern Sanaag Mujahidicen” Several recent incidents have been specifically attributed to Mohamed Sa’iid “Atom”, described in the Monitoring Group’s report of December 2008 ,whose activities pose a growing threat to peace and security in both Puntland and Somaliland. Although he remains essentially a ********* clan warlord, Atom reportedly calls his militia the “Eastern Sanaag Mujahidicen” and has strengthened ties with Al-Shabaab during the course of 2009. A significant number of non-********** militia are reported to have recently joined his group. His training camp at Galgala remained active in 2009, and the Monitoring Group has received reports about two related training centres in the Bari region. Numerous sources indicate that there are several non-Somali instructors at the Galgala camp, and according to eyewitness reports delegations from southern Al-Shabaab groups have been regular visitors. The Monitoring Group has received eyewitness reports that Atom continues to import arms from Yemen and to receive consignments from Eritrea, including 120-mm mortars, which may have been transferred to southern Somalia. He has also embarked on an expansion of his influence and infrastructure, attempting to build an access road to his main training camp near Galgala. Local ********** elders have reportedly tried to discourage him from this effort. In January 2010, Monitoring Group sources and local media reported that Atom had also completed construction of an airfield near his Galgala base. Meanwhile, Atom appears to be preparing to confront both the Puntland and the Somaliland authorities more directly. In March 2009, he issued a press statement in which he demanded that the Puntland authorities release several ********** youth from prison or his forces would liberate them and take unspecified action against the administration. Late in 2009, Atom personally visited the town of Laascaanood, where he reportedly established an operational cell. There have since been several attacks with improvised explosive devices against Somaliland forces in the town, although it is unclear whether these may be Atom’s responsibility or the work of an autonomous *********** clan militia. Talks in Galgala district between Puntland officials and ********** clan elders about the fate of Atom and his militia were suspended late in January without agreement.
Originally posted by NGONGE: Stuff and nonesense. Are you going to give your reasoning why it is?
Thanks for the answer RedSea, it made sense. At least not all of you get defensive when asked with a normal question.
I didn't know your gov't thinks the SSC is innocent. I remember JB accusing one of its leaders from Canada of being a terrorist. So who do you think is responsible for the targeted killings in and around Lascanood?
Guys see Puntland has murders and the man we have accused of doing it is being attacked! We are not sitting back doing nothing. In Lascanood this is one of many attacks, from roadside bombs, election officials, and other attacks. When will you do something about the SSC. Or are they not responsible?