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Everything posted by Thankful

  1. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': quote:Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Yes, but Mujaahid, Cadami is not from the clan you have in mind. Thankful is still correct by arguing that no one from the main Maakhir clan holds any "significant" position in Somaliland. Likewise Faroole believes that the new PM Farmaajo,Minister C/kariin Xasan Jaamac( SSC), and Minister C/rashiid Khaliif Xaashi (Goldogob), all the 3 Somali politicians are NOT from the the right Clan According to his site, his issue is not that! Garoweonline Xiriirka DFKMG ahiyo Puntland. Mudane Cabdiraxman Farole Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ugu dambayn sheegay in ay ka tirsanyihiin Federaalka laakiin taa bedelkeed aysan eheyn in waxwalba loo yeerinayo Puntland laakiin loo baahan yahay in danaha shacabka Somaliyeed loo wada sinnaado balse aysan qolo ka tirsan DFKMG ah aysan si gaar ah u leexsan. "Dowladii hada la dhisay weli kalsooni ma aysan helin, Puntland waxaa la siiyey sedex Wasiir waxyaabo kale oo la kala bililiqaysto ayaan maqli jiray, Wasiiro la boobayo weligay ma arag, Labo wasiir ayaa nalaga bililiqaystay anagu hadanu nahay Puntland nahay labadaas Wasiir oo Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif ka shaqeyn jirey ma matali karaan shacabka Puntland taasoo aan caalamka u gudbin doono."
  2. Originally posted by NASSIR: Any TFG leader can visit Sanaag region Wow
  3. Ayoub is this true? I know Xaaji likes to make stuff up and edit articles, are you doing the same?
  4. Originally posted by The Zack: The Thankful dude is totally something else. He somehow misses to discuss the issue at hand and focuses on the messenger which is entirely against the rules of a healthy debate. Adeer if you want to contribute to a forum, discuss the issues at hand instead of always shooting the messenger or changing subjects. The domain .so has been sold, that is a fact. Discuss if that is right thing or what so! Zack concentrate on what you want to post and I'll do the same! Laasqoraynet is completely ridiculous for going after the TFG and it is quite clear why they are doing it! There is an enormous list of problems we can point at the TFG and the rest of Somalia's regional governments. The problems are endless but what is the solution?? You think I am something else, well I think constantly attacking an already weak government is unbelievable! Lets build something that's respectable internationally and than start critiquing it. We will first start with our own communities as a base and then build form there!
  5. Wow, Laasqoraynet is so petty! They are upset that their community was excluded by the Prime Minister, so now they are going to start reporting news against the TFG. November 1, 2010 ayaa si rasmi ah suuq geyn loogu bilaabay Domain-ka .SO ( ), taas oo muujinaysa in si rasmi ah shirkadda reer Japan ee GMO lagu wareejiyey hanti Domainka Soomaaliyeed ee SO. Let me guess its just a coincidence that they are reporting this information a few days after the ministers were announced. Remember this??? Dhahar: A Ceremony in Support of newly Appointed PM held in Haylaan region Maxamed Xasan Saciid oo Ka Tiran Golaha Degaanka Dhahar ayaa Sheegay In ay Si Weyn u taageersan Yihiin Reysul Wasaare Farmaajo Isla Markaan Muujin Doono Karti Iyo Hufnaan o Isbedel ku keeni karta Xaalada uu Iminka Marayo Dalka Soomaaliya. Instead of making the communities voice heard, they welcomed him with open arms. While Garoweonline had that Somalia: The Story Behind Farmajo [intelligence Brief] piece...believe me the Prime Minister felt the heat from certain regions in Puntland and made sure he included them....Puntland's Eastern Sanaag region did not play the right political game and unfortunately did not pressure the Prime minister.
  6. Ayoub, Let’s get it straight the only two opposition parties were led by Silanyo and Faysal Ali Warabe who are both from the dominant group and come from the triangle, they ran in 2010 and they ran in the previous selection in 2005. Although you claim your territory is quite large, you constitution only allows for 3 political parties. No one from Sool and Sanaag leads any of them. Your selection has never had someone from those communities run as leaders! 1 group has an unfair balance of much as you want to duck and dodge that, it's a fact you can't deny! Anyways, the whole issue here with me is this, yes portions of the citizens of Eastern Sanaag are upset at the Prime Minister of Somalia and Puntland - they have even protested. Yet, you have not seen them carrying the secessionist flag, because "historically", they have had less representation in your government!!! Yes the Prime Minister’s new cabinet has for the first time wrongly chosen no one from “Sanaag,” but historically and Korshel’s attempt have shown then they are better off with the TFG and Puntland! So yes Puntland needs to evolve and create political parties, but Ilko-Jiir that hails from Eastern Sanaag ran for President and came in second in 2009! Losing to Faroole who lost in 2005. You may have ballots for people to cast (in a small area), but the leaders they get to choose from do not represent the whole state! P.S The whole Hillary Clinton example is a completely different, Florida and Michigan were being penalized over the fact that they scheduled earlier than party rules permitted. She didn't contest anything because she knew she had no legal recourse too! You have your opinion and I have mine!
  7. VOA With Time Running Out, New Somali Cabinet Brings Hope of Progress Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed's newly unveiled cabinet is being praised as a lean and potentially effective group to help him rebuild Somalia. But many fear it may be too late for the technocrat-heavy group to make any progress. Less than two weeks after taking office, Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has named his cabinet, which he believes can unite the country's fractious government. Mr. Mohamed's list included a majority of technical experts, indicating a departure from politically appointed cabinets of previous Somali administrations. The prime minister's proposal also made good on his desire to streamline the Somali government. The team includes 18 names, a major cutback compared with previous prime minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke's team of 39. Among the 21 offices cut by the new Premier was the Ministry of Tourism, a seemingly unnecessary job in a country which has seen two decades of near-constant war. The new cabinet, which Mr. Mohamed called "lean, but capable" has retained only two members of the previous government: Minister for Finance and Treasury Hussein Halane and Deputy Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omaar. A U.S.-based Somalia Observer at Purdue University, Michael Weinstein, said the proposed cabinet is a step forward for Somalia. "If you look at it from one viewpoint this is probably the most competent and least corrupt cabinets that has ever been named. It also is weighted towards Sheikh Sharif. If this had happened when the Djibouti agreement was made you might have even had the prospect of success," Weinstein said. But Abdullahi has drawn internal criticism for his disregard of the clan-based 4.5 system on which the Somali government has been built. The transitional constitution requires the government to share power among the country's four major clans and a coalition of minority groups. Since his appointment by President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed one month ago, Mr. Mohamed insisted that his cabinet appointments would be based on ability rather than clan affiliation. The new prime minister has drawn heavily on the Somali diaspora to help lead the embattled government. Though born Mogadishu, Abdullahi Mohamed is an American citizen and spent the past 20 years outside Somalia, living in New York and teaching at a local community college. Many of his cabinet appointees hail from similar backgrounds. The cabinet also makes room for members of Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa, an armed group that joined the government in the fight against al-Qaida-linked insurgents al Shabab nearly two years ago. The group has been given two posts in the new government, including the key Ministry of Interior and National Security. Many see the inclusion of Ahlu Sunna, which had been previously excluded, as a critical step in fighting the rebel threat. But despite the high hopes for Mr. Mohamed's new cabinet, some feel it comes too late to make any difference. The U.N.-backed administration was tasked with establishing a permanent government by 2011. Weinstein says the mandate will have to be extended if the government has any chance of fulfilling that promise. "The unanswered question is: are they really serious - the donors - about having a permanent government come August and how in the world are they going to do it. How does this new government fit into that? You would have to have an extended mandate for this government to be able to actually see if it can accomplish anything," Weinstein states. The terms of the 2009 U.N. agreement require the Mohamed government to hold nationwide elections and a constitutional referendum by August of next year. The list of cabinet appointees goes to the Somali parliament for approval or rejection. Somalia has been without a functional government since 1991. Insurgent group al-Shabab controls much of southern and central Somalia and the Transitional Federal Government relies on international peacekeepers from the African Union to maintain control over parts of Mogadishu.
  8. Garoweonline Somalia: Somaliland's intelligence chief resigns over 'dispute' The intelligence chief in Somalia's separatist region of Somaliland stepped down from his post on Saturday, presenting a new challenge for newly elected Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo's administration, Radio Garowe reports. Some reports have revealed that Mr. Hussein Hassan Guleid (Kenyati) had an undisclosed "dispute" with President Silanyo over finances. Garowe Online received a statement from the resigned official that says the president "interferes" with the security budget, although President Silanyo's officials reject this claim. Mr. Kenyati reportedly had close relations with Somaliland's former president, Mr. Dahir Riyale, who was a senior intelligence officer during the 21-year Barre dictatorship prior to Somalia's political collapse in 1991. Top Somaliland officials, including senior parliamentarian Suleiman Gaal, have called on Mr. Kenyati not to resign at this critical moment. In recent months, Somaliland's government has failed to stop upwards of 200 heavily armed ONLF rebels who traveled by land via Somaliland into Ethiopia, where the ONLF is waging an insurgency since the mid-1980s. The ONLF claims to seek self-determination of ****** region of eastern Ethiopia, which is inhabited by ethnic Somals. Separately, Somaliland's government has been accused of supporting rebels loyal to Mr. Mohamed Said Atom, whom the Puntland government accuses of having links to Al Shabaab. Last week, Somaliland's information minister said Atom is a "terrorist," but Puntland officials suspect that Atom's fleeing militia have found safe havens in parts of Somaliland. In 1991, Somaliland regions of northwest Somalia unilaterally declared independence from the rest of the country but has not been gained international recognition. GAROWE ONLINE
  9. Ayoub, the Prime Minister cut 21 people from Omar Abdirashid previous 39 making the new amount 18. As this article shows he cut ministers of tourism and what not! VOA Now do I agree with him cutting the cabinet like this? No, I don’t! Because having 39 meant that more of the country was represented. I understand for costs and effectiveness why he did it. But I believe that he shouldn't have since it meant that some communities would be left out! We will see what happens and if parliament accepts this. The same way Hillary Clinton lost the Democrat's ticket to Obama. This does not mean Mrs Clinton was "not allowed to even attempt it" for an election or women are prevented from contesting the elections. Do you understand? No actually, Hillary Clinton lost fair and square and even won New Hampshire Democratic primary. "The 2008 Democratic presidential primaries were the selection process by which voters of the Democratic Party of the United States chose their candidate for the 2008 United States presidential election." So YES, she was allowed to attempt to lead the country, she was just too controversial for the democrats and their voters, plus Sarah Palin ran for Vice-President so your example is a poor one! Palin from raised in Alaska, Obama born in Hawaii, Hillary born in Illinois...the point is people ran from every corner of the nation! Not just a small triangle! Your flawed system does not allow anyone from Sool or Sanaag to even make it to a popular vote! Both your opposition leaders came from the triangle and at the time the current vice president of your enclave came from there also. One side has an unfair balance of power! The unbelievable part about it is that your selection is so flawed that the exact same people that ran this year were the same ones that ran in the selection 6 years earlier! All opposition leaders come from a relatively small region of your enclave! And yes Korshel did "run", he had many websites backing him, received a huge welcome in Mogadishu to pressure the President to choose him. You have any pics of Cadami "running???" The point is that if Eastern Sanaag is upset about the Prime Minister of the TFG, they will not join your enclave since they have never even run for the top job - and only a small group has!
  10. The fact that they are protesting shows you that they care about the TFG and are upset about how the community was treated. If they weren't concerned with the TFG they wouldn't even care about the selection of ministers! You secessionists are running with this, but you don't realize that what they are doing is showing their love of Somalia.
  11. Xaaji give it a rest, showing pictures of people sitting anywhere for all we know! Back to the topic! Originally posted by NASSIR: MMA, this is the first in our history that a major political block is being sidelined to accommodate other groups or probably wean them off their Shababist leanings. I can see it's another way of sidestepping a legitimate power sharing solution over one based on partisanship and a sinister agenda. It's also telling of Farmajo's enigmatic selection to lead a government already beset by crisis. So let the-winner-takes-all game cripple our search for a viable solution. I think the issue has to do more with unity! Right now many of the Diaspora's media sites are upset with Ilka-Jiir for the stance he took with Atam, when Korshel ran for Prime Minister I didnt hear of any rallies in his home community showing support for him (there were many that came out Mogadishu). The question is why is this the first "major" political block being sidelined? More importantly what, if any, can the political repercussions be for Farmaajo???
  12. I said that some in there community is upset???... and you show me one town of Dhahar??? I don't see protest in other area's like, Laasqoray, Ceelaayo, Galgala where the fighting took place or anywhere else!! Ok, and what happened when your miniister tried to move into their community in 2008? Remember when he was attacked attacked by his own militia and lost his job for it? One town protests Faroole with posters, another protests you with bullets! Eastern Sanaag has made it clear that they might oppose the government Puntland and now the TFG, but that they will always be part of Somalia. There history has show that they will never be part of you enclave.
  13. Defense Minister! LOL, ok! Korshel ran for Prime Minister! You do not allow their community to even attempt it! Some of the community is upset with Puntland, now they look even more angry with the TFG, but NW Somalia's admin in Hargeysa is not even an option, that is why no ballot boxes even came there. There might be anger with Puntland and the TFG but despite that your enclave is not even a debating point.
  14. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Somaliland is the only solution now .... Reconciliation conference in Badhan between Somaliland & reer Maakhir. LOOOOL, they are angry about the lack of representation they got from the TFG, so your solution is to join an enclave that has even less representation? At least the TFG had Said Korshel run for Prime Minister....did your selection have any one from Eastern Sanaag run?
  15. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Everything is possible in our country because of democracy Actually not everything is possible. It is was absolutely impossible from someone from Sool or Sanaag (you know who I am referring to) to win the presidency in your last (s)election in June. The only two opposition leaders came from the triangle, not a single person from Sool or Sanaag. You claim that your border stretches to their area's yet they had no one running for president. So even if you say you have a democracy where people vote! I am telling you it is rigged so that people from Sool and Sanaag can't run! Riyaale from a minority group won because Egal had passed away, the vice-president was from the dominant group which had heavy influence. If everything is possible then why didnt someone from Sool or Sanaag run? Puntland needs to improve it's process of choosing it's leaders, it needs to bring one person one vote, it also needs to allow women to run as well. But the fact remains everyone can atleast attempt to win the presidency. The vice-pres is from Sool, Ilka-Jiir almost won. Look, Puntland needs to make itself more inclusive and so does NW Somalia. You are in no position to call anyone a clan state!
  16. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: ^^ the pirate state is one sub clan state saaxib. Xaaji are you one to talk? Seriously, didn't your last (s)elections have the only 2 opposition leaders from the triangle admin? All you presidents have been from that one group, except for Riyaale who took over for Egal when he passed away! Only the TFG is the government that has Somalis from every corner working for it.
  17. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: That's awesome!! JB you quoted and laughed at your own post?? I understand why you lead the forum in posts!!
  18. Well... lady says... Well the lady says? Lets look at what others say about your security. Just a few weeks ago during your trade fair in Hargeysa this is what wrote At a recent trade fair in Somaliland, people behind booths are trying to hawk their products and attract some foreign investment. There also are lots of cops walking around with AK-47 assault rifles. That is your capital which should be the safest and according to JB people can't even walk around with knives. But it requires "lots of cops with Ak-47." But you want to point out Puntland needed security? I'll be the first to tell you Puntland has a security issue because of the threat that one of African biggest terrorists groups Al Shabaab poses! They are close to our border as well as Atam. Yet in Awdal your vice president required armed militia with rifles among his own community. What is the danger? I watched your video and I suggest you look at 4:25 and on, and you will see the guards. They are dressed just like they would be going to war! Again, he comes from that community does he really need guys in miltiary uniforms and rifles? the president and all the government officials and their families must live this way all the time; virtually imprisoned in their own homes and offices Also, Watch this video by NTV Kenya Report Yassin Juma who went to Lascaanood at the beginning of this year. He discusses how dangerous Laascaanood is and how they needed to travel from Hargeysa to it only at night for security reasons, and when they got there no vehicles were allowed in or out of the town to ensure security. He talks about how the city has militia stationed at every corner and how the city resembles more like a military barracks than a town. So if Lascaanood requires that much security and militia, do you understand why Gaarowe the Puntland Capital which is very close by, would also need the same for its government officials?? NTV Kenya - Yassin Juma report So if you want to start pointing out sensationalized stories that foreigners are writing about Somalia - than I can too.
  19. The government was waging a war with Al Shabab just to the west of Bosaso, but the location of the conflict was not static. The military intervention had begun on 7th August, three days before we arrived in Garowe. I had been in constant communication with Issa over the last few weeks and knew about the pending conflict. The government forces were winning, having stormed the main training camp during our day in Garowe. A major concern was that splinter groups of Al Shabab soldiers had fled to hide in villages near our planned route to regroup. This was perceived to be the main danger for us. Actually you dont need to speak on her impression. She clearly understand (as we all did), that during her visit our forces were engaged in a mountainous battle with Atam and his Al Shabaab fighters were on the run. Which you enclave admits Atam belongs to. So I agree security had to be extra tight! Yet despite that she was able to finish her journey without incident. Now the question remains, why did your enclaves vice president require that much security among his own community? You realize he is being protected in the same manner that officials in Mogadishu need to be?
  20. Riyaale left within hours never to return again. You are giving Puntland too much credit. I will admit it was all Xaabsade. P.S I love how you just just love throwing around made up numbers...the other side is always the one that lost the most men right?
  21. Do you remember what happened the last time the president of your enclave visited laascaanood??
  22. We know what he did when Riyaale tried to visit the city!