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Everything posted by Thankful

  1. Lol, what's the difference all the leaders from NW Somalia come from North Eastern part of the enclave. How's it possible not a single from Sool or Sanaag made it to president or even vice-president. 75% come from the enclave are from the same family! It seems more like a monarchy.
  2. Is it that dangerous for him that he needs armed militia around him with Pkm machine guns? The message I think that sends is that he is not safe and needs a lot of security. It might explain why he doesn't leave the triangle.
  3. LOOOOL Ok, I guess you can be happy that he has spent more time with your enclave....we will just forget the fact that he supported the violent attacked that chased your leader out of the city.
  4. Lol, that's my point, he was Speaker of Parliament in your enclave and than a few years later he supported the violent attack that kicked your leader out of Laascaanood and he then became a Puntland Minister in 2001 and wanted no part of you. Do you think with his history he is 100% loyal to your regional government now that he is under their payroll?
  5. Isn't Xaabsade a man that supported the forces that kicked out NW Somalia's last leader that visited Laascaanood? Wasn't he a Puntland minister for years? Is he someone that is loyal to any one side or does he easily switch his allegiance?
  6. Shortly after the 1894 agreement, it was settled that although the village of Bandar Zaida (on the coast) fell to the west of the 49th meridian, it will remain in the (Italian) Somalia and so on near the coast the boundary moves to the west of the meridian for a few miles. Another important point is that if we are going to mention what the stance was for European countries back during the colonial period it must be noted that these same European countries no longer recognize any of the borders that they did a century ago and only recognize the unity of Somalia. Also (adding to what Che mentioned) it's interesting that we are bringing up agreements from a century ago that Europeans had decided for us, yet we are going to ignore the fact that we all decided to unify soon after we gained our independence from them in 1960. Agreements that the SSC, areas in Sanaag and even Borama (where people pull out Somalia’s flag) proving that many demand that they continue to honor the 1960 agreement which was solely done by Somalis.
  7. What needs to be remembered about this popular uprising is that it is not Puntland forces or SSC forces attacking the city, but just like when the people revolted against Riyaale's visit to the city; it is the citizens that are leading the protests against the secessionist’s enclave. So the most important aspect about this is that the people are becoming fed up and demonstrating. Just like the protests that took place back when secessionist’s forces took over the city in 07 and the ongoing armed opposition of the SSC, you can see that the people have never been very supportive about the NW Somalia's government presence in the city.
  8. Mr cadami ran for the top post With in kulmiye party and he is from maakhir but he lost. lol@house of lords....does your regional government actually call it that or is it what you say? So you expect us to believe that Cadami ran against Siilaanyo for leader of the Kulmiye? Your last (s)elections in 2005 and 2010 both had the exact same opposition leaders running, who are both from the triangle. Please stop making things up! If you were a real democracy, you'd have parties that represent everyone and your ballot boxes would not be banned from certain towns and cities in the borders you claim. Back to the thread, you and I know that these protests are not about the drought because the whole country is facing it and we dont see them rioting. I believe the SSC and their movement is spreading.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;691823 wrote: Somaliland is a democracy people have the right to demonstrate and voice their opinion in our country. There were several demonstrations the past months and weeks in ceerigaabo burco borama hargeysa gabiley, It's good that also laascanood people voice their concerns and demands to their Somaliland government. Something which is very dangerous in Somalia Djibouti Ethiopia etc people are harassed or killed and assassinated for voicing their concerns Xaaji, what you need to understand is that your democracy is unjust because the people that run for the top job are over-whelming from one small area. You can recycle the same democracy claims all you want but the people from Sool have no representation among the leadership of the 3 political parties. Also, burning cars is not something that is taking place in other area’s, can you show me demonstrations in the cities that you mentioned where car was burned and rocks thrown on the ground?
  10. So why are they protesting? Please dont say they are burning cars because of a lack of water because we dont see it anywhere else?
  11. If this was over drought, then why aren't the people all over the country burning cars! Anyways, this looks like the beginning of a revolutation against secessionists.
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;691787 wrote: eeg dadku daasadu bey siitaan wa biyo la aan iyo abaar allow u sahal shacabkayaga. Save that garbage for someone who never travelled to Somalia. All people use those yellow jugs to make noise and protest. They hit a stick or their hands against it....sometimes they use it to greet people. The bottom line is that they use the yellow jugs to make noise. Displaced families participate in a protest outside their camp near Somalia's capital Mogadishu, July 15, 2008. Hundreds of displaced Somali women and children on Tuesday protested outside their camps near the capital Mogadishu over recent killings and kidnappings of aid workers in their war-ravaged Horn of Africa nation.
  13. I wonder if people are being influence by what happened in Tunisia and Egypt? Even though NW Somalia isn't a nation, maybe people are inspired to protest against the corrupt enclave.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;691709 wrote: What are they demonstrating about it probably has something to do with the drought in the region tell them the mayor of laascaanood is doing all he can to ease the drought situation in the region he is right now in western sool oog. So now you are trying to make up the news right Xaaji? You can't try and divert the topic away from the fact that people will inevitably become fed up with a regional government that doesnt include them in the higher positions or even run for pres. why dont we see riots like this in other places where there are so many people suffering from droughts? The SSC and their mission of liberating against an illegal secessionist campaign seems to be spreading!
  15. Unfortunately travelling to many of those coastal towns is extremely difficult and believe it or not some areas require you to access them by boat (locals have begun building their own roads). Also, simple trips that are a few hundred kilometers away can take significant amounts of time because of the lack of roads. And so, because of the doctor’s limited time, adding the fact that the majority of those towns lack electricity - which complicates the transport of medicine. Going to these remote areas is not feasible for the short trip the doctors made to Puntland. (I believe at the time Western Bari and Eastern Sanaag was more of a security issue though). The problem of travelling is further demonstrated in your enclave of NW Somalia and the fact that international observers for your (s)elections in June could only go to 4 towns, despite the fact the map you purport to be your entire enclave is quite large. So if your (s)elections could only allow foreigner international observers to visit 4 towns, does it give you understanding on why the doctors from Turkey were limited in the places they could go in other parts of Somalia? I mean if you look at your leader in NW Somalia he has not travelled outside of the Hargeysa-Burco-Bebera triangle once since taking office. Jawaahir Jalxad article is basically a rant and shouldn’t be taken seriously. She is purposely showing her true colours by trying to attack Puntland in every which way: whether it be the TFG (which completely closed her region out of politics), Galgala, or the Turkish doctors.
  16. The towns in which the doctors visited are all on the one paved road. There are numerous towns towards the Indian Ocean in Nugaal, Mudug and Bari like Hafun or other places away from the road in Qandala that never received the medical team. The areas on the road are easily accessible for medical team then the rest of the state. Even more important is that during the time that the medical team went through Puntland, area's in the so-called Maakhir regions were conducting military operations to kick out terrorist leader Sheik Atam. Operations may I add that were being led by former presidential candidate and heavyweight politician from Maakhir Abdullahi Ahmed Jama (Ilkajiir). Jawaahir Jalxad makes arguments and provides evidence that includes only half the facts. I have been to all the towns that the doctors visited and because they are all located on the main road, there are people from every region of Somalia living in them (they also are the most populated towns on the road and at the time safest). Each one of those towns has camps for internally displaced people who have fled conflict areas.
  17. Wow, I didn't realize how desperate the secessionists were at this point. All the talk about how elders were negotiating and were about to come up with a resolution or how militia forces from Hargeysa had surrounded the SSC freedom fighters and they were about to be defeated, have all been proven to be worthless. Now you guys are resorting to recycling the same story every Somali leader is accused of, building expensive foreign homes? The fact that the SSC regions are still under their control and your militia is unable to do anything about it proves that they are winning and that their finances are being put to good use in defending their sovereignty. You can’t have it both ways, if you think you are entitled to break away from Somalia, well the SSC doesn’t have to be forced to follow in those delusional ideas - and have every right to reject seeking independence from Somalia. I wondering what the next made up story will be.
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;691077 wrote: Somaliland maanta wa jirta Somalia maanta ma jirto Lol, that is why the UN Respresentitive to SOMALIA Augustine Mahiga goes to Hargeysa. Also, Ethiopia the secessionists closest ally, says that the TFG must decide the NW part of the countries fate.
  19. The Zack;690917 wrote: Forget and forgive, huh? How about y'all forgive Jaalle Siyaad, too? That's is my one and only point. All I hear is how bad Siad was, yet if this was the case then why are the people who were under his payroll and carrying out his orders not being punished and worst off being chosen as vice-president and then president? Usually you are harder on those that came from your communities and worked for an alledged murderous regime as traitors. Yet in NW Somalia they so easily can forgive, so what about forgiven the whole regime?
  20. The thread diverted to pictures of Hargeysa and blaming him for it, whic his unfair. There are many directly responsible from the regime of 20 years ago. They should be arrested and tried! Since that is unlikely they should have been banned from public office for life.
  21. Ayoub, reconciliation is extremely important. There are many people responsible for the crimes that took place. But JB or any other NW Somalia cannot bring up what Siad Barre did 20 years ago, while completely ignoring the members of the regime that were actually on the ground in the area's where war crimes took place. If a ban of 2 years is enough of a punishment against those that choose to work for a murderous regime until the day it crumbled, and considering that they choose to remain employed despite the massive amounts of innocent lives. I agree with you, I can never understand how that could possibly be justified. Do you know how many left years earlier? Somalia’s war criminals are scattered throughout the entire world, but please don’t choose to forgive those that come from your region while still mentioning what Siad Barre did. Xaaji, an intelligence officers role is to gather information or intelligence (sadly and unlawfully this usually includes torture), and give it back to the higher ups. It is they who let the pilots and other military personnel know what the enemy is up to. The "minor nss officer" you talking about are the ones that were actually using their hands following orders.
  22. Jacaylbaro;690779 wrote: YES ,,, After what he did: That's interesting, because he was in Mogadishu when it happened. Yet why was Riyaale a man that worked under Siad Barre in the area's these bombing took place named President of your enclave? In Tunisia they are still protesting because there are left-overs of the old regime in the new NW Somalia they name ex-regime guys as president!
  23. "This is not the time that Somalia should be disintegrating into regions, its the time to get back other Somali regions and all efforts should be geared towards that particular goal instead of pursuing the session bid," Mowlid reiterated. It is not his view, it is the view of the entire world and every other country. He also isn't asking a "country" for help, but a semi-autonomous region within Somalia for help. It's a way of including all area's of Somalia to involve themselves in the peace process.
  24. While no governing entity has been able to establish effective control over Somalia, Somaliland's government has exercised exclusive, effective control over its territory for nearly 20 years. If this is true then why could international observers only go to 4 cities during last summers (s)election because the rest were unsafe? If NW Somalia has had exclusive control over their "borders" the last 20 years, then why have presidents and other government officals been violently chased out of certain communities and there is an armed group that have battled against their land breaking away from Somalia? Luckily the international community understands the true situation outside of the Burco, Hargeysa and Bebera triangle.