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What JB is trying to purposely hide is the official British Press release that makes it clear that it views NW Somalia as part of Somalia and by directed aid to their the rest of Somalia will benefit. Even more importantly is that the title of the Press Release makes it clear the aid is going to Somalia. JB is trying to twist the alleged protests in London as a way to prove something different! People may be upset (if the supposed protests are even truthful)) that most of the aid will be going to one section of Somalia. It has nothing to do with indepedence becauase the press release clearly shows that the aid is directed to different parts of Somalia. I won't why JB doesn't post the official British press release? http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Media-Room/News-Stories/2011/Mitchell-Increased-aid-to-Somalia-will-help-save-lives-and-make-Britain-safer/ UK Increases Aid to Somalia Press Release Tuesday, March 01, 2011 UK TO INCREASE ASSISTANCE TO SOMALIA TO TACKLE ON-GOING HUMANITARIAN CRISIS, INSTABILITY AND POVERTY Nairobi - British Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell MP, today announced increased support from the UK for Somalia, which will go towards improving security and living conditions for people on the ground. The UK will triple development support to Somalia over the next three years, to create employment and other opportunities to give Somalis hope of a place where they can make a living in peace. Announcing the conclusion of a global review of the bilateral development programme in the House of Commons, Andrew Mitchell said: “We will focus our effort where the need is greatest, not only saving but transforming millions of lives by providing access to food, clean drinking water, basic healthcare and education.” “We are increasing our efforts to tackle poverty in a number of conflict and fragile states. We know that no conflict or fragile state will achieve the Millennium Development Goals without significant extra help.” The UK’s new bilateral programme for Somalia will promote long-term stability in order to transform the lives of the Somali people, by: (i) responding promptly to the humanitarian needs of the people of Somalia; (ii) working with communities in areas of relative stability such as Somaliland to strengthen peace and governance; (iii) creating jobs long-term jobs; (iv) improving access to better healthcare, especially for women and children. The Head of DFID’s Kenya and Somalia office in Nairobi, Alistair Fernie said: “The aims of DFID’s programme in Somalia are to address the humanitarian effects of the conflict, consolidate local areas of stability and promote more legitimate government to build longer-term peace. Our increased aid will deliver results to the people of Somalia in spite of the difficult conflict circumstances. ” UKaid in Somalia will provide at least 500,000 people a year with emergency humanitarian assistance. This will be used to treat severe malnutrition, increase child immunisation, and provide water and basic health care for communities in need. UKaid will help create long-term jobs for 45,000 people. It will also improve health facilities, and train more doctors across the country so that Somalis get better access to healthcare, avoiding preventable deaths particularly among women and children. To achieve these results, the UK government will continue to work through a range of trusted UN and non-governmental implementing partners, who are able to operate on the ground across most of Somalia, and whose work is subject to rigorous scrutiny. Alistair Fernie added: “Progress and stability in Somalia are also vital for the security of the whole region, and for the UK. The results we hope to achieve in Somalia are not only delivered from the British people, they are also for the British people.” Note to Editors: 1. UK aid allocations to help build peace and stability in Somalia could rise from £26m in 2010/11 to £80m per year over the next three years, depending on the results achieved by 2013/14. 2. UK aid is channelled through UN agencies and other well established and trusted partners, with tough safeguards to ensure that the aid is used properly on the ground. Our key UN partners will be the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and UN Population Fund (UNFPA). We may work with the World Food Programme (WFP) if we are convinced that their controls have improved. Although FAO and ILO scored poorly in DFID’s review of multilateral aid, evidence suggests that in Somalia they can deliver. We will monitor this closely. 3. We expect that most of our support to Somali NGOs will be through international NGOs. 4. UK Secretary of State Andrew Mitchell visited Hargesia on January 31, where he explained that 40 percent of UK’s aid to Somalia will go to Somaliland. Somaliland has shown that greater democracy and stable government are possible, even in this difficult country. Source: British High Commission, Nairobi, Kenya
Jacaylbaro;699032 wrote: Durba oohintii iyo cabaaadkii baa bilaabmay ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, booto is coming to an end. Lol, accusing others of crying when secessionists are still bringing up alleged incidents that occurred 20 and 30 years ago. How Siad Barre did this and Siad Barre did that and lets put a plane in the middle of Hargeysa to remember! It's interesting how genocide can only happen to the secessionists and no one else! However, the pictures of the injured and dead are showing the truth about the Hargeysa admin actions in Sool.
If it is between you two, than why is your government blaming this on Puntland? Almost everywhere I look, whether it is the old ladies at a rally or one of your ministers blaming Puntland? you say it is not about Puntland, but it seems your government is blaming us. I know you are a happy man, I have seen that happiness in Somalia quite a bit, usually starts after Asr.
I think you put a smily face on 95% of your posts!
Haa, Siilaanyo your leader has not left the triangle even once since he won your (s)election. You should be more concerned with that, and now about your fears of what Garad Jama is up to. Faroole is the one that banned the demo's and arrested some SSC, but as you have seen even he has caved into the pressure of the SSC...........they are becoming stronger by the day! Thanks to the SNM.
Buhoodle community welcome peace initiative President Siilaanyo
Thankful replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Here's the source that Xaaji is hiding! http://www.haatuf.net/2009files/1582657.html Beesha Buuhoodle Oo Soo Dhaweysay Baraagaha Kal-Shaale Ee La Baabiyay, Sheegtayna In Xukuumadda S/Land Oo Kaliya Ay Wada Hadli Karaan “Beesha Habar-J**** Wax Colaad Ah Oo Noo Dhaxaysaa Ma Jirto” Afhayeenka Buuhoodle Caaqil Jaamac Sahal Muuse Hargeysa, February 29, 2011 (Haatuf)- Afhayeenka beelaha Buuhoodle Caaqil Jaamac Sahal Muuse ayaa sheegay in beel ahaan ay soo dhaweynayaan go’aankii madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siillaanyo) ee lagu burburiyay Baraagihii laga qoday Kal-shaale, isagoo intaa ku daray in beesha Qori-lugud ee Habar-jeclo ee shaqaaqadu ku dhex martay degaankaasi aanay jirin wax colaad ah oo u dhaxaysa, hase yeeshee uu tilmaamay in dawlada Somaliland oo kaliya ay kala hadli karaan dagaalkii ciidamada qaranka iyo Maleeshiyadooda ku dhex maray aaga Buuhoodle, isagoo dhinaca kalena sheegay xildhibaankii maamulka ******teeniya ee xalay ka hadlay Idaacada VOA-da aanu ku hadlaynin afka beelaha Buuhoodle, balse uu iska dhisayay maamulkaasi uu ka tirsan yahay, isagoo maamulka ******teeniyana ku eedeeyay xiligii maamulka Faroole la dhisayay in heshiiskii ay la galeen uu ka gaabiyay. Afhayeenka beelaha Caaqil Jaamac Sahal Muuse oo xalay khadka Telefoonka Wargeyska Haatuf kula soo xidhiidhay isagoo jooga magaalada Buuhoodle, sheegayna in shir ay ka yeesheen go’aankaa lagu bur-buriyay Baraagaha Kal-shaale madaxdhaqameedyadoodu isaga ugu xil saareen inuu mawqifkooda beesha Buuhoodle shaaciyo, isagoo Afhayeenkaasi ka hadlaya mawqifkooda, waxa uu yidhi “Hadaanu nahay beelaha Buuhoodle talaabadaa lagu burburiyay Baraagaha Kal-shaale waanu soo dhaweynaynaa, in wax kasta nabad lagu dhameeyana diyaar baanu u nahay, beesha Habar-jeclo ee Qori-lugud degtana walaalo ayaanu nahay wax colaad ah oo noo dhaxaysaana ma jirto, Baraagahaasina waxaanu ogaanay in siyaasiyiini ay markii horeba qoday oo aanay beeshaasi iyaduba shaqo kulahayn, sidaa darteed beesha Habar-jeclo colaad noo dhaxaysa oo aanu ka wada hadlaynaa ma jirto, hase yeeshee cida aanu wada hadli karnaa waa xukuumadda Somaliland oo wixii dagaladu keeneen aanu ka wada hadli karno,wixii nabad lagu gaadhayana anagu diraa baanu u nahay dhinacayaga, sidaa darteed dawlada Somaliland ayay wax naga dhaxeeyaan, balse cid kale oo aanu is haynaa ma jirto”. Mar aanu weydiinay Afhayeenka Buuhoodle sida ay u arkaana gogosha nabadeed ee madaxweynaha Somaliland u fidiyay, waxa uu yidhi “Diyaar baanu u nahay wixii wada hadalo nabadeed ah cid nabad diidi kartaana ma jirto, hase yeeshee waxaan ku sheegayaa in arintu taagan tahay xukuumadda Somaliland iyo beesha Buuhoodle”. Mar aanu weydiinay sida ay beel ahaan u arkaan hadalkii ka soo yeedhay xildhibaanka maamulka ******teeniya ee xalaya laga sii daayay Idaacada VOA-da, sheegayna inuu joogo degmada Widh-Widh, Buuhoodle-na shacbigeedu ka tirsan yahay maamulka Puntland ee Somalia, waxa uu yidhi “Ninkaasi xildhibaanka sheegtay waxa uu ku hadlayay hadalo uu iskaga dhisayay maamulkaa uu ka tirsan yahay, balse qadiyada noo dhaxaysa anaga iyo xukuumadda Somaliland iyo ta uu ka hadlay wax isku xidhan maaha, maamulkaasi Puntland wakhtigii la aasaasayay talo ayaanu ku lahayn, xitaa markii maamulka Faroole la dhisayay, hase yeeshee heshiisyadii aanu wada galnay wuu ka gaabiyay maamulkaasi, wax badan baana iska badalay, balse ilaa hadda ma jiro go’aan laga qaatay maamulkaasi, dagaalka naga dhexeeya Somaliland-na maaha mid u dhexeya Puntland iyo Somaliland”. -
Liibaan don't even respond to the secessionists. The SSC has proven in such a relatively short time of its existence that it is a powerful forces capable of inspiring the rest of Somalia. Why would secessionists care about where Garaad Jama and others are? Isn't that something that SSC and it's supports should be concerned about? Our NW Somalia brothers have been humiliated, the SSC have rejected the weak negotiations sent by the SNM leaders, they have defended and defeated the even weaker SNM aggression and most of all it has now been clearly proven that not all area's want to be part of Hargeysa illegal government and that it will (like it is now), cause conflict.......independence is even more hopeless than ever because of the Buhoodle battles.
The State Department no longers speaks for the U.S's International Relations.....it is now in the hands of Professor Nikolas Gvosdev of the U.S. Naval War College. It's as if JB is getting paid for the amount of threads people open, so he creates titles that have nothing to do with the article!
N.O.R.F;697908 wrote: Where did this war start? When? What happened to ignite it? Where did the mediation take place before it kicked off again? Who was involved in the mediation? Clan elders? Web warriors and siyaasiyaal made it anti SL (ie political). Again your question should be directed towards the SSC and its supporters and neither you nor I can try and interpret what we feel the freedom fighters true feelings and motives might be! One thing the residents of Buhoodle are doing is waving Somalia's flag and making clear is they want nothing to do with Hargeysa's admin! Remaining part of Somalia is one of the main goals!
N.O.R.F;697922 wrote: ^You are without realising it LOOOOOL
N.O.R.F;697901 wrote: Ibti Indeed. This war wasn't about politics. It was about barkado la isku qabsaday back in Nov/Dec 2010. That is the way ordinary people back home see it first and foremost. Internet foot soldiers baa ka dhigay an anti SL war. Excuse me? First Who are we to say what the SSC motives are? None of us can speak for this movement or say that we some how now the truth about what they are fighting for......ALL we can do is listen to what their press releases are - I am pretty sure the numerous Somali flags waving on the streets of Buhoodle is proof that this is about anti-secessionism from Somalia. The SSC has been crystal clear, that they have no intention of being part of a region that wants to break-away from Somalia. So if people want to speak about what the Hargeysa admin or Puntland admin is talking about than by all means do it, but only the SSC and it's supports can speak for the freedom fighters. So we can just stop accusing the SSC of having ulterior motives or interpret what they are sayign differently. The fact ballot boxes were refused, the interviews with international media etc etc. We can accuse them of fighting over a lack of resources or whatever conspiracy theories. Yet, the Freedom and Justice group - SSC has made it no secret! They want to remain part of Somalia.
Riyaale was one of Afweyne's men too!!! But you supported him right? Siilaanyo is the best thing to happen to those against secessionism. For starters, the fact that he is trying to use force to attack a group that refuses to follow his agenda has made him a hypocrite....how can he possible claim to have the right to breakaway while deny others the right to choose? Also, the news that is getting out to the international community about fighting taking places between a group that does not support NW Somalia's Hargeysa admin, is only providing more concrete evidence that breaking Somalia up will cause further conflict and will destabilize the region. With this being said he seems to have realized that the SSC issue is so devastating to his administration that he is being forced to call on peace!
History is quite clear and is there for all to read, you bias educated view is irrelevant! We know both sides have been emplicated for human rights abuses. We both no neither has really went after anyone for punishment.....i wonder why? good night.
The SSDF are the ones that started it all before any single other group even tried! Plus the SSDF weren't make up of a major "family" but a sub-one. Now was it right or wrong, that is another debate.....but the SNM purposely hid among civilians despite being warned to stay in the mountains! The bombing was a war crime and so is using civilians as shields!
Saalax;697479 wrote: SNM wa geesiyiin wadoonkooda xoreeystay a qofkii ka naxaya ha ka naxo. The brave don't leave the mountains and hide among civilians as human shields.
NGONGE;697372 wrote: All these guys came to meet one clan baa la yedhi. Weftiga oo booqasho maalina ku joogaya wadanka waxa kulanka ka dib Hotel Mansour warbixin dheer ku siiyey Wasiirka Arrimaha Debeda, Wasiirka Qarshaynta iyo Xubno kale. Well what family does Siilaanyo come from and the so-called "foreign minister"?? So to answer you comment....they did!
JB, didnt we have a friendly wager that Riyaale wouldnt come to Lascaanood to "campaign?" The last NW Somalia regional head to visit!
Now when the resources went to Mogadishu to assist President Abdullahi Yusuf, Puntland cut off Habsade pricey tag! Faroole refuses to pay it again.....your enclave took advantage of it. Again, the man supported an attack on your leader!
No he won't, he is just waiting for Faroole/Puntland to offer him more money and he'll switch. Right now your enclave is paying him the best rate for his loyalty......the fact remains, he supported your enclave and than switched by attacking your leader and claimed that Lascaanood is part of Somalia....now he is singing another tune.
“Faroole Waxaanu Leenahay Waxba Hayska Hagran Ee Garoowe Iyo Boosaaso Ayaynu Iskugu Iman Doonaa, Ciidamada S/Land-na Ka Bixi Maayaan Dhulkooda” Xaabsade Looooooool! Is this seriously a guy to trust? He has absolutely no credibility! Wasn't he the one that invited Riyaale to Lascaanood and promised his security, only to ambush him and case out the NW Somali leader? He is now saying your militia wont leave "their" lands, but only a few years ago he was saying the exact opposite and was one of Puntlands ministers........ Only JB would quote this man who has no loyalty but to the dollar, snake who attempted to assassinate your leader!
Xaaji are purposely trying to put the same set of pictures twice? it's a day to remember when the former dictatorial regime ordered the arrest of hundreds of students from Somaliland. Some were executed some were taken to prison 1982 20 february it's a day that shaped our future. And many people who were on the payroll of this 'dictatorial regime," became leaders in your regional government.
Actually Kenya and Djibouti have held Somalia Peace conference's on their soil and have had Somali leaders chosen in their countries. Your enclave is not a country and has no recognition from anywhere, no one recognizes it as such. But even if you were, wouldn't you have a significant interest in having peaceful relations with surrounding area's? Why are you so concerned at peace and reconciliation between two sides that have had tension? I think it is quite clear your biggest fear is that Somalia or atleast certain area's will find peace which will hurt your goals. Especially when you have a fighting taking place from a group that doesn't want to be part of your secesssionist agenda. Peace Conference are not a crime and I dont understand why you are concerned.
Xaaji Xunjuf;696286 wrote: What can two clan states achieve i mean you still have Alshabaab sitting in Mogadisho. As for Somaliland it's just making things clear for the koonfurians if you want to organize a peace reconciliation conference for your country then do it, but it simply does not concern us. So don't invite us thats all good luck Wait a minute don't you claim in your imagination to be a "democracy?" So why are you against a peace and reconciliation conference? If you are truely a democracy you would encourage and assist in any peaceful developments with neighbouring regions and not get upset at being invited. Saying you are a democracy means nothing when your actions are clearly undemocractic.
Although this may have something to do with the SSC issue, it seems that the timing of this protest is more in line with the agreement that was signed with Galmudug and the fact that the president hasn't visited Gaalkayo for some time. Now is this a serious issue that is threatening President Faroole's government? No, definitely not. People have the right to demonstrate. Also, I know Garoowe is the capital and agreements are usually signed there, however for this circumstance it may have been wise to have signed it in Gaalkaayo? Regardless, the SSC is definitely an issue, but from what I am reading there is more to it. President Faroole has done very well so far in terms of security and other aspects of running the state, he just needs to travel and visit other area's more often.