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Posts posted by Thankful

  1. JB why don't you follow up with the tragedy? Or is there only certain parts that you want to post?


    Somalia: Puntland Security Forces Apprehended PDRC Director Killers


    Puntland security forces nabbed in search operation two of the murders that killed the senior staff of Puntland Development Research Centre (PDRC), Mohamed Yassin Isse on 6th April, Radio Garowe reports.


    Another gunman was killed in the operation after gunfire between the militias and the security forces in the outskirt of Garowe, the capital city of Puntland, a semi-autonomous state of Somalia.


    Puntland Security officer told GO that more than 200 police will continue operations to hunt the killers of Mohamed Yassin Isse and his bodyguards.


    "Early on Thursday morning, security forces got information whereabouts of the killers of Isse were hiding in a place about 40KM to Garowe city, and immediately started operations to hunt them and captured two of them,” said Puntland police officer who requested to be unnamed because he is not authorized to talk to the media.


    Puntland police are operating on the main roads of Garowe city on Thursday night and hundreds of security forces are keeping tight the security of the city’s police station and prison.


    The captured killers murdered the senior staff of Puntland Development Research Centre (PDRC), Mohamed Yassin Isse and two of his bodyguards when driving from work to his house in Garowe on Wednesday.


    Puntland declared regional autonomy under Federal Somalia in 1998 and has been relatively stable since. The region has a functioning government, with a civil service and elections, and its own security forces.

  2. Xaaji...i dont what to's as if you feel that you can claim anything no matter how ridiculous and people will believe it.




    Does it not seem weird to you that Siilaanyo has barely left Hargeysa since he came to power? That Borama is the place where Somalia's flag was paraded and the Awdal State flag first started being waved? You might claim that this guy can't go to Borama but it seems Siilaanyo can't either.

  3. Ah, no it was not all true. The former finance minister himself said the attack on his home was not accident and was targeting him.


    I think anyone that attacks civilians is definitely "mad" and has something wrong with them. But if you want us to believe he threw it in a market and it was not deliberate then fine!


    Unfortunately Xaaji has taken over the title of king of spin in NW Somalia. His excuses are becoming legendary.

  4. Lol, of course. Almost every attack since Siilaanyo has been Pres, JB has used numerous motives right away. Usually doctor determine if someone is mentally ill, JB new right away.


    Remember the "store owner" that shot people...JB said that he was shooting in the air and the gun slipped


    Or the gunman who attacked the former finance minister under Riyaale's and killed his body guard. JB said that it was over a debt that the man owed.


    There are so many I can't remember them all.


    But yeah, no matter what JB will determine the motives within minutes.

  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;709188 wrote:
    The SNM guurti conference held in 1983 in Harar Ethiopia the elders invited some youth




    I will be the first one to say Siad Barre had to go! His time was up and what happen was inevitable!


    Probably the saddest part is that "we" were played by Ethiopia to do their dirty work. But worst for you is that after we all got rid of their arch enemy Somalia....they threw you under the bus and have refused to even recognize what you crave most. Just a few months ago the foreign minister of Ethiopia said that your secessionist dreamed has to be decided in Mogadishu.


    They gave us weapons, sanctuary and aid and once we did what they wanted.....they left laughing.

  6. If you can only produce a list of 20 people from the diaspora to counter the anti-secessionism Awdal State are in trouble.


    a list consisting of students and mothers!



  7. No matter what you try and accuse the diaspora of, remember that Awdal State flag first started appearing back home in Awdal. It was the people there that brought out Somalia's flag.


    This whole anti-secessionism revolution first started back home and the diaspora is merely jumping on board.

  8. Saalax,


    you can bring up as much news as you want about Gaalkaayo. Like I said many times it is bordered by area's that are controlled by internationally outlawed terrorists groups. There is little doubt that such fighting will take place and other tension. Remember also, that during the war with the ICU back in 06, the border of Gaalkaayo saw one of the biggest battles. Are there elements right now trying to cause instability? No doubt! They need to resort to attacks against foreign visitors or people coming out of mosques at night or the news you provided about unknown gunmen attacking on a bus.


    Regardless, you have two groups that were in armed conflict for a long time and now they have found some balance of peace. Who united to fight against the ICU back in 06.


    They actually have no dividers between the two sides and people walk freely and like I said! Look at everywhere else in Somalia or just the North like....Cayn, Sool, even NW Somalia's and Puntland's sides...tension everywhere. Where skirmishes take place like in Lascaanood.


    Gaalkaayo is an inspiration.

  9. I dont expect you to admit anything positive about Gaalkaayo.


    The article from seems bias from the start....calling the Koonfurta fighters Maleeshiyaad but the Puntland once Ciidamada..


    Second, all the things you mention in terms of crime, is nothing compared to the roadside bombings, assassinations and deaths of civilians taking place in Sool and Cayn. You talk about IDP's being raped, many of those IDP's are feeling Cayn because of the violence.

  10. Saalax;708545 wrote:
    It doesn't matter if it's shared or not that is not a excuse. Look at Erigavo even though 1 group is the majority 80% and there other groups. However it's peaceful due to the inhabitants being civilised people who respect peace & order and their elders.

    How can you compare Erigavo when you even say once group is 80% the majority? That is not shared! Gaalkaayo is truly shared and look at the article.


    Like I said, why is Cayn and other places have tension....Gaalkaayo has found peace is such a difficult situation, something that has never been done to date?


    Give credit where it is due!