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Posts posted by Thankful

  1. The Pirate Project was politically motivated and once ransom payment was given out, the whole thing got completely out of hand. I want to see the international community use all of their resources to stop this criminal act - an act that is only based in a small area of Puntland! I believe the violence occurring in some area's of Puntland is a result of piracy, because crime breeds crime. I agree with you the piracy project will come to and end and all those who are responsible must be held accountable! We are seeing it in the U.S with long prison sentences.


    With that being said, your enclave in NW Somalia likes to follow media trends, i.e. if arresting terrorists is making news then your admin bring some poor farmers and accuse them of being internationally wanted guys. Now it is piracy, so you show video's of a rusty boat floating a few meteres off the coast and you claim that they have captured pirates.


    The question is, why were you not able to stop 300 ONLF from landing on your shores and crossing through?

  2. Loool


    NW Somalis are the best at propaganda! In the early and middle part of last decade the claim everyday was that terrorists were being captured when it was really just poor farmers. Now it is getting rusty old boats with a bunch of guys in it and say that we are capturing pirates!


    How can the Hargeysa admin actually be believed when 300 ONLF landed on boats at the end of last year and crossed through NW Somalia undetected until they reached Ethiopia?

  3. General Duke;713354 wrote:
    Wonderful stuff, not sure how the secessionist can lay claim to a local venture.

    Completely true, I've noticed that you dont see the secessionist flag anywhere, unlike the Hargeysa-Burco-Bebera triangle where it's everywhere. However in Awdal it's different! I have seen Siilaanyo and his staff open bridges and terminals in the triangle. Where are they now?

  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;713322 wrote:
    six suspects caught so far well done Somaliland police in laascanood

    They caught 6 people the same night. Ya right!


    It is in his interest and the hargeysa admin to immediately try and calm people by lying about making quick arrests. Even the best law enforcement in the world can't catch people that quick. Basically by saying his militia arrested 6 people the same night, he thinks it will minimize the incident.


    I mean these guys can't even locate 300 ONLF crossing through!


    With this being said the list of culprits are many. From Al Shabaab and others or the anti-Secessionism fighters.

  5. The success of the coast guard is hardly surprising, considering the career paths of their leaders.
    Mahad Abdi and his senior colleagues were all members of Somalia's formerly strong navy
    , based in large southern ports such as Mogadishu and Kismayo.
    There they served under notorious dictator Siad Barre.

    And for doing so they are rewarded with a position in NW Somalia's so-called naval force.

  6. Secessionists making claims when they need to look at their own backyard. Armed groups fighting because they are against the Hargeysa based admin, issues in Awdal where people openly protested despite the fact the leader was from their area.

  7. Interesting, control expands yet Awdal State has been formed. The most important part about this is that it started in Awdal it's self with people bringing out Somalia's blue flag, then Awdal State flag. It is now spreading throughout the diaspora.


    Now in Hargeysa Siilaanyo needs immense security to visit parts of the city, he is yet to even step out of the Burco, Bebera, Hargeysa triangle. Cayn is in armed conflict with secessionism. Regardless of the assassinations taking place in Gaalkaayo by criminals who conduct hit and run tactics. There is no armed groups engaging in open war like we see in Cayn.


    All of this anti-NW Somalia conflict has occured strongest in the short time Siilaanyo has been governing.

  8. Lol, Djibouti Ethiopia and Kenya have probably benefitted the most out of Somalia's current state. The number of foreign nations in these three countries aiding them because of Somalia is enormous. They absolutely love secessionism, that is why they meet with Puntland Leaders and NW Somalia's. What they want is a very weak Somalia, they will not accept any independent nations forming but for Somalia to remain weak. The best way in doing this is breaking us up!


    The Presidents you showed are no where even close to the President of the U.S!

  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;712219 wrote:
    We all know how the mind of the pirate works Faroole to be placed under Bahuku and the Amisom Gangs and replace Faroole current admin in garowe with some one from north galkacyo probably gagaab . To balance the power struggle between the Pirate Clans, this is not what the People of Somalia need this Mentality destroyed Somalia for decades, Faroole and his garowe crew can't deliver for the people of Somalia he already failed in garowe. 3 things (objectives)for the Garowe clan state use piracy money to built their villages second use UN and international community EU arab league funds directed to the TFG and the full development of Somalia just for their garowe clan project just their Cities and villages use the bosaaso port revenue for garowe projects only and bosaso and north galkacyo even excluding all the non ssdf clans territories while at the same time using the Mogadisho revenue to build the pirate port in Eyl. At the same time trying to convince the world they are fighting piracy getting funds using those funds for new piracy and criminal activities. At the same time screaming the loudest for Somali reconciliation in garowe.No one is going to buy farooles nonsense. And certainly not the Somali people in particular the Mogadisho Community.

    But I am always reassured when I read comments from our fellow countrymen from NW Somalia. Also, if Xaaji didn't take so much time to give us his opinion on Puntland and the TFG I would defintiely take his secessionism case seriously.


    Thanks for your input on your country Xaaji.

  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;711568 wrote:
    Duke the president can be from any region we proved that before even the vp can be from any region and the Ministers are spread from every region of Somaliland if one particular clan lives from Awdal

    Any? So why did the opposition consist of SNM? It was impossible for someone from Sool or Sanaag to be president because they didnt even run. So you are wrong when you say "any" region.

  11. General Duke;711490 wrote:


    Secessionist again, the Speaker, President, Finance, Interior and
    14 out of 20 Ministers are all from the SNM clan.

    Ouch! Secessionists can't dispute this fact. The (s)elections they had made sure that both opposition leaders were from the SNM clan, thus ensuring that one side has an advantage.


    The SNM dominants NW Somalia, this is why Siilaanyo is incapable of travelling outside of the triangle and even in Hargeysa he's needs hundreds of armed militia to protect him when he visits a hospital in that city.

  12. Qaar Kamid Ah Dableydii Dilka Ka Geystey Garoowe oo La Qabtey [Waraysi]



    Dowladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in ay gacanta kusoo dhigtay qaar kamid ah kooxihii ka dambeeyey dilka sarkal ka tirsanaa Hay’ada Cilmi Baarista Puntland oo lagu magacaabi jiray Maxamed Yaasiin Ilkacase iyo ilaaladiisi, kuwaasi oo shalay (Arabaca) lagu dilay magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland.


    Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Gen Yuusuf Axmed Khayr oo caawa (Khamiis) la hadlay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada amaanka Puntland hawlgal ay ka sameeyeen meel 40km u jirta magaalada Garoowe ay ku soo qabteen laba nin oo kamid ah kooxdii dilka geystey, halka mid kale oo isla kooxdaas kamid ah uu ku dhintey hawlgalka, waxaana Wasiirku sheegay in labada nin midkamid ah uu dhaawacan yahay. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in ninka dhintey uu ahaa Aabaha dhalay ninka dilka fuliyey.


    Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in sida loo badinaayo dadka dilka fuliyey ay gaarayeen saddex nin, waxaana uu sheegay in weli uu socdo hawlgalku isla markaana lagu dabao joogo qaar kale oo la filaayo in shirqoolka ay ku lug lahaayeen.


    Maalintii shalay (Arbaco) ayaa dil aad looga argagaxay uu ka dhacay bartamaha Garowe, kaas oo salka ku hayey aano qabiil, waxaana dilkaas ku dhintey Maxamed Yaasiin Ilkacase iyo ilaaldiisi, sidoo kale waxaa ku dhaawacmey dad kale oo goobta ka dhawaa.


    Si kastaba ha ahaatee hawlgalka ay qaadeen Ciidanka Amaanka Puntland ayaa noqodey mid dad badan soo dhaweeyeen isla markaana ku tilmaameen fariin iyo jawaab loo diraayo kuwa dadka ku laaya aano qabiil iyaga oo dil u geysanaya qof aan wax denbi ah ka gelin.


    Horseed Media