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Posts posted by Thankful

  1. Africa RSS Feeds RSS Feed

    More Than 20 Killed in Northern Somalia Fighting

    VOA News May 11, 2011



    Officials in Somalia's Puntland region say at least 26 people have died in fighting between government soldiers and Islamist insurgents.


    Witnesses say Islamist fighters attacked Puntland troops in the Gal Gala area before dawn Wednesday.


    The region's minister of security, Yusuf Ahmed Khayr, tells VOA Somali Service that five soldiers were killed and four others wounded.


    Khayr says the troops then counter-attacked and killed 21 insurgents. Initial reports said the insurgents had seized control of Gal Gala, but Khayr says the government has re-secured the area.


    Gal Gala is located about 40 kilometers southwest of Bosasso, the commercial capital of the semi-autonomous Puntland region.


    The fighters behind Wednesday's attack are loyal to arms dealer Mohamed Atom, a member of the al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab.


    Al-Shabab is trying to overthrow Somalia's transitional government and set up a state based on a strict interpretation of Sharia law.


    The group controls much of southern and central Somalia but has lost some ground in recent weeks to a government offensive.

  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;718466 wrote:
    Since when is Sheikh atam a member of Alqeada?



    The insurgents are linked to arms dealer Mohamed Atom.
    The U.N. says he supplies weapons to Somalia's al-Shabab militia in the south.

    Xaaji whether he is or not is irrelevant! The U.S has frozen his assests and the UN suspect that he is, this is all that matters!


    If you think this is hurting Faroole or that he stressing over it, then you obviously don't understand who the richest countries in the world give their aid to.


    Just like Garoweonline put this on their site right away, I think you and I can agree that the Faroole's adminn enjoys the international headlines declaring that they are fighting suspected islamic militants.


    I wouldn't be surprised if they are the ones leaking it to the press right away!

  3. You will never see Garoweonline update their site quickly, except when it comes to the threat of Al Shabaab and Atam.


    There is no doubt they see this kind of news as beneficial in acquiring more money and aid. I suspect this will help them justify why they needed to have the foreign trained forces, plus its right around the announcement of Bin Laden's death!!!


    This isn't like the SSC who are fighting against secessionism - which the NW Somalia Hargeysa admin are unable to spin! This is Puntland fight against the west's biggest enemy!


    I think we can both agree Faroole and his admin don't mind Atam making the news!





    Somalia: Puntland Government Forces Kill 21 Al Shabaab Militants

    11 May 11, 2011 - 4:33:12 AM


    Puntland Government forces based in Galgala mountainous area were ambushed during the early hours Wednesday.


    Government forces vehicles were hit with rockets, causing 5-dead and 4-wounded of Puntland Government security forces.


    At least 21 Al Shabaab militants were killed who had secretly entered Golis Mountain Range, west of Galgala area, recently.


    The fleeing remnants of the Al Shabaab militants run back to the mountain hideouts, as Puntland Government forces continue military operations to hunt down the militants.


    We will update you with any new information.



    Ministry of Security and DDR

    Government of Puntland State of Somalia


    Communications Office

    The Puntland Presidency

    Puntland State of Somalia



  4. But it doesn't say Djibouti it's says "SOMALIA"'s livestock!


    I agree it's says your so-called Enclaves names in the overview. Just like Puntland's livestock market, or Puntland police etc etc....however it's is still all under Somalia.


    You agree the pic talks about Somalia and no other country being rich in livestock and agricultural resources! You agree that blue tape is covering up the south!!!


    Like I said, this will benefit all of Somalia since it mentions our livestock and agricultural resource.

  5. DSC07264-600x450.jpg


    Xaaji, the first sentence in this picture does not say Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Eritrea or any other country. It specifically mentions Somalia's livestock and agricultural resources! If it said the Horn of Africa, East Africa, or any of the above mentioned country, then your point would make sense.


    But if you are a separate country as you claim, then why is this picture talking about only Somalia's livestock and agricultural resources and show a map of Somalia??


    (The funny part is, the map shows all of Somalia and someone is trying to cover up the southern part to make it look like just the North!)


    This will benefit all of Somalia, so I am happy! Well done to the International Live Stock co.

  6. Xaaji your title is misleading...again!! Nontheless this is excellent knews for Somalia.




    is very rich in livestock and agricultural resources

    This is what the first line of the pics says! Somalia!


    If this trade is going to be between other nations, then it must be between Somalia and that nation.


    Also, if you notice the picture the individual tries to cover up the southern part of Somalia.


    This livestock feed is for all of Somalia as it clearly shows. Sure they will be focusing on different regions, however the livestock will come from all over Somalia and benefit us all.


    Great news!

  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;717609 wrote:
    Thankful it did not fully control the territories of Somaliland in 1988 only parts of it but they successfully moved the capital of SNM from aware Ethiopia to baligubudle Somaliland south of hargeysa in 1988 and all the way to south east of burco they were the boss up to the border between Somaliland and Djibouti lawyo cade .That date was when the Somali civil war officially started 27 may 1988 .Independence did not come just 1 2 3 there were many negotiations peace conferences held in Somaliland in baligubudle and in burco.
    I don't know what federal govt you are talking about do you mean the kacaan govt?

    Siad Barre's gov't? I mean, you said that you did not have it fully under control right? So who didn't you have it fully under control from?


    Now it makes sense though, it was not until the USC in Mogadishu finally over threw Siad Barr'e government were you able to claim s0-called independence right? 1991 is when he lost mogadishu, and once it fell you were able to do it.


    Anyways, thanks.

  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;717598 wrote:
    The month of may is a great month for us Somalilanders 27 may the day the SNM entered burco 1988 31 may the day the SNM entered Hargeysa ,29 may 1988 SNM entered cadaadlay and mandheera 18may the day the Former State of Somaliland withdrew from the failed union with Somalia. 15 may 1993 the day President Cigaal was elected in Borama

    I always wondered, why did a small element of secessionists from the triangle wait so long to declare independence? I mean if (as some claim) defeated Siad Barre's regime in 1988, why wait until 1991 to claim independence? More so, why is it after Siad Barre's regime collapsed in Mogadishu 1991 did the secessionists finally claim independence?


    It is as if the goal for fighting Siad Barre was not for so-called "independence" because independence movements will surely declare independence immediately (and not three year later after a government collapsed).


    It is as if the goal was to get rid of Siad Barre and bring someone new in. However, only after a few years did it change to independence when it was obvious Somalia's federal government was finished!


    I have heard Egal did not want to break away, but felt he had no choice after the Federal Government was destroyed!

  9. Ok so now you admit that you have more pics of him as Somalia's PM in this thread than you do as you enclaves leader? That's all I was saying!!


    Just like you are doing right now 10 years after his death (AUN), the pictures that dominate and the ones with world leaders that people will be looking at 100 years from now are the ones when he was PM of Somalia. Like you said he was only PM of Somalia for 2 years before Siad Barre got rid of that position, yet he was your enclaves leader for more then 4 times those years, yet your pics are mostly of him as PM of Somalia.


    I have never met a single person who does not like Egal, no one is upset at him. If you notice many people are following his lead and carving out regions within Somalia.

  10. Che -Guevara;717277 wrote:




    On side note, I like the fact there's picture showdown between Salaax and Thankful:D

    :D I agree


    I think we have already told the secessionists that it is obvious the reason that the Kuwaiti's are inviting regions in Somalia is so they can start tapping into our import based economy, same with the Emirati's who also see as a “” country and that we have few factories ourselves that produce anything that we can export. Like it's been said, because of the state of our economy we have very little bi- lateral trading, (except for maybe livestock). They will give the same reception to any leader in Somalia, like Yemen’s President has for President Faroole last year.


    These Arab countries will promise the world so that we continue to buy their products by the tens of millions, but lets use some commonsense...if past performance is the best indication of future performance, what have they actually done for infrastructure and education development since our nations collapsed??? They have spent more money on indoor skiing hills and man made islands!

  11. Actually 4 pictures was when he was the prime minister of the state of Somaliland

    and the other 4 Pictures were when he was the prime minister of the Somali republic.

    4+4=8 and there are 15 pics there?? :confused:


    Wow, now you are resorted to fabricating about things that are right in the open??? Seriously with all due respect, Xaaji do you have no shame when it comes to making things up?



    So yes, you claim that his legacy is that of NW Somali's PM but your posted more Pics of him as Somalia's PM.


    (I can't believe you'll try and make something up when the evidence is right here on the thread)


    Forget about the pics with captions that show him in the U.S and Germany lets look at the others!!


    For instance these pics are of him in the U.S, as Prime Minister of Somalia....(look on the table of a small statue head of Abraham Lincoln on the table)






    This is the caption for the bottom picture


    African Leadeers Seated At Conference

    Original caption: 2/20/1969-Nairobi, Kenya- Presidents Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia (L) and Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya © are shown with
    Prime Minister Mohamed Ibrahim Egal of Somalia
    on the arrival of the two visiting African leaders to Nairobi for talks on the Kenya-Somalia border question.



    or this one


    The 1967 East and Central African Leader Summit, in Kampala, Uganda, brought together a number of figures who were or would become extremely significant in modern African history. In the front row (left to right) are President Grégoire Kayibanda of Rwanda, President Jean-Bédel Bokassa of the Central African Republic, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Prime Minister Ismail al-Azhari of Sudan, and President Joseph Désiré Mobutu of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Included in the back row are President Milton Obote of Uganda (second from left), President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania (third from left), President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia (third from right), and
    Prime Minister Mohammed Ibrahim Egal of Somalia
    (second from right



    Xaaji, so again, you say his legacy is that of your enclaves leader, but most of your pics are when he was Somalia's Prime Minister!!

  12. Peace Action;717013 wrote:
    AUN. His glory days were as a PM of Somalia. Insha Allah, the wannabe breakaway region will not tarnish his good name by succeeding in dismembering Somalia.

    No doubt!


    He later became the Prime minister of the short lived Somali republic For two years. But his legacy will be that of Somaliland the longest serving president of Somaliland from 1993 till 2002.

    The ironic part about what Xaaji wrote is that the majority of the pics that he posted of Egal (AUN) was when he was Prime Minister of Somalia. Even more so, the most impressive pics of him were that of Prime minister of Somalia in this thread.


    If his legacy is that of 9 years as NW Somalia's president as you say, than why is this thread dominated with pics from his 2 years as PM of Somalia???


    It appears PeaceAction is correct and your pics prove it!

  13. AfricaOwn;715971 wrote:
    By his logic, you can Google a picture of any leaders sitting together without their respective flags behind them to debunk his theory
    . Dude comes out with the most bizarre arguments lol



    I can provide you pics where the Japanese and Pakstani Prime Ministers are meeting!! (PRIME MINISTERS - representitives of the government or heads of the government!!,Royalty and Monarchy are different) Nonetheless of course there are many pics where flags are not present, i.e. Obama and Russian leader having burgers....but can you provide just a single one of Siilaanyo in Kuwait where you so-called flag is with the Kuwaiti one?


    I even bet you they made him take it off of his suit jacket!!


    I admit Siilaanyo met him, but JB can't say it was two heads of states or national governments meeting!