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Everything posted by Thankful

  1. Good point. When the tribal secessionistland tried going to Dhahar back in 2006 they were chased out and their own fighters joined Puntland and fought against their feeble aggression(this is from their own general mouth). Their leader then fired the general in charge of the whole altercation because of the humiliation. Keep quoting puntland sites that want to bash the admin during an election year(elections that must be held on time). I can go to and show just as many negative articles towards your tribal enclave.
  2. All those people in the pic are not remembered as presidents but ruthless dictators DICTATORS, who refused to follow democracy. I'm not comparing Riyaale to them, he follows the dominant tribe of the secessionists tribal enclave.
  3. Nairobi (HR Media):-Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Somaaliyeed ee Puntland oo kusugan Magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka Kenya ayaan ka waraysanay Arimo kala duwan oo ka mid yihiin Arimaha Ammaanka Puntland,Arimaha Shidaal Qodista, Xaalada Gobolka Sool, Socdaalkiisa Dalka Kenya, iyo Shirkii ay wada yesheen Asaga iyo Madaxweynaha Somaaliya Mudane C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed. Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu Horayntii waxaan sidiiran ugu soo dhaweynay Istudyaha Idaacada Horseed-Media ee Magaalada Nairobi, Su'aashii ugu horaysay ee Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse Weydiinay ayaa ahayd in uu ka war bixiyo Safarka uu ku soo gaaray Magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka Kenya. Madaxweynaha Puntland Ayaa ku Jawabaay sida tan "...Safarka aan ku imid magaalada Nairobi waxa uu salka ku hayaa in aan is aragno oo aan kulano Aniga iyo Madaxda Dawlada Somaaliya oo ay ugu horeyaan Madaxweynaha Somaaliya Mudane C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Raysalwasaare Nuur Cade, waan wada kulanay shirarkeenuna waxa ay kusoo dhamaadeen is af-garad waxaana ka wada hadalnay Aniga iyo Madaxweynaha Somaaliya iyo Raysalwasaare Nuur Cade Danaha Puntland iyo Federaalka. Horseed Media: Wax manooga sheegi kartaa wax yaabihii aad ka wada hada sheen Adiga iyo Madaxda Dawlada Federaalka Somaaliya. MDPL.Cade Muuse: Haa wax yaabahana ka wada hadalnay waxaa ubadnaa Nabad Galyada iyo Xasiloonida iyo sidii Ammaan buuxa loogu soo dabaali lahaa Gobolada Puntland iyo Guud ahaan-ba Dalka Somaaliya. Horseed Media: Mudane Madaxweyne Caawa Saqda dhexe ayaa Madaxweynaha Somaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf uu ka Baqooli donaa Magaalada Nairobi, marka shirar kiinii Labadiina Madaxweyne ma idiin Dhamaadeen mase waxaa jira kulamo idiin harsan oo Saacadaha soo socda inta uusan Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Amba bixin aad yeelan dontaan. MDPL.Cade Muuse: Waa inoo Dhamaadeen Kulamadeeni Aniga iyo Madaxweynaha Federaalka Somaaliya, Dhamaana shirar keeni waa is ku af garanay oo sidii ay inoola muuqdeen ayaan is la meel dhignay. Horseed Media: Wax yaabaha lahadal Hayo Madaxweyne Cade waxaa ka mid ah Arimaha Shidaal Soo saarista oo la sheego in Dawlada Federaalka iyo maamulka Puntland ay is ku qilaafsan yihiin. MDPL.Cade Muuse: Arimaha Shidaalka wax yaabo yar yar oo la is ku hayey ayaa jiray balse haatan waa is ku af garanay oo waa dhamaynay wax qilaaf ah na majiraan, Dad badan ayaa been iyo wax aan jirin sheega, Puntland Khayraadkeeda Somaaliya oo dhan waa udhaxaysaa waxii gaar u ahna waa ugaar oo sidii lagu heshiiyey oo sharciga Federaalka ah ayaa looga shaqaynayaa, Dhibaata weyn ma jirto Puntland maamul weyn weeye Somaaliya oo dhan Puntland waa udhaxaysaa laakiin waxii noo gaar ah oo aan xaq uleenahay nin noo diidi karaa majiro Dhammaan madaxda Dawlada Federaalka Somaaliyana waa is ku af-garanay Arimahaan. Horseed Media: Hadalkaaga Mudane ma waxa ulla jeedaa Waqtigaan laga bilaabo Maamulka Puntland waa u xor oo waa u madax banaan yihiin waana loo ogolaaday in ay la soo baxaan Khayraada Degaanada Puntland ku jira. MDPL.Cade Muuse: Hada Awalba Nin noo diidanaa majiro ee wax yaabo sharuuc ayaa la is ku hayey, Khayraaadka wadankeena hadii Nabad lahelo waa la soo baxaynaa, Nabadna waa garaynaa insha Allaah Khayraadkuna waa lasoo sarayaa oo waa soo baxayaa waa qasab. Horseed Media: Dhinaca Kale Mudane Madaxweyne Cade Muuse Ammaanka Puntland waa liitaa Haatan warar soo baxaya waxa ay shegayaan in Qarax Bosaaso ka dhacay awalna Ammaanka Gobolada Puntland cago adag kuma taag nayn, Cade Ma sidaan ayaa Ammaanku idinkula fiican yahay oo Ammaan Dari idiin ma muu qato mase waad Aragtaan in Amnigu liito oo wax in aad ka qabataan ayaa rabtaa oo dadaalo ayaa wadaan. MDPL.Cade Muuse: Waa jirtaa Ammaan daro oo qarin maayo, awoodeenana wax ba lama aana harin waxa dhacaya ee Ammaanka wax yeelaynayana waa wax aan tabar uweynay, Amniga Puntland Dawlada kaliya masugi karto kumana xirnee waa in ay shacabkuna nabada taageeraan, Puntland yaana Ammaankeeda maamulka lagu soo qaloocin ee waa in si guud shacab iyo dawlad ba wax looga qabtaa, Magaala kasta oo dhib ka dhaco Puntland Shicibkaa leh Puntland cid gaar uleh ma jirto Anagu waqti ayaa lee nahay Waqtigeenana waa tagaynaa, waligeedna Puntland waa la is badali jiray Sharuuc ayaa imaan jirtay, badalka maalin ba nin ayaa imaanaya; Bosaaso, Garoowe, Qardho, Galkacyo, Laascaano meel kasta dhibaatada ka socota Shicibku hadaysan wax ka qaban Dawladu wax kama qaban karto, waad aragtaa Dawladihii waa weynaa ee Aduunka Dhaqaalahana lahaa dhibaatooyin ayaa haysta Marka Hormarka iyo Ammaanka waa in ay Shicibku tageeraan. Horseed Media: Arimihii Gobolka Sool ka waran Dad badan ayaa hadal haya oo mudo Maamulka Somaliland ayaa gacanta ku haya Gobolkaas. MDPL.Cade Muuse: Arinta Sool waa Arin aad u mihiim ah, Puntland iyo Shacakeeda ayey utalaa sidii loo xalin lahaa arimahaas, waxii talaabo ah oo aan ka qaadan lahayna Arinta Gobolka Sool sida wada jir ah ayaan Talaabo uga qaadanaynaa Shacab iyo Dawlada ahaanba In Sha-allaahna arinta Gobolka Sool waa xalismaysaa oo waa soo dhamaanaysaa. Horseed Media: Ugu Dambayntii Mudane Madaxeyne Adigoo ku mahad san Wareysigaan aad nasiisay Maxaa usoo jeedin lahayd Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo dhan Gaar ahaan Dadka Gobolada Puntland. MDPL.Cade Muuse: Waxaa usoo jeedinayaa waligay taan usoo jeedin jiray, Puntland intii ay dhisnayd waad ogtihiin Nabad fiican ayaa ku nooleyn Magaalo aan dhismin majirto shaqooyin fiican ayaa soo baxay Maalintii bur burka ilaa iyo Maanta,arimahaas oo dhana waxa ay ku yimaadeen Nabad galyadii jirtay oo ay tageereen shacabka Reer Puntland ee is wada xil qaamay, waxaa lee yahay Nabad galyada Degaanada Puntland halaga shaqeeyo waliba dadka yar ee Anaga udha shay oo inta xogaa yar lasoo siiyo lagu soo dhaho bur bur sha Nabada Puntland in shacabku u diyaar garoobaan oo wax ka qabto ayaan ujeedinayaa oo Nabad galyada wadanka halaga shaqeeyo. Waad Aragtaan Burcadii dhibaatada ay wadaan oo shicibkii dhibka ay ku hayaan, Maraakiibtii doon yihii kuligood waa diideen dhibaatadaas Dadka Masaakiintaa ayey taabanaysaa dana uma ahan ee halaga shaqeeyo nabada oo ha la wada tageero dadka Dhibaatada wadana hal dhinac ha looga soo wada jeen sado. Site with radio link
  4. Your Presidents BOGUS reception in Washington, with no pictures of him anywhere. Reception President Abdullahi Yusuf reception in China Now I ask you, who is substance and who is talk!!! There are way more receptions that I can produce that are similar, but I think you get the point!!!
  5. The TFG is all talk & no Subtance??? Lets compare it to your tribal State!! TFG's Cermeony Somali Amb Maxamuud Maxamed Tifow with the President of Germany
  6. Do you realize how embarrasing that would be if they got the wrong guys? I doubt they'd even admit it. These guys were on the boat, once they get confirmation that the ranson has been paid they have to find a way to get off the boat. Considering there is no mountains and jungles to hide, they must of got cocky because of the other successful hijackings. I just saw a France news channel that actually shows the raid and the helicopters landing. Video These guys aren't getting out for a long time.
  7. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahhahah. This is almost as funny as your "Secessionistland airforce" thread. Wallahi you made my day with this comedy. Well done. Can't wait to share it.
  8. This is the wrong website if your interest is to check out and comment on men.
  9. Nairobi(HR Media):- Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Somaaliyeed ee Puntland Gen.Maxamuud Muuse Xersi ayaa maanta ka soo degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Nairobi, Wafdigaan ayaa ka soo kicitimay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya. Link Cadde Muuse wuxuu kulan albaabadu u xiran yihiin uu kula yeeshay hoygiisa uu magaalada Nairobi ka dagan yahay Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Md. Cali Maxamed Geedi, labada masuul ayaa ka wada had lay arimio badanoo quseeya Dalka Somaaliya. Shir mudo saacada ah qaatay ayey Cade Muuse Iyo Cali Geedi ku yeesheen Guriga Raysalwasaarihii hore ee Somaaliya uu ka dagan yahay magaalada Nairobi, Jeneraal Cadde Muuse Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ugu horayn inta aysan ugada galin shirkooda dheer salaan diiran ku salaamay Raysalawasaarihii hore Cali Mohamed Geedi sidoo kale Madaxweyne Cade Muuse ayaa salaan taas la mid ah ugudbiyey guud ahaan Xubnaha Qoyska ee Pro Cali Mohamed Geedi. Kulankaan ay labada Masuul wada yeesheen oo ahaa mid labadooda ku ekaa oo aanay cid sedexaad ku wehlin ayaanan la ogayn waxyaalaha ay wada hadleen inkastoo warar hoose ay sheegayaan in madaama xurguf hore ay u dhaxaysay labada Masuul ay ka wada hadlayeen siday u dhamayn lahayeen arrimo hore ee ka dhex jiray dhexdooda ee ahaa qilaafkii dhinaca Batroolka iyo arimo kale. Kulanka labada Mas'aal ayaa markuu dhamaaday Mudane Cade Muuse Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Somaaliyeed ee Puntland waxa uu dib ugu noqday Hotelka uu ka dagan yahay Magaalada Nairobi. Saxaafadda ayaanan wax war ah laga siinin waxa ka soo baxay labada masuul Shirkii dheeraa ee ay wada yesheen, Balse markuu dhamaaday Shirka labada Mudane wada yesheen oo ay banaanka uga soo baxeen Meeshay ku shirayeen ayaa wajiyadooda waxaa laga dareemayey farxad iyagoona wada qoslaya ayey hal mar soo wada baxeen kadibna waa ay is mac salaameyeen. Labada Mudane Shirkooda ayaa socday mudo ku dhaw Sedex saacadood iyadoo Sedexda saaxadood ee ay wada shirayeen labada Masuul ay Saxaafada banaanka joogeen oo ay ka war dhawrayeen waxa kasoo baxa kulankooda. Jamaal Shuriye Horseed Media
  10. They have gotten several signatures from the leader of the central government President Abdullahi Yusuf in support of this project.
  11. Yeah and the Gaalo aren't blaming Ethiopia or the TFG. Only your cult.
  12. Your leader went to the U.S and was specifically told they wouldn't recognize you and that his visit was in no way an indication that they were on the verge of doing so. They even sent a press release to assure other concerned parties of their position and told you to take it up with the AU. After all that he still offers to give them a base. I've been to Djbouti and was shocked how poor it was, in many cases the people are worse off then some places in Somalia. There are tons of foreign troops from a wide variety of nations there including the US. They've done nothing to address the poverty there, maybe photo ops of helping locals in their hospitals and training police. I figured this must be related to Kosovo and how they succeeded in getting recognition, while having a large US troop presence. But the problem is, like the US has already made clear, this has to do with the AU. It's completely different situation. It's surprising your willing to risk your peace in order to achieve your obsession of being recognized. You have no clue what the US will bring.
  13. I said it so many times, Garoweonline is owned by disgraced minister Abdiraham Faroole's son's and others that work with them. They are upset that the elders and other influential people have voiced they approval of this oil contract. There is no accountability in most websites. You have to question everything they write, and if you have family or friends back home, calling them would be your best bet to varify news.
  14. You see the embassies being opening, insha'Allah shortly he will be in the US at the UN, not site seeing in washington. For Secessionists the TFG must fail inorder for your ideology to work. In less then 4 years it has accomplished what you have been trying for 17.
  15. Lol, they haven't taken anything. If they could they would have a long time ago. Has to do with Habsaade.
  16. Well any economist would tell you when a State is at war inflation is bound to take place. Things have changed since the fighting broke out in 2006. Puntland is assisting the TFG in establishing a government, a REAL leader who will be addressing in the UN shortly and is establishing embassies around the world. On another note, the article is interesting, did you see how much land they gave your area? So what now bosasoo and garowe belong to you to?
  17. He still in Addis i'm pretty sure!These guys will write anything.
  18. I think the post is for Puntlanders? Haven't you broken away? I don't think much will come out of the meeting, maybe some military aid and training. I think initially it was about security but brining troops to Puntland would cause too much problems.
  19. Your tribal Somaliland doesn't seem to be "way forward then that" got this from one of your websites. People are furious, unfortunately you are infected with the tribal thing. The tribe thing works in your tri-angle sxb ,,, Somaliland is way forward from that. Somaliland Tranquility put at Risk by own President Day after day, the ignorance and lack of vision of the president and his cronies is becoming clearer to the Somaliland people. The latest desperate temptation to gain popularity by announcing new Regions and districts is clearly the beginning of the demise of a government lacking leadership and direction. Whether they mean it or not, they are treating the citizens like children. Let us take and explore the viability of some of the so called new regions and districts announced recently by president Riyale; for example; the distance between Magalo-cad and Wajale is less than 10 miles while Dila and Magala-cad are less than 8 miles apart, can anyone believe there are 3 districts in a 15 mile zone? This is an empty campaign trick based on tribal lines that will only add insult to injury.This government has until today, failed to draw the borders between the districts announced 8 years ago. Announcing new ones will only endanger the peace and stability and can instigate tribal conflict in the area surrounding the Wajale crash programme which is 100% Gabiley territory. If Riyale wants to divide and add some of it to Awdal through his Magala-cad constituency, he is gambling on a dangerous game that could ignite a president’s own making civil war. It took us 10 years to reach agreement on how to divide the 82 seats of the lower house for the six regions, I don’t think we will be able agree to change that agreement easily. I believe it is crucial for all of us to act now and stop this evil proposal before it strikes our only resource, the peace and tranquility. We have already seen certain tribes reject it outright and this means a conflict with their neighbor tribe is already a possibility if not anticipated with proper solution. The Role opposition political Parties and Parliament should play: The people of this country are aware of the continuous and persistent breaches of the constitution by the current president, his lack of vision and leadership as well as his violations of the citizen’s rights. They need a regime change and will back you in any effort to resist the implementation of fruitless campaign policies like this one. They will support heroic moves to safeguard our neglected more important national interests, but they expect a solid leadership that can confront the implementation of this vague proposal. However, it is important to note that if you fail to provide that leadership, this could unfortunately be the end of our short but eventful history as a nation and you will bear a fair share of the responsibility. May 14, 2008 is the last day of Dahir’s presidency and from that day, the nation is expecting a different setup, one which must be lead by a neutral figure. Such interim setup should lead us to a fairly contested elections participated by all political organizations including Qaran. I am with the constitution and declare that on May 15, Dahir is not my president anymore, simply because his term will expire the day before. This should be taken seriously and any attempt to hold on to power by force should be met with equal or stronger force. There is no Guurti that has the mandate of the people to extend Dahir’s term and they shouldn’t try to stand against the tide of change if they really need a future for their children and this nation. What should the people do? The time for tolerance is over as this regime is putting the nation at serious risk in order to delay the change we opted for. We want to get rid of this corrupt regime in the ballot box. Therefore, we should offer all kind of support to those calling for a more democratic and law abiding government with genuine ideas for aggressive but more tolerant and transparent political leadership. We want elections in time. This vague proposal of new regions and districts will only lead to more tribal conflicts on land and raised taxation on the poor to fund the installation of a hand picked UDUB administration in these areas. All Somalilanders should unite in compelling this regime to withdraw this empty proposal. Come on Somaliland, it is time for change Daha Farah
  20. I've said it from Day one and you know it. Haabsade's alligence determines who Laascaanod goes to. He was responsible for the humiliation your leader faced in 02. He is the reason why you didn't have the city for 5 years, weeks after he was fired from Puntland and an arrest warrant was sent out, Lascaanod switched sides. No one else!!!! But he's proven that he'll go to he highest bidder( come on, he tried to kill you president and now he is in hargeysa having dinner with him), your leader just fired a reer sool minister, who went on radio and claimed that your government has done nothing for Sool, that you haven't given any of the money collected and promised. He was fired for critisizing your president.
  21. Great Pictures, during a tour of the construction site many women became emotional at what they saw. People have never seen anything like this, even during Siad's time no one has ever built an airport in Puntland (he built hamar's and hargeysa's). Even though the media wants to focus on fake news and crime that occurs all over Africa, the majority of Puntland's population are extremely proud of this administration. Initially the Ruler of Sharjah said he would pay all expenses, but later during the time of the ICU had a change of heart and claimed things were to dangerous for him to risk his money (some think he wanted to support them over us, and others think he never had any intention of paying). Puntlands administration reacted by putting a great deal of effort into building the airport themselves, which proved challenging because of their Finical and military support of the TFG. Also, most are unaware but the airports runway is the toughest and most costly part of this ambitious project. Puntlands admin has accomplished a lot and must focus on finishing this.