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Everything posted by Thankful
^^^ Why not Finally he has people on a roll bashing Puntland and doesn't want to lose momentum. I wonder how many people who have contributed to this thread have actually been to Puntland recently. Probably not even one.
The President of the Republic will receive Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed
Thankful replied to Fiqikhayre's topic in Politics
Africaown - good point, never though of it that way!!!!! -
You give us Afnugaal and look what somaliland.org is saying....concentrate on your tribal enclave...YOUR SO CALLED LEADER EXTENDED HIS REIGN FOR 1 MORE YEAR. How can he do that? By asking an unelected body to do so? Keep trying to focus on other parts of Somalia and pretend every thing is really normal in your tribal enclave of somaliland. Somaliland : Troubled Times Ahead Dr. Mohamed A. Omar As Dahir Rayaale hangs on to power beyond his presidential term and delays elections, Somaliland sleepwalks into a political crisis. This puts the country’s democratic process and its international standing at risk – the two most crucial goals that are indispensable for Somaliland’s political future. Although the president’s term of office ends on 15 May, the country’s Upper Chamber, unelected body known to be close to the President, has unilaterally extended his tenure by one year recently, thereby ignoring the election plans agreed by all political parties and the National Election Commission (NEC). It is widely believed that Rayaale was behind this move, in a bid to extend his time in office. In Somaliland, the move has caused widespread political furore. The opposition parties, the elected Lower Chamber of the Parliament, civil society and members of the public have expressed their objections to this unconstitutional step. From the international community, the reaction was loud and clear too.The European Union, a key partner in Somaliland’s democratisation programme, articulated their concerns on the decision and called on all political groups in Somaliland to stick with the original election plans agreed by all stakeholders. The government’s initial response to the public challenge was militaristic. The capital city of Hargeisa was put on curfew and armed military men are now patrolling the main streets. On 26 April, Hana Hassan Jama, was shot dead in Hargeisa by patrolling soldiers, and became the first victim of Rayaale’s stop-and–search orders. She was an innocent young girl who poses no threat to the national security. To the outside world, the government’s reaction was equally shocking.In an astonishing statement, the Foreign Minister, Mr. Abdillaahi Du’ale, accused the European Union of interfering in Somaliland’s affairs, and told the EU that his government does not need their financial and technical support to Somaliland’s democratisation programme. This statement is damaging to Somaliland’s international position andcan negatively affect the search for recognition. One could actually argue that the Minister and the President, who has supported his Minister’s statement in a speech at the Parliament, have both shamelessly failed to serve Somaliland’s national and long-term interest in favour of their personal short-term political aims. This comes from a government, which is supposedly promoting thedemocratisation process and the country’s relations with the international community - the two most important strategic objectives of Somaliland. There are some possible explanations for the government’s behaviour.One explanation may be that Rayaale is trying to repeat what his predecessor, Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, did in 1994, when the Guurti, (the current Upper Chamber) controversially extended his term of office. Egal then found himself embroiled in a range of conflicts with opposition forces, which lasted until October 1996. Hanna Hassan Jama, was a young lady shot and killed by the forces Riyale recently deployed on the streets of Hargeisa It is also possible that Rayaale and his associates might have accepted the notions of multi-party democracy on paper only, and having won the2003 election by a dubious small margin, are not ready to risk losing power, particularly, in the context of increasingly popular and incredibly powerful and united opposition, ready and eager to take overpower. Rayaale seems to be feeling the heat already. Another explanation could be that Rayaale is modelling ideas he borrowed from his peers in the region. Ethiopian Miles Zinawe has been in power since 1991, killing and detaining opposition figures during the 2005 parliamentary election. The Ethiopian Parliament still has empty seats, as detained MP did not take their seats. In Eritrea, Isaias Afworki has nothing better to offer. He was elected as president by a transitional legislation in 1993, and he cancelled indefinitely the parliamentary election that was planned to take place in December 2001. The Eritrean constitution was ratified in May 1997but has not yet been put into effect. In Somalia, Abdillahi Yusuf, whose term of office will finish soon,does not appear to be preparing his country for the scheduled multi-party elections in the next year. Yet, unlike Rayaale, Zenawi, Afworki and other leaders in Africa such as Mugabe offer historical narratives to justify their attempts to stay in power. Their desire to rule originates from their status as leaders of national liberation movements. They have liberated their countries either from colonial powers or oppressive regimes. Therefore, they perceive themselves as the heirs of their people’s freedom and feel connected with the grassroots through this history. Interestingly, the above examples make Somaliland an odd one. In Somaliland, there is situation now in which the leader of the country’s popular liberation movement, Ahmed Siilaanyo, is an opposition leader,and all that he is asking for is a fair and timely election. This is in contrast to the mainstream political reality in Africa, which Somaliland should be proud of. Somalilanders are not alone in taking their democracy serious. Mostnotable, president Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria was forced out when his term finished. In Kenya, people have attempted similar approaches. And, increasingly, other African nationals are demanding for their voices to be heard. With the public fiercely opposing the controversial power extension,there is bound to be a political crisis in Somaliland after15 of May,the day the presidential term officially runs out. Forming a transitional administration, that would lead the nation to an election,is the most urgent political question Somaliland has to address. The Lower Chamber, the only democratically elected body in the country after the 15 of May, must fill in the vacuum and help the country get through these worrisome days. It needs to provide an interim leadership, uphold the rule of law, offer a level playing field for the competing political parties, and above all, avoid conflict. This could be a defining moment for Somaliland’s House of Representatives. Source: American Chronicle
Typical secessionists, hypocrites! Which is why they will never get recognition. They claim to have suffered war crimes against Siad's regime, but their president was a leader of the intelligence service that has been accused of committing the majority of them. I've said it before and won't stop saying it, these guys must present themselves as the only government in our region. So their goal is to flood everyone with every news outlet they can find, while avoiding all of theirs. Although the president ´s (Riyaale) term of office ends on 15 May, the country´s Upper Chamber, unelected body known to be close to the President, has unilaterally extended his tenure by one year recently, So this man doesn't need to be neutralized?
HAHAHAH, Except for the very shadowy Turki, no one ever spoke of those other names you mentioned. YOU CAN'T CHANGE HISTORY. You can't pretend things are a certain way when they are not. The 3 main players the ones we never stop hearing from Aweys, Sharif and Indha'Cade were the guys in charge. Which is fine, if they wanted to make a state in their Southern area's. Cawaale, please ask that question! It's a fair one, those against the ICU accused them of this, the TFG number 2 is someone from the South, they should have done the same. You cant' have 1 2 3 and say you are an Islamic Movement.
Ask him with respect of course, why did his leadership in the ICU consist of one tribe. Even though his forces went to Puntland and even after he cursed Amin Amir for making cartoons that accused his movement of being a tribe, did he still not show a little politcal savy and make his leadership represent all Somalis. Many people that were against the ICU were calling it a tribe, why didn't he do something about it? P.S If Dahir Aweys is in the room, I don't recommend u asking.
Xabashis Disarm TFG Militia Torture Them in Public
Thankful replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
JB, it's funny how you are so concerned about the innocent people in Somalia, and you must post every negative article you can find...never ever one single positive one. But now that there were riots in hargeysa, people are furious around the world and in your enclave towards your presidents policies and unbelievable undemocratic term extension, you haven't posted one article that is negative towards your tribal enclave. Why aren't you concerned? You act as if nothing is going on there, what's with the bias? Keep sweeping all your dirt under the carpet and think you are fool everyone. -
Xabashis Disarm TFG Militia Torture Them in Public
Thankful replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Lol, this is an interesting strategy. Instead of the typical war crimes fabrications against the civilians, they are now saying Puntland troops are being subjected to it. Is this suppose to get the Puntland Population furious? Stories Stories Stories....first the president being slapped, now this...can't wait until the next one. It better be good!!!! -
Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse oo la kulmay qaar ka mid ah Jaaliayada Somaliyeed Madaxweyne Cade Muuse, waxaa booqasho salaan ah ugu tagay qaybo ka mid ah jaaliyada soomalida reer UK iyo waliba Puntland, wuxuuna warbixin hordhac uga waramay xaaladihii u danbeeyey ee Puntland iyo howlaha mashaarciida ay waddo dowladiisu. Socdaalka Cade muuse waxaa ku weheliya wafdi ka tirsan MGPL, wuxuuna kasoo kicitimay magaalada Addis-Ababa, halkaas oo maalmihii u danbeeyey uu booqanyey.Madaxwenaha DGPL waxa uu booqasho gaaban ku joogaa magaalada london, waana lugtii ugu horeesay ee uu Ingiriiska ku yimaado madaxweynaha, teer iyo wakhtigii loo doortay hogaanka sare ee MGPL. Waxaana socda qaban-qaabo uu kula kulmayo jaaliyada soomalida UK, inasktoo aan la ogayn inta ay qaadan doonto booqashadiisa london. Howlaha uu Cade muuse london u joogo waxaan kaloo ka mid ah sida ay sheegayaan warar soo baxaya inay kulmaan isaga iyo Claahi Yuusuf oo maalin ka hor isaguna london soo gaaray.
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Anyways, lets go back to the issue and think about it a little. Some folks compared it to Somaliland's case when 25 alleged ONLF members were caught "allegedly" smugling weapons from Eritrea through Djibouti and Somaliland. That's the whole point i'm trying to address. An article is written somewhere right, usually originates abroad, but instead of writting "allegedly, it's suspected, are believed to have been etc..." you'll post the title Puntland hands over ONLF members to Ethiopia!!! Even though the individual involved is claiming this are lies, everyone has already found him guilty. All the facts haven't come out, if the tables were turned that and it was about secessionistland they would never post an article with that title. Forget about Secesssionists, their leader has arrested religious leaders in their tribal enclave and have actually parade these poor looking somalis as Al qaeda. Their goal here is to make all of Somalia seem chaotic which is why they are different people.
Abu Geeljire What gets me is this, first the title "Puntland hands over ONLF members to Ethiopia" which is attacking a whole state, then it's everyones pity for who they see as traitors in the leadership. It's quite amusing to be honest. You speak about how I say the south might be war prone, what about how some continually call all our leaders stooges?! I'm not trying to defend a thing believe me, I know everyone is set in their ways and no one will ever change. I'm just saying this and which might be where my frustration comes from, we all know those in the South have a huge influence on the media coming out of Somalia and they are definitely making believers out of people on this cyber forum with the nonesense and propoganda they spew. I hope the TFG and Puntland work hard on taking a hold of the media and countering these claims. Finally, this is a forum, I'll speak the way I choose to speak you can do it the way you want to. Thanks for the advice though, but i'll do it my way!
I'm talking about this nonesense!!! shameful walaahi. this has been done before by SL and now the torch is being passed to PL ..... what can they possibly achieve by this despicable act ? and refuse to let desperation creep into my soul, and I refuse to look at the bad guys in Somaliland and puntland. I know out there millions of Somalilanders and Puntlanders are mouring with me. finally you are right it is not the people of PL that committed this crime just a select few of their leaders and for that ilaahay ha uga abaal marayo. Always claiming we are betraying our nation all over, against the ONLF or the resistance....please!!!
Keep flooding us with this crap. Like you have pity for us, you act as if you are the only patriotic Somalis out there and that the rest of our leadership are traitors. PLEASE, spare us that garbage. The south has by far been the most violent part of Somalia since day one. First it was against Siad, then it was anyone they saw different after that it was themselves, the UN coalition, themselves, themsleves and so on. While the rest of Somalia was busy trying to find peaceful solutions to their problems and forming an administration the south was busy giving all of Somalia a bad name in the media with their obsession with violence against their own people. They've constantly went against any government that has formed that included Somalis from other regions, even if it was lead by them. The only time they accepted leadership is when the Islamic Courts Union took over, who's leadership was entirely made up of people from their region and what was the first thing they do? Move troops to the outskirts of Gaalkayo and surrounding Baidoa (instead of building a state or allowing othe Somalis to join their leadership). Why'd they do this? Im certain it's because they are against any admin that has certain Somalis in it. I'm still shocked that when everyone was saying they were a tribe, when Amir Adan made the cartoon and they cursed him, when Puntland leadership said on radio they were a tribe, they didn't counter the accusation by appointing people from all over. They refused to even after all the accusations. Launching wars against peaceful region does not make you a patriot. You should be concentrate on getting those leaders hiding in Asmara to shut their mouths and stop instigating stuff from the safety of their hotels, while their young men fight. They are fighting for their on self interests and it has nothing to do with somaliweyn(they've given up on that a long time ago. People in Puntland are fully aware of this. It's funny a secessionists would post this, considering they are the ones that hand over people all the time. Why dont you post when you are doing it? Considering this info is true.
Let Somaliland be an independent country, Int’l Think Tanks Say
Thankful replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
They recommended a lot more that you typically always leave out!!! Think Tank Link Somaliland's 'path to recognition' Amid the chaos that has afflicted the Horn of Africa over recent decades, there is an oasis of relative calm that is ignored by the rest of the world. The self-declared Republic of Somaliland announced its independence from the rest of Somalia in May 1991 and has been searching for recognition in vain since then. Now, it has received support from a think-tank active in development and security issues, the Senlis Council. "A fast-track to recognition is urgently needed for Somaliland," a report from the council states. "State-in-waiting" It supports Somaliland's claim that it is not another enclave seeking separation. Such a separation would be against the principles of the African Union. The Senlis Council argues that since Somaliland is basically the old British Somaliland, which was independent for five days in 1960 before uniting with Italian Somaliland, it should be regarded again as a state-in-waiting. The report calls for a "path to recognition" - including a referendum on independence, full transition to multi-party democracy and the rule of law, resolution of its territorial dispute with another region of Somalia, Puntland, and aid from the United States. "Given the turmoil that characterises the bulk of Somalia, the international community needs to be reawakened from its torpor on Somaliland while relative calm exists," the report says. Norine MacDonald, the Canadian lawyer who is the Senlis Council's president, said: "This is an untold story of remarkable endeavour. "Somalia is not a functioning state. Somaliland is a functioning state. It is asking for recognition and we call on President George Bush to lead that recognition." She remarked that while she could not move around Mogadishu on a recent visit, which she stressed was worse than Afghanistan and desperate for international aid, she was able to walk freely around the capital of Somaliland, Hargeisa. The report places Somaliland in the context of what it calls the "chronic failures of the US-led war on terror" in Afghanistan, where Ms MacDonald is based, and Somalia. This war, it claims, is "bolstering the legitimacy of Somali and Afghan extremists. The recognition of Somaliland is a political necessity in the fight against extremism." Long struggle Despite these calls, it is unlikely that the United States will move quickly towards formal recognition. The position of the Bush administration was spelled out in a statement by the State Department on 17 January this year: "While the United States does not recognize Somaliland as an independent state, and we continue to believe that the question of Somaliland's independence should be resolved by the African Union, we continue regularly to engage with Somaliland as a regional administration." The US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer met Somaliland's foreign minister last year. So there is a kind of de facto acceptance of the split, but the US probably cannot afford to upset Somali President Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed, who opposes independence for Somaliland. He is an ally in the US fight against Islamic militants in the region, notably the Council of Islamic Courts and the al-Shabab movement. The US is also seeking four suspects in Somalia it says were part of the al-Qaeda attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. -
Boosaaso,Puntland:Burcadaani oo Shalay Galinkii Hore afduub u geysatey Dooni laga lahaa Dalka Isutaga Emaraadka Carabta Laguna Magacaabo Al-Khaliij ayaa Tiradoodu ay gaareysay ilaa 7-Todoba Qof waxaana Saakay Gacanta kusoo Dhigey Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha Puntland oo Kaashanaanayey Ciidanka Booliska. Burcadaani oo Markii lasoo Gaarsiiyey Dekeda Magaalada Boosaaso Saarnaa Doontii Ay afduubteen ayaa Sadex Kamid ah Burcadaasi dhaawac ka Muuqdey Halka Afartii kalana ay Fayoobayeen. Dekeda Magaallada Boosaaso ayaan Saakay wax shaqo ah kasocon waxaana Dadweynaha Reer Boosaaso Usoo Daawasho Tageen Burcadaasi iyadoo Halkaasina ay Ka Muuqdeen Dhamaanba Masuuliyiintii Maamulka puntland intoodii kusugneyd Boosaaso. Masuuliyiintii Halkaasi Goob jooga ka ahaa Waxaa kamid ahaa Wasiirka Amniga Puntland C/laahi Saciid Samantar iyo Wasiirka Ganacsiga Iyo Warshadaha Puntland C/samad Yuusuf Maxamed. Waxaana ay Si wada Jir ah Wasiiradu Shir Jaraa’id ugu Qabteen Dekeda Dhexdeeda waxayna u Mahadcalinyeen Ciidamadii soo qabtey Burcadaasi iyo Ganacsatadii Gacanta ka geysateyba soo qabashada Burcadaasi. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Iyo warshadaha Puntland C/samad Yuusuf Maxamed (Abwan) oo ku howlanaa Tan iyo intii la haystey Doontaani Dadaal Dheeri ahna u galay Burcadaani Siidii laso qaban lahaa ayaa ugu Baaqey Ganacsad Puntland Inay Is hortagaan wax walba oo khal khal lagu galinaayo Ganacsiga iyo Amniga puntland Mr Abwaan Waxaa Sidoo kale uu U Mahad Celiyey Doonyihii Ka qeyb qaatey Soo deynta Doonida iyo Soo qabashada Burcada. Ugu Danbeytii Burcadaani ayaa loo dhaadhiciyey Xabsiga Weyn ee Magaallada Boosaso Iyagoo aan la kala Saarin kuwoodii Dhaawac ahaa iyo kuwii Kalaba Waxaana Masuuliyiintu ay sheegeen Inay Dhamaantoodba Muteysan Doonaan Xukun Dil ah.