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Everything posted by MR ORGILAQE

  1. Well i for one Viking am not tha liberated to be able to discuss with ladies about Women's problems!!!!No thanks buddy.I wish to see a section where the boys can be at home without the need to watch their backs for the ladies!!!
  2. think my generation( i hope i´ve one )KNOWS what the would be TASK is, but due to a better offer from the WEST and negelgence from OUR counterpart generation back home ,we QUESTION the genuineness of the TASK. Well if that is what you really like and that part of the world is where you'll like to see your children grow up then good luck.I am more interested in hearing from those that wish to see their motherland great again,those that have a burning desire to go back amongst their own.I want to hear from those that want to make it back in their ancestral motherland ,a land that has no comparison as it holds their genome.It holds their history,it holds their race,their existence.Those are the ones that i wish to hear from.Unless i am wrong and looking at the wrong place being old fashioned and all!!!!
  3. sheharazde i think you'll find your brothers are always up for a good fight.Just point us at the right direction and he wont come after you ever again!!!!!
  4. Ngonge hard cash being sent home is fine but if unchanneled or properly planned it will simply become a waste!! As for the dreams well.......martin Luther King had a dream and has it been realised?,Nelson Mandela had a dream and has it been realised?,Gandhi had a dream and has it been realised?,and Finally our Beloved Prphet Muhammad (Pbuh) had a dream and it most certainly has been realised.So my brother there is nothing wrong about a dream,in fact a nation without a dream is a nation without hope!!! With dreams comes ambitions,drive,aim.Without any of those feelings it is impossible for them to become what they are capable of becoming.So brother dont put them down,just because those before them couldn't do it doesnt mean they can't.!!Be positive positive.
  5. If you knew what I was dealing with right now, you'd wonder how I manage to keep seeing life sunny side up where men are concerned. Groan. Still, I rock on. Sheherazade I am sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch.Well i pray to ALLah to guide you through this time and guide you to the path of the rightous AAAAMIN AAAMIN
  6. fair enough you are entitled to your opinion and i accept it,but let us see what the rest of the boys say shall we?.
  7. Hello Boys and Girls I have been a member here for a few months.The reason that i became a member initially was to see just what hope there is in this generation.The reason why this became a goal for me is because my generation has been caught up in the nets,landmines,etc etc that our fathers had prepared for us,and caught up in them we did.We became the fighters the bread winners,the defenders,the pioneers in some cases,the ones with the burden of ensuring the survival of the species that is SOMALI.I came to this website as a concerned father,who has children still too young to realise what we have been through and what lies ahead.I wanted to find out if my generation had done anything positive in inspiring the younger generation or not. Well after a few months of seeing how you are deliberating and your thinking i think it is fair to say that your generation seems to be at a crossroads.In case you are wondering, i am older than practically all of you here!.I am glad to acting my age after all this time!.It seems to me that you have made a lot of progress in the way you can debate things without becoming too emotional and even in the way you manage to stop each other when one goes beyond reason.This is encouraging...however thre seems to be a lack of thought given to the huge task ahead of you and i mean you because the bulk of the work will fall on your hands and what a weight it will be!!!.My generation will have the task of ensuring peace holds and the begining of reconstruction and we will be handing the batton on to your generation.The reconstruction is where you will come in and that is what is worrying me.Nobody seems to be paying any attention to that area.I even tried to start a thread about that without any success.I would like to have an insight into your thinking regarding the reconstruction of your country which is going to be your task afterall.Have any of you given any thought as to where you can get the finance needeed to carry out such a huge task?.Have you maybe considered catalogueing the knowledge base that you posses collectively to be used accordingly?.Have you considered how you can make it in your Motherland?.Have you condidered how you can compete with your peers tomorrow from other countries?.These are issues that will face you tomorrow and no-one seems to be considering them and this quite frankly worries me.There is a lot of thought given to tribe and state and i have taken a keen interest by ensuring that i got under your skin.You may have noted my posts which were intended to bring out the true feelings that you may have,I apologise if i offended anyone.There is a momentum going at the moment and I for one as a member of my generation am prepared to make my stand and take my responsibilites but it is you who will have to ensure that my children are better off.i am relying on you that is why i became a member here to see just how far away you all are to the overall goal.Let me know if i am worrying for nothing or whether my worries are justified.Thank you all
  8. None of those sections say MEN to me they look like a non exclusive sections, what i am talking about is an exclusive section for MEN are you against that?.
  9. Hi everyone without sounding like a activist but why have we THE MEN not got our own section, MEN only meaning exactly that MEN ONLY.The ladies already have their WOMEN section so it is only fair that we should to.So boys what you say What do we want...... When do we want it......
  10. Goat-Swallower I know what you mean by it brother. That wasnt directed at you. Being general here. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Goat swallower!!!! ha aha ha haaaah aaaaaaa now that was a funny translation.It is correct but funny.Folks on another note i wish to once again reaffirm my intentions towards this thread I wanted to point out that the ladies who wear tight jeans etc,who dont wear hijab thinking that they would look good and get all kinda following WRONG!!!!!!! With your hijaab on good Islamically acceptable clothes on you would look even better and not only get the respect of brothers but you would attract the RIGHT kind of Following if you know what i mean The tight jeans,not wearing hijab type will only get the following of ONE NIGHT STANDERS whereas the Islamically dressed lady will get the LIFETIME MARRIAGE WANTING type of a guy. The choice is yours ladies!!!! I am strictly speaking as older brother giving the best advice he has so DONT SHOOT ME!!!! If you are wondering ladies why you only attract the ONE NIGHT STANDERS well you know now!!!
  11. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Diamente that was funny man that made me laugh quite hard
  12. sometimes admire without good intentions Ngonge Speak for yourself I am having a great time Alhamdullilah may allah grant you a good wife bro you need it by the sounds of it
  13. i have pictures of Budunbuto iyo biciidlasaar in nugaal where my father was born i'll post them inshallah tomorrow
  14. Sophist good read mate. Horn, what Orgialaq said about the boqor being the highest authority is incorrect. But your clan was certainly part of the isim system that is now taking place in Garowe Nationalist i suggest you check your sources are correct before putting it on paper pal.the Boqor is the highest Authority and all you have to do is ask any knowledgeable person about it.Check it out maybe ask mom and dad?.
  15. Sheherazade, you have a nag for understanding people positively. You tried to save Orgilaqe but who is listening anyway? LOL. I am surprised AT how you explained the subconscious thoughts a guy may have when you said: "It's about the guy's perception of what might lie beneath her physical appearance". You even brought a helpful explanation for the word sexy. If I was Orgilaqe, I would have thanked you a lot. Thanks on his behalf. Xoogsade first of all THANKS for sticking up for me.As for my sister sherhadze i did thank her if you go up the thread you'll see that.However i understand when you say give the guy a break, but i think we better let them have some fun.Yes folks i am a married man and yes i did notice the lady in question and yes i did think she was SEXy without it being Sexual as my sister put ,which reminds sherhadze how in the hell did you manage to understand my mental state of that day?.you are good,no you VERY good.I guess many folks here see things in black and white what I suggest is that you use some lateral thinking every now and then maybe then you might find solutions in strange places.Besides who said admiring with good intention was wrong.
  16. The problem in Somaliland is that the imperfect democratic system has allowed faqqash remnants to infiltrate the power structure and Somalilanders are eager to once again defeat this bankrupt mental state, however this time it will be done through the ballot box. I think a crush course in Recent Somali History is in order First Konweyn you use the word ****** on the people of Puntland and Gedo Let me remind you just where the term "****** " came from who gave it and to whom it was given to. First of all the word was invented by the Puntland tribes especially those that were part of SSDF after they were refered to as Mahbar by the Late siyad barre regime.They used that term on the Government forces that they were fighting and during their early years as a rebel movement the forces of the government being used against them were of course none other than the SNM and USC tribes.The other tribe that were also part of the dictators forces were the Jareer and they were nicknamed "Sankadhuudi" by the SSDF .This terms were invented by the Puntland rebel movement way before SNM even existed and when SNM were formed with the help of SSDF they simply picked up those terms in the training grounds of SSDF who were training them.Now you are trying to use the very same terms on the people that invented them for you and of course at the time it was you that was ****** and whom that term was invented for.Do yourself a favour read up on history before you go and open your mouth thank you.
  17. Appalause Applause Applause Applause Sphist you are indeed "rugcadaa"I grant you that your are well versed in the "anthropology" as you put it Yes the story is pretty much as i heard it and yes the two isms that are most popular are Salebaan and Mohamed.They are decent guys who look out for the best interest of their people may they continue in their quest.
  18. Having said that, let me just correct you on your first faux pas. The family which you and I belong to were headed by the sub family of that famous man Wiil Waal; this disapproves your sweeping remark that the inhabitants of Qardho had been on the helm since the beginning of our time. Such is conjured up information which many young men from that vicinity had succumb to. About five hundred years ago, such unity was spoiled and from that damage sprung many men who saw themselves as the potential leader of the sub family were belong to. The Darwishes (this is nick name of my family) decided to crown their own Garad where the Dhabayaco (this is not negative word for those who don’t know it) crowned a Boqor thusly making fragmented system of Kingship. Sp=ophist you do have a point in the way the sub clans moved on however i never gave you dates or times i simply said since ancient times and 500yrs or so is ancient.As for the islan Mohamed and Garaad Saleebaan,they are the key isims at the moment.They are great isms and they have my utmost respect so do all the other isms.However one cannot ignore the hierachy and if you look at the first born/second born then garaad saleeban will be second to garaad abdiqani but garaad saleebaan is the more popular.similarly islaan mohamed will be second to islaan bashir as islaan bashir descends from the second born cumar maxamud whereas the boqor descends from the line of the boqor himself cusman maxamud who was the first born.similarly as you mentioned quite correctly because mohamed ***** was the eldest he takes the line of boqor and is accorded the respect by the other clans and isms accordingly.So you are "rugcadaa" he ....welcome to the club buddy
  19. Orgiliqe, The boqor of Qardho? are you saying he is the Grand Garaad of all? Walee taas waxbaa kuugu laaban. sophist it seems you know nothing of the Ism hierachy in Puntland.Amongst the tribes of Daaro... the highest Authority is the Boqor based in the "taalada boqorka" in Qardho this has been the case since ancient times Because he cannot be present for all his peeople who live in more than two thirds the land mass occupied by somalis in somalia,ethiopia,kenya each sub tribe and cna even sub clans and families have their own elders elected from within and then going up the sub clan,clan,sub tribe,tribe all these is similar to the hireachy of a government and the head of the government being the head of state in this case the head of the tribe is the Boqor.This by no means diminishes the clout or popularity of some of the isms but ask them yourselves and they will tell you we are represented by the boqor and they all respect and will listen to him if he asks for it.There is a dedentralised system of governance more like the Federal system that Somalia had decided to adopt.The good thing here is tat this has been going since ancient times.We are now going back to our roots.
  20. Say a woman leaves her husband. She fears for her safety and life, and not only hers but that of her children as well. Say she fled the country altogether and lives someplace far from her husband. However she is still married to him. Thus after several years she meets someone she thinks is a good man and wants to marry to him. What will she do, as she is still married to her former husband and if she goes back its a risk to her life. Under islamic law what is the best thing for her to do? I think i can answer that to a certain degree First of all that lady must get a divorce before embarking on any other relationship.Islam has made possible for such a person to get such a divorce.You have to get witnesses and an Imam who is then briefed in the history.I appreciate this means the man might find out where she leaves but it doesnt have to be in the tonw/city where she leaves to avoid detection.He must then be informed/passed a message to that he is no longer married to that lady.This is the islamic way i have the hadiths but not with me as i am at work i will inshallah make the effort to get them for you.I hope this helps.
  21. Most of us cover up to spare so much unwanted male attention from likes of you OG Girl you misunderstood the reasons behind my comments.I wasnt staring nor did i say she dressed that way to impress anyone.It is precisely because of these that i was impressed by beauty.
  22. Nationalist help me out here. I've never really gotten the point of "Islaan"? Is it a traditional Somali title or one introduced? And doesn't so many traditional leaders bring confusion at critical times as to who to follow? Thanks for your querry bro i will try to answer it as best as i can islan is the title given to the elder of a sub clan withing the MJ clans.To date only two of those sub clans have adopted that title.Others have adopted Beel Daaje,Ugaas.Now in Puntland as whole you'll find Sultaan,Garaad in Sanaag and Garaad in Sool and Sanaag clans.They all come under the authority of the Boqor of the whole Puntland Tribe including the ones in Gedo,Kismayo.He is the final authority and his decision cannot be questioned.However he rarely uses it but rather becomes the one that all of them will bring any differences to and sort of becomes the mediator.I hope that answers your question.
  23. underdog says P.S. Orgi, Allah aan kagabaryey in oo kugu gargaaro gabar asturan Well bro i already have "gabar asturan" with whom i have kids with alhamdullilah I read all your comments here and i would like to point out a few things to you all when i looked at the Woman who was wearing her shuka it was not deliberate.She was walking towards me and the walkway was not wide so i could not avoid that.However it was because i saw her that i realised there was a woman i had just passed and wondered why it is that i gave the woman wearing hijab a seond glance whereas i didnt even look at the one with her western clothes on.Dont ask me i dont know but somehow there is some mystique about the sister that was dressed islamically,exotic mystique,respect for her,appreciation that she has a strong mentality that cannot be swayed by all the TV adverts,peer pressures etc.The one on the hand did not leave anything to imagine,she laid it all out and i suppose in the hunter mentality of the male species there is nothing to hunt, there is no thrill,it is all in the chase!.She laid it all out and it did not appeal to me.I want you to know that there was no malice intended nor did i intend to disrespect our beautiful sisters on the contracry my respect for tat lady i saw was TOTAL.I hope all our sisters realise this benefit of the SHuka/hijab and dress accordingly.Thanks for responding all of you sherhadze thanks for sticking up for me.sorry if i misspelled your name
  24. Men you make me feel old here pal.I finished my high school in the eighties DAMN