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Everything posted by MR ORGILAQE

  1. loooooooool sheharadze pant pant pant he he he he he he Well it is a long story so if you want to know more you'll have to give me a hola!
  2. Cheers. I was not freaking out. It takes a lot to freak me out. I was being overly-dramatic. Cheeky,cheeky cheeky.I'll get you later for that!!!
  3. Thankas sheharazade but "how does it feel"! It was painfull it' not anymore on account of the cast holding the bones in position but boy was it painful.does that satisfy your curiosity?.
  4. Lol Wind I'm just surprised Orgilaqe hasn't jumped your throat yet for calling Abdulahi Yusuf a murderer Where where where is he!!! where is he Horn where is the chap that called The big man a murderer.LOOOOOOOOOOL.KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKk
  5. sorry sheharadze i didnt mean to freak you out.What i meant was i'll just have to convince you!
  6. loved those horses.Bari nomad what were you trying to say 'cos i didnt get your post
  7. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm dont give those babies out .........hmmmmmmm i see well i'll just hhave to come through the back door!
  8. Oh i see shaharadze.So no orgilaqe brownie points for the party then. well i'll have to find other ways to get some discounts then
  9. Gaalkacyo: Suldaan Cusub oo maanta lagu caano shubey - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 10:11 Gaalkacyo (AllPuntland) Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan Maxamuud Cilmi, ayaa xaflad lagu calleemo saarayo waxay maanta ka dhacday balliga Abqaale ee tuullada Xarfo oo degmada Gaalkacyo 75km dhanka waqooyi ka xigta. Xafladdii caano-shubka waxaa ka soo qayb galay; Isimo, madaxda dowladda Puntland iyo dadwayne lagu qiyaasay inay kor u dhaafayeen labo kun oo qof. Islaan Bashiir Islaan Cabdulle, Suldaan Cabdirashid Muuse Shire, Beeldaaje Cali Faarax, Suldaan Cabdisalaan, Suldaan Maxamed Jaamac Shire isimo ay kamid yihiin ayaa ka soo qayb galay xafladda. Dhanka madaxda iyo siyaasiyiinta, waxaa joogay rag ay kamid yihiin; Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Puntland ahna kusimaha madaxwaynaha Maxamed Cali Yuusuf (Gaagaab), la taliyaha madaxwaynaha Cabdikaafi Cabdi Abshir, Wasiirka Warfaafinta Cabdirisaaq Yaasiin Geesood, taliyaha ciidanka daraawiishta Puntland G/sare Cabdullaahi Jaamac (Geyre), Guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Maxamed Warsame Jamhad, Duqa degmada Gaalkacyo Xuseen Jaamac Yabaq iyo madax kale. Dhanka kale, waxaa xafladda ka soo qayb galay, Gen Cadde Muuse Boqor iyo rag kale oo miisaan siyaasadeed ku leh guud ahaan Puntland. xafladda oo bilaabatay saaka 7dii aroornimo ayaa waxay soo gabogabowday galabta 5tii galabnimo. Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Puntland, Md Gaagaab ayaa hadal uu halkaas ka jeedshay wuxuu ku sheegay in, madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo madaxwaynaha dowladda Fadaraalka ee Soomaaliya ay xafladda iyo suldaankaba u soo direen (asagana ay soo mariyen) salaan salaan salaan iyo habalyo. Isimadii iyo siyaasiintii maanta ka hadlay xafladdii caano shubka, ayaa dhamaantood waxay jeediyeen khudbado nuxur ahaan ku saabsanaa – hambalyeyn iyo bogaadin loo soo jeedinayey suldaan Maxamed oo rabbi looga baryay inuu xilkiisa u fududeeyo, isla markaasna waxaa beesha caleemo-saaratay suldaanka loo soo jeedshay inay la shaqeeyaan suldaankooda ay doorteen. Goobta xafladdu ka dhacaysay, ayaa si wayn loo qurxiyey, waxaa la keenay fardo dhowr ah oo aad u qorxoon, kuwaas oo rag fardo-fuulka yaqaannaa jaraha hayeen. Waxaa saf-saf u taagnaa dhabbooyinka laga soo galayay baliga caano-shubku ka dhacayo, gabdho ku soo labistay dhar u eg calanka Soomaaliya iyo dhalinyaro soo xiratay funaanado lagu soo qoray erayo xanbaarsan macnaha xafladda ayaa la arkayay. Gawaarida oo aad u faro badnay ayaa waxaa kala hagayay, ciidanka ilaalada jidadka (Taraafikada). Kahor, intii aan si rasmi ah loo guda galin, xafladda, waxaa goobta laga aqriyey taariikhda Suldaanka cusub (Suldaan Maxamed) iyo sooyaalka saldanada beesha Nuux Jibraahiil ee ku caano shubatay Suldaan Maxamed. Sida lagu sheegay warbixinta, Suldaan Maxamed, wuxuu ku dhashay Gaalkacyo sanadkii 1967kii, wuxuuna saldanadan ka dhaxlay aabihiis Suldaan Maxamuud Cilmo Calas oo dhawaan geeriyooday. Inta la ogyahay, beesha Nuux Jibraahiil, waxay dhamaantood ku midaysnaayeen, caleemo-saarka suldaan Maxamed Suldaan Maxamuud AllPuntland Powered by AllPun
  10. Maamulka Soomaliland oo Gabar 16 jir ah ku xukuntay shan sano oo xarig ah Nairobi Maxkamada magaalada Hargeysa ayaa ku xukuntay xabsi garaayo shan sano oo xarig ah Zamzam Axmed Ducaale oo ayada lagu soo ogay danbi ah basaasnimo iyo shirqool dil ah oo lala damacsanaa Madaxwene ku xigeenka Soomaliland. Muranka Zamzam Axmed Ducaale ayaa soo jiitamaayey mudo ayadoona lagu edeynayey danbi ah basaasnimo oo caalamka ciqaabta u taalo ay tahay dil marka dadka waxa ay la yaaban yihiin qof lagu soo helay basaanimo hadan lagu xukumaayo xukun gaaraayo shansano marka waxaa meesha ka cad in aysan jirin danbe ay gashay gabadha oo ay rabaan maamulka in ay isaga jeediyaan indhaha beesha caalamka oo ayagu u arka xariga gabadha mid sharci daro ah . Si kastab ha ahaatee xariga inanta yar ayaa ah mid ka baxsan sharciga Islaamka iyo kan caalamigaba ayadoona aysan macquul aheyn gabar dadasi jirta in ay ku dhaqaqdo shaqo baxadaa leh


    Ba'aaa war ninka saas uhadlahaya nin lagacabankaro umaeka ee see wax ujiraan.dadka cabanahayase ma caruur baa meeshu waa fadhikudirir ee.waxa kaliya oo ii muuqda oo lagacabankaro waa aflagaado taasina meeshatan wali ninka ku arkay ma ahii.Hadiise run ay tahay oo dad badani cabaadeen waxey ilatahay dadku dad kaftanka bartey beyan ubadneen.
  12. Wiil Waal Lagga iyo Barida Lug Laguugu Dar! Faallo: Mudug Online -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rag ka agdhawaa maamulkii Wiil-Waal ayaa waxaa dhibtey Wiil-Waal oo marka xoolaha la qasho lagga iyo baridaba isagu cunijirey, xagga ragga inta kale ay cunijireen hilbaha inta hartey, sida laga warqabana badanaa miyiga dadka joogaa waxaa ku yar nafaqada oo qofkii la xurmeynayo ama la baananayo waxaa la siiyaa dufan, inta badanna kurus ama bari idaad, lagguna laftiisu kama daro. Muddo kaddib ayaa ragii qaar ka mid ah is xan warsadeen oo ka doodeen sida odeygu uussan raggii kale waxba ugu reebin dufankii, nin ayaa talo soo jeediyey oo yiri; "aan la hadalnno Wiil-Waal oo aan ku dhahno Wiil-Waal lagga iyo barida iskuma heshid". Raggii talada ninkaasi waa la qurxoonaatey, hase yeeshee waxaa la waayey nin isagu yiraahda aniga ayaa odeyga u sheegaya arritaan. Wada hadal dheer ka dib raggii waxey isla garteen in Wiil-Waal si wada jir ah talada loo gaarsiiyo, seddex afhayeen ayey iska doorteen waxeyna hadalkii u qaybsadeen sidaan: Ninka 1aad inuu yiraahdo ereyga; "Wiil-Waal", ninka 2aadna yiraahdo; "lagga iyo barida", kan 3aadna yiraahdo; "iskuma heshid" Markii raggii isugu yimid ardaagii Wiil-Waal ka talin jirey ayaa ninkii 1aad hadalkii bilaabey oo yiri; "Wiil-Waal", kii 2aad ayaa isaguna yiri; "lagga iyo barida", kii 3aad ayaa wuxuu yiri; "lug laguugu dar" meeshii laga sugayey inuu yiraahdo; "iskuma heshid". Raggii inta is fiirsheen ayaa meeshii lagu kal yaacey, xoogaa kaddib ayey ninkii 3aad ku yiraahdeen; war maxaad sidaas u yeeshey oo ballantii uga baxdey, wuxuu ugu jawaabey; idinku maxaad oran laheydeen, waxaa la waayey nin isagu ku dhiirada inuu yiraahdo ereyga ah: "iskuma heshid", waxeyna dhamaantood isla garteen in ninkaasi caqli badnaa, maxaa yeeley hadduu yiraahdo erega "iskuma heshid" Wiil-Waal goobta ayuu ku dili lahaa. Hadaba innagoo dhuuxeyna sheekada Wiil-Waal waxaa maanta nala gudboon inaan ku niraahno Dagaal-Oogayaasha hadda Xildhibaanda isu badaley, "Dagaal-Oognimada iyo Xildhibaanimada Wasiirnimo laydinkugu dar", si bal mar’uun loo helo Dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo Calankeedu Dunida mar labaad ka lusho, Baasaboorkeeduna noqdo midey ugu yaraan hablaha waratadaa Dubai iyo Kenya ugu dulaan. Ragga iyagu u suxul doobaya iney helaan Wasiirnimo ee Gabdhaha dharbaaxda markiiba la gaaraya madasasha shirka horteeda waa iney xoogaa xishood iyo Samir muujiyaan, maxaa yeeley Xildhibaan gabar ma dharbaaxo ee gursiga ayuu uga gacaa markuu arko kuna yiraahdaa “danta maanta ku keentey waa dan culuse maxaan kula qabtaaâ€. Dawladda 77 Wasiir iyo ku xigeenno ka kooban haddana wali la leeyahey looma dhamma waa “hal diidani gaaf wareega ma daysoâ€, marka nuxurka runtaa la eego Soomaaliya waxaa ka badan 15 Wasiir iyo ku xigeenadooda oo noqonaya wadar ahaan 30. Waxaa iyaduna la yaab mudan in Dawladda dibad jooga ah Golaha Wakiilladu yiraahdaan kalsoonida ayaan kala noqonney iyagoo ku shirsan Qol kiro ah (Hall) halka dhismayaashii Soomaaliya looga talin jirey Hoobiye harsanayo, Xarumihii iyo Wasaaradihiina garaashyo laga dhigtey qaarna noqdeen qashin qub eeyada raabiyada qabaa seexdaan sida Ex-Baarlamaan oo kale. Run ahaantii waa wax laga naxo in War Isgaarsiinta caalamku ku celceliyaan Dawladda Soomaaliyeed Muqidsho ma tagi karto nabad galyo xumo awgeed, sidee la doonayaa in wadanku u xasilo xaruntii laga talin lahaana ay noqoto meel shaydaan ku hoydo, malaha waxaa habboon in meel kale caasumad laga dhigo lagana minguuriyo Muqdisho. Mudug Online/Edtorial
  13. Og Girl i agree with you 100% my family comes from ciid which is Zone 5 My father and mother were both born in Zone 5 Bokh and Wardheer to be precise and i am somali not ethiopian.
  14. Besides the fact that Abdulahi Yusuf led a war against the laf that traditionally held the Boqortooya is widely known, I don't know why you are acting like people don't pay attention to news And i suppose the Col's that were part of Cabdulahi's forces who are member of the "boqortoyo" clan were.......What?.Stop kidding yourself.His forces had not a single non somali individual and no one in puntland would have accepted that and you know it.The forces consisted of folks from sanaag/puntland,Sool,Nugaal,Cayn,Mudug,Bari including Qardho itself.They fought against the Jama and what he stood for which was CARTA that and only that is what they fought against.If he was fighting hios own kin in qardho why is Gen Cade Muse Boqor such an esteemed and highly regarded man in all of Puntland including Cabdulahi's home town of Galkacyo....i'll tell you why because he did not stand for Carta he simply wanted to ensure his clan was not unjustly treated and since that was never the intention they simply agreed to kick out carta which none of them believed.You bro are being influnced by the your lienage's support of Carta and the spin the carta alliance was using.We rea dealing with facts here buddy.
  15. Orgi sxb you don't know SHIT, i rokko lost more than 2 relatives (civilians) that day, where C/Y's forses basically shoot their way through the city leaving dozens of civilians dead in their wake. . People of the region accepted Yusuf's Administration In order to avoid more bloodshed and like Horn said for the sake of peace rokko you very casually say "Dozens of people" yet you tell us no proof relying on what soem spinmaster fed you and then come here and tell us shit!.The people of Puntland accepted Cabdulahi back simply because they had seen jama ali Jama and were fed up with the insecurity,financial mismanagment,selling them out to those that harboured animosity towards them.That is the reason and after they weighed both sides they figured it was better the devil you knew than the devil you dont!.They were right!.They did get back law and order,they did get back fair representation,and along the way another great man in Puntland who worked alingside Cabdulahi in achieving this peace emerged his name is Gen Cade Muse boqor,Also a number of Isms emerged Boqor Buurmadow from Sanaag,Graad Abdisalaan from Sanaag.and of course Boqor Maxamud ..boqor of Puntland.Now I am sorry to hear of your loss in Qardho of your uncle...I truly am because he is my uncle too all somali elders are our uncles and aunts and the children our children.However brother let us tell each other the facts,inquire how it happened there was a lot of spin in those days especially from the loosing side of the Carte/Jama faction.I do recall him saying that Folks in Bosaaso were raped when it never happened.I remember him saying that cabdulahi ordered the death of an ism in Galkacyo who is my uncle and after i personally contacted the family i was told that was not the case.So let's put the blame where it should be and not on account of disliking someone
  16. Orgilaqe and Nationalist c'mon. A friend of mine told me he lost an uncle to "Abdulahi Yusuf and his Amhara soldiers" (i quote). You can't deny what happened, and it was only because of reer Qardho and other's noble act that there is much needed peace and development in Puntland. Are we talking Facts or what Horn? If facts matter then it is a fact that it took all of the Puntland people to make this work including reer Qardho.Puntland is not just Qardho bro it is makes up a third of Somalia if not more and has a large population.The forces of Cabdullahi consisted of onlyy Puntland folks no outsider in the sense of Tribal affiliations that is.The only member of Puntland Tribes that came from outside puntland and inside Ethiopia even though a lrge part of that clan live in Bari are the clan of Biciidyahan and they live in both bari and Zone 5 in Ethipia just as so many other Somali clans do.So are you telling me they are Ethiopians and not part of Puntland folks?.Or would you say the clan of Caabudwaaq who live in Zone 5 are not part of that clan.Let's look at spin versus fact bro and then tell me where your comments can be justified
  17. Anyone here a single mum?.
  18. It is my understanding that when his time was up, Abdulahi Yusuf resorted to violence to stay in his post, and I'm well aware of the massacre that took place in Qardho Horn afrique To my knowledge only two people died in Qardho and they initially fired on the troops that were passing thorugh the town and the troops fired back into the house.The troops of C/Yusuf had strict code of engagement and i think it was clear for all to see 1)Kill a civilian without just cause and you will be killed 2)Rob civilian or government property,wealth and you will be killed 3)Abuse,rape or carry out/take part in acts of sexual abuse against anyone and you wil be killed 4)You are only to fire in the direction you were upon from and no other place anyone who doesnt will be thrown into prison and suffer accordingly This was the most disclipned force seen during the entire civil war and apart from the two civilians that died who initially had fired on the troops killing one and injureing 2 there was no other incident so bro where did this massacre take place?.It is easy to make an accusation but harder to prove it pal.So prove your point horn afrique
  19. A woman was walking down the street when she was approached by a man. The man said, "I must have you right now! I'll drop 500 dollars on the ground at your feet and in the time it takes for you to pick it up I can have my way with you from behind!" The woman thought it over and told the man to wait a minute. She called her girlfriend on her cell phone and told her about the man's proposition. Her girlfriend said "When he drops the $500 on the ground I'm sure you can pick it up and run before he gets his pants down. Call me back and tell me what happened." An hour and a half later the lady called her girlfriend back. "What happened?" the girlfriend asked. The lady said " That M.F. had $500 in quarters!"


    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that was funny diamente
  21. well done ngonge i was wondering whether a man could really explain this turns out you did quite well.I hope the sister has all the answers to her questions.
  22. Did any of you listen to the BBC “debate†the other day? Those two women were more vicious than any male politician Yeah Ngonge i listened to that debate and boy it was a funny one.They were about to kill each other there.the gizza who tabled the motion was busy asking the correspondent to make sure the woman doesnt hit him with the microphone!