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Everything posted by MR ORGILAQE

  1. Duke....!Dofarey good ,cause it elected C/llahi Yusuf. Jowhar good cause it gave home to C/llahi. Maxamed dhere & Geedi good cause they hosted and sided with C/llahi Yusuf. Warlords and Sharif bad cause they are so anti Somali cause they dont support C/llahi. Yemen good cause it was where Sharif (now with the great vision) made peace with C/llahi. Qanyare and Atto very good men who are patriots cause they are leaning towards the side of C/llahi. baydhabo previously under the control of the stooge of Indhacadde and the ficious warlords is good now cause that is where C/llahi will go. I just wonder at times how far you would go for good, good, good..... loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Xarago this was by far your best piece.I love it.looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  2. wiilo walaashiis anigu waa taaganahay laakin aaway qoftii saaxiibtaa ahayd.Grab match-kaan ay kabaqee!.Waxay istiri carmaa lagaabadiyaa!
  3. wiilo qoftaan booto lee haysaa ee nagadaa! Maanta dhan waxay kudhahee meel hebla aan isugu imaano hadhowna waa cararee
  4. take it easy hawdgirl it is only a joke and it is in the expense the province i hail from which i find hilarious too
  5. Originally posted by Ahura: And who the hell invited you tosspots? Nobody! This whole thread is dedicated to NG , so get the hell out and take your idiotic comments along with you! The door is over there ----> Now GIT! :mad: :mad: Ahura if the Man doesnt want you no amount of name calling is going to bring him to you.face it even with our help calling him and using our male calling cards doesnt seem to maybe it is time you should consider the fact that even the old man doesnt see you you hot enough to respond to
  6. Old man get your hot water bottle and your walking stick.You've scored get going before bedtime curfew is up!


    You all part time lovers.You seem to love the person one day out of 365 days of the year.Me i believe in having valentine every day
  8. Dont you just love em.They always make me laugh.
  9. Garaad Cabdiqani 1935 - 2006 Laas Caanood - 10.February.2006 Allah ha unaxariistee maxaa maanta magaalada Laas Caanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool lagu aasay, Garaad Cabdiqani Garaad Jaamac oo maalintii shalay ku geeriyoodey magaalada Jabbuuti ee Jamhuuriyadda Jabbuuti. Garaad Cabdiqani Garaad Jaamac ayaa dayuuradii siddey meydkiisa ay soo caga dhigatay maanta abbara 11:00 barqanimo, waxana halkaasi diyaar ugu ahaa isla waddooyinka dhinacyadooda tubnaa dadweyne aad u fara badan oo ay ka muuqato tacsi iyo tiiraanyo. Meheradaha ganacsiga ee magaalada Laas Caanood ayaa maanta albaabada loo laabay si looga qayb galo aaska garaadka. Garaad Cabdiqani Garaad Jaamac, waxaa uu u geeriyoodey xanuun hayey muddo lix bilood ah, waxana uu kamid ahaa isimada ugu magaca weyn dawlad goboleedka Puntland. Aaska garaadka ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay, wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga Puntland, Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade, wasiirka horumarinta ree miyiga maamulka Somaliland, Mr. Fu’aad, isimo kala duwan oo ka kala yimid Puntland iyo Somaliland, iyo dadweyne aad u fara badan. Aaska Garaadka oo ahaa mid aan loo kala harin ayaa saamayn iyo hadal hayn weyn ku reebay deegaannada Puntland gaar ahaan magaalada Laas Caanood. Garaad Cabdiqani Garaad Jaamac waxaa uu dhashay sannadkii 1935 waxana xilka garaadnimada loo caleema saaray sannadkii 1986-kii kadib markii uu geeriyoodey walaalkiis Garaad Cali. Rabi naxariistii jano haka waraabiiyee garaad cabdiqani garaad jaamac ayaa ahaa isimadda sharafta iyo xurmadaba ku leh bulshada gobolada sool sanaag cayn waxana sida la sheegay uu silsilada garaadnimada soo jireenka ah ka gelayaa kalinta 17aad.
  10. Allaha unaxariistee Garaad Cabdiqani garad jaamac oo maalintii shalay ahayd ku geeriyooday magaalada jibouti ayaa waxaan maanta barqadii soo cagadhigatay diyaaradii siday Marxuumka. Aaska marxuumka ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay baqolaalkun oo shacabka reer sool sanaag iyo Cayn ah iyo waliba maamulada Puntland Somaliland iyo Ethiopia Waxaa laamiga dheer ee farasmagaalaha dhexmara labada dhinac buux dhaafiyay kumanaan dad ah oo midba kiisa kale utacsiyadeynayo iyadoo ilaa inka badan boqol gaadhi oo ka kala yimi magaalooyinka hargeisa garowe burco Borame ceergaabo ay galbinaysay Aaska marxuumka Waxaa kamid ahaa madax dii kasoo Qayb gashay aaska marxuum garaad C/qani Allaha unaxariistee:- Dhanka Somaliland:- Wasiirka cadaalada Mud: Axmed Xaaji Cali Casowe Wasiirka Horumarinta reer miyiga Mud: Fu'aad Aadan Cade Xildhibaan Xamse Gaade Weyne Xildhibaan C/qaadir Jaamac xassan Xildhibaan Maxamed Axmed Dhakool Xildhibaan Maxamed Jaamac Cabdi Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Cali Sandulle Salaadiin aad ufarabadan oo ayan noo suuro galin in aan islamarkaa aanu ogaano magacyadooda balse idiin soo gudbin doono Waxaa iyana dhanka maamul goboleed ka Puntland kamid ahaa waftigii kasoo qayb galay aaska marxuum garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac. Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha Mud: Aaxmed Cabdi Xaabsade Wasiir ku xigeen ka dowladaha hoose Mud: Axmed Aadan carab Xildhibaan :Aadan Yare Gudoomiyaha Gobolka sool: ibraahim Jaamac daad Waxaa iyana Goob Joog ka ahaa dhamaan maamulka gobolka sool iyadoo ay Qadar daqiiqado ah ay ka hadh san tahay Aaska Marxuum Garaad Cabdi qani Garaad Jaamac Ayaanu Jecel Nahay In Aanu idiin soo Gudbino warbixinadii iyo sawiradii Aaaska iyo guud Ahaan Dareenka Shacabka Reer Sool Sanaag iyo Cayn Ay ka Qabaan Gareeda ku timi Allaha Unaxariiste garaadka Lasoco Daqiiqado Kadib iyo Aaaska Garaadka
  11. Caamir ..Historically yes they are currently they are all Somaliland(land of somalis,however since a part of Somali sought to hijack the name for itself the rest of the somalis didnt bother to argue the small print.Nontheless i think you know in general what i meant or maybe should i refere them to as "gobollada woqooyi" yahoo This is not ,i repeat NOT a measure of ones faith but a curiosity on my part...i wanted to understand why it didnt happen.did the news not reach the teritories?,were they prevented from demonstrating? etc.
  12. I have been watching the protests going on around the Muslim world with interest,and it looks like everywhere where there are free Muslims who live under the Banner of a Muslim State have expressed their disgust at the cheap insults thrown at our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH except that is Somaliland.The Rest Of Somalia have demonstrated i wonder why Somaliland hasnt.....Maybe the Somaliland Supporters can shed light into this?
  13. ina lillaahi wainaa ilaihi raajiuun Ilaahey naxariis iyo jano ha kawaraabiyo garadka.Ehelkiisiina ilaahay samir haa ka siiyo AAAMIIN garaadku nin culus buu ahaa
  14. A truck carrying people and goods from Hargeisa bound for Mogadishu passed by Galkacyo.A local Man boards the truck heading for Mogadishu. By this time the passengers were already dead tired and sleepy,so as the truck departed Galkacyo everyone went to sleep except the latest man who boarded at Galkacyo. Sometime in the night he became hungry and started searching the bags for some food.He somehow found this "joog" containing "odkac or Muqmad" as the reer wooqoyi call it. He happily dug in and satisfied his hunger then went to sleep. In the morning the woman who owned this "joog" opened it and to her horror found it almost empty She cried foul and asked for the truck to be stopped.the driver asked her what happened and she informed everyone that her food had been eaten by someone. She was asked what good it would do to stop the truck as the food was already eaten and she said that since the truck hadnt stopped during the night the one who ate her food hasnt yet washed his/her hands and would smell of "subag" This was an ingenious detection method so the driver agreed and everyone filed to have their hands smelled She finally got to the Reer Mudug guy and smelled his hands and of course the hand was smelling of "subag" she immediately informed everyone that he was the culprit The Reer mudug guy with amazement in his eyes smelled his hand and said"hogaa,hogaa war waa runteed,alleylehe subag baa ka urahaya gacanteydii....waryaaya saqajaanka teer iyo xalay inta aan jiifeey kushaqeesanayey gacanteyda waayo?!"
  15. Hey Wiilo already got some change from me to pay the cable bill.It must be for the popcorn. OK so we are on.Let's get it over with shall we.I am sure wiilo is settled for the game
  16. In anycase, as a muslims we don't have to Edit, omit anything from our texts because our mandate is From HEAVEN and not from liberal democracies. Way to go KHAYR argument there
  17. Mudaharaad Balaaran oo maanta ka dhacay Caasimada Puntland ee Garowe Garowe:- Bartamaha magaalada Garowe ayaa maanta oo Jimce ah waxaa isugu soo baxay Kumanaan dad ah oo ku dhawaaqayey ALLAHU AKBAR. Mudaharaadka maanta oo dhacay salaadii Jimce kadib ayaa ahaa mid shacabku ay ku muujinayeen sida ay u dhaliiceynayaan dalalka reer Galbeedka ah ee baneeystay in ay aflagaadeeyaan Nebi Maxamed (SCW). Mudaharaadkii maanta oo aan loo kala harin ayaa culumadii ka hadashay waxaa kamid ahaa Shiikh C/qaadir Nuur, iyo Shiikh Maxamuud Xaaji Yusuf. Culumaa'udiinka gobalka Nugaal oo banaanbaxan soo abaabulay ayaa halkaasi khudbado qiimo leh kasoo jeediyey. Shiikh C/qaadir Nuur Faarax oo kamid ah culumadii halkaasi ka hadashay ayaa waxaa hadaladiisa kamid ahaa [...Waxaa Saaka nasoo kiciyey waxaa weeye warar xun xun ee kasoo baxay afkooda (reer Galbeedka) oo ay saxaafadahooda ku qoreen...oo Nebiyu Allahu Maxamed (SCW)---Khayrul Khalqi-laah---in ay maanta Carabkooda wax ugu geystaan... Joornaaladooduna ku qoraan iyo iney sawiraan waxyaabaha Yaabka ah waxa weeye....Reer yurub oo dhan in Madaxdoodii ay saa ku raaceen.... oo saa ayey raali ka yihiin....oo waxay leeyihiin waa Xoriyatul Qowl....oo ay leeyihiin waxaanu nahay dad xoriyatul qowl ku hadlaya...oo ay leeyihin dadkayagu waa in waxa ay doonaan ku hadlaan... waxaa yaableh Xoriyatul Qowlka anaga Nalooma ogola..Inaan Guryahayaga maamulano in aan diintayada ku dhaqano inaan awlaadayada tarbiyeyno....inaan Manhajkayaga iyo tacliintayada anagu dejisano lama ogola oo Ayagaa noo ogola oo anagu xoriyad uma lihin...ayaguna waxay xoriyad u leeyihiin in ay Nebi Maxamed (SCW) ay saa u caayaan oo ay saa raali uga yihiin....] Shiikh Maxamuud Xaaji Yusuf ayaa ka hadlay loolanka u dhaxeeyey Muslimiinta iyo Gaalada tan iyo intii Diinta Islaamka soo degtay iyo dagaalkii ay gaaladu ku qaadeen Nebi Maxamed (SCW). Wuxuuna Shiikh Maxamuud sidoo kale sheegay in gaaladu ay ka ogo'an tahay dagaalka ay ku hayaan Muslimiinta, balse ay muslimiinta taasi ayasan kuligood weli aysan ka dhaadhicin. Mudaharaadkan ayaa ahaa mid aad u balaaran isla markaana maanta laga dareemay magaalada Garowe guud ahaan. Waxaana sidoo kale la xiray maanta oo Jimce ah dhamaan Xarumihii ganacsiga ayadoo loo jeeday kumanaan dad ah oo kusii qul qulaya Barxada weyn ee Fagaaraha Garoowe. Mudaharaadkan ayaa ahaa kii ugu weynaa uguna horeeyey oo ka dhacay dalka Soomaaliya loogana soo horjeedo wararkii iyo sawiradii Aflagaadada ahaa oo ay qoreen Joornaalada kasoo baxa dalalka Yurub, kuwaasi oo lagu doonayey in lagu aflagaadeeyo Nebi Maxamed (SCW).
  18. Impotence is not an option really. But neither is Orgilaqe's "don't take it lying down" rubbish. Castro you suprise me.You sit on your behind doing nothing about it and yet you have the balls to criticise me for doing something about it. Well at least i have done something about it,what have you done apart from taking part in a fadhikudirir session on SOL.This is not the front, it's out stop yacking and start doing something.Campaigning and lobbying is how most of the laws etc are brought in.As for the boycotts...we live in the UK we aint a nation.Leave that for those in the muslim world to do.For us here we do our part..get it OUR PART
  19. castro the two are different.One was political in terms of a war the other is religious.The later is more sensistive and you cant roll over man.Get some backbone in you bro.Go dont take it lying down
  20. right or wrong that is the case .The question is are you going to fight your corner or not
  21. well the answer to that is simple.If there are more yes than no's then they will feel they have the necessary backing from the public to publish them....and they will.They will then use that as an excuse that they did consult the nation
  22. better still why not text and email them as well.I sent them a text and emailed them from sveral email accounts i have .Here is a sample of my email in short I understand Channel Five is holding a poll as to whether you should show the Infamous and Repulsive cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a Suicide bomber on British TV.I wish to register my opinion which is that such a move is comparable to a denial of the Holacaust in terms of how offensive it would be to the Muslim people across the globe and primarily to myself as a Muslim.I hope you will have the good taste and respect for the millions of Muslims here in Britain and the Billion Plus across the world by NEVER showing it on British tv or giving it any undue marketing Furthermore i also believe that this will be damaging to the harmony that we have here in britain between the various ethnic and religious groups who i might add live side by side in harmony at present.Such action will also be a source of danger to our troops in Iraq and elsewhere in the Muslim world and help the terrorist organisations in their recruitment drives
  23. I guess the grandads need their afternoon nap so boys and girls leave the old man to have some keep will ya! ngonge you are tired dont run around with the little boys relax or you'll bust a vein in no time.We dont want to deal with strokes etc
  24. Ibtisam next i know you'll say that you thought i was a sister