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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. What is with somalis lately.. Why any foriegner coming to somalis, a mass welcome on the streets... Do people have no business to mind... This is my part of the welcoming.. Welcome any dev...
  2. ^lol... hope u understood my point. Odayga bumber stickers-ka waa looga hanweynaa, fahan bahasha..
  3. N.O.R.F;747893 wrote: Africaown, Mustafe and Passerby, When you have all grown out of the juvenile 'I hate Arabs' phase, you will realise that ties with our brethren are vital. Not only do Arab countries host our people in a dignified manner allowing us to live and work but they have always assisted with humanitarian efforts, funded projects and tried to help in mediation (before they gave up). I would suggest you guys look at things in the 'real' world and not just from your own uninformed perceptions. Doubt this news is true. Couldn't agree with u more! Well said N.O.R.F..
  4. Was this for supporting suferring somalis or ictiraaf raadis. What is the point of bumber stickers? If they have the intention to help their brothers why talking sh*t flag.. Ajar khasaaray iga dheh... Oday hadraawina cimaamadii dhulkay uga dhacday!
  5. At least I understand that they don't like Cawke what he said about Djabuti, but why the lady? Anywya, I am wondering how much they make from UnivTV?
  6. ^^ Mise isaga udub aahayn.. Miyaan magacyada qoryaha aad la baxdeen kala xasuustaa, qori, udub, ubuc what f all that..
  7. New York,(lasanod Online)- Waftiga Somalia uga qayb gelay shirka Golaha Qaramada Midoobey ee New York, ayaa kamid noqday dalalkii ka dareeray.. madasha shirka kadib markii uu khudbad ka jeediyey madaxweynada dalka Iiraan. Sida ay qortay jariidadda Time, waxaa khudbaddii Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ka dareeray “27 dal oo ay kamid yihiin European Union members, Australia, New Zealand, Somalia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Macedonia”, sidaas waxaa jariiadda u sheegay dublomaasi ka tirsan Qarammada Midoobey (QM). Madaxweynaha Iiraan ayaa eedayn kulul ujeediyey Maraykanka iyo dalalka Yurubta Galbeed, kuna eedeeyey dhibaatooyin badan oo adduunka ka soo dhacay iyo dhibaatada lagu hayo reer Falastiin, taas oo keentay in 27-ka dal oo DFKMG ee Soomaaliya waftigeedii ka mid yahay ay ka dareereen shirka. Maxmoud Axmadinejad waxa uu gaar ahaan eedayn kulul u jeediyey Gumastayaashii reer Yurub, xasuuqyadii kadhacay dagaalladii koowaad iyo labaad iyo kuwii sababay in dad badan oo Afrikaan ah la adoonsado. Waftiga DFKMG ayaa markaas ku biiray wufuudii ka baxday khudbaddaas. Magaalada New York waxaa ku sugan waftiyo ay hoggaaminayaan Ra’iisul wasaaraha DFKMG, C/weli gaas iyo Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan. hoos ka daawo sida looga baxay madasha shirka. Halkan Ka Daawo Video
  8. Fiqikhayre;747513 wrote: Funny how Dr. Faroole's own red berets security/military entourage from Puntland became one of the most iconic and eye-catching portrait's of all the images taken in the CM in Mogadishu These guys look very braves by looking how they act and stand... I wonder if they are braves marka bahashu isku dhalaasho.. Huge welcome! I only can't stand Sakiin...I don't know for some reasons when I see that man, my temp gets high..
  9. War wiilka hala daayo if doens't release his stress out here where else does he? Wlc back Alph.. I still want to hear more about what went wrong with your potential settlement on a local girl in back home!
  10. Aaliyyah;747519 wrote: Bored beyond my mind in my night lecture, the prof or assistant prof dnt know which one she is..but seriously she has the biggest indian accent. I don't understand one word she just uttered..im yawning..so i decided to check SOl's group on facebook (mind you im using my sister's page lol i dnt use one i said that million times )..so i see many of you have the guts to put your pics up seriously and ur mentioning ur nicknames on sol on top of it..ye all crazzzy! Jb doesnt look that bad between if that's him wearing a suit mashallah lol..im so random I know don't mind me .. salaam Hehehe.. join the to the group and get your own fb account..lol.. just joking..
  11. Jacaylbaro;747503 wrote: This is from tonight's event at Maansoor Hotel where there was a group wedding ......... You can see our own Alpha sitting and smiling in the middle of the group .... They all look a like to X sl vice president.. Don't recall his name anymore.. Ooh I remember nicknamed "Way dhaqaaday or was it talaabo..".. not sure either one of these two nicks..
  12. Valenteenah.;747422 wrote: Ka leexda ka leexda! A Mini but with extra testosterone! I love it and I desparately want it! The only issue is that I can't drive. Why you can't drive it? If u don't mind telling.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOps dear.. Never mind. .I should read through the page..
  13. ^^ And that worries XX the most, should tell him something else that would help to slow his heart attack..
  14. ^ So any website that reports the true but negative towards the project isn't reliable? The whole purpose the thread is to show what inccidents happens other places that landers daily report yet under cover such reports. Now u all saying this ain't true beside the graphic proof?
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;747441 wrote: Indeed sheikha ka hadha oo nabad galiya let him be hate spree?
  16. Abdul;747355 wrote: You will understand soon.Be patient. ;) ;) Wadnahaa i dhag leh dhag dhag.. I love this song..
  17. ^^ Beloo.. Oo ninku ma sidaasu u duqoobay maansha marba dhan u dilaan sidii xaar walwaalkii..
  18. Saalax;747327 wrote: She is not dead like A khadar wishes with terms like "Xasuuqa" but injured. Alla ha u sahlo. Did you check the source of the article and who said xasuuqa shacabka? If I wish anything, I wish you and XX to report such crimes against innocent people as you do when to they happen else where...
  19. Kool_Kat;747316 wrote: A_Khadar, you might as well ask XX inuu lug iyo far iska jaro if you expect him to report such events... I got your point.. He said the news is a year old, but he didn't report it because I just reported it...lol..
  20. Tukaraq,(lasanod Online)- Col. Cali Sabarey oo dhowaan loo magacaabay Hogaamiyaha cusub ee Hogaanka SSC ayaa waraysi siiyey warbaahinta.. ka hawlgasha magaalada Laascaanod ayuu ku sheegay inuusan waxba ku diidayn hawlaha ay wadaan gudida qaban qaabada khaatumo ee ku saabasan shirka wadatashiga Khaatumo2.. Col. Cali Sabarey mar la wediiyey shir ay hore u wada galeen gudida qaban qaabada Khaatumo wuxuu yidhi, " Dadku maaha dad ajnabi ah oo isdiidiya.. yaan sidaa loo qaadan..hadana qaar ka mid ah gudidii (Khaatumo) waanu wada fadhinaa...wixii dan ahna cidi diidi-mayso kana hor-imanmayso" Wuxuu kaloo ka warbixiyey safar uu dhowaan kusoo maray degaano ka tirsan gobollada Sanaag iyo Sool, oo ku sheegay inuu ahaa wadatashi iyo wacyigelin shacabka ku nool deegaankaas sidii loo gaadhsiin lahaa SSC. Audio interview http://sscradio.com/playaudio.php?id=50
  21. ^^ the article was personal opinion but within it there are mutliple referrences.. I guess none will impres u anyway.. Nin Meeli u caday meeli ka madow.. Siiro is hate preacher and make sense you defend him since ur another hater..