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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. Saalax;770628 wrote: Shirka Khaatumo2 Oo Furmay , Hogaankii SSC Iyo Isimada Oo Banaanka Ka Jooga (Dhagayso) Shirka Khaatumo2 ayaa saaka si rasmi ah loogu dareeray iyadoo hoolka shirka loo ogaaaladay oo kaliya inta ay ergo ahaan u soo xusheen kooxda la baxayday G6 ee laba Cali. Dhamaan qabaailka beelaah *********** ayaa si weyn uga soo horjeestay habka saaka lagu furay shirka marka iyadoo aan xal loo helin khilaafka magaalada Taleex iyo kan xulida ergooyinka. Waxaa hada aan shirka ka qayb galin hogaankii SSC Saleebaan Ciise Axmed iyo dhaaman golaha Khusuusida Sidoo kale isimada beesha Dhulbahanate marka laga reebo garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ayaan ka qayb galin. Wararka u dameeyay ee shirka Khaatumo 2 kala soco Taleex Media. Lol@Taleex.. At least before you post this, why don't you check the images I posted.. You can NOT help your mere sickness for seek any reason to fail this.. check these images below and let me know which is missing...
  2. Taleex,(lasanod Online)- Waxaa saaka markay saacadu xilliga Taleex 10 kii subaxnimo si rasmi ah uga furmay madasha shirka ee Khaatumo.. hshirweynihii SSC ee Khaatumo2. Shirkan waxaa lagu firay aayado quraan ah iyo duco, kadib waxaa shirka si rasmi ah u furay Garaad maxamuud Mashqare oo ka hadlay magaca garaadkii dhigay gogosha ee garaad Salebaan Maxamed oo isagu xaalad caafimaad uga baaqday furitaanka shirka. Waxaa sidoo kale goob joog ka ahaa dhamaan isimada kale ee SSC oo aan midna ka maqanayn. Waxaa shirkan khudabdo kasoo jeediyey isimo, waxgarad iyo odayaal, waxaan ka mid ahaa Dr. cali Khaliif gallaydh oo ugu horeyn tacsi u jeediyey mashaqadii ka dhacday Taleex, kadibna ka warbixiyey ujeedada shirka loo qabtay iyo in la iska dhaafo dacaayadaha n mbeen abuurka ah ee la sheegayo inay wax qarsoon G6 wataan.. Dr. Cali Khaliif wuxuu ku nuuxnuuxsaday inaysan jirin meel ay dadak u wadaan iyo wax u qarsoon midna, laakiin ay rabaan in nabad laga tashado oo beesho danaheeda iyadu ka tashato cdna yan u daba fadhiisan mustaqbalkeeda. Waxaa kaloo madasha ka hadlay Caaqil Xasan Askar oo ku hadlay magaca cuqaasaha.Dhalinyarada golaha suugaanta gobolka Sool ayaa iyana heeso iyo madadaalo kasoo jeediyey xafladda. Waxaa iyana halkaas buraanbur iyo guubaabo kasoo jeediyey Canbaro walanwal iyo Indhaqdeeq Abyan oo dadweynihii joogay xafaldu aad uga helaan buraanburkii ay hlkaas kasoo jeediyeen. Gudoomiyaha gudida fulinta Dr. Cali Ciise Cabdi yaa isna ka hadlkay xafalda oo si qotadheer uga warbixuye dhibta haysata deegaanka SSC iyo sida loogu baahanyahay in lagaga baxo talo midaysan. Isagoo ka codsaday dadweynaha shirka fadhiyey inay kasoo fekeraan sidii xal rasmi ah loogu helilaatalada beesha. Qof walbana wixii talo dib ka keeno. Madasha Berdaha Khaatumo2 waxaa soo buuxdhaafiyey ergooyin iyo dadweyne tiro badan oo ka socday bulshada ku nool magaalada taleex, waxaana wejiyadooda ka muuqatay farxad badan. Dr. Ali Isse Abdi Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh Grand Garad Jama Gudoomiyaha G15 from Diaspora Youth Ergooyinka G15
  3. Warbixin Furitaankii Shirka Khaatumo2 Official Opening KH2
  4. This thread is for KH2 @ Taleex and daily progress and updates. Please respect!
  5. Successionists are suffering High BP and Stoke. Relax guys. You all having these nightmares way before anything comes out of the meeting so what are you going to do after a new state(ismaamul) merges from Taleex.. Save some for later...
  6. LOL@taleex.net... That says all. Anything else? Are successionists having heart attacks about KH2? Wadnahaa i dhagleh dhag dhag Alla wadnahaa i dhag leh.. Love this song..
  7. As the meeting progresses, successionists continue your prayers and wishes to fail.. That is the only thing you can do now.
  8. What in few men's hearts won't change the hearts of the thousands.. The only thing that will come out of that conference that has relevence to successionists is telling them to pack and leave back to their tuuloos..
  9. That is more of your wishes than your take.. Nothing is new from your lot but always wishes for others to fail..
  10. The idea of they will unite to unite with successionists is wrong. So it's right support the Taleex gathering to be successful which will be great for all somalis every where..
  11. That is xaraam to wish bad thing happen to your bothers.. I hope your mental state won't get worse after Khatumo2 succeeds.
  12. Who recorded it? One of the pilots? Mogadishu isn't that bad even after 20 years of war..
  13. Okey.. Mr. know everything do tell us about the devastating news and what is at stake that ssc would lose over if they come together and decide their future destiny that I don't understand but you do..
  14. For sure, many of the mentioned points are true yet no one can pin point where the issue of rudeness and lack of good manners of somalis are coming from.. I would only add, this also varies from regions of somalis. Some regions are normal talking loud and showing toughness/rudeness. When you live in the west, you would notice this more if you go back to somalia that they are loud, rude and no civility but staying few days/weeks, you get use to it all over again.. However, I am still blaming those who lived with other societies long enough yet didn't change their bad manners.. Those are the ones need the said "SHAABUUG" to teach civility..
  15. ^ Not to mention that all money goes back to the locals which is the least benefit of all.. Ameen walaal.. thanks..
  16. Good Stuff.. Wishing all the best insha'alah. It's time for entrepreneurs and innovative to shine..
  17. I have a problem the motives behind waving the non-existing nation's flag while performing the such extreme important deed.. That is a big xanuun itself..
  18. If KH2 produces success, it could be a model for somalis to come under tree to reconcile and sort out their differences.. Guul for KH2 insha'alah.. Happy New Year Val..
  19. Go and seek help. It's now or never..
  20. XX that is very cheap... You still didn't show me one person waving flag by himself alone without a group. Let alone a clan flag with no nation behind. I am sure that man is carrying somali passport..
  21. I have missed a lot in the last two weeks that I was offline.. Thanks Libaan and FreshPrince updating us and keeping the khatumo2 news alive. I am very optimistic the outcomes of this conference and insha'alah it will be a success for all all somalis...
  22. If every nation does that, he should have been waving the blue somali flag. Plus one group has one flag but not a single person waling around with big flag. Sometimes you guys try to defend undefendables.. Bilaacalaykum xishooda dee mar marka qaar..
  23. Good question though some of your predictions are way off like who will lead the new ismaamul.. I believe they will survive and how they will is a part of the conference itself. So stay tuned.