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Everything posted by A_Khadar
XX-ga iska daaya intaan kabadan waa danbi ka aruusashee.. Kuyi malayshiyo shacab wax yeelaysa.. Qof wax udhiman yahayna arka oo kuwanoo kale walidooda waa nin noolow maa aragti kuu laaban..
Somaliland's Buhodle Operation was an attempt to capture Ali Khalif
A_Khadar replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
Need little help with geogrpahic here? Ali and his team are in Buhodle sleeping peaceful and SNM militia are lost in the Hawd bushes some showed up in Buhodle confused and though it's Burco.. So the rest of the spin is baaaaaaaaaac..... -
Halayaabina, After he found out his militia lost with their aggression, he had only two choice to hide like other did or to blow bad smell air on here.
The game and location is totally different now oodweyne. Many lives lost in the last couple of year due to the aggressions of your clan. The animosity among people is the highest. So that talk and peace you mentioned will never come. To update you with latest, casualties on both but the difference is one group is xaq udirir where the other is kibir u dirir.. And the end of the day, xaq udirir got the upper hand. Your militia sustained severer casualities than those from Kalshaale. SSC has no choice but to defend itself until the last drop of blood it has.. So continue on sending your militia to SSC and prade here with lost of the lives on both sides..
RS, sidan baad ba isugla sii qumantahay.. And this is your peaceful way that you attacking people because they are minding their own business? Talada Taleexi qaado see a doctor ASAP..
Ha u bixin waa marmasiyee.. Wax kaluu waayey uu ku ceeb asturo dhiiqaday ku jiraan ee ku sii indha cadyihiin..
Abti dee gardaradan qaawanaad isku wadaraacdeen baa dadkii ka wada fajicisay.. Bal meesha redsea ka leeyahay snm has legal authority to attack Buhodle miyaysan ahayn wax lala yaabo.
Is that all you have to say about the aggression of your militia to peaceful town!
RedSea;780126 wrote: They are not 'boys' mr. Xiinfaniin, they are paid volunteers dressed to kill. Killing and being killed is part of what they do. In this critical juncture they are on mission against armed groups who pose significant threat to Somaliland's stability. As such the Republic of Somaliland has the legal authority to use its troops to the full extend . As citizen of Somaliland I fully support and congratuate them for defending Somaliland's peace against ever growing threat from the usual suspects. Unbelievable! Legal authority by who and whom for? Someone thinks you're one of the coll headed landers here.
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^^ Are you serious Bilan. They rejoice when they attack, displace and kill people. These are morans.
^^ NG, I am touching the final line of that you are not any different than XX, JB and all other scripts who deny the atrocities your militia committed and execuses that I should talk about some of the foot soldiers who are from ssc. God where the fairness and Alle ka cabsi have gone?
The thing I can sink in head is where is the culumo, cuqaal, wax garad of this beel. Don't they have even one single person at least to say that they are wrong. From old man to little boy, women to men, back home and diaspora, educated and uneducated, caaqil ciyaal suuq all are supporting this madness to attack people for no reason. What miyey rogmanayaa xagay u socdaa? War alle ka cabsada oo dhibta umada deriska idinla ah ee islaamka ah ee soomaaliyeed ka joojiya.
^^ You wrong, it's more of you than me. Your militia lost again and I am not bragging and happy unlike you few weeks ago because I hate to see precious lives lost just for no apparent reason at your end. Have a shame and stop this madness you people..
Oodweyne's advice to the old man was to attack Buhodle and crush Khatumo leadership before the conference and the old man just did that this afternoon, but sadly many lives are lost both sides and his militia are on the run. Allow kala qabooji oo kuwan caqli ku soo celi way waasheene..
What is the matter with these people? Why they are attacking to peaceful town that isn't theirs? Can anyone make us understand what is there in Buhodle SNM needs to other than murdering and displacing innocent people? Where is their Culumo of these people? Why they sillent? I won't ask their elders and Isimo since they all agreed on attacking a somali and muslim neighbors.
Sooljoogto oo lala wareegay Iyo Sadex Gaadhi dagaal & Mid Saanada Oo Laga qabtay, Ciidamada Maamulka SNM Iyo Dhamaan difaacoodii Oo La Jiidhay Wararka hada naga soo gaadhaya Duleed Baliga Qorilay oo baliga shangalle 5km ujira ayaa waxay sheegayaan in halkaasi Go’doon lagu geliyey ciimado iyo sadex gaadhi oo ay wateen ku waasi oo gacmaha taagay isna soo dhiibay. Dhanka kale waxaa wararka naga soo gaadhaya duleedka Sooljoogo ay xaqiijinayaan in halkaasi cagta la mariyey dhamaan goobihii ay difaaca kaga jireen ciidamada Maamulka SNM. Ugu Danbayn imika dagaalkan ayaa meel xaasaasiya maraya waxaana lafilayaa inuu kusii fido deegaano horleh. Wararkii udanbeeyay ayaa waxay sheegaan in ciidamada Xaqu diriku ay lawareegeen gacanku haynta magaalada Sooljoogto, iyadoo halkaasi lagu qabtay gaadhi wayn oo siday saanad iyo qalab mila tari.
Gaadhi laga qabtay militia xaqdarada ku soo weerartay Buhodle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gG0h7mzOdEA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
STOIC;779915 wrote: Khadar, I live near DC area......... I see. I don't think there will be one but who knows..