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Everything posted by A_Khadar
Oodweyne;942653 wrote: Congratulation to the lady; for it's not every day that one sees the Somali race in good light. However, I would enter a caveat in here, and say it will be better for her and for her country of Kenya, if she stays the hell away from the endless Somali clannish talks. You see, I am sure of it the likes of own Xiinfaniin (if he could get a half a chance with her) will see to it to make her "honorary puntland citizen" , and in turn will expect her to have a daily one hour diplomatic conversation with the likes of Pirate Farole over the phone. .. :D All in all, lets hope she shan't be so easily persuaded to carry a diplomatic brief for some Somalis and their "clannish agenda",.. :D Whisper that message to the ears of your lot, they already claimed that she is an enthinc lander...
Ambassador Amina C. Mohamed Ambassador Amina Mohamed is a committed international civil servant who has had a distinguished career in both public and. foreign service. She has served in strategic government positions and been elected to key international positions. Her work experience in over twenty six years covers a broad spectrum of domestic and international assignments. She rose through the ranks in Kenya's diplomatic service to the highest level of Ambassador/Permanent Representative Kenya Mission to the UN at Geneva from 2000-2006. She served as Director, Europe and the Commonwealth and Director Diaspora from mid-2006-2007 and was Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs in 2008. Since July, 2011 she has served as United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. READ
It’s true when reer Hargaysa call this guy Bidaar Beenaale, waa this baaaaaac so called foreign minister of the Clan nation. Here are few of his routine lines of lies: 1. Same people want to resolve the union – one clan wants this not all clans 2. No referendum outside clan clan territories 3. 1.2M allocated to those areas for development - if that much money is available to give out, habaruha gaawo ma qaateen.. 4. Peace deals with elders? where did that happen? Odayga Siilaanyo has no temper and loses with simple question. Mr. Phan is trying to do damage control from the embarrassment after inviting incompetent fart claiming a president yet a warlord who has full of blood in his hands. Shame on you mr. Phan. It’s sad they can’t answer what is the major cause that Somaliland needs to succeed. @ financial reform and menerals and resources are barried... It would be reseanable to say "Qaad/Marfish reform" War wixii doonaa lagu hadlaa..
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^^ Oday, hadaa hadalkaygu ku galay.. Adeer anigu nin loo taliyo meeshii la doono u dhigo la odhanayo ma ku daba faylayo regardless at the sametime na kuma faanayo hadayba dhacdo inaan ku daba faylo kaa noocaas ah.
Haye bal keyboard ku soo qabo criminals ka.. There is a better way to approach and work with the Khatumo but certainly behind keyboard booto won't do it.
Daahir calasow insults Universal Journalist cagmadhige
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
^^ Waxaan maqli jiray af nooli hadal ma daayo. Certainly SL has legal and historic rights to it Who is this SL? Your clan has legal and histroic rights to where, ssc? Who gave these rights? The queen? -
NGONGE's Argument for SL's London Conference Participation
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Mintid Farayar;941327 wrote: Oodka, In early July of last year, the former IMF economist, Ali Isse, of Khaatumo fame/infamy, went around Nairobi doing the 'Western Embassy talking circuit' to win sympathy for the Khaatumo project. While keeping details to a minimum, the sessions did not go so well for our Khaatumo architect. He found these Embassies were better informed on the happenings in his ancestral lands than he was. He also realized these same Embassies were well-clued up to the diaspora-based nature of this project. This contributed to the demoralization we detected recently on the Khaatumo front. Since the timing was before the Mogadishu elections for new FG leadership, Khaatumo strategy was quickly adapted to gain influence through influence-peddling within the FG parliamentary and presidential elections, and by aligning with the 'correct' presidential aspirant, open up a new front against SL. We all know that strategy didn't get very far. .... Ma waxaa la lahaabaa? Thought the Mitid is a bit smarter than XX and likes to refer waxaa lalahaa... -
Oodweyne;941328 wrote: A_Khadar, Waxaad tidhi, Silanyo iyo Culusow, waa rag lamaamusho ee hanoo xayeysiinina. Markaa ka waran kuwaa lamaamusho kuwa ay siimaamulaan? Ileyn waa ognahey in 'tolka' khatumo ay yihiin kuwa kudaba safan Xaaji Silanyo, iyo kuwa caymis iyo badbaado kasugaya Xaaji Culusow. Markaa, saaxiib, bal isku noqo oo noosoo sheeg ninka u baahan in loo khajilo, ileyn mid loo taliyo ayaa isagana u taliya e?... Weli habar yar baad ku wareygaas adiguba mid baad ku daba faylantahay, no difference you and khatumo in this case. My point was these men have nothing in their power to say NO even if they were asked to turn around. Hadiise aad dhahaysay one of them is our Isxaaqi's daughter's son waa sheeko kale..
Xaaji Xunjuf;940395 wrote: ^^ Come if you are so certain lets bet on it , i am sure the President will not go he confirmed it for a 3rd time and so did the all the Parties back home now tell me how is he going to go ? This morning, I had a bet with with my son after his school bus was so late and we bet that the bus was late either a new bus driver or machanical problem. It become later one.. XX will excuse strategical reasons later when Oday Siilanyo comes and setting in next to his president... War you all talking baaaaaaac, but I tell you neither Siiraanyo nor Culus has any leverage to deny anything. Rag la maamusho oo sidii la doono laga yeelo aad maanta dhan nagu xiijinaysaan...
:D:D @ XX's booto. Umulaha wax ka ilowshiinyo dhow..
Xaaji Xunjuf;939397 wrote: Haadabay yidhaheeen wanu ka so fakireyna it doesnt sound to good Still its being chaired by somalia How do you want the world to take you serious if you sit behind the somalia leaders Xaaji ma isku ciyaaraynaa?
NGONGE;938684 wrote: The predicament has got even more complicated. They are still not talking to the Imam, have not made peace with SL and now, disastar of all disasters, they seem to have fallen out with the Somali government itself! Where will this leave Khaatumo? Should they make peace with the Imam and, as a result, realise their dream of Somali unity? Should they swallow their pride and throw their lot in with Somaliland? The Jubbaland debacle has shown that this Somali government will not accept arbitray Federal States that don't fulfill the conditions set in the Somali constitution. Therefore, Khaatumo could not hope to carry on being Khaatumo without choosing to join one of the entities that border it. Where will it go? Who will it choose? Let us be honest, tell me what has changed from Somaliland's 22 years of seeking recognition. Khatumo's predicament is nothing comparing to what your project bares.. Bal takarta idin saaran yar dugo awoowe.. This new development is usual hurdle and Khatumo will come on top IA.. Ha u welwelin..
Khatumos process merging with Somaliland begins.
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Fiqi tolkii kama jana tago.. Carafat is mole to be unionist. -
Seems that duriyada lot are like foam.. When the wind seems it's blowing to their side, they bubble and when not, they all disappear or start crying. This reminds me the Buhodle fight initially and what ensued after wards.. Bal wax hubsada oo aad ha u bubble gareynina.
Khatumos process merging with Somaliland begins.
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Carafaat;938481 wrote: A.Khadar, I didnt know the man was under house arrest? Somaliland goverment is cruel to reward political prisoners with Ministerial positions. Amnest International should be warned. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmBcDHmKYJg Man, this was necessary for the successionist to do but sadly didn't help. They thought he will ear Buhodle for them but after they realized the man can't even set a foot there, they reduced him to nothing.. For awhile now, he was trying to escape... -
Xaaji Xunjuf;938482 wrote: Interesting but why is the President of Khatumo calling his people the people of khartoum are they related to Sudanese people. or do they wish to join sudan instead of SL. Must be typo.. More likely MS word spelling checker that is used..
Carafaat;938478 wrote: This is a clear threat of secession, written by the President of Khatumo (Mahamed Yusuf) himself. Didn't I told you have comprehension issue or may be your processing thought is angled to look only one side. If SL succeeds, Khatumo will succeed from Somaliland which is the lesser evil of succession. Hope that removes you from the tight angle you are stuck with.
Khatumos process merging with Somaliland begins.
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Nairobi became Finland for successionists.. War ninkii baxsayey... If he did actually, your lot's media in Hargaysa would report.. The man escaped from the house arrest..
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