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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. Carafaadow, iska daa XX stable maaha oo arintan madax kor u kicisaye wuu iskala qabasan doonaaye
  2. Waiste of ink and network space.. Sheekadan waa isku dhamaatay! See you at London..
  3. Carafaat;785830 wrote: A_Khadar, don't be sour and bitter. Umada Somaliyeed dhinac ka raac. Nabada ha diidin. Waryaa miyaad iska hadashaa? Where did you see my bitternes? I am always for peace, nabad! I am glad if the old farts have finally stopped..
  4. AfricaOwn;785825 wrote: ^^ its been 20+ years and you're still confused, and your country is still a mess, remember that whenever you bring up that" 20+ of not being recognized" talk. You still think you belong to a different country! Read what your Suldan finally told you after he so long entertain you.. I am sorry if it hurts but it was expected that it will comd on one day!..
  5. These 40k only exist in the virtue world and they are not really people.. In the north, how corruption reached to the highest, ninkastoo madax sare ama dhexe, saraakiisha, agaasimayaasha etc kuli waxay ku mushahar qaataan intaasoo caagadood, caaduhu waxay u taagan yihiin dad/shaqaale mana jiraan.. Marka numberkaa 40k no surprise waa wax lagu mushahar qaato ee ciidanku runta ahi police & military and militia ee runta ahi ma ka badna 10kun but 30k kale waa Caagado oo mid walbaa 100 ama 200 boqol oo caag baa u qoran oo aan jirin laakiin ah militia/ciidan.
  6. Dr. Cali Khaliif Galaydh Oo Waraysi Siiyey Allssc.com Isagoo Jooga Magaalda Adis Ababa Ee Wadanka Itoobiya Allssc. Waxaa noo suurtagashay inaanu waraysi gaaban la yeelano Dr. Cali Khaliif Galaydh, Ra’iisal Wasaarihii Sooaamlia Ee dowladii Carta imikana ka mida gudiga G9 oo maamul goboleedka Khaatumo Sate Of Somalia. Dr. Galaydh ayaa isagoo kusugan magaalda Adis-ababa ee magaalamadaxda wadanka Itoobiya aanu fursad u helay inaanu warasi la yeelanao. Dr. Galaydh oo balamo badan shirar uu la yeelanayey madaxda sare ee wadanka Itoobiya waraysigiisii uu siiyey allssc.com sidan u dhacay. Listen from this link
  7. Awoowe you sound a bit of "Khafiif".. Of course we're all family and we are somalis so be proud to be somali from somalia under the blue flag.. Taa hadaad diidid, your above statement nullifies itself..
  8. I am not.. Waa runtee.. Somaliland is for people from the triangle.. I am from somalia..
  9. Hargeysa,(lasanod Online)- Shir khadka telefoonka oo ay yeesheen qurba joogta beesha S/L, shalay oo Axad ahayd bisha February,5. ayaa waxa bewshaa uga waramayay oo khadka ku jiray laba wasiir oo kala ah arimaha dibbada iyo arimaha gudaha. Shirkan oo Soomali badani kaga jirtay caalamka oo dhan. labadan nin ayaa ku dheeraaday war bixino ku saabsanaa safarkii ay Addis-Ababa ku tageen, dagaalkii Buuhoodle iyo shirka ka dhacaya London ee Soomaalida loo qaban doono. Waxayna sheegiin in ay beeshu u aragtay in ay dani ugu jirto ka dib markii ay dawlada Ingiriisku ku qancisay sidaas....mar la waydiiyay wax damaanad ah oo ay ka haystaan dawlada ingiriiska oo qoraal ahi in uu jiro in kale.... waxa wasiirka arrimaha dibadu ku jawaabay ma jirto damaanad qoraal ah balse in aanu tagno ayaanu dan u aragnay Wasiirka arrimaha Dibada ayaa aad u daafacayay mowqifka dawlada ingiriisku iska taagtay shirkaa inkasta oo aanu carabka ku dhufan in ay ku khasban yihiin in ay tagaan shirkaas, balse waxay ka muuqatay su'aalihii koobnaa ee loo soo qoray ninka shirka daadihinaayay, kadib marka uu ku nuuxnuusaday muhiimada dhaqaale ee ugu jirta Somaliland. Dhinaca kalena wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ayaa waxa uu shirkaa ka sheegay in ay ku adagtaahay in Xadka ay khaatumo State of Somalia in la soo xidho oo uu sheegay in ay maamul ahaan ula muuqatay in waan-waan lagu dayo.. balse waxaad moodaa in ay taasi haboonayd intaan gacmahay la isula tagin dagaalkii u danbeeyay ee jiidaa ka dhacday Buhoodle. Wasiirkaasi waxa kale oo uu sheegay mar la weydiiyey xidhiidhka ka dhexeeya dawladiisa iyo Etoobiya oo ku saabsan xagga amaanka iyo in la isu celiyo dadka ay u arkaan in ay amaankooda halis ku yihiin oo ay tiraba dad Soomaali ah oo badan ay Somaliland xabashida u dhiibtay, waxay ugu soo celin waayeen Mudane Cali Khaliif......waxaana uu ku jawaabay Itoobiya waxay noogu balan qaaday inay la hadli doonto Cali Khaliif in aanu fara galin arrimaha Somaliland....waana tay ugu yeedheen in ay Canaantaan....halkaana waxa ka baxay wararkii benta ahaa ee saxaafadaha somaliland baryahan ay ku madadaalinaayeen shacabkooda in Cali khaliif Addis-ababa lagu xidhay. Isku soo wada duuboo waxa halkaa ka soo baxay in talada Hargaysa kusoo ururtay baryootan Itoobiya iyo Ingiriiska, dadkii telefoonka loogu yeedhayna ay niyad jab iyo jaahwareer kala tageen shirkan.... Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland-Duur
  10. I thought he was banned days ago why is he still posting..
  11. I don't know how one clan nations is making a sense to you and also if that makes any sense to rest of the world to recognize.. However there is no such a s/l nation existed but there were people and a country called somalia where European imperialists came to occupy and have some lines to recognize where is the area for each colonizes. And your project's mere argument is that where the white men had lanes between their illegal colony parts of the Somalia is where somalia should be divided. This is not only a lame but shameful argument. So please guys have some self respect and bring something else. I am a somali and need no further somali’s division but working to words toward bringing missing parts back to the union..
  12. Waryaa arithmetic-ka miyaan lagu barin 40,000 * 70 = 2,800,000 x 12 = 33,600,000 <- read this last # as 33.6 million(round it up) marka awoowe waa ku see.. This is impossible! What is the project's budget btw?
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;785845 wrote: The Achievements of Khaatumo The Garaad clan is no longer officially part of the garowe clan enclave. The tribal chiefs of the Garaad clan officially denounced the garowe clan enclave ssc is longer a jabhad but a Somaliland Party Puntland rejected the Khaatumo conference Siilaanyo and Cali khalif are both in Addis Ababa Saado cali is bringing out a new Album And Liibaan is partying like Maxa ka galay And that all in less than two weeks Khaatumo ha guuleysato One can run but can't hide. You can't hide the blow your project suffers after Khatimo being the major one to attend somali conference first time in 20+ years as one of the maamul goboleedyada somalia and you're going to sit next Alsuna Waljama which isn't even an existing regional admin.
  14. Carafaat;785844 wrote: A_Khadar, one have to admit that after LA in 2007 many really thought that SSC folks really joined SL. But SSC and Khaatumo have showed everyone that SL unity has a price and that is Unity with Somalia. Khaatumo is the strongest political signal the SSC have given to Somaliland and Puintland. But If SL en So achieve agreeement, I don't see why SL and Khaatumo Couldn't. Don't you think? As long somaliland stops this madness of being its own nation saperated from somalia, the rest is possible after all people are all somalis and ssc/khatimo is part of somalis. What khatimo and ssc is refused is two main things 1. disunity of somalis and after that 2. yaan la isu dowladeyn, let us talk and agree upon we live together iyadoon la isku xadgudbin.. If these two are accepted then we all be one happy family..
  15. Carafaat;785839 wrote: When did 3mln become 380mln on annual basis. Its like 36mln on annuial basis which corresponds with 60procent of buidget. Awoowe revise your 40k then.. Cause 40k * 70/month = 2.8m and multiply that by 12..
  16. XX waa yar khafiiftay bal read again about the posts you urself posted them. If your JB and his usual Baac sounded like, somaliland will attend he conference presenting from lowya cade to Ceelaayo..... This an other day for successionists.. Just guys don't get hurted severely on this.. After all, your country is somalia if were fogetten past 20 years.
  17. Carafaat;785831 wrote: Xaaji, military is getting old, they get paid 70 dollar a month(while burundese get 1000 dollar), and they cost Somaliland 60procent budget and we have an army of nearly to 40.000. They need some practical experience. Don't be xaasid, let them do their work. Carafaad where did you get these numbers of 40K army? Do you calculated how much sallary is it 40k*70 a month = 2,800,000.00 and a year = 340m a year.. are you kidding me? This must be bed time stories.. This must be the joke of the day! Where is XX's script, Salaaxa, when you need him, he is good at such random numbers!
  18. Short life of Khaatimo and its achievements................. 1. Solidified the unity of Somalia 2. Guaranteed that Somalia will never be broke a part 3. United its people in the regions of SSC 4. Created a regional admin agreed upon all its people 5. Created one admin to be contacted to on behalf of these regions (SSC) 6. Eliminated the claims of p/l and s/l over these regions 7. Initiated many social projects for these regions neglected for so long 8. Humiliated S/L’s so called “Ciidanka Qaranka” for its cowardly attacks to Buhodle 9. Showed all Somalis about the true colors of those behind the s/l project, their hate and unjust 10. Caused secessionists nightmares, sleepless and cry out 11. Forced secessionists back to reality and to sit with its brothers
  19. Jacaylbaro;785621 wrote: Somaliland participates as ONE ... ;) What a disappointing creature that you're.. Yesterday was we're an independent nation SL and somalia conferences are not our business and here you're again. Ma intanaa lagu soo sheegay hadana ood ku qanacday.. Maad iska aamustid sida NG & Oodweyne.. Ileen qofaan xishoonayn.. It's good if that project is completely of your list. It's a bit sad, it disappeared that quick though.. Welcome back to reality all successionists.. That is what we were telling you all alone.. Somalia is one nation, under one flag.
  20. So now you're against your grand Suldan! Must be tough to undo the damage caused you by this project.. War meeye kuwii dadkan sidan u buux dhaafiyey.. Allow maxaa shaqo u taalo inay bal ka qufaan dadka wixii ay 20+ years ku gurayeen..
  21. Ali Khalif was the last person, non AS, to ever talk to Adis regime. He always against them and also tell other somalis that Ethios are somalis #1 enemy.. Thanks u landers for bring him down to bow for Maliz.
  22. Carafaat adiga you're a good heart fellow, this is more towards likes of XX the rest here who consistanly baac here with things like "Ciidamada qaran", supporting attacks for other people's homes, Somaliland is Muqadis, blaa blaa and many other BS..
  23. Kuwan waa wareereen.. shalay waxay qorayeen Galaydh is arrested maantana he is going to meet with the old man Siiraanyo..Berina what?
  24. Xaaji Xunjuf;785691 wrote: Carafaat if they were friends mr melez would've not tried to mediate between them Any way its sad two see two somalilanders trying so hard something they could have solved themselves. Che reer somaliland waxay ku faani jireen anaga hawlhayaga dhamaysana geed hoostis a h I believe today this is no longer the truth but I hope I am wrong and mr xuuto waaheen editor is being dishonest Deep inside I hope this is not true Taa sow wixii la idinka waayey maah oo sheekadiinu anagaa Ciidamada qaranka ah & somaliland is muqadis kamaydan dhamaan waayin.. Awoowe cabaadka yaree somali adaa sidaa u kala fogeeyey..
  25. Xaaji Xunjuf;785665 wrote: Bulshit and disgraceful two somalilanders oo xabashi heshiisnayo ileen ceeb looma dhinto Now waa labo somalilanders and xabashi mediating between them is BS, but yesterday you were beating your chest up and calling him Nabad diid and other names and you were calling for his capture? What a hypocracy.. Now come back and tell me that wasn't u but was other landers..