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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. Thanks Alliyaha.. And Many thanks to this Century's poet Rooda Afjano.. She is so good.. Maansha'alah.
  2. Somalina;786840 wrote: Did you just call Khatuma kastumo? Markii awood kale la waayey cayda waa furantahay?
  3. XX, explain the saperate state! I am glad you no longer saying it's a saperate country.. Be it a saperate state as long it's a state with the parcel of somalia..
  4. Lol.. Getting defeated in so many times and so many level is really ugly.. Even if that is the case as the clan sites cried, why not when SNM militia contains all snm clans. Some of the POWs captured from s/l in Buholde fight are from as far Awbare, which situated beyond Hargaysa near Jigjiga of Somalia hunderds of miles away from buhodle!
  5. If people get to this level of madness for recognization, they would believe and buy anything they are told. What recognization, Brits clearly said, we wouldn't recognize you ever and you must attend somalis conference in London sitting next to other somalis. XX adigoo intaa le'eg ma waxaan baa lagaa gadayaa.. Caqlow ba'a..
  6. Guys, Alliyaha and Abdul, please don't listen and try to reason some of the sick people here.. some of them are scripts and some others are bunch of lost. khatimo and its people are united. Successionists can try other means after so many defeats and one of tacts that they are trying is to divide..
  7. No recognization for 20+ years, now this is the new entertainment for you! Ooh please.. When will you wake up?
  8. you're loosing the grip awoowe.. Bal iska wada waxaa lagaa buuxiyey no one else here with that low of IQ would listen such thing..
  9. XX and his script are THE joke of the day! Wax kale odhan maaye alle ha kala qaboojiyo adiga iyo inta kula aqliga ahna alle xaqa ha tuso iyo inay dhulka & dadka nabad u daayaan.
  10. The source says it all. It also reported that s/l militia crashed Khatimo army in Buhodle. I am only waiting Jidhif's audio what he would say about this.
  11. Ciidamada qaranka Somaliland ee jiida Buuhoodle oo la sheegay inay taxadar badan ka muujinayaan dagaalada ay kula jiraan maleeshiyaadka Buuhoodle ayaa la sheegay inay imika heegan culus ugu jiraan inay iska difaacaan maleeshiyaadka. @Taxadar & Difaac... Ciidamadii qaranka iyo boarder xidhkii ma sidaanaa u danbeysay..
  12. Xaaji dagaalku wuu socdaa ee ducee in alle kala qaboojiyo..
  13. Haa Malishidii aad u taqaanay ciidamada qaranka ee gardarada iyo duulaanka wadey baa soo ruqaansatay oo dagaal soo qaaday.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;786632 wrote: War ma ciidanki qaranka ruqaansaday Haa XX way soo ruqaansadeen kadibna waa lagu ruqaansaday!
  15. Duqayn la isku waydaarsaday Jiida hore ee Maygaagle oo Khasaare Lixaadleh gaadhsiisay maleeshiyaadka Jabhada SNM Waxaa galabta la isku waydaarsaday madaafiic jiida hore ee dagaalka halka loo yaqaano Maygaagle, ka dib markii maleeshiyaadka SNM ay soo rideen madaafiic. Jawaab la siiyey ayaa dhalisay in laga gubo gaadhi nooca dagaalka ah iyo mid xaamuul ah oo khasaare lixaadleh gaadhay. Halka afar ka mid ah maleeshiyaadkoodana la sheegay in dhawaacyo halis ahi soo gaadheen. Ciidamada qalabka sida ee maamulka Khaatumo State ayaa dhankooda waxaa ka dhaawacmay hal askari, kaasoo qaba dhaawac fudud oo lugta midig ah. Maleeshiyaadkii SNM ee rasaasta daan daansiga ah soo ridey, ayaa dib ugu durkay dhanka tuulada Qoorilugud oo dhawaanahan ay ku sii siqayeen, ka dib guuritaankii Ciidamada Khaatumo ay ku doonayaan inay ku sifeeyaan guud ahaan deeganada Khaatumo State. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee ku soo dhacaya xafiiska shabakada caalamiga ah ee Horufadhi ee magaalada Buuhoodle, ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyaadka SNM gudahooda ay hadhaysay isku dhexyaac iyo khilaaf, kaasoo maalmihii u danbeeyey joogto noqday, ka dib markii ay kala amar qaadan waayeen, isla markaana ka niyad jabeen beenta loo sheego ee ah cidi idima hortaagna iyo wararka warbaahinta SNM laga sii deynayo ee ka soo yeedhaya Horjoogayashaya maamulka Hargaysa ee lagu jaho wareerinayo Shacabka beelaha degan Hargaysa iyo Burco.
  16. So you're implying the whole purpose of Khatimo state of Somalia was for London's conference? Too sad if you didn't follow the history of its early stage back in early 2011 KH1 for it's decisive agreement to help KH2 in home. A that time, there was no such London conference unless you are saying the master minds of Khatimo are aware of unseeables, istaqfurulahi.. Regardless of Lodon's participation, Khatumo is a regional state within Somalia where its people decided to mind their affairs..
  17. Taleexi;786040 wrote: Madaxweynaha Karaash hawlo qaran buu u joogaa goobo ka mid ah cariga uu ka taliyo. Malika, I'm kind today. You're too kind...
  18. IAmRevolution;786012 wrote: ^ Let the accuse-game begin. When you can't defend the truth, you fall back into accusations. I'm from Buuhoodle, Aaliyah. Nin Reer Hawd ah baan ahay and we're doing fine, just fine without anyone's help. The talk in Buuhoodle is, why is Ahmed Karash not going to Sool iyo Sanaag and create abaabul and start liberating LA. He's sitting in Buuhoodle, eating khaat, laughing and chilling, while his clan in LA and Ceerigaabo are under lockdown by some Somalidiid militia. Reer Khaatumo ma ruun baynu isku sheegna misa been? XX has more than one script.. This is one of them.. Allboocame.com is a known website same as taleex.net, but what is worse is you bring such garbage in this public.. Do you have something else... Khatimo waa is raacadaye...
  19. Aaliyyah;786403 wrote: Nice song.. Thanks Alliyah for sharing it..
  20. Leave the Sultan alone, he has a very difficult assignment on his hands. He is assigned to clear poor people's minds who are filled with "we are a nation" in the last 20+ years.. Shaqo badan baa sugaysa odayga alle ha u fududeeyo..
  21. ^^ If you would downed ssc/khatumo, they would have welcome you..