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Everything posted by A_Khadar
^^ Your comment is as expected!
Guul iyo Gobnimo To Reer Buuhoodle iyo Reer Hawd!
A_Khadar replied to IAmRevolution's topic in Politics
IAmRevolution;787404 wrote: Listen, I'm not dividing my own people. Ooh you're very right that you're not dividing your own people but those you are claimed you're.. Got it.. Go on now with BS.. Now FreshPrinces rings the bell.. -
AsadSL;787722 wrote: You don't have to say Ciidanka Qaranka as it means nothing to you. Im simply pointing out your hypocrisy. You want Universal TV stop this but fail to look at yourself. Classic. I am not asking Universtal TV to stop anything but to be impartial. It knows where the fight happened and it supposed to broadcast all sides rather calling up a side that isn't involve this. The tv calls itself a Universal and said it serves all somalis. Tell me now that is the same scale if I don't acknolowdge your clan militia as you would like to be called or I don't call it the name you would call it as Ciidanka Qaranka. Bring something else to argue about. What Universal did is simply unfair reporting from Hargaysa and Garoowe for a fight happened hunders of miles away from both places where it can call up Buhole to report the facts on the ground. That is what I am calling Universal isn't impartial. Maxaad kaloo ka murmaysaa?
Oops I forgot to say "Ciidamada Qaranka"..
Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)- Shir jaraa,id oo ay qabteen cuqaasha iyo odayaasha degmada Buuhoodle, ayaa waxay kaga hadleen khasaarihii.. ka dhashay dagaalkii ka dhacay degaanka Sool joogto ee gobolka Cayn. Caaqil Maxamuud Xaaji Cumar Camey iyo Oday Ibaraahin Dooli ayaa waxay ka hadleen dagaaladaas.. Caaqil Camey ayaa maleeshiayda Maamulka Somaliland Ku Eedeyay inay dhac iyo boob kula kaceen dadka deganaa degaano dhawr ah oo ka tirsan goobaha lagu dagaalamay.
^^ Yeah.. You got it. My madness!..
Seriously Afnugaal.. Try again..
Guul iyo Gobnimo To Reer Buuhoodle iyo Reer Hawd!
A_Khadar replied to IAmRevolution's topic in Politics
IAmRevolution;787370 wrote: ^ You're a follower and I'm a leader. That's the difference between YOU and I. May be you're but one who divides his own people which is really bad.. -
KK.. Awoowe a man can sneak in without the knowledge of the people but there is no official comings with empression of a representative of Buhodle in SL. That never happened... Everytime that any employee comes to there, clashes happened..
Somalia;787330 wrote: A_Khadar, read the funny article on Hadhwanaag where they claim it was multiple sub-clans that were fighting them in Buhoodle I saw that one and posted in here also.. It was very embarassing article..
Gaacuurow XX waa mid muran badan oo ma garwaaqsado. Ask him if Xaabsade and likes can step a foot on Buhodle? His arguments are always so lame.
Guul iyo Gobnimo To Reer Buuhoodle iyo Reer Hawd!
A_Khadar replied to IAmRevolution's topic in Politics
You're one of the better script I have seen around here.. Keep on trying lad.. -
Guul iyo Gobnimo To Reer Buuhoodle iyo Reer Hawd!
A_Khadar replied to IAmRevolution's topic in Politics
Bluelicious;787332 wrote: He clearly stated his reasons why he made the thread why don't you read and try to understand what he has to say to you and the rest of the Khaatumo people he doesn't have any bad intentions you're misunderstanding him. I can see the reason why you starting to dislike him and attack him is because you don't wanna hear the truth. He says things how he sees it and it may be blunt sometimes but that's because he cares about Khaatumo and thinking of ways to better it and book further progress he is merely only trying to motivate you guys into action and not just stay within your comfort zone. You need criticism to move on and make things succesful that doesn't mean one is a hater or undercover Somalilander you need to open your eyes for the reality the truth hurts and is blunt we know but it should motivate you because he raises good points. Obviously he wouldn't have put so much time and effort in to whole thing if he wasn't from Khaatumo I can tell he is sincere he means no harm it's just you guys take it the wrong way and don't wanna hear about it. You and your followers who cheer for you are ignorant! Second of all I can state my opinion and say something about if I see injustice and unfairness done to someone. He is not the first member nor will be the last that I have defended and came up for their rights. Keep the wrong accusations to yourself and don't insult a person when they haven't insult you in the first place. It doesn't make you a better person. Since you're not a script, I will try to reason with you but not that script.. His baaaaaaaaac isn't critisim but a mere division among Khatimo people. What you and myself are different is that when SSC is facing a bloody fight against successionists who are all united to kill and displace them, whoever is tring to divide Khatimo people is insane person or a script acting he is from Buhodle. On the top of that, even agreeing with you that he has no bad intentions, definetely there are so many other ways to point out issues than calling names of subclans and urging each subclan to do their own saperate way to defend when infact the enemy they are fighting against is united. Anyho, believe me or not he is an script and don't take him serious.. -
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lNG8xDsaSaw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
You can't hide the true colors of your caln's project..
I am and my own instincts tell me Khatimo needs no divisions and old BS of nugaal vs howd etc. It's obvious that you're not who you claimed to be so nice try.. Poor Blue bought it though..
Guul iyo Gobnimo To Reer Buuhoodle iyo Reer Hawd!
A_Khadar replied to IAmRevolution's topic in Politics
^^ Adeer, I have no idea meeshaad igala qaadaye.. 1. Relax 2. The person you're speaking on behalf can talk for himself 3. This ain't about who insults who but to point out it's very low to divide you own people regardless esp this critical time and that is what this script you thought he is KoK is doing. He isn't who he clamined but a script. -
Xaaji Xunjuf;787297 wrote: Yes Bisada waad ka indha adagtahay!
^^ Take your crap to some where else! Aint interested it.
Khasaarahii maamulka Somalidiidka ah ka soo gaadhay dagaalkii Maygaagle Thursday, 09 February 2012 Buuhoodle(Jidbaale):- Dagaalkii shalay dhex dhexaadka magaaladda Sooljoogto iyo Maygaagle ku dhexmaray maamuladda Somaliland iyo Khaatumo State ayaa maamulka Soomaalidiidka ah waxaa sida la xaqiijinayo ka soo gaadhay dhib aad u balaadhan oo aan la soo koobi karin. Maamulka Soomaalidiidka ah ayaa waxaa dagaalkaa shalay dhacay lagaga qabsaday gaadiid ilaa shan gaadhi gaadhaya oo dhamaantood ay ku gaashaamanyahiin qoryaha dagaalka ee sida daran dooriga u wadda dhaca. Qasaarha ugu balaadhan ee maamulka Hargeysa soo gaadhay ayaa sida la xaqiijinayo la kulmay guutadda la magax baxday 9 oo ah guuto dhawaan maamulka Siilanyo u qarameeyey Qabiilka la yidhaahdo Solaymaddow oo ka tirsan raaska Habarjeclo ee ninkaasi ka soo jeedo. Guutadda 9 oo uu madax ka ahaa nin lagu magacaabi jiray Curaarte Axmed Qodax ayaa isaga iyo sarkaalkii uga hooseeyeyba lagu dilay dagaalkii shalay ka dhacay duleedka Sooljoogto, halka gaadiidkii guutaddaasi lahayd dhamaantii gacanta ay u galeen dadka ka soo jeeda degaanka Buuhoodle. Gaadiidkan ayaa sida lagu soo waramayo waxaa maalgeliyey oo maamulka Siilanyo gacan ka siiyey soo iibintiisa labadda shirkadood ee kala ah DhiigShiil iyo shirkadda kale ee lagu magacaabo Indho-Deero. Labadan Shirkadood ayaa waxaa mulkiilayaasha iska lehi ka soo jeedaan qabiilka Siilanyo ee Habarjeclo. Marka Guutadaa laga reebo dadka kale oo dagaalada gobolka Cayn ka soconayo ku dhamaaday ama ku qudh waayey ayaa ugu badan dad looma ooyaan ah oo la iska soo hormarinayo oo ka soo jeeda inta ay ugu sokayso magaalada Gebilay ayna ugu badanyahiin dadka laga soo afduubayo gobolka Awdal. Taana waxaa cadaynaysa aqoonsiyo badan oo laga helay dadka maydadkooda lagaga cararay goobaha dagaaladu ka dhacayaan kuwaas oo cadaynaya meelaha laga qoray askartan. Magaalooyinka dadkaasi ku dhasheen ama laga qoray ayaa ugu badan Gebilay, Boorame, Xariirad, Lowyacado iyo magaalooyin badan oo kale badankoodu ku wadda yaalaan galbeedka dhulka maamulkaasi gacanta ku hayo. Waxaasi hadda bilaabantay in ciidamada maamulkaas ee laga soo afduubay goboladda Galbeedku ay ka goostaan shaqadii ay u hayeen maamulka Soomaalidiidka ah, habeen walban laga waayo jeedda hore ciidamo aad u faro badan oo si qarsoodi ah kagaga ambabaxa dhulkaasi. Waxaa kale oo maamulka Khaatumo iyo dadweynaha degaanka Buuhoodle hore baaq ugu direen ciidamada ka soo jeedda dhanka gobolka Awdal in ay ka waantoobaan khaladka naftoodda lagu soo haligayo dagaalkan aan xaqa ahayn ee lagu raadinayo aqoonsiga dhalanteedka ah ee aan marnaba soorto gelidoonin.
So are you saying your clan has zero foot soldiers in the TFG.. Try again mate..