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Everything posted by A_Khadar
Who said it? Hadhwanaag. How posted it? ASL.
Hadhwanaag? May be they meant SL police is expecting half million demo'ers..
Rumaysah;788950 wrote: Truth be told, reason why most of us are unmarried is because they arent any decent guys left... All of em seem to be married or GAY!! Polygamy is an option then!
This video just tells few things.. 1. Maryo calas cusub oo tola'eyey somaliland waa dumi rabtaa lagu soo aruuriyey 2. Sii hurin colaad qabiil - the man in the video just said exactly where they are going to take them to fight.. 3. Iyo Cadayn the so called "Ciidamadii Qaranka" inay meesha ka baxeen oo aan la garanayn meel ay ku danbeeyeen.. I would only say, caqliqu ha shaqeeyo yaa reer laalaland..
Mario B;789309 wrote: Phantom or not, Puntland will not be running these regions....Slanders are the issue here and not your Governorship. :D Exactly.. With or without the blessing of s/l and p/l, Khatumo will mind its business. So a good advise to Faroole is not to continue staying the wrong side of the history.
Taleexi;789313 wrote: Come'n, he wasn't soft on Ethiopia. Khatumo can not fight on all front and has to mitigate the ramifications of such adventure. That is true and its the fact as he himself pointed it out in an old interview of his. Yet again I am one of those believe I rather have somaliland's attrocities than kissing habashi rear..
Abwaan;789270 wrote: Lol....very observant...check on the PM Abdiweli's welcoming....Farole met him at the airpot... I know Abdiweli is The PM of Somalia and not comparing the two leaders but one thing that I wanted to add here is.....The office of the PRESIDENT (Sharif Ahmed) not the PM announced a reshuffle on two ministerial posts....If that is how happened I know that is WRONG....but according to some sources from Mogadishu that was done immediately after Mr. Gaas's plane took off from Aden Adde Airport......Maxaa meeshan ka cad meelaha bannaan buuxi! At least he flew with a better looking and saver jet.. But again guys you looking things in too much..
In that video he denied he signed anything with SL other than peace. So bring the proof, I am open to see/listen it. Otherwise, it's all he was this and was that stories.
That is again the bedime stories.. It's the same arguement of that he and SSC garaads also signed the succession of SL when no single proof of that your lot was able to produce to back it up.. I thought the old men know better but when it comes to the project, nothing get in your minds regarless of your age..
^^^ again it will be helpful if you would have take the time to listen the Prof. before accusing the bed stories you were told. I guess the fact hurts so you are trying to avoid hearing it. Where did he run the vice-president of your clan project.. Of course he ran and held somali's PM. He was anti Ethio as he admitted and everyone aware of that, but his softenning position is another topic itself.
Khaatumo second president biindhe not allowed to use Galkacyo's airport.
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Xaaji Xunjuf;789204 wrote: ^^ Akhadar who was comparing Somaliland with with the garowe clan enclave , don't you consider Somaliland cadaw an enemy already so why are you even comparing the garowe clan enclave with Somalialnd it doesn't make sense.aren't the folks in galkacyo and garowe you're kin don't you share the same genealogy why is faroole anti Khaatumo since the Punltanders in here say that they are behind Khaatumo:D Saperate the admin and people ya mate plz. Politiking is one case which is Faroole's case, the rest is goody. People both side are in the right term.. The case of your enclave and its "nacab", One has always bring it up.. -
^ Indeed he did though I am a bit disappointed on his soften stance on Ethiopia.
Khaatumo second president biindhe not allowed to use Galkacyo's airport.
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
XX, do you want me to repeat the helps from Galkacyo community here again- Those your militia wounded including little children and how the treated them? BTW there was a dedicated thread for appreciate Galkacyo people.. This isn't nothing news about it. Faroole admin is anti Khatimo but he kills or displace no body where S/L militia kills, wounds and displaces Khatimo people.. There, that is the difference between the two sides. Your "nacab" to Khatimo people is unimaginable.. -
Mintid Farayar;789186 wrote: It's alright, mate. You're just venting... You've been fooled into thinking that your people have been gravely wronged when the situation is more akin to a people led astray by multiple, poor leadership-elites. If I were you, I wouldn't bring this up.. Your project very much is based on "We (duriyad) being wronged".. If you only would watched, you wouldn't write this up since the Prof said in the video.. "Hasha geela cuntee cabaada".. A kin of yours called Abtigiis penned a thread regarding the matter below: http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/60179-Hotel-SSC Is this the only thing that could help to validate your point from what Abtigiis said. What about the milliion other things he said about your project.. Ooh yeah it's not your kin..
Che -Guevara;789175 wrote: This has been posted several times I think. I haven't seen it.. sorry mate. Admin can delete it..
Successionists open your ears and minds and listen the prof. He touches very valid points.
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yes it's and it's a heart breaking.. Allow u sahal..
Carafaat, as usual I don't come to the SOL during the weekends so what did that script of IamRevolution said caused him to get banned again? For Blue, she is nice person so I would say please stay sis though I suspected her as she is KoW/IamRev script at some point..
^^ Awoowe, welcome back from the hide.. It took too long your militia to capture my home town if there will ever be its time to come around..
^^ Way is dhaamaan..
Baashi, your point is right business per say, but I am only accusing Universal TV for the fight in Buhodle where it only broadcast interview/press from Garowe and Hargaysa when in fact one of the reported sides is not even involved in this fight and also no reports from where the fight actually happened. Not to mention, there are so many available venues that they could use to get an impartial reports from there..
Tv-ga Universal oo habeen hore laga baahiyey waraysi ay ka qaadeen taliyihii hore ee ciidamada Siilaanyo kana qaatay lacag dhan $20,000 (labaatan kun oo dollar ka maraykanka ah ) ayaa arintaasi waxay sababtay inuu xilkii ku waayo Mr Jilif oo lacagtii loogu tala galay mushaharka ciidanka iyo shiidaalka ku bixiyey laaluush uu siiyey Universal TV. Taliye Jilif ayaa mulkiilaha Universal ninka lagu magacaabo Axmedey Abubakar kula heshiiyey inaan la baahin warka dagaalkii Buuhoodle islamarkaana aan lasoo bandhigin gaadiidkii dagaalka ee laga qabsday ciidankiisa isagoo xafiiska hargeysa ee uu mamulo ninka lagu magacabo Maxamed Caabi ugu wareejiyey lacagtii ay ku heshiiyeen ee laaluushka ahayd oo dhan $20,000. Hadaba markii ciidankii gadoodey baabuurtiina shiidaal beeshay ayaa la isweydiiyey halka Jilif geeyey lacagtii ciidanka waxaana cadaatay inuu siiyey Universal TV waxaana arintaasi ka caraysiisay dhamaan xukuumada Siilaanyo oo ay qaadan waa ku noqotay in ciidankii la jebiyey oo boqolaal askari dhinteen, in gadiidkii waxna la gubey waxna la qabsaday, iyo in lacagtii ciidanka laaluush loosiiyey nin calooshiis u shaqayste ah oo aan sumcad ilaashan balse lacag uun radiya waana mida sababtay in uu gebi ahaanba waayo xilkii uu dhowaan u dhiibey ****-aanyo. Geesta kale Universal TV ayaa iyadu la aamustay lacagtii ay ka qaaten Jilif waxayna taasi ku bedeleen inaysan baahin wararka Buuhoodle gaar ahaana warkii dagaalka iyo gaadiidkii laga furtay Somaliland. Hadaba Maxaa la gudboon dadka deeganada Khaatumo? Dhamaan dadka ku dhaqan gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn waa inay dagaal lamid ah kan ay Somaliland kula jiraan la galaan Universal TV iyo maamulaheda ayna qaadaan talaabo kasta oo ay ku waxyeelaynkaraan Tv-gaasi cadaystay laaluushka uu ka qaato Somaliland. ---------------
Muqdisho,(lasanod Online)- Madaxweynaha Dawladda Somalia Shariif Shiikh Axmed, ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka dhawaajiyay qaabka loo asaasay.. ururka Al-Shabaab iyo Al-Qaacida sida ay ku timid gudaha wadanka Soomaaliya. Waxa uu sheegay Madaxweyne Shariif in ururka Al-Shabaab lagu asaasay lacag laga keenay xawaalad ku taala magaalada Hargeysa ee maamulka Somaliland, isagoo sheegay in asaaskeeda ay ku lug lahaayeen rag ka tirsan ganacsatada reer Hargeysa iyo ururka Al-Qaacida oo ajaanib ah. Madaxweynuhu mar uu ka hadlayay qaabka ururka Al-Shabaab uu ku yeeshay awooda, waxa uu sheegay in xilligii Maxkamadaha ay u yimaadeen ergo iyaga ka socota, kuwaasi oo ka codsaday madaxda Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah inay yeeshaan xiriir wad shaqeyn, hase yeeshee markii dambe way ka baxeen. "Xilligii lala dagaalay hoggaamiye kooxeedyada ayaan aragnay inay nala galeen dagaalka hoggaamiye kooxeedyada iyagoo urursanaya hub ragga Al-Qaacida ka tirsan" ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif oo sheegay in xubnaha Al-Qaacidada ah iyo kuwa Shabaab ay isku xirmeen kaddib gudaha magaalaa ay ku soo yaaciyeen dhallinyaro surwaalo gaagaaban wata kuwaasi oo bastooladi ku hubeysan kaddib dadka waxgalka ah dilaya. Sidoo kale Madaxweyne Shariif oo khudbad ka jeedinayay xarunta maamulka G/Banaadir ayaa sheegay in kooxaha Shabaab iyo Al-Qaacida ay dileen waxgaradka iyo dadka indhaha u ah bulshada, wuxuuna caddeeyay in kooxahani aanay marnaba rabin kuna socon diinta Islaamka iyo fidinta Shareecada Islaamka. "Shabaab iyo Al-Qaacida diin kuma socdaan" ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif oo sheegay markaan in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ku soo kordhiyeen dhibaatooyin iyo falal ku cusub, "Janno laguma galo dadka rayidka ah oo la dilo" ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif.