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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. A_Khadar


    Good lucky Dajiye... Yeah Sool, Somalia! Dream always is "A" dream..
  2. I used heard "Qofkaas waa bacaysan yahay" Now I see many individuals oo "Bacaysan"... Allow sahal!
  3. The fact remains the facts those Garaads attended in Nairobi conference agreed on two agenda points: 1. unity of their community and 2. freeing their accupied land being LA city. Simply the reason they came to Bossaso is to unite all garaads/isims and other leaders. So no surprise if Grand Garaad Jama shows in Bosaso or else where in that area.
  4. I suspected if this is just a robbery that went wrong, three people murdered at the scene and nothing robbed is mentioned so far.
  5. Tragic indeed. AUN and let us all help the authority finding the perpetrators.
  6. Nonsenses & Stuff at its best. It doesn't look like official xilwareejin but family house party oo qabiil looga hadalaayo. I am not sure why this is a must see video...
  7. JB which one the above pic is the Col dude?
  8. Beside the conflicts, Sool boys showed they are undefeatable by beating up better financed teams! Congrats to Sool team and fans.
  9. GAAROODI ma London baad iska dhiibtey?
  10. soo dhawow GDwonder don't mind JB, he always tries to scare of new comers.. Thanks Maaddeey!
  11. ^^^^^^^^^ Hadaan Kooyey macawis mise garays like Tuujiye said? Hodman...macalinimo... Let me say macawisle... JB, yh it's the time, hold your belt up saaxiib. Qaati baan ka taagnaa your copy/past dialy doses for so long, at least now I can say to you bring your own thoughts..
  12. Speculation can do more harm than good. The best and safe side of all these of who's the real perpetrator of this tragic incident is to say “Allah Aclum”… No one can prove a thing except spinning he/she said, and he/she/i think...
  13. maalin walba mid cusub baa mudh soo odhanaya ,,, dadkan xagee lagu kaydiyaa horta ? JB what about hadaan kooyeey..??
  14. Tuujiye afka maaymaayga KK aa iga badisa.
  15. Thanks kuligiin soo dhaweynta, Abwaan, tuujiye (nice nick), KK and Hodman. Abwaan you're right it's being very long time intaan daaqadaa taagnaa, and I have no good explanation to why. I just finally joined but for sure nothing urgent. I know many posters by reading or skipping their posts. Right now I am busy with figuring out how to maneuver around the sol so bear with my late responds