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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. Waryaa Cawke are having nightmares about SSC lately? Adeer ka har SSC minds only their bussiness.
  2. Originally posted by Cowke: Is it me or is just a coincidence that ssc was created by the same two garad jamacs who were pro somaliland just 1 year ago but today are pro-ssc? Why is this? Is it because they want to gain $$$ from the diaspora and get rich? Or is it something else? Could it be possibly the garaads know that june 26 is when somaliland will be destroyed and therefore can not go to hargeisa to keep away from puntland? I believe what will occur on june 26 is that riyale will rigg the votes and win it for udub and siilanyo will get furious and pick up arms. Civil war time!!! Or at the very least siilanyo will carve himself a new administration called "eastern somaliland" I can not imagine siilanyo will just smile and let rayale still stay in office after june 26 and siilanyo is not the type who can get bought either or else rayale would've of bought him out at the last election and told him to disappear. I think the horizon is looking very murky for somaliland on june 26 and the two garad jamacs realize they have no safe haven to hide from garowe anymore if burco decides to call it quits from somaliland and join somalia because in order to reach hargeisa u need to go past burco and if burco people have new mamul for eastern somaliland how will the garaads reach hargeisa anymore? hence this is when the ssc game comes up and is another door for them to have safe haven from the big bad monsters at garowe!!! Farole gameplan is long term solution for ssc. Get burco out of somaliland and those greedy ssc politicians or two garaads have no way to go to hargeisa anymore and are stuck. But now they came up with the ssc game to respond back just in-case somaliland burns at june 26 and puntland has responded back with getting majority garaad support for our state and they are in minority position. So my question to the two garad jamac is. Can two garaads hold ssc together? hargeisa won't be option for you have june 26 because tensions are very high there and the election results there no matter which way it goes means disaster. If riyale is president after election you got burco disaster, if silanyo does take over you got udub disaster. So now that somaliland is not a safe haven for you to run away from garowe, do you think garowe will sit back after june 26 relizing the same burco soldiers in las anod will be told by silanyo get out of there and come home we have "new eastern somaliland mamul gobolleed" because riyale has rigged the votes for udub to win. LOL. No more can xabsade rely on burco people to support your devious plans because they will have left hargeisa and have their own mamul which will be very closely tied to garowe because we will support Siilanyo as burmadow played peacemaking role in 2002 conflict at puntland and we will make sure that hargeisa cant attack burco for having new mamul because puntland soldiers will ally with burco guys to defend their right to leave somaliland and have their own administration which is "under somalia". This is when your greedy backside is screwed because u won't have access to hargeisa to run away from garowe because burco will stop u before u can even reach hargeisa as garowe will call siilanyo and tell him stop them from reaching hargeisa. As for your ssc thing can two garad sub sub clan fight all puntland? no u cant. That is where the garaad agreements with puntland guarantees all puntland vs two garads ayeyba sheekadu noqon doonta and u r fried then and will submit. So garad jamac and his cronies tick tock tick tock your time is up soon and i suggest you best go to garowe to solve your differences before it gets really messy for u in the foreseeable future!!! Cawke stop bad mouthing the Garads neither was pro-somaliland. Bring any proof to your claim hadii kale stop qashinka iyo cayda.
  3. US Vice President Biden Visiting Kenya U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is to discuss security issues and bilateral relations during a three-day visit to Kenya. The Kenya visit is the second-leg of Biden's three-stop African tour. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is visiting at a time the strength of the U.S.-Kenya partnership is finding itself under increasing scrutiny. Washington has been one of the foremost voices in urging Kenya to implement key political reforms promised after the country's 2008 post-election violence. Vice President Biden is expected to speak at length with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga on the progress of the country's proposed new constitution. Washington has urged Kenyans to participate in the forthcoming referendum on the document. Experts say certain Kenyan politicians are unhappy at the amount of pressure Washington has placed on the government to deliver reforms. Speaking to VOA, Nairobi political analyst Harun Ndubi says Mr. Biden's visit is a sign the White House believes at least some progress has been made. "It has not quite an approval of the delivery on the new constitution, but its kind of a friendly nudge that we are making steps in the right direction in terms of the delivery of various items, and the constitution particularly," said Ndubi. Political and economic reforms were part of the agreement signed by President Kibaki and Prime Minister Odinga, which brought an end to the post election violence that killed more than 1,000 people following the 2007 presidential poll. Ndubi says the apparent strain on political ties with Washington has the potential to push Kenya to seek closer relations with other countries. By increasing commerce with China and other eastern states, analysts says Kenya could be reacting to political pressure from its ally. Biden's visit, Ndubi says, could be a way of reassuring Kenyan leaders of America's support. "The other day our president went to China and came back with $36 million [three billion shillings], if Kenya was left to feel like the relationship [with America] is so bad that even our own son cannot have a close relationship with us, we might look for new friends," he said. "And that is why Biden's visit to Kenya might just be a reassurance that America is not disregarding Kenya irrespective of the delivery of the reform agenda," said Ndubi. Kenya is a strategically important Western ally viewed as a nation of relative stability in the midst of increasingly troubled neighbors. The Kenyan government is expected to seek more engagement with the United States on tackling the multitude of problems presented by neighboring Somalia. Kenya says al-Shabab, the most powerful of the hard-line Islamic groups operating in Somalia, should not be given further opportunities to influence Muslim populations in Kenya and other parts of East Africa. Kenya is one of two countries prosecuting pirates that operate off the coast of Somalia and further into the Indian Ocean. Despite reassurances from the the European Union it would receive more international help in dealing with pirates, Nairobi is expected to ask Biden for further cooperation from the United States. U.S. President Barack Obama says he plans to make his first official visit to Kenya, the country that sees him as a son, before his term ends. Analysts say Biden's visit is a sign of the president's continuing commitment to the East African country, but that Mr. Obama wants to see the constitutional reform process completed before he visits. source
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: Other issues include economic trade ties between Kenya and the United States, security, stability in neighbouring Somalia and the elections in Somaliland. The U.S. is one of the forerunners of the main financiers of the elections in Somaliland. War waad ka darteen yaa successionsts. Biden in Kenya for Somalia, Sudan As ethnic violence flares in east Africa, US Vice President Joe Biden has arrived in Kenya for talks about the situation in Somalia and Sudan. The US official was welcomed at the Nairobi's Jomo Kenyatta Airport by his Kenyan counterpart Kalonzo Musyoka on Tuesday, a Press TV correspondent reported. Biden is scheduled to meet Kenyan coalition partners President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga today. Kenya is Washington's chief ally in the east African region. "In addition to discussing a range of bilateral issues, the vice president will address our shared interests in peace and stability in the region, particularly in Sudan and Somalia," a White House statement said. The visit comes as large swathes of Somalia is now under control of al-Shabab fighters who have been locked in more intense battles against the government troops in recent months. Biden's first stop was Egypt, where he held talks with senior officials about the blockade of the Gaza Strip following Israel's bloody attack on an aid convoy bound for the besieged enclave that left 20 human rights activists dead and 50 others wounded. His last stop is South Africa where he is due to arrive on Wednesday. source
  5. Originally posted by Qudhac: its clear jilibka u dhasay degaanka ma rabaan in degankooda laga abuuro dagaal, and they want the khasuusi out. Last straws.. Beg you pardon! Now it's your last card of clan/jilib craps..
  6. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: A khadar i know Garaad jamac garaad cali and garaad jamac garaad ismacil were welcomed in Buhoodle the 2 garaads But the garaad of buhoodle garaad cabdilahi soofe is not a fan of the khuusuusi its a fact he doesn't want them in his city Buhoodle. . the same way Caaqil Maxamuud xaji cumar camay is not willing to work with the khusuusi , The same way Garaad Abshir salaax is not a fan of the khuusuusi And is pro puntland , the same way garaad selebaan is still in garowe , this ssc project waxa watta oo kaliya labba garaad jamac. thats it Garaadki nugaaleed ma tageersana garaadka widhwidh ma tageersana garaadka buhoodle ma tageersana. You may be right to some degree but the end of the day it's the people's will not individuals whether they might be garads or else..
  7. ^^^ Xaji still searching to find out if Garads were left from Buhodle? Any lucky? Here is how they were received and welcomed to Buhodle.. This is the true news on the grounds of Buhodle. Any man can call Been Been Cad (BBC) and say anything.
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Isimada, Cuqaasha iyo Culumada Diinta ee Buuhoodle oo ku baaqay inay Isimadu ka baxaan Buuhoodle JB keep posting BBC's interview with its notorious baias against people of SSC and denying broadcasting the real news of that part of the world. This shows your true colors of feeding unrelated news to highjack this thread.... Thanks Universal.. Here is the people of Buhodle..
  9. ^ ^ Xaaji you seem very desperate and copying/pasting anything you see around. Who are these qurbo joog who supported the cuqaal? And who are the Cuqaal ee soo saaray baaqa? We only heard one man so your wish is one so called caaqil became caaqilo and one wrote on the internet became qurbo joog... lol.. these are so silly posts walaahi.. ceeb calayka oday xaaji.
  10. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: A khadar are you saying Maxamud xaji cumar camay is not a chief caaqil. Wa Caaqilki Buhoodle be ah. He is the most Important Clan elder after Garaad Cabdilahi Soofe. Garaadk Buhoodle., I think these 2 men just want peace for buhoodle and no dagaal. He is one of the oday of Buhodle but not caaqil. Plus everyone of reer buhodle want peace but when you and likes are invading them, what is the peace terms you're talking about..
  11. Hadalo meel ka dhac ah oo laga sii daayey idaacada BBC & Daljir Saturday, 05 June 2010 08:38 | Written by Buhodle.net “Axmaqnimo wakhtiga kaaga tegay oohin kugu reebye” Waxaa maanta gudaha magaalada Buuhoodle aad looga hadal hayaa noqotayna wax aad iyo aad loola yaabo in shikhsiyaad u xaglinaya maamulada gobolada SSC hareeraha ka xigaa ay soo saaraan wax ay ugu magac dareen war saxafadeed ay ku canbaaraynayaan wufuudii sida diiran maalintii shalay ahayd magaalada loogu soo dhaweeyey ee ay horkacayeen Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali iyo Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil. Shikhsiyaadkaas iyo taageerayaashooda oo ah dad aad u yar mushahaarooyina ka kala qaata maamulada Hargeysa iyo Garoowe ayaa iyaga oo ka hadlay idaacadaha BBC iyo tan afka Puntland ku hadasha ee magaceeda la yidhaahdo Daljir maanta ku dhawaaqay in wufuudii shalay magaalada lagu soo dhaweeyey ay si deg deg ah magaalada uga baxaan. Warisiyadaa isdaba jooga ahina waxay noqdeen kuwo fajiciso iyo la yaab ku noqday dad weynaha ku nool magaalada Buuhoodle iyo nawaaxigeeda. Waana arinta keliya ee maanta gelinkii danbe dadka badankiisu ka wada hadlayaan iyaga oo aaminsan in labada maamul ee Garoowe iyo Hargeysa ay hanti aad u badan ku bixyeen sidii ay saxaafada uga hadli lahaayeen dadkan iyaga magacooda ku hadla ee ku sugan magaaladan Buuhoodle. Labada idaacadood BBC iyo Daljir ayaa iyana markii lala xidhiidhay ka gaabsaday ama diiday in ay waraysi dhexdhexaad ah siiyaan dadka u halgamaya gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ha noqoto hawl wadeeno ama ha noqto saraakiisha iyo Garaadada isu xilqaamay in ay degaanadooda ka xoreeyaan maamulada ku soo duulay. Waxaana xiligan xaadirka ah iyo ilaa gelinkii danbe ee maanta magaalada Buuhoodle ka soconayey shirar gaagaaban oo la doonayo in lagu mideeyo waxgaradka iyo bulshada ku dhaqan magaalada iyo sida ugu wanaagsan ee looga jawaabi lahaa arintan foosha xun ee maanta laga sii daayey idaacadaha ka soo horjeeda horumarka gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn. Waxaana hubaal ah in dadka ku dhaqan degaanka magaalada Buuhoodle in ay shucuurtooda oo midaysan oo aan wax lacag ah lagu bixin ay sida ugu dhakhsaha badan u muujiin doonaan iyaga oo ka soo horjeeda maamulada Hargeysa, Garoowe iyo dadka u shaqeeyaba. Halgan kasta oo meel ka bilowdana rag baa ka hadha oo ceebtiisa qaata ama nafta ha baxnaaniyeen ama lacag yar oo aan quud ahayn ha xeeriyeene intooda badana taariikhda ayaa si cad u qeexi doonta. Buhodle.net
  12. Originally posted by Cowke: A_Khadar. Garowe-Online/BBC plus all major ssc media outlets that have confirmed this meeting. There is even pics. Denying it is just impossible!!! However if what you are saying is these people don't represent the wishes of the garaads/elders of the cayn region then we will have to wait and see till they do speak out against this conference that has occurred in buhodle. I didn't deny the meeting but the meeting's outcomes weren't what BBC broadcast neither they were supposed to publicize. Camey sought opportunity to undermine and score a point he lost in Buurowadal but he dug hole for himself calling SSC garads to leave from their town and falsify over other garads. I rather have no one speak after him in the media as before but enough proof is Garads and Khusuuse will stay Buhodle as long as they wish and do their business.
  13. What I don't understand is why it doesn't interview the Garads it claimed that they called the Garads to leave from Buhodle. I am waiting Garads like c/lahi and Buraale to denounce this false
  14. BBC disappointmented many people as usual for being bias and using unexisting title such as cheif caaqil..lol.. This Camey oday dipped deep and lost most of his credibility..
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: This is really a significant development. The local garaads are now standing in front of Garaad Jaamac and telling him to leave ..... Keep wishing that..
  16. All the above sources are false.. Max'ud Xaji Cumar spoke out alone announcing the garads to leave buhodle, this is nothing new about him. He is the same guy who left Buurowadal. Soo Dhaweyntii Isimada ee Buhodle Garads and khusuusi visit their towns and no one can tell them to leave...
  17. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^Keep watching Universal TV; and your suspense will be shattered, in time, dear lad ... Will see which one will be shattered, yours or mine!
  18. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^ Just watch how the folks of Las-Anod will vote, enthusiastically, particularly in their teeming numbers, come the election day, my friend ... Only if there will be an election!
  19. Alle ha u naxariisto. Samir iyo iimaan elhelkiisa oo dhan..
  20. Originally posted by Duufaan: Heesta ciidanka SSC Heestan waxaa qaadaya Allah ha u naxariistii fanaankii Cabdi Kaamil Cawaale. http://www.lasanod.com/details.php?num=4084 Great song not neccessarly in this context but as Somalinimo. I love this song and I remember it my childhood, I used love it. Thanks for sharing it.
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Now if it is me that is posting this news they would all say it is propaganda ,,, but thank you maadeey for the update ,,,, we should start from here now I am still saying it's fake and I know why you like the shababa stamp should be on ssc. Don't wish for others something you won't wish for yourself..
  22. Faysal Waraabe's once again proved his naive stance... The program shed a light the aggression of S/L claiming as they are legitimate government and they have every right to control ssc while its people are against it. I sometimes wonder who gave this right - Yaa kala balamay ma queentii??? Nice program - Thanks Universal..