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Everything posted by A_Khadar
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: But back then there was no country called Somalia , there were local kingdoms ruling the place some under the ottoman empire Like Emir sharmarke cali salax baashe , but there was not a Somalia. The Somali republic came to existence in 1960 first of july Is that what the snm tought you..
Originally posted by Nassir: As for Oodweyne , it's late for me and I am now tired. I'll see to your objections some time tomorrow. Goodnight! Good lucky if you read his.
A die-hard secessionist would openly glorify the atrocities committed against the people of much of Sool, Ayn, Haylan, and Sanaag regions by the SNM guerilla fighters as justified means to “freedom”, and to secure the right to secede from the bulk of Somalia. This above sentence from the above article clearly references the actions of many s/l sympatizers in this forum. Very true and interesting peice...Thanks sharing it with us.
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Rer-waqooyigyu waa bunch of hypocrites. Maalin dhowydna Xoosh ayaa na caayey ayey la haayeen, maalin walbana gabadhan Saado Cali ah ayey wax kasta oon afka la soo marin karin ku yidhaahdaan. All because she happens to have a different political opinion. War islaanta ka xishooda. Ma ka yaabta Abitigiis... My understand of this song is towards Og-region and their freedom seekers, but I belief s/lers waxay ka boodeen last word of the song oo ah "Somalia ha kala gooynina"..
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: She talks more then xaglajiifiye though, darwiishkan ay sheegeyso manay ahayn ki anu jabbinay lol :confused: Adinkoo ah gumaystihii ingriis miyaa?
Currently watching it through 1/3, so far historical prospectives nothing new.
NGONGE, have you ever bought/owned a car you thought no one has it just you and all the sudden it's every where..Darn!! Somalis are just like that because you see your copies every where. So Adeer just try to notice onlygood looking ladies..
I think it's wiser for Somalis living outside Somali who get monthly bill from their relatives abroad to move back to Somalia and spend all that money in Somalia. I am sure beside Mogadishu's active war, all other places of Somalia are relatively peace and safer than kenya/ethiopia and else where.
Dadaab Refugee Camp: I have never seen horrible killing like this
A_Khadar replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
Subxaanalah.. Even he is a little boy what have he done to be killed like this. -
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: I believe jamhuuriyaa doesn’t say talihyaha sirdookna somalidiidka , cant you copy right it’s not that hard its just copy and paste The same way we correct the right political term when are referring to the khusuusi Xaaji update me plz, I was offline last couple of weeks.. When did you start using the correct and right political terms against your opponents in this case khusuusi?
Somaliland vice president arrives in laascanood pics
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: SOMALILAND: VP arrives in Las Anod as UDUB party tries to win votes in Sool AINABA (Somalilandpress) — Vice-President Ahmed Yusuf Yassin and a high ministerial delegation have traveled to the disputed southern town of Las Anod on Monday to persuade potential voters in the Sool region. Mr Yassin and senior ministers including the Foreign Affairs minister, minister of Defense, minister of Commerce and Industry arrived in the Sool provincial capital early Monday morning by road as the ruling UDUB party concluded it’s nationwide poll campaigns. The delegation was warmly received by UDUB local branch leaders and large crowd of UDUB supporters. They were taken to one of the local hotels where Mr Yassin addressed his supporters. He called on the people of Sool to re-elect the ruling party and promised changes and reform in the region. Mr Yassin was in the near by town of Ainaba on Sunday where he took part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony held for the inauguration of a new central bank branch by Somaliland Central Bank. This is the second branch in the area after Las Anod branch was inaugurated in mid-2009. There has been shift in Somaliland politics in the past two weeks as each candidate tries to win enough votes in swing states such as Sool where many predict it will be the battleground. Most analyst believe Sool will be a key swing state as each party already has it’s strong holds. Even though many predict, only small percentage of Sool region will cast their vote – it is worth remembering in the last presidential election the difference between the winning party and the run-up was less than 90 voters. Two weeks ago, the Chairman of second opposition party UCID, Mr. Faisal Ali Warabe was warmly received in the town by local UCID branch officials and their supporters. However neither UDUB nor UCID has received the same reception during Kulmiye party campaign rally in the town. Las Anod could give Kulmiye slight edge over the two. UDUB camp concluded it’s poll campaigns on Monday and today, the main opposition party will take to the streets to rally their supporters. The elections are scheduled for June 26 which is the same day Somaliland marks it’s 50th independence anniversary. Somalilandpress | Tuesday – June 22, 2010 Dameer is always dameero - so it ain't matter whether it's written in English or Somali, still sympathizers of S/L wrote after.. Don't try to make it legitimate news because it's written in English.. -
Maqaal:-Waa markale iyo Bandhigfaneedkii la magac baxey Heessaha Hirgaley oo aad nooga barateen in aanu idiinku soo bandhigno Riwaayadihii ugu danbeeyey iyo sida heessa loo kala qaatey, todobaadkana waxan idiin haynaa Fanaaniin cusub iyo heeso aad ka heli doontaan. Col Mustafe Galaal Dadkoo seexdey Badankii markaan soo baraarugey Habeenkoo badhkii tagey, Ciidayda Bilaniyo Beeshaan xasuustoo,Dadkii aan ka beermoow Baryaan kala maqnaynoo waan idiin Basaasaye (xiisaye) Bulshayahay Ma Nabadbaa? . Bulshayahay ma nabadbaa? Faroole Aduunyadu Igama Raynin, Nasiibkuna igama Eexan, Eedana Anigaa Lahaayoow, Iskuma kayshiigin Taladuye dhacdayoo ,Waa amar ilaahayee I seegtaye Hayla Eeganina, ====== Aqoon darideyda eedey, Imikaan Samihii u Aayey ----------------------- hayga aarsanina SSC yeey!!!!. Cali Maraykan Haw barinin sidii hore, Anagana ha noo wicin Hilba Qaybsi Ma ahee, Halmaan Hadalka Kuma jiro, Adna waad Hadraysaa Haad geed waayey baadtahay, Waynu Kala Hagaagnee, ----Abaal maad hanbaysanine Ka huleel ma ceebbaa? Hanqaltaaga kibirkiyo hawo faaniskaagii aad ku sii hungawdide hay sii hayso jacaylkaaga. C/samad Cabashiyo Caloolyoow Cidla Kaama Bi'iyaan,Talo Cayn wareegtana Lays kuma Canaantee, Cidladaa Aneys Dhigay Cidna Eersan Maayee, Cidna eersan maayee. Saado Cali Duul soo xajiyayoow Diinta Dawerin baad tahay,Duq la wada yaqaanoo Qabiil Daadahshaad tahay,Wax kastoo Danteenaa Ninka Diidan baadtahay. Wasiir Axmed Karaash Reerkaan Yagleel Islahaa, Oodaan U Soo Goyn Lahaa, Hangoolkaan ku soo guri Lahaa, Gantadiyo Faraarkiibaa Midba Geed ku yaalaayee, Gacanteyda Midig iyo Bidixdu Isma Gaadhaan,Waxaan ahay Ruux Geediya oon Guurinwaliyee. Cabdi Qawdhan Wehelada ha Xumayn, Jacaylkii wacnaa Ha Wiiqin Ciyaaro wadbaan is idhi, ----Walwaal ka cab baan is idhi, Wadaamihii Bayla go'ay Waydaartey Karkaaraddii,-------Walwal iyo Walaacbaa Naftaydii Wadaagoo,---- Waayo Aragnimo la'aaneey B'a, Fadhafkiyo Shinbirihii War Iskuma Hayaan ee Waayo Aragnimo la'aaneey B'a. Wasiirka Kalluumaysiga Puntland Allahayoow Maxaa Iga Qabsadey Buuhoodle Waan Qarsanayaaye. Xaaji waal, baarlamaanka P/L Cakuye Hawl Aduun Baddannaa Ma Cidla Ciirsilaan Fadhiyaa ,Cirkaa Dheer Dhulkaa Dheer Caways Ma Kuududaa, Nin Caydhi Waligii Ceeb Kama Fogaadee Caaweygu Darantee Xagee Baan Cuskadaa!!! Ugaas C/laahi C.Nuur Baryabba arinbayga siya Sun iyo Oonbaan qabaa Sirteydii Baryahan Samada lagu Maalayaa. Bulshadda Boocame Adaa Buuqa Samaystey, Adaa Buuqa Samaystey Haddana Is Badalaayee Waxaad La Buktee La Bogsanweydey Bishaaradeeda Banaankow soosaar!. Bulshadda Widhwidh, Sarmaanyo, Xagar Burburis iyo Tuur-wareen Ninka qayrkii loo xiirayoow soo qayso adiguna. G.Mashqare Bulshaddu naga Dhoohanaa , Dhibkayaga Ka Daahannaa Intey na Dhaliilayaan Balmey Gole Noo Dhisaan. Bulshadda SSC Halka Sahankayagu tiigsanuu tagayoo, Geediga Tubtaan maanta Marinayno, Jidka Toosan Toobiya aan raacney waa taariikh horleh oo tamar gashay noqotey,Talaabada aan qaadayno ninkii turunturee maagan Tumaatida ku dhici doonta taasina isweydiin mudan?, Ninka Tuhunsan *********** tamar yaroo inta aadan dhib weyn taransan aan talo ku siinee war hooy Timir Lafbaa ku jirta.!!!! Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf Waxaan ahay naftii hore Nidar baan horuu galey,Hadii aanan soo noqon Dhulkayga Nuuroow Allahayoow ku Nabadyeel. Caasha Warsame Caamiye Tabaalaha Aduunyada kolba qolo ku taagane,Talaahiyaan ku dhaartaye hurdo nooma toosna, Ka tashada cadaawahoo isku tiirsanaada, Rag la'aani waa cudur taws iyo xanuun leh, Kuwa lagu tuntaabaa Iga Taga Awoodine, Ka Tashada Cadaawahoo Isku Tiirsanaada, Tumaatida dhexdiiniyo intaad Hadalka tuurtaan ka tashadda Cadaawahoo isku tiirsanaada. Qore: Maxamed Axmed Galoose galoose@yahoo.com Buuhoodle Soomaaliya jidbaale.com
Liiban keep it up.. Great sum up of what real ssc is all about..
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Good Job Somaliland ............. Now Manhal and Somaliland become synonymous..
SSC has no new flag.. It's flag is Somali flag, blue with white star... And that flag is everywhere in somalia from Saylac to kismanyo whether one likes or not..
Somaliland parliamentary delegations arrive in buhoodle
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: ^^ war airportka buhoodle baanu dhisayna , bal ummad diidan ina wax lo dhiso ka waran waba cajiib. I used heard many times "Riyo haday dib leeyihiin dabadooday ku qarsan lahaayeen." -
Somaliland parliamentary delegations arrive in buhoodle
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
I think this is the delegation X.X. is talking abut.. See pics -
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote: Xaaji Camey ha loo sheego: In xaglotoosiyana uu ka xigo Riyaale iyo Faroole, Haddii uu rumaysan waayanna ha loogu dhaarto This is pure Tribalism i thought the khusuusi was fighting for a united healthy prosperous Somalia with out hidden clan agenda what’s the difference between Faroole and riyaale aren’t they both Somalis isn’t Maxamuud xaji cumar camay a somali. Cant he politically associate him self with faroole or riyaale, Why put him inside a little box. And whats halugugu dhaarto dee ku dhaaro , hadanaad dhaaraneyna ha dhaaraan dee ama dhaaro ama naga da yaad sugeysa oo ugu dharanaya lol Afsomaligani wu iga danbeyey I used heard always Maroodiga takarta saaran ma arko.. I am not surprised with you Xaaji finger pointing to others of being clanists but couldn't help with just your indho aday - You are one of the people Somalis call 'ILBIR". Now you want to tell me and sol that Suuliland is not based on qabiil.. If you even tell that a little toddler, he can tell you its formation, motivation and purpose are all pure Qabiil.. 1 clan desire from top to toe.. Marka do us favor and stop clan/qabil cards.. Ceeb calayka..
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Total Crap ........ Even Gebiley is safer than Garisa. Where is at Gibiley??
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I saw that and decided to wisely stay clear of it. If I should ever have a mistress, I don't want some xaasid to later come and say "we knew about this man all along, he was even boasting about it on SOL". Smart movie NGONGE.. Your ealier comment about the friend reminds me many similar incidents with friends of mine.. It's common way of making sure husbands to be back home in time. They may even get calls in the middle to remind them that kids are waiting the milk before they sleep so they should bring it soon.
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Nothing sensible comes out of these guys lately darawiish baanu ahayn blabla, Somali banu cashaaqnay , Dhulkayagi waxa haysta reero kale , dadkani afkoodu iyo dhagahoodu isma maqlan , Diibu xoreyn ba jirta, oo yaad yaad ka xoreynaysa Somali , oo yaad cashaqday Somali., Maxaad dooneysiin , ssc oo wamaxay ssc wa reer , oo reerkaasi muxu doonaya, inu dhulka nabbada ah gubbo. Oo sidu ku heleya taa inu qurba jooga lacag ka ururiyo iyo dumarka na yidha dahabkina iibiya. If one can't hear himself is only you. Just read again what u wrote..