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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. Warbixin Cusub dagaalka Widhwidh Monday, July 19, 2010 - 10:02 PM Listen Audio Warbixin cusub oo aanu ka helnay wariye ku sugan jiida hore Ee dagaalku ku dhexmaray ciidamada ssc & kuwa Somalidiidka Ee Somaliland.. Halkan ka dhegeyso
  2. Xaalada Degmada Widhwidh Oo Caawa Xasiloon & Ciidamo Ku Soo Biiray SSC Written by Jidbaale.com Monday, 19 July 2010 14:38 Widhwidh(Jidbaale.com):-Waxaa caawa degan xaalada magaalada Widhwidh ka dib markii maanta halkaas dagaal culus ka dhacay. Ciidamada SSC ee Xaq u dirirka ah iyo maleeshiyaadka SNM ayaa isku horfadhiya agagaarka magaalada Widhwidh. Ciidamada SSC oo markii hore si rasmi ah ula wareegay gebi ahaan magaalada Widhwidh ayaa dhinaca Koonfur barri ee magalada ka samaystay saldhig. Halka maleeshiyaadka soo duulay ee SNMtuna joogaan dhanka baraahaga ku beegan Qorax ka soo baxa. Khasaaraha dhabta ah ayaan ilaa hada si rasmi ah loo xaqiijin, waxaase warar lagu kalsoon yahay sheegayaan in maleeshiyaadka SNMta laga diley 6 askari oo midi yahay sarkaal ka soo jeeda Oodweyne. Dhanka SSC ayaa la sheegay in uu hal askari ka shahiidey inkastoo aysan jirin cid si rasmi ah u xaqiijisey. Waxaana adag in la helo Khasaaraha dhabata ah ee dagaalkaasi gaystey ka dib markii Shirkada telesom jartay gebi ahaan isgaadhsiin deegaankaasi. Shirkada isgaadhsiinta ee Telesom wax warbixin ah kama aysan soo saarin sababta ay u demisey isgaadhsiinteeda. Aayadoo aalaaba marka xaalad noocan oo kale ah ay timaado hawada ka saarta isgaadhsiinta deeganada SSC. Dhanka kale waxaa ku soo biiray ciidama Jiida hore ee Widhwidh ciidamo ka tirsan Guutada Ismaaciil Mirre ee uu hogaamin jirey Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf. Ciidankan ayaa waxay maanta si rasmi ah uga qayb qaateen dagaalada Widhwidh ka soconaya, ilaa hada ma cada in uu taliyahoodii Kayse weheliyo ciidamada iyo inkale. Isku soo wada duubo xaalada deeganada SSC ayaa gashay jawi colaadeed ayadoo ay muuqato talaabooyin muujinaya Hogaanka SSC uu dar dargelinayo hawlaha. Walow ay jiraan caqabado kale sidii arintii ka dhacday jiida hore ee ciidamo ka tirsan Xoogaga SSC ay uga baxeen furumaha ayagoo salka dhigay Tuulada Dan dan, ilaa hadana aan si rasmi ah loo ogeyn waxa sababay. Waxaana jira dedaalo kala gedisan oo ay wadaan Qurba joogta iyo waxgaradka SSC ee ciidamadaasi ka soo jeedaan kuwaasoo loogu soo celinayo jiidii ay kaga jireen difaaca dalkooda. Jidbaale.com
  3. ^ lol I am assuming Alun has many of the clan want to be nation in his constituency. Now what does it do for them if their election is recognized. Or any thing contains the word of “recognition” is good enough for them regardless of its context whether it may be election recognition, Clan, Terror, Kat? I see for him is for another term of clear win, for secessionist is stay in the same status quote, recognition is on the way, simple entertainment…
  4. ^ Your wishful way of this matter. You aint nation to have a successionst. You are the succesionst from Somalia, and the rest of the union (somalis) are aginst your one clan want to be nation project to saperate from the nation - Somalia.
  5. Originally posted by Abwaan: Xaaji_ Xunduf...Horta Xamar lagaama xigo koow dheh. Midda kale Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaadaa, "Ninkaad kabahaaga ka tolaneysid, kabihiisaa la fiirshaa" Marka u malayn maayo in Oodweyne dal kuu dhisaayo ee meeshaan xarfo nuur-nuuris haku jiro. Waa ninkaan la yaabay horta markii Su'aal la weydiiyo amase uu mid ka jawaabayo muxuu khudbo dhan u soo qoraa? He is retired and has so much time in hands. I would recommend him to do volunteering instead of cyber war...
  6. Regardless how each group portrays about this report, it's very significant testimony of a different prospective of this dis-unity issue. It clearly shows that in North of Somalia, there are regions against this lalaland of one clan want to be nation project. I am seeing many of the one calan want to be nation already started frightening and out crying every where.
  7. Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil: Buuhoodle is a deserted border region. Many border regions in Africa are instable regions. I really dont understand why give this issue so much attention. And I see some still belief in the TFG fairy tales. Why dont you ask the TFG to secure Villa Somalia, I think that place is much unsafer then Buuhoodle itself. How logic is it to involve the TFG in solving Buuhoodles problem, if it cant solve its own 2 kilometer problem. Great respond from "Reer Bari" perfectly fits your comment... "Boowe aa say kula tahay"..
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Good report by the way. After all, Ajazeera is an Arab channel. It was a great and fair channel before when they are reporting all about Aqoonsi-doon-land but now it's only Arab channel.. I am waiting what you are going to call the bbc when they report about the SSC..
  9. Abtigiis don't west too much energy on this matter. It's clear who's against the blue flag...
  10. ... I am done with you Xaaji nin afkaa furan u hadlaa tahay..
  11. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: What you want contradicts with what the people of sool want you’re a diaspora member, and we know how diaspora members feel And you are what? Anyway, let us say I am Diaspora member for the sake of your futile case so how about those took arms up and fighting against your militia? How about the women and children whom your clan militia repressed, abused, jailed yet demonstrated in the street of LA against your militia? Make another excuse for them as well like the Diaspora one..
  12. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: A khadar the people of sool are peace loving people and the flag I posted is their flag See how confused you are. I am those people and I am telling you that aint my flag. It's your flag so keep it to yourself if you don't want the flag we all Somalis have.
  13. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: No my friend those who I am fighting are the terrorist and their main objective is to disturb the peace in the region before they started their insurgency the place was the most peaceful part of Somaliland On the other thread you praised your clan flag flying in the middle of LA after you invaded and destabilized a peaceful city. Here above you claimed that you are keeping the peace. Kidding me?? See how unstable you are and you are loosing your argument as I told you in the other thread. Now I am questioning your mental status. Most of you, the successionsts, have a lot in common, Hypocrisy.
  14. That is another gag.. Again ssc is fighting to remove that clan flag from their town and raise the beautiful blue flag up again. You're missing the point and jumping from topic to topic.. You seem very unstable man. I am waiting to see any stable and right mind person from your lot who consistent with his/her point.
  15. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by A_Khadar: And you're aggressors and terrorists right? No we are protecting our citizens from terrorists who want to use our people as human shield Oday reframe your arugument. It makes no sense because those fighting against you are the ones you're claiming to protect them. Your people are in the triangle and no reason you have to be here other than being terrorist...
  16. Isu nacamleeye, It's worth no respond.. SSC destiny is the blue flag and free of SNM militia from their towns... While that destiny is achieved, feel free to post all your gags in here.
  17. Lately this forum is getting fk-up.. Any cat and cow writes stuff... caadi maaha. As said the solution is ssc ie. blue flag, unity and peace.
  18. Dagaal culus oo bilowdayt saqdii dhexe ee xalay ayaa weli si weyn uga soconaya magaalada Widhwidh hareeraheeda. Ciidamada SSC oo markii hore si rasmi ah ula wareegay magaalada kana saaray Maleeshiyaadkii SNMta aya culays badan la soo saaray ka dib markii ay ka baxeen dagaalka qayb ka mid ah Ciidamada SSC. Sida uu noo xaqiijiyey Col: Cali Sabrey Ciidanka dagaalka ka baxay ayuu sheegay in ay saldhig ka dhigteen tuulada Dan dan. Wuxuu sheegay Sabarey in uusan aqoon sababtay keentay in ayadoo dagaal intaas le eg soconayo ay baxaan ciidankaasi. Dagaalkan ayaa geystay khaasaare labada dhinacba ah, ilaa hada lama xaqiijin khasaraha soo gaadhay Maleeshiyaadka SNMta halka xoogaga xaq u dirirka SSC uusan jirin khasaare ilaa hada soo wajahay. Mar aan waydiiney bal sida ay u soo xejin karaan dagaalka, wuxuu sheegay in aysan joojineyn ilaa ay deeganada SSC oo dhan xoreeyaan. Col: Sabarey Hogaamiye ku xigeenka SSC wuxuu sheegay in uu hada ku sugan yahay jiida hore, isla markaana uu rajeynayo in ay sii haystaan magaalada.' In aan hore u socono mooyaane soo noqon mayno' Cid kastaba ha ka baxdo dagaalkan waa xaq' Ayuu yidhi Sabrey. Dagaalkan oo bilowday xalay ayaa hada waxaa magalada Widhwidh gacanta ku haya xoogaga SSC. Waxaana hada xabadi ka dhacaysa dhanka Bari ee magaalad Widhwidh. Waxii wara ee ka soo kordha wararkeena danbe kala soco insha Allaah. A Dayib. Wadan.wadan@gmail.com Horufadhi.com
  19. Xaaji, that's an outcry. Now it's insurgent term. Keep copying unapplicable terms left to right here. The only insurgents, murders and terrorists are those who invaded to stable homes/towns and want to force them their ill agenda yet calling them all these names. Shame on you. At least if you started it, you shouldn't bark now.
  20. ^ That is your simple view but if you it's the way you put it, SNM will move on long ago... As to this, Aljazeera showed it's partial broadcasting..Well done. The SSC second man "Sabarey" clearly defined the mission of this group which aint only SSC people but entire Somali unity.
  21. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: There was no Somali state , there were only local sultanates and emirs ruling parts of Somaliland as we know it today , it even stretched all the way to Djibouti, and also local sultanates and emirs ruling parts of Somalia . The Somali state modern Somali state came to existence in 1960 first of July and it last only for 31 years Oday you are missing the point here which is that is how the current modern states around the world were once and Somalia isn't different.
  22. Xaajiyow ma kaa soo fakatay? Somaliya ma ciid ba kala gooynaysa , somalia wa mid from raskambooni ila raas caseer
  23. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by A_Khadar: quote: Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: She talks more then xaglajiifiye though, darwiishkan ay sheegeyso manay ahayn ki anu jabbinay lol :confused: Adinkoo ah gumaystihii ingriis miyaa? anaga jabbinay dooxatadi geela dhici jirtay Miyaannaan wadaadkii cawarin, camalliyeynaayey Cuqaashii miyaannaan ku layn, ceelkan gudihiisa You always as crazy as one can be by contradicting with your own statements left to right. Now you admitted that you were with the Gumaystihii kufriga fidinaayey. Stick with that and don't you ever say we were also part of the gobonimadoonkii, unless you were guys good at being double agents.
  24. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Are you telling me there was a Somali state before 1884 lol You missing the concept of statehood.. Compare the statehood back then with your current 1-clan amdin.. Then yes there were somalis states back then.