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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. Which one is coming to cease.. Somaliland kashif bay ku dhamaatay.. Kalshaale, Kashifa baa isku cuntay wixii aad 20 sano soo dhoobdhoobayseen..
  2. :D ^^ You need help XX. Brotherly advice, seek pro help. We are in one nation?? Really, why Soomaali ugu cararaysaan if we are one nation? You and many succissionists here are completely confused. I believe this project is something you spoon fed in your childhood and now you all so confused and close to break down mentally. Take a break like your old friend Libaaaha did. God help you saaxiib nothing else I can say to you.
  3. ^^ Be consistent lads. Who cried loudest? Ma ilowday Nuux Taani, Cabaadkii ka baxay Waxaa na soo galay AS, ONLF, Siyad Bare etc.. Do you want me to bring back the entire thread about your militia's outcry... Charity starts at home why don't you help the hungry people in Hargaysa and burco when you spending all your money to invade peaceful towns of others like LA and Buhodle. It was just few days when hungry man threw a gernate in busy market of Hargaysa... Who is wasting his/her money?
  4. Buuhoodle(Jidbaale):- Koox dhalinyaro ah oo watay labo gaadhi oo ka mid ahaa ciidanka qaran waxa loogu yeedho ee maamulka hargaysa ayaa goor casar liiqii ahaa la soo goostey labo gaadhi kana soo tagay maleeshiyadii ay ka mid ahaayeen. Ciidanka caawa usoo galay SSC ayaa waxay tiro ahaan yihiin 9 askari, si aad ayaa ciidankaas loo soo dhaweeyey waxayna hada ku sugan yihiin xeryaha ciidamada. Askartan markii saraakiisha ciidanka buuhoodle waraysateen,waxay u sheegeen in meesha qabiil lagu dagaalamayo, oo ciidanka ay la joogaan muusanow qabiil iyo reer hebel ay meesha ku hayaan wax qaran ama dawlad ah oo u muuqata aysan ku dhex arkin xeryaha ay ku sugnaayeen. Askari ka mid ahaa ciidankii usoo wareegay Ciidanka buuhoodle ayaa yidhi Maadaama aanu aragnay in aanan ahayn labada qabiil ee meesha isku dilaya ayaanu waxaanu go'aan sanay in aanu iska soo tagno oo u wareegno dhinaca buuhoodle oo taariikh ahaan wax xumaan ah aynan na dhex marin hadalkaas waxaa yidhi nin dhalinyaro ah oo sheegay in uu ahaa ninkii horjoogay ciiidankan soo goostey magaciisana noogu sheegay Maxamed Cumar Maydhane. Saraakiisha Buuhoodle ayaa u balanqaaday ciidanka caawa usoo Galay Xeryaha ku teedsan Cayn in wax kasta oo waajibaakooda ciidan ahaan ay heli doonaan baabuurta ay la yimaadeena abaalgud weyn laga siin doono, Sarkaal Ciidanka u hadlay ayaa u sheegay in dhalinyaradan reer Awdal ay yimaadeen dhulkooda isla fiidkii ayaa askartaas loo gudbiyey hotelada waa weyn ee ku yaal magaalada buuhoodle.
  5. ^^ Kana saaduu ku khafiifay. This project is in life support in the ICU... Alle ha idiin sahlo. If after all, booto iyo wixii bakhbakh ay ku soo ururtay oday baa la soo raac iyo nin baa xageena u soo wareegay, waa idinka dhamaatay.
  6. Alla mxuu mashruucani naf yahay. It's on life support...
  7. Hargeysa (HWN) Nabadoon Maxamuud Xaaji Axmed Aadan, oo ka mid ah cuqaasha deegaanada Buuhoodle ayaa maanta markii ugu horaysay shaaca ka qaaday in tiro ku dhaw lixdan ka mid ah maleeshiyada SSC ay ka soo goosatay isla markaana heshiis nabad ah la galeen dawlada Somaliland. Who is this nabadoon, keep posting such fake people ripping you off if they are ever going to help you. Buhodle still stands, your militia is forced to move from Kalshale. You project is going down the slope. Keep talking as you all want.
  8. ^^^^^ Of course you can't debate against the facts that your militia couldn't close the boardes . It's over 4 months since so what happened to the mighty clan militia of yours. They couldn't defeat one single family in one town, Buhodle. Then call people emotional and angry when infact the whole project you're living with is based on emotions and anger. Seek for help waryaa.
  9. Qudhac, seems a man with no reality. Do you know how many times this man, Kayse, switched/flip ped from East to West. What make you so sure that he won't change his heart this time around. and keyse was the last man from this area who was part of the now defunct ssc group, (who are by the way negotiating with somaliland government for the last few weeks mainly in nairobi and london) :D I think XX is better than you by following the news because he doesn't make such claims. It was just a month or so when the Garad from Widhwidh, Abshir Salax, was saying we need no s/l and we talked about to leave Widhwidh alone. You delusion of that ssc is negotiating with s/l in Nairobi and else where is a laughable.. Why negotiation now? Aren't you, XX, and other Co here the ones chanting few months back about Buhodle will be closed shortly. What happened to that rants. Now you dare to come out and talk about nogatiation and peace when infact ssc were bugging with their knees to leave them alone.. This reminds me the saying "Nin aan shantu kaaribin sharci iyo garasho midna kaama reebto."
  10. XX, I still don't see the reported welcome... Taleexi, Gobonimada XX ka hadlay waa cida uu moodo inay raacsantahay.. Will see what he would say when the truned his project down.
  11. Is that another year? Allow umada u sahal, it's another year of civilian death and distruction..
  12. Waamo Intellectual Council was designed to safeguard and be the voice of the voiceless in Waamo region. Today Waamo Intellectual council is revealing condemnation II to those who assembled Azania state. Waamo Intellectual Council condemns whoever attempts to divide, invade and destroy the dignity of Waamo indigenous! In this case Mr. Gandhi who is a self-appointed person is trying to snip something that does not belong to him. He organized a conference by the help of Kenyan officials whom he has a clan relationship. These officials gathered innocent people from different parts of Kenya. Although they didn’t realize that most of the waamo descendants are now refugees living in Kenya. So this action reveals Gandhi’s political mongering and desperateness for power. He used by any means in order to full field his ambiguous agenda. Waamo intellectual council has come to realize Gandhis' ultimate Agenda which is to rule Waamo people without getting a consent, consideration and consultation from the very intellectuals of this region. Nevertheless he uses tactics to manipulate innocent people such as oppression and intimidation so as to make up. According to individuals associated with Waamo intellectual council who are currently in Nairobi says that they cannot even criticize or say any word to oppose what is going on, let alone discussing the agenda behind Azania state. In addition to that, Also Gandhi deliberately refused to listen to their point views so that no one could discuss the issue. Moreover people were terrorized and intimidated by using Kenyan officials. Hence looking all these allegations, one could argue that such authoritarian mine set should not invade Waamo inhabitant. Finally our condemnations are based on fact finding and reality on the ground. Thus Waamo indigenous from both in the country and diaspora are saying no to Gandhi’s self-arrogance. The following are the reasons of our denial to Azania agenda. 1-No to Azania State (foreign name) 2-No to foreign ideology 3-No to oppressing freedom of speech 4-No to Authoritarian min set 5-No to injustice administration 6-No to administration that was assembled outside the country 7-No to administration that was assemble without the consideration of Waamo indigenous 8-No to individual arrogances 9- No to foreign invasion who are using Gandhi as a proxy 10- Loud and clear no to unclear agenda backed by foreign institutions Gudoomiyaha Ururka Aqoonyahanada Reer Waamo PhD Candidate, isla markaana ah qoraa madaxbanaan: Cali Darwiish Mohamed waamoic@gmail.com or Abuxafsa2000@yahoo.com Copyright April 4, 2011 Voice of the Voiceless Waamo indigenous
  13. Ilaahay ha u Naxariistee Waxana Maanta Magaalada Widh Widh lagu aasay Abdi Yuusuf taxtax oo ahaa Kayse Abdi Yuusuf aabihii, iyo Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee Degmadaasi Caawa aanu ka helayno. By Cali on Apr 05, 2011 with Comments 0 Ilaahay ha u Naxariistee Waxana Maanta Magaalada Widh Widh lagu aasay Abdi Yuusuf taxtax oo ahaa Kayse Abdi Yuusuf aabihii oo isagu in Mudo ah ku Xanuunsanayey Magaalada Widh Widh. Marxuunkaasi Dhintay ayaana Maanta lagu aasay Magaalada Widh Widh Waxa aaskiisa ka Qayb galay Dadwaynaha Deegaankaasi Widh Widh Abdi Yuusuf taxtax ayaana kamid ahaa Odayaasha Deegaankaasi laga Xurmeeyo Waxana Shabakada Widh Widh online tacsi u dirayaan Eheladii uu ka Geeriyooday ilaahay samir iyo iimaan Haka siiyo. aamin aamin aamin. Riix Kana Daawo Wararka WidhWidh Online Geeriyda Marxuunkaasi ayaana imaanaysa Xili uu Magaalada Widh Widh Dib ugu soo Laabtay Horgalka Kayse Abdi Yuusuf oo ka soo Kicimay Xarunta Maamulka Siilaanyo ee hargaysa Waxana Degmada Widh Widh Wararka aanu ka helayno ku soo Waramayaa in uu haatan ka soco shir aad u balaadhan oo Waxgaradka Deegaankaasi kaga Hadlayaa imaanshiiyaha Horgalkaasi kayse abdi Yuusuf, Dhunaca kale Deganaasho Buuxda ayaa ka jirta Guud ahaanba Degmadaasi Widh Widh Cali dhagjar Widh Widh online
  14. Xiisad ka taagan Magaalada Widhwidh ka dib markii ay yimaadeen Xubno SNM ah oo uu Horkacayo Kayse Abdi Yuusuf. Xaalad Kacsanaan ah ayaa lagu soo waramaya inay ka taagan tahay magaalada Widhwidh, ka dib markii fiidnimadii caawa ay soo gaadheen xubno ka soo jeeda beelaha SNM oo uu horkacayo Horgal Kayse Abdi Yuusuf oo dhawaan u xuubsiibtey u adeegida maamulka SNM.Xubnahan ayaa la sheegay inay magaalada si kedis ah ku soo galeen, isla markaana ay isku soo beegeen wakhtiga habeenimo ah. Shacabka degmada Widhwidh ayaa la sheegay markii ay ******** imaashaha kooxdan inay aad uga gadoodeen, ayadoo magaaladu caawa xaalkeedu uu meel xun marayo. Dadweynaha magaalaada ayaa hada aad isku abaabulaya, waxaana ay diyaarinayaan qaabkii magaalada looga saari lahaa Xubnahan ka soo jeede beesha Habarjeclo ee uu hogaaminayo Horgale Kayse Abdi Yuusuf. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee naga soo gaadhaya Widhwidh waxay sheegayaan in kooxahan ay degeen guri gees ka ah magaalada halkaasoo ay ku ilaalinayaan maleeshiyaad ay kala yimaadeen Hargaysa. Xaalada magaalada ayaa hada aad u kacsan, waxaana markastaba dhalan kara isku dhac, taasolagu wado in dhiig badan ku daadan doono, hadaan kooxda Horgal Kayse si nabad ah uga bixin magaalada oo dadkeedu aad uga soo horjeedaan. Waxii wara ee ka soo kordha, dib ayaan idinkaga soo gudbin doonaa Insha Allaahu. Horufadhi.com
  15. ^ I said show me pics. I have completely different report than the one your clan site reported. Show me pics if there is any type of welcoming.
  16. I am worried we break the regions down to tuuloos since all these are clan based.. My brother's analogy of clan is like an onion which has layers and it never stops until you reach the last layer which could be in the clan case little tuulo or family.... Hope not..
  17. As said before JB and Co also report bad news about p/l where p/landers report s/l's bad news. This is a tragic but looks those reported and commented are not sadden with this horrific killing but rather joyful to expose that p/l is a unsafe place. War these kind of incidents happen everyone, Alle ha u naxariisto and stop politicizing the tragics of others, especial families who lost loved ones. Alle ha u naxariisto intii dhimatay, kuwii ka danbeeyeyna must face the justice..
  18. Yes it's happening right before succissionists... Sii arageedaan arkaa, sandqadheedaan maqlaa... caadi maaha heesta..
  19. DIRIYE - SSA PRESIDENT - U OF M http://diriye.com/vote/ I'm amazed with the talent and creativity, not to mention the video compaign. Go diriye. I see leadership characters from you..
  20. The body was transported by his family and now xus qaran what a joke...
  21. Not really, he family including many I know donated the money his body was transported. Keep wasting space by posting tolka pics.
  22. I told you, that is Keysa's plan. Go Hargaysa and get few trucks/armors and some cash. Back to home and enjoy until it runs out. Cashar kama bartaan miyaan. What a desperate attempt. What is he going to help you with? Capturing Buhodle?
  23. Basically every living/passed from tolka/cida is mujahid.. Nice ride lad.. Sidaa ku wada...
  24. Xaaji Xunjuf;709183 wrote: He was a member of the SNM the spokesmen of SNM in 1989 Muj fagadhe ilahay ku naxariiso Really? What happened to his body after he passed away?