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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;713015 wrote: A khadar Laascanood has woqoyi and koonfuur so does Jigjiga what is your point are you telling me a person from east burco can not live in west burco come on man or a man from south hargeysa can not live in north hargeysa saaxib waxasi wa sheekooyinkina.. Saaxiib, I am telling u the facts. I even vividly remember hearing this story in Burco where a man from west side who married to women from east owned a restaurant in the east and he was attacked several times just because he was having a restaruant in a wrong side... that was back in 90s.. Yes every city has sides, east/west or north/south but I haven't seen/heard places that much divided in subclan lines like Burco/Hargaysa does... Jigjigo is no comparsion with your tuuloos, it's a Somali city where any somali clan can live any side of the city, but your tuuloos idinkaagaaba isku cunsurinaya cidkale daaye..
  2. Malika;712715 wrote: ^You made women sound like cattle - lol I can understand to a certain extent why would these men go all the way there to find a wife - kuwa aan arkee, who have Indian wives seem to lead a serene sort of life compare to those married to xalimos.. , xalimo's are drama queens ruunti. I am nodding for your honest with complete agreement.. Seriously note though, I met a man who went through this hinda migration looking for a mate after very disappointing with potential marriage with Xalimo. But after few trips back and forth, he gave up and ended up xalimo kale.. So some men have reasons doing this whether that might be disappointment, being cheap or having wrong idea of wife should be like maid.. I tell u though, people have rights to their lives, but every animal is better to stick with the same animal...
  3. Aaliyyah;712822 wrote: ^lol trust me no farah has yet been thrown out of his house for being too nice..taasi waa qiyaame LOl Alliya, sis you never know..
  4. I am suffering it right now..
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;712847 wrote: Maya burco wada greeni ma dhex marto saxib balse saxafada iska diidan inay beelaha afka ku dhufato laakin beelaha burco wa is dhex degenyihin hal badhisaab bay leeyihin hal mayor hal mayor kuxigeen hal taliye Boolis hal abanduule ciidan :D Sorry XX, you cann't lie about this..plz.. Burco has BARI AND GALBEED and two of the habar dwell each side completely segregated.. May be that is why NG couldn't stay the place more than hours.. I bet they told him that he couldn't visit the other side...
  6. Che -Guevara;712844 wrote: Hada waxaad leedahey Burco qabiil qabiil lookala dagan yahey? Gaalkacayo maxaa dadku afka ugu taagaan? Che- You guessed that one very much right. Burco is divide, East and West, and if you are from east you can not cross over to West and vise-versa. Even the market is divided.. Not only Burco, so as Hargaysa, Ceeri-gaabo not sure about Berbera though. If you recall back in few years JB was asking one of the Solers in here where lives in Hargaysa and when he told him , JB figured out his clan...
  7. Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)- Waxaan Alla ku mahadinaynaa nimcooyinkiisa, waxaana ka magan gelaynaa masiibooyinka kala duwan, nabad gelyo iyo naxariisna Nebi Muxamed (SWC) kor kiisa ha ahaato.Waxaan baaqan u jeedinaynaa cid kasta oo leh damiir danqada & qalbi dabacsan, guud ahaan dadka soomaaliyeed ee walaalaha muslimka ah meel kasta ay joogaan, gaar ahaan dadka ka soo jeeda gobolka sool & degaanada ki xidhan dibada iyo gudahaba. Marka hore: xaalada abaaraha gobolka waxay gaadhay meel adag oo dadkii iyo duunyadaiiba halis u yihiin inay u geeriyoodaan, taas oo ay sabab tay raxmaadkii alla oo ka raagey deegaanada oo weli wax roob ah helin. Ka dib xoolihii ay tamar dhigeen meelaha qaar aysan gaadhi karin ceelka biyaha leh xataa haduu u dhow yahay, gaadiidkii ay biyaha ku dhaansanayeen uu ka fadhiistay, iyadoo godod baco la geliyey loogu shubo biyo wixii loo helo, iyadoo meelaha qaar biyuhu aad ugu fog yihiin, meelaha qaar waxay xooluhu dul tubnaadaan maalmo baraago madhan iyagoo sugayo biyo booyad lagaga soo qaaday in kabadan 100 km. Waxaa hada dhamaaday deeqihii hore ee soo gaarayey gudiga abaaraha taas oo qayb weyn ka ahayd biyo dhaamiska ka jirey gobolka. Hadaba culimadu waxay soo jeedinayaan arimahan muhiimka ah: 1. In dhamaanteen alla u toobad keeno si dhab ah oo ficil iyo qawlba leh. 2. In la sameeyo islaax cidii colaad ama xumaan dhextaalo, la isna cafiyo. 3. In aan baryada allaah laga daalin, naxariistiisana laga quusan. 4. In roobdoon ta iyo alla bariga lagu celceliyo ilaa inta raxmaadkiisa rabbi inooga shubayo oo maalinta isniinta ee taariikhdu tahay 18/04/2011 dadweynaha gobolka, degmooyinka iyo tuulooyinkuba dhamaan loo wada baxo roob doon oo aan loo kala hadhin, iskoolada madaarista iyo dhamaan meheradaha la wada xidho. 5. Culimadu waxay dhawaan aasaaseen jamciyada salaama ee horumarka iyo samafalka oo iyadu ka furtay xawaalada Amal bank akoon tabarucaadka loogu aruurinayo, sidoo kale waxay akoono lacag aruurin ah ka furtay shirkadaha telsom iyo golis nambaro lagu shubayo qofkasta wixii uu heli karayo. Account no ee Amal bank : 00613-04-4791901. Shirkada Telsom: Zaad 4918860 Merchant 403916 Shirkada Golis: Sahal 507862 Merchant 402633 Culimada baaqa soo jeedisay: 1. Sh Axmed Maxamed Saleebaan 2. Sh C/naasir Maxamed Xaji Maxamed 3. Sh Maxamuud Maxamed Maxamuud (xaliike) 4. Sh Aadan weli C/raxmaan xuseen 5. Sh Xasan Maxamed bootaan 6. Sh Siciid Axmed cadare 7. Sh Abshir Cabdi Axmed Alla mahad leh. Xoghaya jamcida salaama Abshir Axmed cabdi
  8. War labadan shariif way is galeen ee kala saara.. Which one is which and where each stands? I thought one (in Nairobi)is representing the other remain in Mogadishu bombardment..
  9. As long we are talking about extension vs new election, hope is possible for either one, but if it said re-invent wheels all over again, a new conference, reconsiliation blaa blaa, it's total waste.
  10. ^^ Mate, do you mean the hit attacks. How so it's bad for ssc not for successionists. Isn't that a clear sign of people don't want your occupation in town. Do tell us how it's bad for ssc not s/l?
  11. Somalis will never get peace until they are left alone with them..
  12. ^^^ Aliyah, Don't west your time and energy for reasoning with those think they have the rights to invade/kill others and yet call them murders if they stand up against the aggression. That is the successionists' mentality.
  13. Dahir Nor Ibrahim, aka “Dahir Lucky,” 38; one of the 29 trafficers, Wasn't he a singer. I thought I heard his name before..
  14. It's not the first time that militia from other regions such as this case from Awadal defected from s/l. Many of them it's not so easy to defect since they are not familiar with area's histility and unfamiliarity of the area.
  15. ^^ Logic and geat question but no answers though, may be ONLF and AS baa hortaagan. I know they will come back and say Nabad baa la wadaa...lol..
  16. ^^ nice try.. Sheekadii ONLF, AS, Hadhaagii Siyaad ma waxaa bedelay rag ismaydan arag.. Bal soo daa waxaa kugu hadhay. Keep your gogogl in your house. Hadaad nabad rabtid gurigaaga joog cidi kuug iman maysee..
  17. ^^ Taleexi not numbered but they are over completely. Have you heard from s/l madax any more about Border closures.. I think sometimes those in Hargaysa of high with mirqaan have right mind than those successionists in sol.
  18. Taa mid ka siifican for u cuqdada iska daaya somalia way is wada dishay. Anything based on emotion and cuqdad take you no where.
  19. Caqiligiinaan aqaana hadaaad wax haysaan mar horaa lagu kala tegi lahaa. Itaal baa halkaa idin dhigay saaxiib. But nice way out to execuse. Your militia have tried and failed. It's was not one battle but many you all lost and finally vacated that very same place your Adeer said in writting that it will be s/l militry base.. Ceeb calayka.
  20. ^ Exactly imisaan lahaa war dhulkiina ku ekaada.. Maxaa ka danbeeyey wixii 20 sano lawaday in unknow push (kalshaale) ay fadeexayso.. What happened to THE mighty qaran clan militia. Where is at the border closing mantra? What is up with this welcoming and bribing the man you considered a crimal who murdered with his own hands many of your men (some of them well known saraakiil) in daylight. Is that the rule of law in Hargaysa. Or let me say, it's politics... Don't you see how fake and simple this project is. Man killed your officials came to Hargaysa and instead of him facing the justice, he received a warm welcome and paid. That is what I call Naflacaari iyo Bahdil kii u danbeeyey. And you all dare to come in sol and talk. Now the only option left for you is to keep bribing people who won't take you no where. Blue flag is up high in the sky on all corners of Cayn and it will IA. That is facts!
  21. ^^ Is that all you can contribute. How many months you were ranting with this, and your militia backed from Kalshale (Kashifa) out.