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Everything posted by A_Khadar
AUN intii xaqdaru ku dhimatay.. I hate to deny xuquuqda qofka bini'aadamka xaqiisa.. But u guys are bunch cypocrates JB ha u horeeye.. Marka Cabaadka joojiya as you said bofore when others mentioned the atrocities ur militia commited before and still are committing is cabaad and calaacal, and what this now??????? Waxaan maxay ahayeen!
Saalax;714374 wrote: Excuses iyo Indho adayg bii meesha raban ini la yimaadan. In all honesty i think they should worry about Las Canood instead of cities they are under less than 3% minority. This is one of the reason I was saying to u relax lad. You're clueless. Using numbers like 3% without any data to back this claim up. Maxaan kaala hadlaa dee you just open ur mouth and say anthing in your head regarless. Marqaan!
Xaaji Xunjuf;714369 wrote: A khadar dee adeer maad naga deysid sheekooyinka sheeka mafriska ssc wa sheekadi maraykanka oo kale aad tidhahdeen Madaxweyne Siilaanyo baanu u diidnay inu maraykanka soo galo oo xaglatoosiye ba dhagta ugu sheegey hillary clinton. anigu waan idin la taliyey uun intad lacag iska kharashgeereynsaan oo aad iska khasaarineysan dadkina wax ugu qabta haday idinka dacaad tahay hadayse idinka dacaad ahayn dee xafladaha ino wada lol XX, I didn't tell u this one XX, it's not marfish and I don't do chat like u. Saaxiibkey baa Somalia aadey hargaysuu ka degay. Markay ka degeen diyaaradii oo ay layn ku jiraan nin cadaan baa isna diyaarada la socday oo safka gadaal kaga jiray. Kuwii airportka ka shaqeynayey baa mid qayliya "Waryee ka baydha ninkaa cad, Kabaydha oo kaleexda ha idinka hormaree, Sir come soo soco buu ku qayliyey isagoo gamaha taagaaya kabaydha" another dude oo islana laynka ku jiray baa ku yiri ninkii qayliynayey "Dee dhunko" Dhunko dee ninka Cad.. everyone qosol..kkkkkkkkkkkk
Saalax;714362 wrote: A_Khadar you don't have a side sxb don't confuse yourself with other bigger groups in the region. Your praticically less than 3% minority in the city. Which is why the city has been under Somaliland control since 1991. Mate, relax, let reasonable people have a talk.. XX kan maad la hadashdi..
Xaaji Xunjuf;714224 wrote: How much money did you guys spend on this conference 80.000 pounds or more who knows the food the accommodation of the guests the rental of the holiday inn hotel in london England the tickets bought by all the guests around the globe and the only thing you guys agreed on was to hold another conference back home. Why not spend that money on the people who are affected by the drought in awr boogeys? XX you obsessed with where ssc money is spent but I haven't checked the orders of your own house. I heard this story, and many people aproved to be authantic and true.. Even though people of you clan all love to succeed from rest of somalia, still many are opportunitist. Two smart opportunitis of clanmen from UK came up with way to rip the s/l admin off. They have decided to bring two white homeless men from London underground trains on board. They have them dressed well and told them they have a project for them to make money. They brougt them to Hargays and have them meet Mr. Silanyo telling him that these men hold high profile positions on African Isssues on behalf of UK and they will help us to advance our regonition. So we need money to move forward for lobbying. Over 500K US baa oday Siilaanyo laga marsaday. Many of you would think it's impossible, but these can't be on books to prove it, first hand people told me.
Axmed-InaJaad;714255 wrote: im starting to dislike these SSC people, war yaa naga qabtaa umadaan waalan, they are holding our recognition back. i really hate them!!!!! ;)
AfricaOwn;714249 wrote: I'm not surprised, but why is that it seems the complaints are coming from your side? Liibaan is going crazy about the secessionists claiming to his land, when the ssc folks are doing the same thing. Its all fair then? I'm glad that you're acknowledging it. Who acknowledged finally? Me or You.. You claimed entire British colonized Somali terrotory as your rightful land since you are the queen's orphans and said "Dadkaa guuree dhulku ma gooro".. We still don't claim ur land, but our portion to control.. City of Eregavo will be sliced and u keep ur side and ssc will have it side.. If that isn't fair, tough lucky saaxiib.
AfricaOwn;714235 wrote: I really wanted a map of this "SSC" land they claim to come out of this conference....ahhh well. Your clan claims Buhodle, Entire Sool and majority of Sanaag which they have no control. So if ssc includes parts of Togdheer and Entire Sanaaga to it's map, it's very much same game and it's ignorance for u to be surprised if others do exactly what u were doing last 20yrs..
^^ This is ur true color right? " Ummm, the bottom-line as of April 24th, 2011, the "secessionists" are running the show in LA .. Before was that Local LA community is running the show in LA, but now is what? successionist?.. What a bunch of clanist who can't even hide their hidden agenda.. Don't worry, another embarrassment like Kalshale before u is on the way. LA's and rest of ssc's finally united and ur militia won't even wait a bullet to be shot..
XX, I thought u were proving that Ali said somaliland and ssc should united what all this Buurbadow blaa blaa.? Awoowe u lost the grip on this so take it easy..
Lee don't waste your time the cheap shots. This project is over. Let them cry over ali said this ali said that. His crew deliberated their outcomes which could cause heart attcks to many successionists here. Easy on boys..
Malika;714214 wrote: Guul SSC! Fabulous event - literally just got home. Libaan yaa eheed, which of one of the camera guys baa eheed - Lool, I can see myself lurking in one of the pictures.. Guul SSC! SSC waa Somalia - Somalia Hanoolatooooooooooooooooooo! The haters, sakiin soo liqaa! Milika, hint me which pic is ur of course privately..lol.. Reer London, Job well done.. SSC and Somali Unity Guul.. Any Somali loving peace and development comes the outcomes of this conference.. AND who cares successionist haters, keep having ssc nightmares.. Your project is over at last.. It was few weeks ago when they were reporting Ali Khalif Galaydh met with s/l in Nairobia.. Allow alle.
Haters stop high jacking the thread.Either congratulate the brothers' acheivement or keep your hatre to yourself.. Job well done, all the proposal points are well thought and can be benefit by all somalis. They concern from peace to environment. I am forward for the upcoming meeting in side Somalia and proposed location is Kalshaale...
Somaliland: Explosion Targets Sool Governor in Lasanod
A_Khadar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
^^ Kan wuu khafiifay.. -
If one is warmonger, it must be you and clan who day in day out westing their time to invade others' homes. Once again, you never seem to remeber what has happened days/months ago. The same man (newborn) whom you are painting him as a good person who deserves a second chance was he the same person whom your militia attacked him in his own home in Widhwidh when he killed the two of your militia intruders. Why not let him live peace back then when he asked your militia to leave his house and children alone. Or it's simple, he wasn't with your project and now he is!!! Every little point you raise to support your ill project contradicts another one of yours.. Maxaan kuu sameeyaa intan ka badan adigaa iska hor iyo daba imaanayee...
Somaliland interior Minister Dr Gaboose visits sool
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
It's not about what one believes or doesn't, it's about these cities are mainly divided along clan lines. Proof it otherwise. -
Somaliland interior Minister Dr Gaboose visits sool
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
^^ You wish. I am telling you that I visited the place, but you can taletell those never seen it... -
Somaliland interior Minister Dr Gaboose visits sool
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Awdalians are a great community they are building their roads this is today i hope you are happy for the people of Borama and larger awdal region of Somaliland they are not destructive people like Some people. We proud of Awadalites for being part of real somalis not somalidiid.. By the way, why your clan always claim the people's developments as they did.. On the other thread, your clan admin clamed they are building roads in Borame same as Lasanod. -
^^ Don't you even check yourself sometimes at least time to time. How much more can you be this much of hypocrate.. He is a new born right? How many times though? Day before yesterday he was ur man, yesterday he was nabadiid, murder etc, and today he is a newborn... he will be what tomorrow? Sometimes, I wonder where your fantasy is going to lead your project.. I would suggest you to hire a new PM (Project Manager).. Current one is not up for this job!!! Every project must has milestones, deliverables and outcomes... Your project, after 20 years, still has none..
Somaliland interior Minister Dr Gaboose visits sool
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
If we just are arguing for hake of it, you right XX, your tuulos are not divided a long clan lines, but all the cities you listed except Boorame are divided clan lines, Burco and Hargaysa being notorious clan divided city. I have seen it one of them, Burco, and it was completely divided where everyone knows everyone and you can't cross to other side. As Bilan said, clean up your house first before pointing others'.. -
Somaliland interior Minister Dr Gaboose visits sool
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Xaaji Xunjuf;713048 wrote: Bilan you just love to see burco divided but it's not i am sorry . magaalo kalle ku day Borama city Poor XX, can't even see the big caption on the pic.. THAT IS BACK 2008 and now is TWENTY ELEVEN.. -
Sheekadan looks like Bareejo.. Awdal baa go'aysa maa la bareejeynaa.. Suldaan, who are you kidding here.. Isn't somaliland very much qabiil.. Isn't the so called political parties based on qabil.. Kulmiye being Bariga Burco clan, Udub being galbeedka hargaysa and other one being Garka... To prove it, very much landers here in sol support parties based on this truth..
Somaliland interior Minister Dr Gaboose visits sool
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Xaaji Xunjuf;713024 wrote: No burco is not galkacyo Burco has one police chief one Governor one mayor one military commander That could be right, but very possible the mayor of city can't live other side of the town.