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Everything posted by A_Khadar
True to their distinguishing nickname, the one-clan secessionists in their enclave in north-west Somalia, otherwise calling themselves "Somaliland", have always excelled in salesmanship and self-promotion. The business of salesmanship, as we all know, is often based on the delicate balancing of truth, exaggerated claims, showmanship, persuasion, misinformation and sometimes downright lies meant to be guile the impressionable and uniformed. No more have those skills been effectively put to use than in marketing Somaliland's case to the international community: legitimising their illegal breakaway from Somalia and promoting and justifying their self-righteous claim for recognition. Some of the big lies that became part of the separatists' folklore that prop up the secession include, inter alia, the claims that the secession is supported by all the clans in the NW region (former British Somaliland); that Somaliland's transitory four-day lasting independence in June 1960 had been recognised by over 50 countries, first and foremost Great Britain; that the defunct borders of British Somaliland that ceased to exist after union are still valid to the present day and recognised by the African Union; that the Act of Union between British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland was never ratified and hence the union had no legal basis; that the Ethiopian trade office in Hargeisa is an embassy implying they had been recognised by that country; that their representatives in selected countries are ambassadors, suggesting that their host countries had recognised Somaliland. And so the list goes on. Of all the above-mentioned lies, the one claiming the support of all the clans for the secession is the one that will ultimately unravel it once the unionist clans under occupation or duress free themselves from the yoke of their occupiers. All the other lies are merely for domestic public consumption to gratify their collective self-delusion. Successive "foreign ministers" from the enclave since the declaration of secession from Somalia, including the current one, as well as their media, intelligentsia and diaspora, have missed no opportunity to recycle these fibs as matters of fact. READ
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
^^ was there a disunity to begin with? There is one Somalia that the world know about.. You too ahead of your step! At least say he is the last hope of disunity you were seeking last 20 yrs. -
Nice song.. Audio isn't that good though. Thanks Sharing
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
^^ Prove me wrong! -
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
^ You can't help, can't you? Saado, saado.. Waad ku khafiiftay islaantee hope you don't have nightmares with her.. -
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Xaaji Xunjuf;717182 wrote: i deal with facts not with fiction Kiddo now go to Waagacusub and claim it as a reliable source That is right, you can't prove it with indepedent site whether your pics are origin or not.. If that is the case, why say anything about Waagacusub.. -
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Do you have a different site other than successionists' to beleive it.. -
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Who faked it first? I beleive successionsist removed the flag from the beginning? Anyway, read the sane Hargaysawi above, you will understood a lot.. -
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
General Duke;717148 wrote: Xaqiiqada dhabta ah ee Safarkii Madaxweynaha Somaliland Written by Abdi M.Saleiman May 03, 2011 at 06:53 PM (Madaxweynaha oo markii uu degay Calanka Somaliland ku dul istaagay,iydoo la wada ogyahay in KELMADA TOWXIIDKU ku qaran yahay,ma aqoon daraa mise waa isbedekii Kulmiye dadka iyo dalka u balan qaaday). Runtii waxaa jira warar aad iyo aad isu khilaafsan oo ka soo baxaya safarkii Madaxweynuhu uu ku tegay wadamada U.A.E iyo Kuwait,waxaa jiro Sawir aad la yaab u leh ,macnayaal aad u kala fogna bixinaya.Waxaa aad u adkaatay xataa in aad rumaysato Sawirada la soo geliyey Webside,sababtoo ah ma garan kartid run iyo been ka ay yihiin,waxaa shaki weynu ku jiraa dhamaan Sawiradii aynu aragnay ee ka hadlayey cida uu la kulmay Madaxweynuhu. Dhinaca kale waxaa Madaxweynah iyo Waftigiisa ku baxday lacag aad iyo aad u badan ,sida lagu qiyaasayna Million dollar ku dhow,xilli runtii dalka ay Abaar iyo Macaluul aad u xoogani ka jiraan. Haddii aan aan u soo noqdo safarkii Madaxweynaha,waxyaabihii ugu muhiimsanaa waxaa ka mid ah arimahan:- 1. Marka hore waxaa fiican in la fahmo,Madaxweynuhu wuxuu booqday wadamadii uu booqan jiray,xidhiidh koodana uu dhisay Madaxweynihii ka horeeyey,ma aha wada xidhiidh cusub ay la samaysay Xukuumada hadda jirtaa. 2. Ma jiraan haba yaraatee Wakiilo Somaliland u jooga wadamadaas uu Madaxweynuhu booqday,mana jiraan wax xidhiidh Siyaasadeed ah oo inaga dhexeeyaa,lagama yaabo in uu ina dhexmaro x idhiidh Siyaasadeed xataa mustaqbalka dhow,sababtoo ah waxay aaminsan yihiin Somaliweyn. 3. Madaxweynuhu kuma tegin casuumad ay wadamadaasi u fidiyeen Xukuumada Somaliland,balse wuxuu ku tegay casuumad ay fidiyeen laba nin mid U.A.E iyo mid reer Kuwait ah ,oo labaduba ka tirsan yihiin qoysaska reer Boqor, haddii aan si kale kuu fahan siiyana ninka reer U.A.E waa ninkii hore inoogu keenay Riig hore ceelal loo qoday , kan reer Kuwait-na waa ninka iska leh guriga weyn ee ka dhisan Degmada Sheekh,waa ninka dayac tiray dhakhtarka Degmada Sheekh. 4. Waxaa iyana ka qayb qaatay casuumada Madaxweynaha,kooxo ganacsato reer Somaliland iyo reer Jabuuti ah ah,kuwaas oo dadaal weyn ugu jira sidii Kooto ay ugu qabsan lahaayeen guud ahaanba Ganacsiga Somaliland. 5. Madaxweynaha ma sii raacin,muu sii kaxaysan Khubaro,aqoon yahano,si fiican u yaqaan dhaqanka , luqada iyo taariikhda wadamada Madaxweynu booqday,balse ragga sii raacay waxay ahayeen koox aan aan haba yaraatee wax aqoon ah u lahayn wadamadaas,waxaan ku tilmaami karaa “Iska daba ordayaal” amase shaqsiyaad ujeedadooda ugu waynu ay ahayd in ay soo arkaan wadamadaas,khaladaadkii meesha ka dhacayna Saxaafada ayaa wax badan ka qortay. 6. Waxaa jira kooxo ku sugan Somaliland iyo wadamada dibadaba oo doonaya in ay buunbuuniyaan booqashada Madaxweynuhu uu ku tegay dalalka U.A.E iyo Kuwait,balse buubuunintii iyo been abuurkii ay wadeen uu la gaadhay moolo fog fog oo xataa Somaliland wax u dhimaysa. 7. Madaxweynuhu wadamadii uu booqday waxaa ugu badnaa oo laga wada hadlay waxay ahaayeen GANACSI,sheekadana waxaa mar kasta hogaaminayey kooxo ganacsato ah ,doonayana in ay ganacsiga dalka Kooto ku qabsadaan. 8. Caawimo waydiisi ,wixii laga soo helana waa xaqiiqa in ay gacanta u geli doonaan Shirkadihii awelba Casuumada soo dhameeyey oo aan filaayo in aan cidina kula tartami Karin. 9. Safarkii Madaxweynaha Somaliland wuxuu ku dhamaaday,in Madaxweynuhu dusha kaga istaago Calanka Somaliland ee aynu wada ognahay in ay KELMADA TOWCIIDKU ku qaran yahay,ma garanayo sababta kelitay,ma aqoon daraa,mise waa isbedelkii dalka iyo dadka ay u balan qaadeen Xisbiga talada haya ee Kulmiye,waxaase ila haboon si deg deg ah sharciga loo horkeeno cidii arintaas ka masuulka ahayd. Mahadsanidin Abdi M.Saleiman(Mingiste)Political Analyst abdi_saleiman@hotmail.com http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?o...0892&Itemid=65 M. Saleiman is THE first sane successionist I have seen thus far.. -
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
6. Waxaa jira kooxo ku sugan Somaliland iyo wadamada dibadaba oo doonaya in ay buunbuuniyaan booqashada Madaxweynuhu uu ku tegay dalalka U.A.E iyo Kuwait,balse buubuunintii iyo been abuurkii ay wadeen uu la gaadhay moolo fog fog oo xataa Somaliland wax u dhimaysa. I can guess who he is referring.. XX, Saalax, and the CO here.. -
In Siilaanyo’s Trip to Kuwait, Acceptance to Union Symbol.
A_Khadar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
That is why I was asking if there is any non-somali media potal reported his trip.. I found none so it could be either side photoshopped. After all it wasn't that important visitation as many successionists here portrayed. Even rumors circulated that he was denied the entry intially and that is why he stayed Dubia for a while. -
Girls, what turns u off when it comes to a somali brother?
A_Khadar replied to Shankaroon's topic in General
This thread was girls what turns you off when it comes brothers, now waxay isu bedashay girls what turns you off when it comes sisters.lol.. -
Ma heesteedaad ka maqashay Nugaal & taleex.. She is cute maansha'alah.. Anyway, I love the song..
Heestan waan ka shaqaysan la'ahay maanta..
Lyrics Midkii dareenka caashaqa Durba igu abuuree Nafta debaca geliyoow Yaa degaladeeniyo Ilaa Doolo iyo Howd Degmo kaaga dhiga oo Misna dadab galkeenii Farxad iyo damaashaad Dugsi kula wadaagoo Dareen, dareen li' ku jiifsada Sida ubaxii dayr-eed Doogiisa uduga leh'ee Gaar u daawanaayo Waad ideeqday anigee Kalgacaylkan daadihi ---------------------------- Yaa qalbada i dhalac Xubiga u qaatoo Danbaar godan kuu shuba Heedhe Buurtii Daalo iyo Durduradii Jamaame Dooxadii Nugaaleed Dhoodi Meer dilkeediyoo Daarihii Taleex ee Darawiish ku caan baxay Dalxiis, dalxiis kugula soo mara Sida ubaxii dayr-eed Doogiisa uduga leh'ee Gaar u daawanaayo Waad ideeq day aniga Kalgacaylkan daadihi
^ ur really dirty minded as Bilan mentioned.. Juxa must know better all about the head cover classificaitons.. All I know non-color/black head covers in some Baadiyo/tuuloos is for married women old/young and colorful ones for girls -igu soo dhac... Alliya has no choice to deny, momy already have them ready just waiting until Faarax knocks the door....lol
Old lady Barni Axmed Cumar response to faroole's latest outburst+VIDEO
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
^^ It will be nice, but tracking your patterns, you always post bad, unnecessary, personal news about other places, but your clan enity, you only post good news.. Why not posting the new developments on the security of Galkacyo-no more undocumented firearms in the city, how about TFG's security development in Mogadishu etc. On the other side, why not posting s/l militia arresting teachers in LA taking out from full class of students. Arresting the man who put a crossing bridge over the LA's toga a week ago. -
Galkacyu: New Mudug admin decree concerning Merchants and arms..
A_Khadar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Good development!