to the author i feel ya girl.......i know love is not easy and this people might be sayig stick with ur family because blood is thicker then water which is true......the problem is we dont' wana let go our love once we fine love is hard to let it go maybe because we are afraid to go thru the pain that is about to come once u let your love go.......if your parents are not letting u marry caz he is drug addic,alcoholic,or back background....then i suggest you fine a way to get over him and let him go......if your parents are not letting you marry him caz of tribe (qabiil) thingy....i suggest you confince them......try to do what ever it takes to trun their mine .......they are parents they want what is best for their childrent they know more then we know.......if u fine hard to confince them .....try to fine shiekh if ur love is so serious......and tell him ur problem he will be able to help.......not any shiekh she that is honest and loyal one that doesn't care about qabiil..good luck peace